What is the most supported club in Ireland? 4: That the two clubs should avoid displaying flags which might incite feeling among the spectators., The Referee Committee of the SFA further instructed the club (Celtic) to refrain from displaying in its park on match days any flag or emblem which had no association with Scotland or the game. The foreign flag referred to wasnt specifically named but those of us well versed in Scottish footballs ways knew exactly what the mean spirited officials of Queens Park were getting at; you can hire the stadium but youre not flying the Irish tricolour above it. Besides domestic success, Celtic became the first British team to win the Champions League, or European Cup as it was known at the time. The invading Cultures have influenced all nations. He is often portrayed as a man who meddled in team affairs to the extent of telling Manager McGrory who to play in games but there is no doubting his love for Celtic and his steely determination to fight the clubs corner. We still have deep rooted traditions from our Celtic past in England but we are still not considered Celtic. It was in 1952 when a malevolent Referees Committee of the SFA ambushed Celtic FC with what is now known as the Flag flutter. It is also a catholic club so for the most part if youre a catholic living in Glasgow you support Celtic and if youre a Protestant you support rangers . Hibs Chairman Harry Swan is still thought of unkindly by older Celtic supporters over his role in this episode but real driving force was SFA Secretary George Graham, a man with no love of Celtic and all they represented. Celtic is more than just a football club. There may be a tradition of Protestant or Catholic people following a particular club but thats all it is, tradition. Since that first day, long in the planning, when his mother or father decided finally to inaugurate him into the sacred mysteries he has been condemned to be viewed with suspicion, fear and loathing by the government, civic authorities and the men who actually run the game. Our many Irish fans show that our Irishness is not just something from the past. Celtic continues to honour this heritage in a variety of ways. Celtic enjoys such a strong Irish connection that many people wonder if Celtic fans support Scotland or Ireland. Throughout history, often the only place where people could congregate and voice a political opinion without fear of arrest and persecution was at a public stadium. 2 Does Celtic support Ireland? How Many Times Has Man City Won Against Liverpool. Celtic's identity has been shaped as a Scottish Club with Irish roots. This song is sung at Celtic games and at supporters nights every week, theres nothing sectarian about the Fields of Athenry. Yes unrepentantly a massive amount of Celtic Supports many from Ireland and many born and raised in Scotland support the Irish Republican Army. Copyright 2014 - 2023. However, there are sports teams from around the world that also celebrate their connection to Ireland, even if they arent neighbours. In terms of Scots who self-identify as a fan of either Celtic or Rangers, I believe Rangers edge it historically. In modern usage, Scottish people or Scots refers to anyone whose linguistic, cultural, family ancestral or genetic origins are from Scotland. Why Are Celtic Linked to Ireland? The show of 'solidarity' was arranged . For Celtic, a club founded by members of a disparaged minority, it was a big victory for the Irish community and the clubs sympathisers. Celtic's traditional rivals were the original Rangers (founded in 1872); collectively, the two clubs were known as the Old Firm. The club sits second on the all-time SPL titles race with 51, which is just four behind their arch-rivals Rangers. If it was supposedly to dampen down troubles in recent Celtic v Rangers games, then how exactly was the removal of a flag to do this? Rangers needed Celtic financially for matches, and also Rangers were themselves in the dock so kept the focus on Celtic. (UFC Rule Explained), link to Most Bundesliga Goals in a Season: Top 10 Scorers Record in Germany. The life of a committed football supporter in the UK could never be mistaken for a bowl of cherries. So, why was this flag so important to Celtic? The Irish connection to Celtic is at the heart of what the club represents and throughout its history that bond has only grown stronger. Why do Celtic fans sing the Fields of Athenry? They do not appear on a printed message. Its also why the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act was drawn up. (UFC Rule Explained). 2: That on every occasion when those clubs meet admission should be by ticket only and the attendance limited to a number consistent with public safety, the number to be decided by the chief constable. Your email address will not be published. Closer to home, Liverpool is seen as one of the biggest Irish football clubs in England thanks to the citys connection with the Emerald Isle. Celtic supporters are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause because their ancestral story is, for the most part, similar. In the late 1950s, I was of an age where I could cross the threshold of a place of libation. Why Scottish Soccer Fans Wave Israeli and Palestinian Flags. But there are exceptions. Turn a photo into a hand-illustrated digital portrait in your team's colours! With this map, your fan can scratch off every stadium they've visited and proudly show off where they've been. The Liverpool version is a bit cringing. The remarkable feature of the SFA decision was that neither Celtic nor flag was mentioned by name. The Fields of Anfield Road is a football song sung by supporters of Liverpool Football Club. Traditionally, Rangers supporters are Protestant while Celtic fans support the Catholic Church. The Referee Committee of the SFA met to consider the Magistrates recommendations and following a 26-7 vote ordered Celtic to stop displaying at the ground any flag or emblem which had no association with football or Scotland. The implication was clear; the SFA wanted Celtic to remove the Irish flag they flew to honour the clubs founders. So why do Liverpool fans boo the national anthem? Thanks to the ups and downs of supporting Liverpool FC, he knows how to appreciate the good times when they roll in! adopted "You'll Never Walk Alone" as its official motto on its coat of arms as the song became their football anthem. Bottles were thrown, eleven spectators were arrested, two men were sent too prison and others were fined for their part in a number of incidents that took place in and around Celtic Park. Throughout the ground and supporters, Celtic Park is adorned with Irish colours and flags. Coverage of the 1989 Hillsborough disaster by the British tabloid The Sun led to the newspapers decline in Liverpool and the broader Merseyside region, with organised boycotts against it. The argument that UEFA has made - that there is no place for political expression or politics in football - would be hilarious if it wasnt so ridiculous. Strangely, Rangers have nicked the tune with their own version (Low lie, the fields of Ballynafeigh), whilst Liverpool fans have also taken the song to heart with the their Fields of Anfield Road (sic) a regular tune at their matches since. 1950s Scotland was a stuffy, conservative place where everyone was expected to know their place. The Referee Committee had based their high-handed action on Article of Association 114, which runs: Each club in its membership shall be responsible for the conduct of its spectators on any ground and misbehaviour by supporters during or at close of matches shall render a member liable to fine or closure of ground, or suspension, or all of the penalties., Mr Robert Kelly, the Celtic chairman, opposed the decision on the basis that nothing in the rules of football gave the SFA the authority to impose such a penalty., The chapter added: In supporting Mr Kelly in his assertion that the Eire flag was not the cause for the disturbance (in the 1st January 1952 game) Mr JF Wilson, chairman of Rangers, told the council that the emblem had never been of any annoyance to Rangers. Formatting marks assist with text layout. Celtics origins are based deeply on Irish Catholicism, and Rangers operate as the antithesis to this with its Protestant leanings. To civic Scotland and Holyrood, football supporters are regarded as occupying a position somewhere just above drug-pushers and just below crime lords: you can do business with organised crime but you cant do business with football supporters. Whatever you feel, it is your choice. As supporters of a club that was founded out of charity for victims of the Irish Famine who arrived in Glasgow, Celtic fans have a proud reputation for standing up for the oppressed in all aspects of life. This began with a clause in the lease a deal breaker as their attorney made clear that forbade the display of any foreign flag. Shades of SFA 1952.. Australia, the United States, and Canada (particularly Nova Scotia) are also home to Scots Gaelic communities. many Celtic supporters, apparently, are descendants of 19th-century Irish immigrants. It depends how you define support. The Latin word Scoti originally referred to the Gaels, but came to describe all inhabitants of Scotland. What ruffled the feelings of that body was the fact that it was the flag of Ireland. Before changing its name to Dundee United, the team was known as Dundee Hibernian for the same reason as Hibs and Celtic. A huge part of the cultural identity of Celtic and their fans is the Irish/Catholic thing, with the UK/Protestant side of the equation represented by Rangers (until they went out of business in 2012 and were replaced by a new club using all the same colours and logos). Last night hundreds of Celtic fans showed their support with the people of Palestine, flying flags inside the ground and protesting outside the stadium. One study showed that 74% of Celtic supporters identify themselves as Catholic, whereas only 10% identify as Protestant; for Rangers fans, the figures are 2% and 65%, respectively. In this, they stated their aim of raising 75k to match any Uefa fine and then distribute it to the two nominated charities. Dont delude ourselves, he added. Uefa, the organisation that runs European football, has deemed the Palestinian flag to be an illicit banner when it is waved at a football match and has begun disciplinary proceedings against Celtic. This vague statement was construed as a reference to the flag of Eire which flew over one end of the covered enclosure, and some football officials undoubtedly with a history of bias against Celtic chose to use this recommendation as an excuse to threaten the club. The proportion of Celts is only slightly higher in Scotland, at 73 per cent. The state and its attendant offices have never been comfortable when large groups of mainly working-class men gather together in a common purpose. They appealed to Kelly to be a bigger man and take down the flag. Celtic supporters show their support for the Palestinian cause by waving flags (AFP) Instead, they can trace most of their genetic makeup to the Celtic tribes that expanded from Central Europe at least 2,500 years ago. Hibernian also uses Irish emblems in their badge, the harp which serves as the national symbol of Ireland. Without Celtics great history of success on the field, the club may never have become as popular as it is today. Celtic refuse and take a stand. Despite these efforts, many Celtic fans are Catholics and Rangers fans Protestant. In 1892, when Celtics stadium, Celtic Park, was built there was a little patch of Ireland on the playing surface. But why is a team in the middle of Scotland so affiliated with Ireland? 'By waving the Palestinian flag, Celtic fans were not choosing a side between Hamas and Fatah, or endorsing any of their political viewpoint'. Why do Celtic fans fly Irish flags? If UEFA decide to be more punitive, as some have advocated, and close down one of Celtics stands in a future game, then I guarantee that there will be even more Palestinian flags at the next match. When Harry Swan died, it was gifted to his widow by the club. Due to hunger, the husband is caught stealing food from the person who took his land. A plea was issued from Glasgow magistrates to the SFA to ban any flags which could be seen as provocative to supporters of other teams. However, Bob Kelly had to contend with considerable pressure from his colleagues on the SFA council. The Celtic cross was used as the clubs emblem before it was replaced with a four-leaf clover; both are strong Irish symbols. Even the name, Celtic, was chosen to showcase the clubs Irish and Scottish heritage. In certain premises, there was a leaning toward Celtic FC, and emotions were still raw. Indeed, the Gaels, Gauls, Britons, Irish and Galatians were all Celtic tribes.2017-11-30. Supporters have been showing solidarity with the people of Palestine for as long as I can remember: first it was badges, then it was kaffiyehs and now it's flags. Wales is the most Celtic part of mainland Britain, with 83 per cent.2006-09-21, The only exception is Orkney and Shetland, where roughly 40 per cent are of Viking ancestry. In Scotland, the majority of people are not actually Scots, but Picts. Liverpool F.C. Celtic fans have also shown solidarity with the oppressed people of South Africa under apartheid, the Basque people seeking independence from Spain and, of course, due to the club's cultural heritage, the oppression and persecution of nationalists in the north of Ireland. Football is Connor's main passion. The acting chairman of the Referee Committee, who had instructed Celtic to take down the flag, proposed that his decree be suspended until the outcome of a meeting between the Scottish League and the SFA for the purpose of reconsidering the matter. It's no secret that Irish immigrants and their descendants were treated poorly in the UK. Connor is a journalist with several years of experience in the industry covering sport, entertainment, cars and the environment. One such display of turbulence occurred on 1st January 1952. Why were they aiming at the Irish flag? Ultimately, while I would agree the SFA adopted a very heavy-handed and extensively confrontational approach to Celtic FC during the Flag flutter of 1952, I would suggest that to imply that Mr Swan had some heinous and anti-Irish agenda is both unfair and highly inaccurate. Were Any Bodies Found On The Titanic In 1985? Sign up to get the latest alerts, insights and analysis. Marc Patrick Conaghan is a self-employed political consultant who works with political parties and political candidates at various levels in the US and the UK. The first sod of turf laid at Celtics new home had been imported from Donegal in Ireland. The thought of Celtic being suspended from Scottish football over such a matter was ridiculous, but that genuine threat hung over the club for the remainder of the season. People are not barred from playing for, or just supporting, football teams based on religion. The Israeli players were treated respectfully throughout, as was Celtics midfielder and Israeli international player Nir Bitton, who was given a standing ovation when he left the field. Celtic continues to honour this heritage in a variety of ways. Celtic had taken legal advice on the matter and were confident about the outcome. Why do Celtic fans wave Irish flags? The 8 Celtic Nations. Harry Swan should be an inductee into the Scottish Football Hall of Fame., http://www.celticquicknews.co.uk/the-sfa-and-the-irish-flag-at-celtic-park/, Celtic Incidents, Events and Controversies. As if being founded by an Irishman wasnt enough, Celtics first manager, Willie Maley, was also from Ireland. We believe this term is now redundant following the liquidation of Rangers (1872). Both sets of fans forget were scottish and especially in european games the lack of scottish flags compared to the irish flag and uj is discraceful. . What Is Real Madrid Biggest Defeat In Champions League? Contents show 1 Who do Celtic fans support? The massive influx into the city of poor Irish people, fleeing due to dispossession of land, poverty or general necessity, was a huge burden on the residents. Admittedly Swan was a known Freemason but he did enough in his time to indicate that he wasnt necessarily an arch-bigot. How can you divorce football from the reality of people? Is the Fields of Athenry a sectarian song? And yet, among the elder statesmen of Celtic supporters, there was always caution a benefit of the doubt, when Harry Swans name was mentioned in the Flag affair. Their reasons for doing so were eloquently expressed in a GoFundMe page. He wanted Celtic to reflect the clubs Scottish and Irish identity and the club adopted some Irish symbolism soon after its creation. And thus was cancelled what was probably the most ridiculous order ever given in football legislation., Those of you following the debate about what the SFA should do about Hampden Park when the lease is up for renewal in 2020, would have noticed Fergus McCanns open letter to the Herald newspaper. It fined Celtic $20,750 in 2014 for fans waving Palestinian flags in a match against Icelandic outfit KR Reykjavik. Some might say that Hibernian served as inspiration for Celtic, especially as the Edinburgh outfit also wears green and white kits. Celtic was founded in Glasgow in 1887. It didnt take long for Celtic to taste success and the Glasgow club claimed its first league title in 1893. Celtic is a Scottish football club. However, George Graham was not an easy man to tackle and was described (even by his peers and neutrals) as a bigot. Bigotry from the opposition was at the root of it, and if Celtic were not to follow suit to Belfast Celtic then the club had to make a stand for itself and its history. The chairman of the Celtic club, seconded by the Rangers chairman, had moved, on the ground that the SFA had no power to make such an order, the rejection of that part of the minutes of the Referee Committee which dealt with the banning of the flag. So it was surely a welcome development when a group of Celtic fans deployed crowd-funding to raise money for two respected relief organisations operating in Palestine. No mention was made of the fact that Rangers, one of the most important member clubs of the association, was excluding players from its team on the grounds of their religion. Often there is a combination of both identities. Its also taking things too far when some say it was Hibs revenge against Celtic for supposedly bringing them down in the 19th Century (the latter being complete balderdash from Hibernian fans when you look at the facts). All rights reserved. Al Kirsch, 24 April 2011 Before anyone begins to sense some bonhomie between the clubs, ultimately this was more due to the financial aspect of losing Celtic as an opponent. Celtic and Rangers should not meet on New Years Day again due to increased drunkenness at that time of year.Matches between them should be all ticket with a crowd limit set by the Police.Celtic should in the interests of safety number passageways at Celtic Park.The two clubs should avoid displaying flags which might incite feelings among the spectators. In fact, its not uncommon for Celtic supporters to be targeted by far-right thugs on European trips for our anti-fascist/anti-Nazi views. The club had been founded by Irishmen and their descendants in the 1880s, and the flag was flown to recall that association. Such a match-up occurs a few times every year, and is invariably accompanied by the waving of Israeli and Palestinian flags. Ironically, it was Hibernian (itself decked in Irish colours) who were behind George Graham. Can You Drink Alcohol In Delaware State Parks? Celtic continues to honour this heritage in a variety of ways. Celtic are proud of our Irish roots. Each of these estates has benefited greatly in the decades since the first rules of association football were drawn up. Answer (1 of 4): Most Celtic fans do not hence why you will never see a saltire at Parkhead they are an Irish club that just happen to be based in Scotland. The club was established by Brother Walfrid, an Irishman, to improve the living conditions of Irish communities in Glasgow. Even in Argyll, the stronghold of the Irish Scots, two-thirds of members of the Oisin clan are Pictish Celts.2006-09-21. In 1990, the then Rangers head of security, Alistair Hood jokingly suggested that Ibrox Stadium should have seatbelts installed to stop fans doing The Bouncy. In particular three events made a noticeable impact on public opinion Rangers supporters rioting in Barcelona at the end of the 1971-72 European Cup Winners Cup Final in Barcelona which brought attention of their supporters behaviour to the awareness of all Europe and led to the club being barred from European competition for two years (later reduced to one), Rangers supporters rioting at the start of the 1972-73 season Drybrough Cup and the disturbances between Hibernian and Celtic supporters at the Drybrough Cup Final. Celtic fans wave the flag of Ireland with a photo of Pope Francis. just remember celtic are in the scottish league and all in all are a scottish team. The particular flag flown at Celtic Park was presented to the club by Eamon De Valera (the first Taioseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland) and his government, and so it was deserving of respect and not something that we should have to lock away. Every time Celtic won a game their suffering was eased a little. Barcelona FC now embodies Catalan identity and pride. REPORT: Which Premier League Clubs Are in Debt? In retrospect, the matter may now seem to many as if it were a storm in a teacup, to be recalled for amusement, but at the time it was anything but that (especially in light of events surrounding Belfast Celtic). The reaction of the SFA at their meeting on 10th March to what they considered defiance democratic government against anarchy was the phrase used was first, on the motion of the acting president, Mr HS Swan (Hibernian) to give the club three days to comply or suffer suspension. It consists of two interlaced triskelions. It can store single-byte and multibyte characters. During season 1951/52, whilst Celtic were floundering on the field, the club became involved in an increasingly tense contretemps with the SFA. However, both clubs have dialled down their sectarian affiliations in recent times. Not only does Scotland possess adequate stadiums to cover internationals, the huge sums spent on the stadium could have rejuvenated the game had it been invested in facilities and coaches for the development of young players. The entire events illustrate the crude attempts by the authorities to use their own ignorance and bigotry to challenge and blacken the name of our club to mask their own deficiencies. The Irish Flag Controversy On New Year's Day 1952, fan disorder between Celtic and Rangers led to renewed attention on football violence. What Premier League team do most Irish support? Our articles in November last year on legendary Hibs chairman Harry Swan provoked response from Rob Boag. The opposition to Celtics stance fragmented, and eventually the furore faded away. Only seven times in SQaF.club is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.co.uk. : at time of writing the sum stood at $125,000. Scottish trade unions have called on supporters of Celtic to wave Palestinian flags at Europa League home match tonight against Israel's Hapoel Tel. That was just six short years after Celtic was founded. Even after decades of being overcharged and made to watch the game in gulags these football fans remain true to their club. Heres how the author saw it in a chapter entitled: The Great Flag Flutter: The traditional New Years Day League game between Rangers and Celtic, when alcohol, consumed beforehand or in the park itself, furnishes a low flashpoint for feelings, is not seldom an occasion for violence. There is national prestige, free foreign travel with first-class accommodation and the opportunity to take a wee clip now and then when success causes its light to shine upon them all. None of them ever really experiences that peculiar numbness that comes with defeat for they only ever follow the money and the glory. Hahahaha, always a good laugh. No, this is not true. Liverpool FC fans often boo the national anthem with manager Jurgen Klopp urging fans to respect a minutes silence for the death of Queen Elizabeth II before Tuesdays nights Champions League match against Ajax. The flag does feature the words `No surrender which has become an unofficial slogan of Rangers football club, adopted frequently by Rangers supporters and widely believed to indicate their affiliations and support for loyalist and anti-IRA groups and their general attitude to games. For reasons of historical factual accuracy, CQN Magazine has researched the following feature from a book entitled The Celtic Story which was published in 1960 and written by James B Handley. Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by GuitarBhoy, . The Glasgow magistrates met to discuss the situation, and made several recommendations which they invited the SFA and the Scottish League to consider. He remained unshaken, and eloquent in the defence of Celtics traditions, and it became his finest hour. by John Brown Rob continued: Its unfortunate that Mr Swans reputation is still tainted with that unnecessary and ugly Flag conflict of 1952. UEFA, and much of the media, miss the fact that Celtic fans are not anti-Israel and certainly not anti-Semitic. Dundee United also has an Irish connection although it features much less prominently. Slapshot was written by Ray Castoldi, who has been the music director and organist at Madison Square Garden since 1989. When Celtic Park was redeveloped in 1995, that symbolic gesture was repeated when turf from Donegal was once again laid. Its home is Glasgow, so people from Glasgow support the club. Many Rangers fans support Scotland, as a football national team, and as a country, and many support independence for Scotland. The club was established by Brother Walfrid, an Irishman, to improve the living conditions of Irish communities in Glasgow. The Irish issue had social resonance for the time which is for analysis way beyond this summary, and it has been side-lined too often in this debate. Why do Liverpool fans sing Fields of Athenry? When I thought of paying homage to them, I did a little research to take the pulse of todays Celtic fans on Harry Swan.. This will probably end in a fine approaching six figures as there have been several previous instances of unwarranted political behaviour by Celtic fans. The attempt to tackle hooliganism was piecemeal and full of the tokenism regularly seen from those in power. Some of the greats to play at Celtic Park include Packie Bonner, Patsy Gallacher, Aiden McGeady and Tommy Coyne. It proceeds to the tune of The Fields of Athenry; composed by singer-songwriter Pete St. John in 1979. Some groups of Celtic supporters also sing or chant Irish folk and rebel songs, which express support for the IRA. The motion had a seconder, but it was realised in discussion that if such a motion were carried, and Celtic decided to ignore the instruction, the Scottish League competition for the current season would be interrupted and several clubs would suffer. Arguably Liverpools most worshipped figure comes thanks to our Scottish neighbours. However, while they are undoubtedly Scottish and British, the Glasgow outfit have a strong connection to Ireland and a unique affinity with Irish supporters. They are unpredictable and are driven by strange currents and deep emotions that a politician will never understand. The Herald newspaper sensing that the SFA had overstepped the mark stated at the time, Kelly was asked to realize that the matter was no longer one of just taking down the flag; it was a matter of Celtic defying the instructions of the council. This is the act, unique in world law, where an innocent sentiment uttered at a rugby match in Edinburgh becomes a criminally offensive one when espoused in the vicinity of a football match in Glasgow. I have copied parts of the letter to illustrate the Editors opinion of Harry Swan.. Celtic met Rangers at Celtic Park on New Years Day 1952 and by all accounts had played poorly, losing 4-1. Eventually it became a beacon of hope and source of pride to dispossessed people. Yours faithfully The Editor, Celtic View. The season following the flag flutter saw Celtic face Rangers at Celtic Park with the eyes of the press on the lookout for any trouble.