John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, PL-600: Microsoft Power Platform Solution Arc. Based on the data in table 1, which of the following best provides evidence to support this claim? Which of the following student claims is best supported by the data provided? A shift to less polluting fuel in the twentieth led to cleaner air and a lightening of the moth's normal habitat. The frequency of the B allele will increase because light-colored individuals will be more visible to predators. A group of researchers noticed that using a particular drug to treat cancer in mice would reduce the size of the tumor, but some of the tumor cells appeared to be resistant to the drug since some of these cells would increase in number over time. These building blocks combined to form polymers, such as crude proteins. Even though the population has rebounded following restrictions on seal hunting, genetic variation is greatly reduced in the northern species compared to that in the southern species. After the 20 generations, DNA sequencing was used to determine the genetic composition of each population. Which of the following would most likely represent the types of individuals found in one of the species resulting from shape becoming a prezygotic isolating mechanism in the initial population represented in Figure 1 ? Human activities can drive changes in ecosystems that affect the risk of extinction. Which of the following best describes the processes occurring between the mouse populations and their environments? C. Set up a new experiment in which these insects are sprayed with two different insecticides to see if they are more effective than Insecticides #1 and #2. WebIt is Monday morning, May 13, and you will be taking the AP Biology Exam. There are autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms found in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. A group of scientists found that in one population the frequency of the M allele was 0.82, and the frequency of the N allele was 0.18. C. Random mating within each population A population geneticist is conducting an investigation on a population of mice. Some lizards will migrate to new habitats in the mountains and become isolated, leading to allopatric speciation. The frequency of the MC1RDMC1RD allele will decline due to natural selection. WebAP Biology Unit 7 Progress Check Which of the following best describes the processes occurring between the mouse populations and their environments? D. The number of species present on Earth will equal the number of species on Earth after the last extinction. In a particular region, a species of lizard lives in the lowlands. A dark coat color provides camouflage to mice on the lava flow rocks; therefore, mice with dark coats have a lower predation rate in that habitat. The population was predominantly black throughout the nineteenth century. Which of the following best predicts the impact on the lizard species if there is a gradual increase in the average temperatures found in both the lowlands and mountains in this region? C. Organisms in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya each have adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine bases forming their DNA. Future generations will eventually completely lose the a allele from the gene pool. A researcher uses the protocol shown in Figure 1 to isolate a eukaryotic gene for the purpose of genetically engineering bacteria to synthesize the corresponding protein. The animals in population A were reproductively isolated from those in populations B, C, and D. College Board AP Classroom Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ Part C Qichen (1 of 18 ) Question 1 Two community service B. Specimen 2 A. Specimen 1 After the 20 generations, DNA sequencing was used to determine the genetic composition of each population. The frequencies of the different phenotypes in the moth population changed randomly due to genetic drift. Thoroughbred race horses are subject to intense artificial selection to produce faster-running horses. Based on the phylogenetic relationships shown in Figure 1, which of the following best explains the similarities exhibited by whales, bony fishes, and cartilaginous fishes? Which of the following best explains the divergence in morphology in the birds? B. A. B. To prevent the loss of genes as chromosome ends wear down during DNA replication, the tips of eukaryotic chromosomes have specialized DNA "caps" called telomeres. The increased air pollution of the nineteenth century due to the use of coal led to a darkening of surfaces from soot. C. Specimen 3 Start each population with a different species of bacteria to determine whether the same environment has an effect on genetic differentiation. C. Yeast and mushrooms are the most closely related, because they are both fungi. Many of these species rely on pollinators that migrate based on changes in day length and the position of the Sun. Dark coat color provides camouflage to mice on the flow; therefore, mice with dark coats predation rate in that habitat. Populations J1 through J5 are located in Jasper County. An experiment is designed to help prevent the further decline and extinction of the Henslow's sparrow in which controlled burns will be set in the each of the ten Midwest counties in order to prevent the regrowth of the forest. The darker backgrounds conferred a selective advantage to the black variety, as described by natural selection. Of the following, which is the best next step for the researchers to best determine the long-term effectiveness of these insecticides with regards to the development of resistance? A. Introns must be removed from eukaryotic DNA before the gene is inserted into the plasmid. B. Some researchers claim that the decrease in plant species richness of this woodlot is unrelated to human activities over the last forty years. Both the larger population and the isolated population were maintained under identical conditions and allowed to mate randomly for another 20 generations. The darker backgrounds conferred a selective advantage to the black variety, as described by natural selection. A. Dark color is selected for in mice from the West, Mid, and East populations. Which of the following principles best justifies a claim that cheetahs, compared to other large cats, have a relatively low resilience to environmental perturbations? WebClick the card to flip . C. If a sediment layer that is 3.6 billion years old is tested, it will contain organic material. Are the following statements true or false? Add an additional treatment group to the experiment to measure the effectiveness of another insecticide (Insecticide #3) over several generations. Which of the following best predicts why the recombinant bacteria will fail to produce the eukaryotic protein? A thermometer requires 1 min to indicate 98% of the response to a step input. relationship between the MC1R gene and coat color in the Carrizozo, New Mexico, rock pocket mouse population? provided unique evolutionary advantages to the last eukaryotic common ancestor? Students created a model showing one possible mechanism for speciation in which a geographic barrier separated one large population into two smaller populations, A and B. In addition to the ABO blood groups, humans have an MN blood type system in which the M and N alleles are codominant to one another. Natural selection acted on variation that was present in both populations A and B, and the lack of gene flow eventually led to the formation of two new species. Consider the circuit in the given figure with resistors R1=2500,R2=4500R_1=2500 \Omega, R_2=4500 \OmegaR1=2500,R2=4500, and R3=1200R_3=1200 \OmegaR3=1200, and batteries with emfs E1=6.5V\mathcal{E}_1=6.5 \mathrm{~V}E1=6.5V and E2=1.3V\mathcal{E}_2=1.3 \mathrm{~V}E2=1.3V. What is the magnitude of the current in the circuit? Increasing the number of trials and the number of mice in each treatment group. D. Cells with mitochondria were able to utilize metabolic energy more efficiently. The original habitat had many available unoccupied ecological niches that were colonized by populations of the original species. The genotypes BB and Bb result in dark-colored fur, the genotype bb results in light-colored fur. D. The black variety was a nineteenth century mutation, dominant to the peppered variety. Continue treating the three insect populations with the same insecticides and determine whether their efficiencies decline significantly after several generations. They found that although all 12 populations were exposed to the same environmental pressures, each population had differentiated from one another genetically after 10,000 generations. Based on the data in Figure 1, which of the following would most affect the allelic frequencies of the populations on Isabela and Butuan? The animals in population A were reproductively isolated from those in populations B, C, and D. Mollusk fossils were excavated and collected from a coastal cliff. These building blocks combined to form polymers, such as crude proteins. A . B. Based on the data in Figure 1, which of the following would most affect the allelic frequencies of the populations on Isabela and Butuan? Only males can inherit the color blindness condition. The scientists identified a period of stability or stasis, followed by rapid change, and then stasis again with regard to shell shape. The presence of MC1Rd alleles in the East lava flow population is an indication of gene flow from mice populations living on light granite rocks. D. During the last few decades, tall buildings have been built around the woodlot, and species 3, 4, and 5 are shadeintolerant plants. Which of the following best predicts why the recombinant bacteria will fail to produce the eukaryotic protein? Introns must be removed from eukaryotic DNA before the gene is inserted into the plasmid. The researchers wish to increase the reliability of their experimental observations before investigating new claims that chemotherapy-resistant tumors are an example of continuing evolution. Which of the following sets of data provides evidence that best supports common ancestry for organisms in all three domains? The model is shown in Figure 1. WebA. Which of the following sets of data provides evidence that best supports common ancestry for organisms in all three domains? Double strands of DNA placed in a harsh environment will unwind and form RNA molecules for long term information storage. Most of the species found in the first static period will be absent in the second static period. WebDownload free-response questions from past AP Biology exams, along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Which of the following represents an alternate hypothesis tested by this experiment with regard to the population sizes of Henslow's sparrows? There is a progression of pathways in organisms found in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Which of the following conditions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was most likely not met in the northern elephant seal population following overhunting? A. B. The group of mice fed the mutagen will show a greater ability to digest the food, because the higher genetic variation within the group makes it more likely that some individuals will have a combination of genes better adapted to the new food. D. During the last few decades, tall buildings have been built around the woodlot, and species 3, 4, and 5 are shadeintolerant plants. Two drag forces act on a bicycle and rider: FD1F_{\mathrm{~D} 1}FD1 due to rolling resistance, which is essentially velocity independent; and FD2F_{\mathrm{~D} 2}FD2 due to air resistance, which is proportional to v2v^2v2. L_2=5 \mathrm{~m}, \quad \bar{\delta}=1 \mathrm{~mm} A scientist believes that the first organic molecules may have come to Earth on meteorites 3.6 billion years ago. B. C. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. Which of the following statements includes a reasonable refinement that researchers could use in repeating the experiment? (c) silicon A recent survey of ten Midwest counties are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows the phylogeny of the birds. The SinoHimalayan fern, Lepisorus clathratus is widely distributed on the QinghaiTibetan plateau. D. Specimen 4. The second group is fed the same food without the mutagen. Geographic isolation will create separate gene pools, leading to speciation over time. Which of the following best explains the phenotypic pattern in the moths over time? The species will undergo artificial selection, as the genes will adapt to warmer temperatures. d) releasing chemicals that begin to break down food in the mouth. Webanswer choices. Which of the following best predicts why humans and mice have identical telomeric repeat sequences? For a specific bike plus rider of total mass 78kg78 \mathrm{~kg}78kg, FD14.0NF_{\mathrm{~D} 1} \approx 4.0 \mathrm{~N}FD14.0N; and for a speed of 2.2m/s,FD21.0N2.2 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{~s}, F_{\mathrm{~D} 2} \approx 1.0 \mathrm{~N}2.2m/s,FD21.0N. Find at what slope angle \theta the bike and rider can coast downhill at a constant speed of 8.0m/s8.0 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{~s}8.0m/s. Two flat steel bars are supposed to be connected together by a pin at BBB, and the system is supposed to be stress free after the pin is inserted (see Fig.given). B. Determine the amount T(C)\Delta T\left({ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right)T(C) by which the two bars would need to be uniformly heated to bring the holes in the two bars into alignment. B. Implement function distribution() that takes as input the name of a file (as a string). C. The group of mice fed the mutagen will show a greater ability to digest the food, because the higher genetic variation within the group makes it more likely that some individuals will have a combination of genes better adapted to the new food. D. The two populations will not show any differences because they originated from the same gene pool. A. The increased air pollution of the nineteenth century due to the use of coal led to a darkening of surfaces from soot. A dark coat color provides camouflage to mice on the lava flow rocks; therefore, mice with dark coats have a lower predation rate in that habitat. Owls (primary predators of rock pocket mice) are nocturnal visual predators that are able to distinguish effectively between dark and light colors in low-light conditions. A. Migration of individuals between the Isabela and Butuan populations B. (b) Explain why some roofs are "blown outward" during high winds. Suppose that a 15m/s15-\mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}15m/s wind is blowing across the roof of your house. Scientists interested in the relationship among vision, foraging for food, and fitness studied three isolated populations of a small species of primate whose C. A pool of amino acids can spontaneously form into singlestranded RNA, which would then code for proteins. Continue treating the three insect populations with the same insecticides and determine whether their efficiencies decline significantly after several generations. Some lizards will migrate to new habitats in the mountains and become isolated, leading to allopatric speciation. Humans and mice share a recent common ancestor that had the 5-TTAGGG-3 repeat sequence in its telomeres. A population of the species has the following allele frequencies: B=0.85 and b=0.15. Scientists determined the frequencies of the M and N alleles in five localized and stable human populations in the Philippines (Figure 1). Which of the following best describes the processes occurring between the mouse populations and their environments? No new mutations To test their claim, they monitored 12 populations of E. coli for 10,000 generations under the same environmental conditions. HardyWeinberg equilibrium, which of the following is the expected frequency of individuals with the genotype MN? Graph that starts at 5.0 cm and ends at 9.0 cm. Hunting in the nineteenth century has been blamed for a drastic reduction in the northern elephant seal population. A. Some lizards will migrate to new habitats in the mountains and become isolated, leading to allopatric speciation. D. Large population size. A mixture of ribonucleotides such as adenine and uracil will spontaneously form single-stranded chains of RNA . One group is given food with an added substance that is known to be a mutagen. few individuals become isolated from a large population and establish a new small population with a gene pool that differs from the large population. The SinoHimalayan fern, Lepisorus clathratus is white circle, grey circle, black circle, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Dental Radiography 5th Ed Ch 14 - Legal Issue.