Dont try to base today on yesterdays prayer time. Please help, Thank you Jesus for healing me of mental illness. People are not short of well-meaning advice. From there His life-giving words go down into our hearts, or our spirits and affect our entire body. As you read her prayer, receive itand also use it as a model for your own prayers. So, if you need healing, feed on healing scriptures daily. Taking requires active faith. While youre believing and receiving from the Lord, you also need to be driving the devil out of your life with a vengeance. The only hard part is getting people to believe what He has said about it so they can receive their healing. Must on have faith to be healed? Why is it important to set a goal for prayer? As Pastor Terri Copeland Pearson s says, "You can't lift weights one day and expect to see a measurable result.". And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them., And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. So, if you need healing, feed on healing scriptures daily. Her time with the Lord is a non-negotiable in her lifeand she reaps the fruit of it in a blessed and fulfilled life. Because revelation comes with time spent studying and meditating the Word. And, He didnt do this as the Son of God on the earthHe did so as the Son of Man anointed by the Holy Ghost. So, Dodie went home from the hospital. In regard to healing, they wrote things like by whose stripes ye were healed (1 Peter 2:24). So you must flee now! That is not what you need. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh., Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness., Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. You have to do what it takes so you can rise up in faith and take what rightfully belongs to you! Having faith in God and His Word is the bottom-line answer to every problem regardless of what others may say. It keeps you from the distractions around you or from skipping that time altogether. They stand on the Word, or spend time with the Lord one day and fall off it the next. Your faith increases according to how much time you spend in Gods Word. Going after God in spurts wont do it. He warned the disciples of the temptations to comethe lure to be offended, fall away and be scattered. Expect that He can, accept if He doesnt. And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. As far as God is concerned, that settles the issue of healing. Im sure youve figured that out, especially if you are believing God for healing. I take my stand as one who is redeemed from the curse. 2. Believe it. I can tell you from experience, the answers that actually work are found in one placethe Word. He wants to go far beyond what we have ever known, and the only way for Him to take us there is for us to hear Him in the spirit. As you set a goal for prayer in your life, it may not be for an hour at first. As believers in Christ, we know that our ultimate healing comes from our personal relationship with Jesus, who died on the cross to save us from our sins and grant us eternal life. So, keep your confession lined up with the Word of God and never deviate from it. And faith speaks what the Word says. Second Corinthians 4:18 explains that you must look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.. So, Dodie went home from the hospital. Through Moses, God told this nation of people He had given them the land. Below are 15 prayer quotes for healing taken from the accompanying Bible Verses. Jesus said to pray for whatever you desire (Mark 11:24, KJV). How to Stand in Faith for a New Body Part. All Rights Reserved. Jesus responded, Could you not watch with Me one hour? (verse 40, NKJV). Today, she's praying for you. The question came up as we were studying Mark. Faith believes it takes what is needed when it prays. They also open or shut the door on the devil. If you need healing, thats how you must possess it too! Talk to Your Body " [Call] those things which be not as though they were." -Romans 4:17 (KJV) Did you know you can talk to your body? I can have it. He clamps down hard on that bone and refuses to turn loose of it! Together, we will explore the depths of Gods love and mercy, and discover the healing that He has in store for us. To stay in faith, it takes the Word of God. When I call KCM, I immediately feel faith and power after they pray for me. Here are three prayer secrets from Gloria Copelandguaranteed to grow your prayer life, strengthen your inner man, and change your circumstances. Most people pray and expect the answer to come later, but Jesus says to believe we receive when we pray. Father, I am thankful that You are no respecter of persons. So, keep your confession lined up with the Word of God and never deviate from it. We love you. She co-founded Kenneth Copeland Ministries with her husband and served as one of President Donald Trump's evangelical ministers. Setting a prayer goal keeps you from cutting your time with God too short. Any day of the year, we're here for you! May I be guided by your wisdom, your power, and your love, as I continue to face the challenges of life. Put aside distractions and get immersed in God's Word. In fact, in every area of life obtaining the victory boils down to one thing: Just take God at His Word. Faith is released by your words. If you say anything different, youre going against Scripture, doubting in your heart, and allowing it to come out your mouth. God has called us to stand together! He isnt trying to make a demand of you to prayHe is trying to protect you, bless you and fellowship with you. When we pray, we are not to believe we will receive in the futurewe are to believe we receive right at that moment. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved., So I ask you, my dear reader, will you accept Gods gift of salvation and experience the healing and wholeness that comes from knowing Jesus? Gloria I agree with you in Jesus Name. Not someday or any day. He told His disciples to watch and pray, so when temptation came, they wouldnt enter into it. If you couldnt runrun. But possessing it wasnt automatic. You simply cannot look at the circumstances to determine whether or not you are healed. In regard to healing, they wrote things like by whose stripes ye were healed (I Peter 2:24). They stood in agreement on the healing promises in the Word of God. It was a battle that took awhile, but Dodie was completely healed of cancer and remains free today. 2. Mark 11:23 says, For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.. Before we begin, declare this over your healing today: Take what? Then suddenly, wham! Dodie faithfully took those healing scriptures every day, just like medicine. We must take healing like a dog takes a bone. Having faith in God and His Word is the bottom-line answer to every problem regardless of what others may say. Your life will never be the same! He said it this way: I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live (Deuteronomy 30:19). Jesus said, Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Thats God speaking to me. If you say anything different, youre going against Scripture, doubting in your heart, and allowing it to come out your mouth. Or, as Jesus said, The truth shall make you free (John 8:32). The fact of the matter is, healing is no problem for the Lord. If you couldnt bend overbend over. This was a great honor for her, as she was selected as that year's Christian Woman of the Year by the Christian Woman of the Year Association. In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke every evil spirit that is working against me. If so, you can take drastic faith action! Cant you visit with Me one hour? The Bible tells us what God says about things. Im sure you realize faith for healing wont come by reading secular magazines or comic books. Its all done. Believe you receive it and dont waver. There are so many articles to help. Most people pray and expect the answer to come later, but Jesus says to believe we receive when we pray. Gloria Copeland says that obtaining victory in every area of life boils down to taking God at his word. When we read healing scriptures, we are building up our faith to obtain healing. You keep it by speaking it. Faith is released by your words. To build your faith, you must read the Bible and believe it is God speaking to you. Lord, I ask that you heal me of any spiritual wounds that I may have sustained in this battle. Gloria is a woman of great faith and a true believer in the power of God's Word to heal. See yourself in perfect health. Find it here. He becomes stronger day by day as he works out. Glory to God. I know many people who have been healed. Do you want to feel confident and certain in your prayer life? You can. Leave this person in the Name of Jesus! She has prayed for countless believers to receive their healing. As she began to spend an hour a day praying in other tongues, her life changed dramatically. 1997 - 2023 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved Used by Permission. He is totally clear now and, again, that was 20 years ago. Jesus isnt fickle. He wanted God to heal him without medicine because he was a faith man. Well, he went off to pray and God spoke to him to go back and go to the doctor or he would die. Your words either open or shut the door to the power of God working in your situation. What does He think? Take itby faithand hold on to it. Do what you couldnt do before. We build up our faith in the same way-we exercise the healing scriptures over and over again until we become strong enough in faith to take our healing out of the realm of the spirit into the natural realm. He needs to be your priority. Thank you Jesus. Because God'swordsare life to us and health to all our flesh (Proverbs 4:22), the prayer below has been filled with the Wordand whatGodhas to say about your health and healing. And, dont fall prey to self-pity or seek sympathy from others. Through partnership we maximize our impact for the Kingdom. Faith will work for anybody wholl put it to work. Gloria Copeland. The choice is yours, but I pray that you will make the right one and begin your journey towards a life filled with peace, joy, and eternal love. Maybe you can take the drugs and then prove to your family that you are healed and no longer need them. In other words, if we want to walk in the full blessing and victory God intended for us to enjoy, we need to be consistent in the things of God. When you take the Word into your heart and it comes out through your voice, it becomes Gods Word applied to the problem. KCM Australia now available in the App Store and Google Play. Youre running the race set before you, moving full-speed ahead with Gods blessing overtaking you at every step. Categories. Have you ever witnessed a loved one being cured of a debilitating illness through the healing touch of the Almighty? Prayer isnt some religious ritual that earns you points in the kingdom of Godpraying is communicating with Godfellowshipping with Him. Thats why I am so excited to introduce you to the incredible work of Gloria Copeland. Ill never allow you back. With that in mind, what might Jesus be saying to you today? How much do you want victory? I believe God has heal me all sicknesses in my body .Hallelujah. He sent Jesus to die on the cross to redeem us from sin and sickness. As Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons says, You cant lift weights one day and expect to see a measurable result. It is the consistent exercising of your spiritual muscle through prayer that will, over time, produce big results in every area of your life. By this question you have have asked a question i longed for a answer to, Because we often believe that by taken medicine you dont have faith and Faith Mechanic has really help to put God perspective on it. (See Matthew 9:22; Mark 10:52 and Luke 17:19.) Do what it takes to hear from God to receive from God. And if you have it, you say you have it. I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. The power of sickness has been forever broken over my life. Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. Gloria Copeland has been teaching healing for more than 40 years. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are based in Fort Worth, Texas. Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Church Listing can help you easily find a Bible-believing ministry near you. Glorias good friend and frequent guest on Believers Voice of Victory (BVOV), Billye Brim, prays Ephesians 1:17 over her life every morningconsistently. Your rebuking should make the neighbourhood dogs run home! Anything you need that is in line with the Word of God. The Lord soon revealed to her the importance of this goal through Jesus example. Read Mercy Bending the Rules of God. Thats how faith comes. And one thing we know about Jesus and prayer is that He made prayer a priority. His words get into us when we consistently take them in through our eyes and ears. Perhaps youve found yourself trying to pray, but then the dog needs to be let outthen back in. Even though she spent most of her time in the Word of God already, even five minutes praying in the spirit felt like an eternity. But she had determined to obey Him and seek Him with all her heart, so she set the goal and has met it with very few exceptions ever since. As you set a goal for prayer in your life, it may not be for an hour at first. How can you prepare your heart to receive when you pray? This applies to healing as well. He isnt trying to make a demand of you to prayHe is trying to protect you, bless you and fellowship with you. Wondering How to Pray the Prayer of Petition? No excuses. The same is true with healing, relationships, finances, children and anything else promised in the Word of God. Not only that, Gods Word teaches us to think His way which is the higher, better and smarter way (Isaiah 55:8-11). Whether you are struggling with a physical ailment, emotional pain, or spiritual brokenness, she has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to share with you. You cant stay in faith and watch cartoons 24 hours a dayyouve got to feed on the Word. All Rights Reserved. About Kenneth Copeland Ministries Here are three prayer secrets from Gloria Copelandguaranteed to grow your prayer life, strengthen your inner man, and change your circumstances. Spiritual consistency is worth the cost. He was telling them to go armed and take it. On one, Brother Copeland said that God put on his heart not to speak anything that goes crosswise of God. Base today ontodaystime with Him. Amen. Not us. Rest assured they will get down into your heart and youll be able to release your faith. Now Father, I worship You. Thank you for hearing my prayer, and for answering it according to your will. Jesus bore my sicknesses, weaknesses and pain. But dont stop there! Peter said he would do anything for the Lord, including die for Him. So, whatd they do? If you get up from prayer saying, I dont have it. As you read her prayer, receive itand also use it as a model for your own prayers. Faith is the basis for all we receive from God. It takes faith-believing in God and His Word-for the Word to transform your situation. Prayer Secret No. I receive the power of God to make me sound, whole, delivered, saved and healed now. Janela The answer is yes, God always requires faith for healing, always, always except when He does not require it. At that time, God gives us the same kind of faith He has. At that time, God gives us the same kind of faith He has. Theres nothing left for Him to do. Thank You for satisfying me with long life. This had brung revelation to Gods truth for me. So I take it. They confessed Gods Word over her body. Men of old, anointed of the Holy Spirit, wrote down what came out of the heart of God. You will learn how to pray for healing, how to stand on the promises of Gods Word, and how to trust in His goodness and faithfulness. 2. And, faith will work for you the same way it worked for those mentioned in the Bible. That word receive is an action word. Oh, and stop tolerating anything less than divine health in your life.