When God gave Moses the Law, He established the moral and societal parameters within which He expected the nation of Israel to live. How many children did King David have? | GotQuestions.org Unfortunately, bad habits can be learned and passed on to our children if not challenged or corrected early. Gods Word is perfect, but if we dont take the time to understand what it actually means, the world will propagate its false understandings and leave us speechless. Amazing Facts is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, Download AF Radio App for iPhone or Android. (1 Samuel 13:14), Beware of power. Later Absalom tried to usurp David. David asked his servants about her and was told she was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of David's mighty . David also had a son with Bathsheba before she bore Solomon. But Uriah is a man of integrity (he doesnt want to enjoy anything his fellow-soldiers cant enjoy), so he sleeps outside the palace. Notes:1. Not only would God grant Solomon favor in the form of wisdom, riches, and long life (1 Kings 3), God would honor His promise to David by allowing Solomon to finish the construction of the temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6). Saul reneged and gave him Michal instead because she was infatuated with David and Saul thought he could use her to get to David (1 Samuel 18:17-20). No matter how active we are in our children's lives, our children grow up and must one day choose for themselves whether they will serve the Lord or go their own way. This verse says unequivocally that when David sent messengers to fetch her, she went to David of her own free will. After Bathsheba mourns for her deceased husband, David sends for and marries Bathsheba. Adultery is still sin. The Bible routinely describes polygamy in a negative light, so it may be hard to understand why David, a man after Gods own heart, (1 Samuel 13:14) had multiple wives. All rights reserved. When you post, you agree to the terms and conditions of our comments policy. He had the capacity to make choices which either adhered to Gods Word or blatantly disobeyed it. The first was the baby that was the fruit of the sinful and murderous romance between him and Bathsheba. This is done to give Uriah the opportunity to go home and sleep with his wife so that he can pass as the father of Bathshebas child. David has committed adultery and murder. Their later marriage seems to have been close ( 2 Samuel 12:24) and loyal ( 1 Kings 1:28-31 ). https://www.learnreligions.com/bathsheba-king-davids-most-famous-wife-117306 (accessed May 2, 2023). Gods providence. It was not David's best or brightest moment. David raped Bathsheba and sent her home. What happened in the lives of David's children is mostly unknown; however, several of his sons, and one daughter, in particular, grew up to play a major role in David's later years and the future of Israel. Hes angry hearing the story. Bathsheba was disposable to David until a pregnancy threatened to expose his actions (rape and then murder) before the nation. Among other things, the fact David chose to have multiple wives proves he was a sinner. Did she resist, beg, or comply? 2 Samuel 12:10-12 . What Can Galileo Teach Us about Science and Faith? But Nathans prophecies still come true. Adonijah as David neared the end of his life, Adonijah, David's fourth son by his wife Haggith, exalted himself as king. A beautiful woman, she became pregnant after David saw her bathing on a rooftop and had her brought to him. According to 1 Kings 1:11, the prophet Nathan urged Bathsheba to tell David that Adonijah was preparing to take the throne by force. Most of the sons mentioned from these womencaused much strife and grief in Davids family. However, its not clear if they reconciled after she rebuked David. In his old age, David could no longer stay warm in bed, so his advisors found a young virgin named Abishag to sleep in the same bed with David and provide warmth. None of this is necessary and it can be avoided if Christians take their studies of the Scripture seriously instead of shying away from difficult passages in the Bible. Who Were David's Wives, and Why Should We Know Their Names? Many Christians purposefully neglect studying the Mosaic Law. 2) The baby born from Davids sin would die; the death would show unbelieving nations that God did not approve of Davids sin. In brokering peace and power for Israel among neighboring nations, Solomon acquired 1000 women. Some of David's children did; many did not. Some details may not have major stories attached, and not all of them have detailed themes or takeaways. Politicians, mega-pastors, coaches, professional athletes, corporate leaders. Did Bathsheba Sin with David? | Desiring God Amazing Facts 24/7 television station featuring the best in Bible study streamed lived and on-demand. 4 Things You May Not Know About Abraham in the Bible 20 Facts You May Not Know About Moses from the Bible Who Was Mary Magdalene in the Bible? The story of David and Bathsheba is told in 2 Samuel 11 and 12, set against the backdrop of David's war against the Ammonites, a tribe from a region east of the Dead Sea that is now part of present-day Jordan. Eventually, Joab killed Absalom. Comments containing URLs outside the family of Amazing Facts websites will not be approved. 2 Samuel 11:1 records that the king sent his army out to wage war, but he himself stayed behind in Jerusalem. Depending on the length of a woman's period, this seven-day injunction before purification virtually guarantees that a woman will most likely be ovulating, or close to ovulating when she resumes having sex. David retorted that he was celebrating before God, and that story concludes by saying Michael remained childless throughout her entire life (2 Sam 6:23). David thought he pulled off this caper until the prophet Nathan came to visit in 2 Samuel 12. According to the Bible, his first wife was Michal, the daughter of King Saul. As described in 1 Samuel 25, she was first married to a wealthy man named Nabal who treated David cheaply. Consequently, Bathsheba and David had sex at one of the best possible moments for her to conceivewhich she did, with tragic results. While he walked around on the roof of his house, David spied the married woman, Bathsheba, bathing. The baby has been born and at least nine months have passed, but David has not repented. Dig into the Word and become a Bible expert with Amazing Facts line of study Bibles and more. Nathan predicts the babys death and that violence and abuse will continue in Davids family. Available atLifeAudio.com. David had four wives whose names we knowAhinoam, Abigail (2 Samuel 2:2), Eglah (2 Samuel 3:5), and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:27)and possibly others such as Absalom's mother Maakah. How many of David's sons became lustful, greedy, and ambitious like their father? Davids solution to cover up the scandal was to send Uriah to the front lines of battle and have all other troops draw back from Uriahs position to ensure the enemy killed him. (2 Samuel 11:2-4) "David didn't invite Bathsheba. Maacah, whose father Talmai was king of Geshur, married David while he was in exile and her children included a son named Absalom and a daughter named Tamar. The complex family David created was the source of much sorrow and strife. The earlier we can identify and address problematic habits and behavior in our children, the better. 3) Davids actions would be repeated in his family for generations. In his epistle to the Romans, Paul mentions the edifying nature of the entire Old Testament stating, For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scripture we might have hope (Romans 15:4). When David danced before the Ark of the Covenant as it entered Jerusalem, Michal rebuked him for his undignified behavior. He founded the Judaean dynasty and united all the tribes of Israel under a single monarch. For example, Bathsheba bore Solomon to David, and he was part of Jesus genealogy (Matthew 1:6-7). If we count the son who died in infancy after having been conceived through David's adulterous relationship with Bathsheba ( 2 Samuel 12:16-23 ), David . Much like his son Solomon, David had lots of wives, but it created trouble and strife. As king, his responsibility is to secure a peaceful nation. 1), ***Note: Some believe that David was also married to Merab based upon (1 Sam 17:25), however (1 Sam 18:17-19)(2 Sam 21:8) appears to disprove this. David sent this letter to Joab by Uriah, who had no idea that he was carrying his own death sentence. Haggith(1 Chr 3:2)(2 Sam 3:4) Worship with Pastor Dougs church each week, featuring beautiful music and life-changing Bible study. The Shocking Truth About Bathsheba's Marriage to David in the Bible Bathsheba is the wife most people associate with David . Regardless of which one is correct, the fact remains David made a mistake having so many wives. Why did God punish David and Bathsheba's innocent child with death? The Jesus Revolution Comes to Hollywood: Will Thousands Be Converted? David was married to Ahinoam, Abigail, Maacha, Haggith, Abital, and Eglah during the 7-1/2 years he reigned in Hebron as king of Judah. Bathsheba and David's Adultery Led Him to Greater Sins. "Bathsheba and David: Biblical Romance and Tragedy." David was an insignificant shepherd when God chose him. He wasnt in love with her from what the text reveals. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. We know that David promised Bathsheba her son Solomon would succeed him and that she warned him that Adonijah was trying to usurp the throne (1 Kings 1:17). When David couldn't get Uriah to sleep with his wife Bathsheba (and therefore conceal David's adultery), he . Though several of David's most loyal followers, including Joab and Abiathar, threw their support behind Adonijah, David turned to Nathan (the prophet), Benaiah (the mighty man), and Zadok (the priest) to establish Solomon as the rightful king of Israel. Please do not comment in languages other than English. In addition, David had an unknown number of concubines. (1 Chr 3:9)(2 Sam 5:13)(2 Sam 16:21-22)(2 Sam 20:3 tells us he had at least 10). However, these lists only mention the wives that David had sons with, and the 1 Chronicles list ends with these were the sons of David, not including his sons born to concubines (1 Chronicles 3:9). 1 Kings 1:4 says Abishag looked after the king and took care of him. Incongruence happens when we ignore or disobey Gods laws. Who Were the 12 Disciples of Jesus? He won King Sauls daughter Michal for killing 400 Philistines and cutting off their foreskins. Apart from the last point given in the previous section, Christians should know the accounts given of these women to strengthen their witness for Christ. She later helped David escape before her father could kill him (1 Samuel 19:11-18) and was married off to a man named Palti. We only know that David could do whatever he wanted to do. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Although she seems passive at the beginning of her relationship with David, Bathsheba becameKing David's active support at the end of his life, as she secured David's throne for their son, Solomon, who was destined to become a wise, if flawed, ruler of Israel. Answer. If so, the sons of David with his wives would total at least 20. Did King David Rape Bathsheba? Click here to read it. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Then God gave the kingdom and all of its possessions . How many of them learned these bad habits from their father? However, the love, discipline, instruction, and example set by godly parents can make all the difference in the lives of our children, and there's a lot we can learn from David's own parental trials and failures. It doesnt matter how hard we try to thwart Gods plans; He will always accomplish exactly what He intends. David - passionate poet and in love, lyrical singer, courageous in battle and completely Gd-fearing, yet humble and willing to take responsibility and admit his mistakes. This plan failed as Uriah faithfully refused to even go home, lest he sleep with his wife. Although feminist biblical interpretation contends that Bathsheba was a victim of David, other scholars find a clue to Bathsheba's complicity among King David's wives in 2 Samuel 4:11. Financial missteps can impact families for generations. The infamous account of how she became Davids wife is found in 2 Samuel 11. He didn't trick her. Then when David ascends to the throne of Israel, David orders Michal to be taken from her new husband and children and brought back to the palace, apparently out of spite. After David moved his capital to Jerusalem, he married Bathsheba. How Many Wives Did King David Have and What Do We Know about Them? With malintent, Saul initially tried to give his first daughter, Merab, to David in marriage to put David in peril by the hand of the Philistines. Article Images Copyright . Davids family life was by far his biggest failure. Nathan little is known about Nathan, David's third son by Bathsheba; however, he is worth mentioning for his inclusion in Luke's account of the genealogy of Jesus as one of Jesus' ancestors via the line of David (Luke 3:31). Following is a list of the wives of David that we know the names of, along with where they were from, and Bible verses that mention them. The true king of Israel, the messiah and the one who would sit on the eternal throne, would be an heir of King David (2 Samuel 7:12; Psalms 89:3-4; Psalms 132:11).