Your Moon parent probably had a secret emotional life that was rarely shared with anyone. Every time we fight she manipulates the situation to her advantage, plays the victim and tells everybody what she thinks I did wrong (and adds on to it by lying) without mentioning how she hurt me, and completely ignoring me at times when I was so obviously falling apart because of her. I'm generally very, very close to my mother, always have been and always will be. But I think he has always distanced himself from me and so I try to be more self contained and not so emotional when it comes to him and his wife and children. Kinda makes me tear up because I dont feel so alone. Your moon sign represents one of the deepest parts of your birth chart. Hearing people have Mothers like that makes me truly happy for them! From being overly concerned with things that you want to disregard, to becoming enmeshed in your life when you need emotional privacy, it often seems that she is out of tune with your emotional rhythm. We were raised with such emotional austerity it made me so strict and cruel to my own self and I worked myself to the ground before I was diagnosed with Crohns disease and had to focus on healing myself and giving myself the love that I never got and become my own mommy and care for me the way I wished I would have been cared for as a child. May 2015 An emotional strength that isn't always obvious pulls her through her life. Rather, you simply don't burden her with your problems. Your Moon parent began to treat you as an equal when you were quite young. When I got a divorce and there was just my son and me I lived with my mom and we helped each other out. I guess its difficult to generalize a moon placement when there are so many other details that tie into how its experienced but my mother simply did not let me be myself. Mother to a Gemini moon, Leo Moon and Aquarius Moon, in that order. I have a moon in pisces, and my brother has a moon in scorpio. You often took on her burdens and emotions as your own. My brother is (like yours) 1st born and a Leo Moon conjunct Jupiter.. As you go through life, you ask her to provide you with a constant stream of things to make your life pleasurable and satisfying. MY MOTHER was never supportive or encouraging. The Gemini Moon indicates a life full of dreams that may never come to fruition. Sometimes you will feel that he or she only sees the weaknesses. I don't find it hard to believe that I will quickly learn to straight talk him when he doesn't respond to my cottling. You could possibly have something that helps you deal with that placement better than my mother does. I also worry about how our relationship is going to play out in the future. I mother was not supportive. Significant amounts of money are spent on furnishings and other possessions. You will never look like a carbon copy of your siblings, unless you are wearing costumes or uniforms. On some level, youalways feel like she could just make some changes in her life to make things easier for herself but it never happens. However, it doesn't take very long for her to catch on to your level of maturity and treat you more as equal from a rather young age. The Aries Moon parent is a study in contradictions. He has cancer rising so I know I'm very important in his life. You could guess what supper would be by the day of the week, and you could count on having the house cleaning and laundry done on schedule. Your Moon parent is a hard-working individual. But when its my birthday , not even a card or a happy birthday . Instead, you may hear several questions to clarify and explore the situation. You may take day trips to explore the area surrounding your home, explore antique shops or the mall together, or share an interest in a particular authors work. The Leo Moon parent desires comfortable, even luxurious surroundings. I'm supposed to get along with Cancers, based on stereotypical astrology, but I find I do not. The person's mother generally showed love through praise, so the Leo moon sign now believes that they are only acceptable as souls when they receive continuous affection and praise. The moon in Cancer child learned early to adapt to these shifting emotional energies. But yes on what above article stated: all 3 were handfuls to raise. These reactions toward your mother's behaviors are largely determined by your moon sign. THANK you for this article. It's difficult for her to accurately gauge your varying needs for closeness and distance. You may want to jump in, metaphorically speaking, whereas your parent explores the depth and temperature of the water first. However, because of your intense moon in Aries desire to be a strong leader who charts your own course, your mother can also seem overbearing and willful. The nurturing of children is shared by necessity, as well as desire on the part of both parents to participate in their childrens lives. Once you got past the initial reaction, hot as it might have been, you knew this parent would not only keep your secret, but would also do everything possible to help you solve the problem. A big presence, whether for the better or worse, describes your mother. I strive hard to be a better mother but I know I disappoint him mostly. This parent may soften with age. Your parent gave keeping up with the Joneses a whole new meaning. Within its fast-moving cycle, the moon's appearance is constantly . If you had a secret, you could always tell this parent. But if you don't, take it to heart and KNOW it as truth. If your moon is in Pisces, you share an extremely intuitive bond with your mother. You ARE wanted. Her actions are not because of you, you did nothing to deserve them. Her own birth chart seems all centerd on being a malignant narcissist, it's unbelievable. Emotions are just like fresh water for me. 6th House Im also very independent and Anywho this article really resonated (-: Capricorn Moon in 6th house over here Very strained relationship with mother but unacknowledged because she is narcissistic and when you confront her you are the crazy one so I dont say anything anymore and come up with excuses about work not to have much contact with her. It is not the stuff of comfortable, stable daily life. Me too. Your sense of how much your mother does for you and how well she cares for your needs is acute. You could get things your way if you are prepared for the fight. Our energy is mostly harmonious. On one hand shes always provided me with yk the basic living needs, says I love you, Im proud of you, youre beautiful etc but yet I always didnt feel fulfilled or felt that nurture for real its hard to describe. My son has virgo moon. Home: Personality & Relationship Astrology, Astrological Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, The Soul's Journey Through the Houses: A Deeper Understanding of the Houses in Astrology. I wasnt too easy on her though and still spoke my mind when it wasnt convenient to her bc I didnt think she had the right to silence me bc I always saw us both as equals. The contradiction between awesome power and willingness to follow a leader may have confused you at times. Growing up and even to this day, I've always been the one who argues with our mom and calls her out on something etc. Pandit Vishnu is Best Astrologer in Ontario. Your mother sparks more emotion in you than she realizes. My sister has a Leo moon- completly different first born treatment. Matt & Nat's ALEX backpack is a striking and practical gift for Mother's Day. She was mentally unstable too. There's always a part of you that sees the whole thing as very silly and unnecessary. Gemini Horoscope Predictions for 2023. I had no one to run to to cry about my problems, which led me to make some AWFUL decisions as an adult--resorting to alcohol, sleeping with an odd number of men, and wasting my money. So that although she may believe she is molding your behavior as the mother in the relationship, you are actually molding each other's behavior, thus creating a tangled web. "My mother loved children. Your mother has standards for your relationship that are clearly defined and understood. She says no it didnt happen like that She is always the right one and me and my older sister we are the crazy ones. )was younger I was not as available to him as he would have wanted. Wow I resonated with this. As adults, they have intense and spontaneous emotions. I still felt that detachment. Sudden expression of ideas and feelings convinces you that this parent has deeper, stronger undercurrents of feeling and imagination than you can see on the surface. She focused on her own goals and desires. My Mother, being the narcissistic person that she is, was all about false appearances to the outside world, so her real treatment of me was secret to others, and she made me into the perfect scapegoat for the family. You may have to address this person by name to get through, as Mom and Dad are relatively new titles compared to John or Marsha. So when i saw him argue with my mom, it just looked as if she had too much on her plate. I'm due to have my baby on March 2nd, 2017 when the moon is in Taurus. How did illness, injury, and other major events affect their nurturing roles? Im thankful for my Aquarius moon, it gave me the strength to understand my emotions without needing someone there to monitor me or validate my emotions. With all that she deals with, you know it would be wrong to burden her with too many of your problems. I'm happy you're Mom and you had a close relationship and she was caring and supportive to you. Idk if it helps but my mom is a Virgo moon. She might have been dominant, short-tempered, and impulsive. Book an Appointment Now. I hope I can be present and involved in my sons life growing up. You are difficult to contain and control, so your mother may have a difficult task at hand in raising you. Cancer May 2023 Horoscope (June 22 - July 20) On May 5, the lunar eclipse in Scorpio will bring important themes around how you allow yourself to experience pleasure to light, particularly the . The disciplinary role can no longer be delegated to one parent either. Your relationship with your mother is never boring. Personally, I rejected my Leo moms attempts to baby me. As you get older, this cycle makes you see your mother as an assertive, strong willed woman who knows how to take care of herself. Keep track of the moon's movement through the astrological chart (it enters a new sign every couple days) and take note when it's full or new in your moon sign. Because of a deep understanding of human nature, this parent may identify your weaknesses and focus on them in order to help you gain balance and power. It's almost odd when she reprimands you or treats you like a child. At that time there were as few as 1000 divorces per year. Their sense of security comes from having . My mother is a Sagittarius Sun with the Moon in Cancer and Virgo Rising; Mercury in Capricorn and Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Aquarius (like me). It was crazy listening to all of it while we were young. Lying to the courts when I was little and fabricating a story that my father molested me so she could get custody and more money was the one burned in my mind the most, and well she lost that battle. Are there any positive aspects about any of the moons you describe? She belittled me. However, he still brings his son to see my parents, but my mom is extremely caring and provides everything financially for her grandson, but she refuses to be extra close to him. If your mother isn't willing to give it you, your struggle to get it can exhaust her because you're will not give up until you get it. Our mother was very distant and manipulative. If she is able to provide them easily, you see her as a sweet, reliable provider who is always there for you. I, Your Moon Sign & Your Relationship With Your Mother. Blaming, shaming and guilt were the underlying messages I received. This parent is the one who is always planning for the future. In your youth, she is the center of your world and because your focus is centered on her, your critical nature can't help but analyze her every action. You may have changed your thinking, but you probably still value the mental training you received. Just wanted to put my story out there because I don't think it was me who was trying to control the situation. Her reaction to these rebuttals will make you believe. She worked very hard and did everything she could to help me. Im learning to move on currently and trying to be more understanding towards her and basically being the bigger person. Sometimes it seems like this parent misses good opportunities by holding back a bit too long. My sister moon is in Scorpio. She is strong, emotionally clear and direct. Pisces moon here! For the most accurate reading, look at your sun or rising sign according to your astrology birth chart . I have had to work so much to help myself feel OK with feeling like I dont have to work hard or betray myself to earn things such as affection or self care, even! You cant have a conversation with her. Your moon, by sign, position and aspect, not only describes this web but it actually describes your mother. Can I ask how you feel about this now that your daughter is a lot older? Your light, detached, active and agile Gemini moon always keeps your mother on her feet. Provide information that you think is necessary to making good decisions, and relieve this parent of duties little by little as aging demands. Pisces sun, Cancer moon here. How do we respond to feelings? I tried to cling to the illusion of a family my whole life and endured a life time of covert abuse. Sagittarius This but a bad detachment and strain on our relationship. I worry that they see me as the bad guy sometimes..because I know they can't understand the length and capacity of all the tensions and emotional attachments I have with her, as well as some of my own negative opinions towards the things my mom has said and done in the past. There's no point and makes me her look immature. One hundred years ago, it was pretty much a given that your mother was your nurturing parent, while your father was the breadwinner and the more authoritarian parent. I have natal Moon square North Node. You dont have to create the plan so much as execute your role competently. My mother was verbally abusive to me. At the same time you experienced this parent as taking a secondary role to the other parent much of the time. She tried her best for me and ultimately it has done more good than harm, truly. My Mother is an extremely emotional narcissistic parent, and always has been. Remembering the caveat above about cash, if we are to look to the stars, Sunday . The fact that you see them, makes her merely human in your view and you can't understand why you should be subject to her commands or requirements when you are both just two humans. MOON IN CAPRICORN: Reactions, Emotional Response and Fulfillment. As a child you may have thought he or she was omniscient, as you were told so often how things would turn out, and then they did. If anybody has had life long problems w their Mother's, please look up Narcissistic parent disorder. And for the people commenting as well. Moon Im in my mid 20s now and she tries to patch our relationship and tries to hug me or try to be friends out of no where at random moments . Your Gemini Moon parent shares some of the qualities usually associated with siblings. In contrast, the Moon parent takes on most of the responsibility in matters that relate solely to home and family. You're not always sure she realizes this and so at times it feels like you are bit lost. Unfortunately, this kind of criticism is remembered long after any praise is forgotten. I can only imagine the horror. There have been dramatic highs, matched by equally dramatic low points. Do you resign from the Moon parents army and go your own direction? Whatever I need for this kid to stay close! Although you need her close for emotional reassurance and support, you also have a tremendous need for emotional privacy. You are never going to accept a slow, restricted life. I have natal Moon in Aquarius conjunct chiron. Moon represents our emotional self, and being a cardinal Earth sign, Moon in Capricorn makes the emotions direct, realistic and grounded. This hits pretty close to home in terms of relating to your brother for me. Self cleansing and moving. You know your mother always has a serious core to her regardless of her outer attitude. This parent can create an entire dcor around one or two heirlooms. I have had to be the bigger person in all these situations and indirectly take responsibility for all our conflicts. So, you push her further. Moon in gemini- Very true. My dad was emotionally and physically absent the most while my mom was more involved.