Pranking him and making him scared is one thing, but making him your ottoman? "Oh, very well," said Lincoln as he opened the door. ), The Marvelous Adventures of Luna and Luan, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This is for Lincoln)" on it. "Girls!" Please.please grab my hand." Everyone was shocked and gasped. Besides, I heard somewhere that the man pays for everything. Will the Loud's realize their mistake before it's too late? Avelina has always cared for those who can't care for the Eleanor's life is not exactly pleasant. "Lynn, please Lincoln needs this as much as we do," begs Luna. Luna: No Sam, I'm sorry for harassing you, I want us to be two peas in a pod. "Girls" Lincoln cries "girls, please, it's not worth" Lincoln grabs onto his breast and whimpers. 1 attachment. Loud in a surprised tone, "what's going on? I used to have some stage fright and I feel like I really cleaned up so well after that. ", "I'm sorry about it, OK," said Lincoln, "it was an accident! "I feel as though someone stepped on my chest." She was about the only sibling who had nothing in common with Luke. "Look out, Royal Woods," said Lincoln, "Lincoln Loud is coming back to town!". Lana just got up and ran out of the house crying. Uh-uh! Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Her family has ancestral origins in Cefalu, Sicily. Simon: That's easy, it's Spongebob SquarePants, still the greatest cartoon show of all time. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. ", "Hey, look, how about this," said James, "I'll get the others and we'll go look for Lincoln together. She is a student at St. Isidore Elementary School, and is best friends with Sara Nguyen, a cousin of Francis Nguyen. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE]. She latches onto Lincoln for comfort of which he responds by weakly wrapping his arms around her for an embrace. "Hey, lil bro," said Lynn, "up and at 'em!". Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. "Mom, Dad," Lynn shouted as she grabbed the paper and bounded down the stairs. Lori and Luna were growling at each other with fury and they looked like they were about to kill each other. Loud," said Joe, Steve's brother, "but we didn't. The doctor checks Lincoln for any vital signs before shaking his head. Gathering around Lincoln, the sisters goad him into a group hug. Luna: Yeah, but this place has a much nicer atmosphere, you can sing more than one song at a time, and the employees get to sing too. Luna: Ah, heres a hotspot! Lincoln jumped out of the cab and rushed to his family, hugging them all. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. Lynn looks at her sister, ashamed. Lori then got a sheet of paper and a pen and proceeded to write a letter, then, after finding out Butch and Mark's address, wrote it down on the envelope and added "(P.S. Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< Now shake hands! Luna entered the house and other looked at her. His sisters burst into tears when the final verdict was delivered. He saw allot of anger in the boys eyes and didnt want to make eye contact with his sisters. "I just didn't know they actuallymissme," sobbed Lincoln. But when she got to his door, she found a note taped to it that said "Lori, because of what you did, I've decided that you're no longer allowed in my room until further notice. Rita (sad): Aw. "Don't worry, girls," said Lynn Sr., "I'm sure Lincolnwill be found eventually.". Lincoln: I just realized that, if we want our sisters to be happy, we need to try to respect each others opinion. Lucy hardly ever revealed her eyes to anyone. [They kept eating and after a few minutes, they were finished with their food and drinks. You never ground them and always make excuses for them. Rita thought that Lola and the other sisters pranking him has gone too far, but her biggest worry right now was her11 year old son Lincoln. Lori (mad): WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY ROOM? Luna froze and small tears came down her cheeks. You shouldnt be scared to be against someone, especially when that someone is doing something wrong. ", "Anyways Lori," said Fred, "I think you'll be pleased to know that we forgive you as well and that we canceled the restraining order. He road to where Zeke was stationed, found an empty boxcar, lifted his bike into it, and jumped aboard just as Zeke was pulling out. Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention. The family let go of the two, when they cooled off a bit. Luna: Lincoln is on his game, Lucy is doing some creepy thing with her club members, the twins are having a tea party, Lisa is experimenting with something---, (An explosion occurs as Luna peeked out of her doorway as it is coming from Lisa and Lily's bedroom). Anyways, if you're reading this right now, I want to say that if you could, please come home, Lincoln. Back in Piperville, after having a dinner of franks and beans, Lincoln gathered all of his things and got ready for the journey back to Royal Woods. Ronnie Anne: Theres Bobby, smell you later, Lame-O! ", "Anyways Lori," said Fred, "I think you'll be pleased to know that we forgive you as well and that we canceled the restraining order. Recent Additions, Printed from With that, Fred, Lori, and Lincoln bounded down the stairs while Steve turned to the viewers. "Lincoln." The doctor strolls into the room with a grim look on his face. "Me too," said Lisa, "I've heard it's going to be thunderstorming in this area soon.". "What," gasped Ronnie Anne, "say this isn't so!". They heard her searching for something. Leni left Lori and Lori stood there, looking at the floor in sadness. Leni: >to Luna< She said she feels sorry for you, her son says that he's a real big fan of your music. "Alright then," he said. Lincoln: Hey, Ronnie Anne! I flushed his CDs down the toilet to prevent karaoke nights. After the events of Sound of Silence, Lincoln was angry at his sisters for pranking him and haven't talked to them after the visit of the hospital. Lola (mad): But thats not fair. Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. ", "Just. Not to mention, he was a great ottoman for me. [She pauses her song phone]. Mobile apps to spark your creativity! When that was finished, she rode her bike to the post office. Lincoln was reading an Ace Savvy comic when Lori burst into the room. He seemed to faintly remember feeling lightheaded and passing out, but everything else was a blur. "I shouldn't be talking to you," said Lincoln, "not after what you put us through.". "PLUS," said Lola, "THAT WASMYTWIN YOU HIT, YOU BIG FAT MEANIE! Lori screams in agony before clawing Lynn's face with her fingernails. Luna: Guys, this is ridiculous, stop fighting and put aside your differences. (Lincoln and Simon shook hands at each other, they both let go of their hands). "Sheshe," stammered Lincoln, "shedoesn't love me anymore.". Ronnie Anne: Who knew you were such a gentleman, Lame-O. "Linc," asked Butch, "what's the matter?". With that, Lincoln took a piece of cake and went up to his room. Lincoln: Yeah, I can always count on all of you. I'm glad I'm friends with Clyde, Zach, Liam, Stella and Rusty, and I'm happy to have to have friends who are also friends with my sisters, but you on the other hand are the only exception. I know that you never cared about modeling that much, but I felt that it was the only way that I could spend time with you." What if there's an unknown sibling??? "It's a miracle," Lynn Sr. cried happily. OK, so this is the final part of the response that I made to Requiem for a Loud. Lincoln took a deep breath and began jogging in place. Lola: THAT'S IT, IF YOU BOYS CAN'T GET ALONG, YOU'RE OUT! "Dad, I'm sorry that this had to happen." He then wrote a note and stuffed some pillows under his blanket for a decoy. That little twerp deserved it anyways. "Lincoln," she yelled. Votes. ", "Indeed," said Lori, "Anyways, to make up for it, why don't you and I hang out tomorrow since we don't have school for the next two weeks? Lori tried to walk away, but James saw her. Lana (angry): He wasnt trying to ignore us. You can stay with me and Mark as long as you wish.". "You don't sound OK," said Lana, "are you sure you're OK? "Boy, when I get my hands on her, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind," Steve growled. They tried everything that they could think of to possibly revive their brother, but they were forced to part with his body when the doctor covers Lincoln with his bed sheets. Lynn clasped her hands into fists. We all have our moments where we cheat. Back in Piperville, Butch, Mark, and Lincoln watchingA Hard Day's Night and having homemade maple taffy. ", "No way, sis," said Luna, "why would we wanna hang out with someone like you? Fairfield County seat of Lancaster, is one of "It's alright," said James, "I didn't even hear anything. "Please don't ever do that gain," said Rita. "Oh, what the heck," cried Luna, "I guess big girls docry after all! I wanna drink that smile, I wanna feel like I'm, Like my soul's on fire, I wanna stay up all day and all night, And when you're close up, give me the shivers, Oh baby, you wanna dance 'til the sunlight cracks, And when they say the party's over, then we'll bring it right back!, [We see Lincoln and Ronnie Anne dancing with other people on the dance floor. Lincoln: Wow! His blood is still staining the carpet and you want me to cut the girls a break? "Man," said Lincoln, "that was a close call!". Ronnie Anne: Okay, but who should go first? Who gave you an idea like that? Lori tried to walk away, but James saw her. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The day was shinning and everyone was all smiles all except for the Louds who were in the Hospital. It was a normal day in the Loud house. Lincoln and the other sisters, aside from Lisa got their heaing back from Lisas explosion and were going back home from the hospital. "Lincoln," she yelled. The noise stopped and they heard Luna coming out of the room. [We cut to Lincoln waiting outside of Kikis Karaoke, wearing an orange polo with blue and white stripes and some khakis. "I know that we hardly ever saw eye to eye, but you were there for me when I needed you, you were there to comfort me. YOU DO NOTHING BUT TREAT HIM LIKE TRASH AND SIT ON YOUR BED TEXTING YOUR BOYFRIEND! Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. Ronnie Anne: Cool! Even Luan didn't feel like playing jokes. "I came to pick Lana and Luna up to see thatRock Dog movie I heard about," explained Albert. I thought ugh. Rita Asked. Anyway, Ronnie Anne is coming over to Royal Woods for the day and Im trying to think of what we can do, but what Ive thought is all old hat. (Luna hung up and it goes back to Luna in full screen, it later cuts to Lincoln playing "Godzilla Unleashed" on the Wii, Lincoln was playing as Godzilla 90's fighting King Ghidorah in Seattle, Luna then tapped on his shoulder, and got Lincoln's attention). "What did I do?" Lincoln lightly chuckles at this, his chest heaving sluggishly. Rita Said with silence as her answer. Lisa: >offscreen< I'm okay, just some split some atoms by accident. ", "Indeed," said Mark, "all their sandwiches are good. Parvana's Big Mistake; Episodes. (Lincoln pauses the game and turns to Luna). Lisa was the last sister to come before the bedridden young boy. Simon: Uh, yes genius, and what's up with not respecting my own opinions, I have better opinions than you. (It then cuts to Sam and Luna still bickering). Butch then collected the mail and noticed the envelope Lori had sent. "Please Lincoln, don't leave us!" "Well, who's going to start?" However, Lori wasn't as excited as the rest of her sisters and her parents were and went back to her room. Who gave you an idea like that? Almost in sync, the Loud children stepped back a few paces to admire their handiwork. . In fact, it was the pillow decoy Lincoln had set up, along with a folded-up piece of paper on top. Rita said. "Butch," said Mr. I was never told by this plan of yours and because of it, Lincoln didnt help me with my science project, which resulted for you and the other to be tone deaf for a couple of days. "NoIt wasn't. [They keep eating while also taking a few sips of their drinks, and after a few minutes, there is one mozzarella stick left. Lincoln: Yeah, but he seems to have gotten better over time and I decided that I shouldn't dislike something like this as a whole all because of a few bad experiences. [makes kissing sounds], [Ronnie Anne growls and uses the sword to sweep him off his feet.]. He looks at his watch. Youll really want to impress her if it gets in the air. "Hey, what's all the crying about," asked Lynn Sr. as he came home from the grocery store. screams his sisters as the doctor was alerted to the dilemma. But you shouldn't badger the doctor for answers." The Mistakes We Make By: J-Dog49. Sorry about that, I was caught up in the moment. So I'm doing the smartest thing for my stake and your stake." ", "BEATING YOUR BROTHER UP OVER A 25-CENT PIECE IS ONE THING," yelled Lynn Sr., "BUT CALLING HIM A MISTAKE?! She looked tough, but Lincoln could see a certain sweetness in her eyes. "Well," said Rita, "I suppose it'll be OK if we had you two staying with us. After Lincoln used the bathroom, he, Mark, and Butch went to the roundhouse, got Chuggie, hooked him up to a boxcar for Lincoln's bike, and, after Lincoln and Mark got in the cab, began the journey back to Royal Woods. Luna was furious and jumped towards Lori and a fight cloud between started. ", "A mistake," gasped Rita, "Honey, you're not a mistake. [At a loss for words, Lincoln starts to blush and then Ronnie Anne comes closer to him and clutches his arm.]. ", "Oh, yes," said Albert, "your friend Steve told me everything," said Pop-Pop, "and thatwaspretty low, even for you. Lynn Sr. Said. Ronnie Anne: You think Leni would like having onion rings as bracelets?