Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements previously seen as guidance (shoulds) which are now legal requirements (musts) are highlighted below: Section 3 - The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements Introduction recommendations in the Safeguarding children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007). 04002826. These recommendations will help standardise the use of reflective supervision. The committee did not believe that holding return-to-work meetings would be a substantial change in practice. These notifications must be made as soon as is reasonably possible, but at the latest within 14 days of the allegation being made. NATIONAL ECZEMA SOCIETYThe National Eczema Society gives advice and assistance on lifestyle changes and self-help measures to help keep eczema under control. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on responding to and managing safeguarding concerns in care homes, and support and information needs for everyone involved in safeguarding concerns in care homes. Care homes may need to update their systems to ensure that safeguarding concerns (and patterns of concerns) can be monitored. Based on this lack of coverage the committee felt it was important to make a research recommendation on self-neglect in care homes. Ensuring that care home staff can regularly take part in safeguarding training may lead to an increase in resource use, particularly if care homes choose to use external organisations to deliver these programmes. endstream endobj startxref Therefore, the committee made recommendations focusing on these issues. . ENTAEnta is a voluntary sector, not for profit organisation working across Birmingham to provide learning opportunities, training courses, information, advice and guidance and employment support to help people think about and prepare for paid employment. TWIN AND MULTIPLE BIRTHS ASSOCIATION (TAMBA). But this would be outweighed by the benefits of making staff aware of who to share concerns with, which should increase the speed of responses to safeguarding. Their recommendations included advice about further training that may be beneficial for some staff. PDF SAFEGUARDING POLICY Rationale - Educ8 Luton Well summarise some of the most important ones for you here. This may have cost implications, but access to support is a statutory right under the Care Act 2014 and is part of the Making Safeguarding Personal framework. Because of this, the committee did not make recommendations about who should have further training or when this should happen. It is designed to inform parents about the child's progress in relation to the early learning goals and support the transition to Year 1. Additional resources should not be needed for care homes to appoint safeguarding champions, because the champions are expected to be existing staff members. Qualitative themes were identified from the research evidence, covering the challenges associated with governance, roles and responsibilities, and lines of communication. There was a small amount of qualitative evidence relating to the information and support needs of care home staff during a safeguarding enquiry. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children's health or development, ensuring that children grow-up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Revise Easy - Unit 2.2 safeguaring legislation The 'suspect' indicators need to be reported to a safeguarding lead and referred to the local authority. Care homes may also need to change their recruitment processes, to ensure that applicants are suitable and have been properly vetted. Smacking or any other kind of punishment that may have an adverse effect on a childs well-being must be strictly forbidden. 828 0 obj <>stream Eight hours of tuition deal with food hygiene, bacteriology, personal hygiene, equipment and pest control, cleaning and disinfecting and legislation. Courses include: Keyhole Training: this 12 hour course (divided into five sessions) is aimed at anyone working with pre-school children with an ASD in an Early Years setting group. EDUCATION AND RESOURCES FOR IMPROVING CHILDHOOD CONTINENCE (ERIC). Other evidence that was available highlighted the positive outcomes achieved with some training methods (such as case studies and examples), and the challenges associated with other types of training (such as e-learning). This was also reflected in the qualitative evidence, which indicated that practitioners recognised the value of safeguarding training. However, the committee recognised the importance of these issues and were able to build on this evidence using their own expertise. 2019-03-18 Safeguarding is defined as using appropriate measures to protect individuals, especially children and young people, from harm such as abuse and neglect. It looks at skin damage caused by the sun, precautions and policy considerations. PDF Section 3 The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements - FW Solutions The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is a statutory review of childrens progress in the year they reach five. Help is at hand from the Child Bereavement Society, which runs a course called Grief and bereavement in early years settings. INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Professional Training Solutions provide a number of workshops relevant to early years practitioners, including: ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND (RNIB). The committee therefore also used the Making Safeguarding Personal framework and the Care Act 2014. For example, if staff have a better understanding of abuse and neglect, they may raise more concerns and there may be an increase in safeguarding referrals and enquiries. Enable's services include legal advice and direct care services for children and adults with learning disabilities.ENABLE IRELANDEnable Ireland's services cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational and social development from early infancy. There were concerns regarding the adequacy and relevance of the data, as it was not clear whether all of the findings were from a care home context. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. The course is regulated by the CIEH. Registered as an educational charity with charity number 1096526 This should in turn improve the safety, health and wellbeing of care home residents. This research did not specifically evaluate the impact that care home culture can have on staff willingness to report safeguarding concerns. The evidence highlighted the value that care homes place on local authorities as a key source of support and transparent advice. There were concerns around the adequacy of the data, issues with the methods used to analyse the data, and problems with how the study authors addressed potential bias. Given the limited evidence about the use of Safeguarding Adults Reviews, the committee made a research recommendation to identify how the findings from these reviews affect practice in care homes. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. 09270577, (which weve covered in a previous blog, and can be found here), < The EYFS - measuring and assessing progress. Organisations may need to do more to involve people at risk and their independent advocates in safeguarding enquiries. You're probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in. All courses are accredited by the Assessment Qualification Alliance. Depending on how well local authorities already work with other organisations, they may need to do more to develop good ongoing relationships about safeguarding with care homes and to promote multi-agency working. 776 0 obj <> endobj There were also concerns regarding the short-term follow-up periods used by the studies. To address this and ensure that staff have a more thorough understanding of safeguarding, the committee specified the different areas that need to be covered in training programmes for all staff. NHS Connect is the professional and training development arm of the National Childbirth Trust. There were concerns with: the appropriateness of some methods used by the studies, such as recruitment strategies and data analysis processes, the relevance of the data, because some of the research was not conducted in care home settings. An introduction to working with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders: introductory workshop to expand knowledge of working with children and young people with these disorders, looking at a range of approaches for understanding and addressing their needs.An introduction to child protection procedure: exploring the steps practitioners should take where there are concerns that a child could be at risk of harm or abuse, with reference to the Scottish Governments child protection reform programme and related publications. (ANSWERED THE QUESTION TOGETHER) The safeguarding and welfare requirements are put in place to make sure that childcare professionals/ providers promote the welfare of children and to keep them well and protected. This gives practitioners an insight into very young children's understanding of death and the impact of bereavement on their holistic development, and helps them to develop a framework for appropriate responses to death within the setting. Overall, the committee's confidence in the research evidence was low. There was quantitative and qualitative evidence available, but the committee had limited confidence in this. Scottish Autism offers a range of autism training events throughout the year, often involving speakers with autism expertise and professionals from health, education, social care, therapeutic and research backgrounds. Portage's four main activities are: weekly home visits by a trained home visitor; weekly written teaching activities designed for the individual child and parent; teaching and recording carried out by the parent; and weekly supervision by the home visitor. Safeguarding is the general idea that nobody should have to live in an environment where they are being neglected or abused. Discriminatory abuse is important to highlight because it may be difficult to recognise, and may also involve other types of abuse or neglect. These recommendations encourage openness about lessons learned across agencies, and emphasise the factors that might help care homes to make their culture more positive. It is based in London and has eight regional co-ordinators working across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.4 TRAINING AND CONSULTANCYPaediatric first aid: a 12-hour course recognised by Ofsted and the National Childminding Association.FPM. This may mean that managers have to place greater emphasis on reflective practice and shared learning among staff. Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse. Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements - Bolton Start Well PAVILION TRAININGPavilion Training offers a range of first aid and health and safety training. However, the committee had some concerns about the quality of the data, which had some methodological limitations as well as questionable relevance (it was not always clear whether findings related specifically to care home settings). This was mostly due to issues with: the study methods, such as the processes used to analyse the data, the relevance of the data, as it was not clear whether data was specific to safeguarding (rather than more general quality of care) or whether data had been generated in care settings other than care homes. There is some variation across the UK in the way care homes conduct training, although the contracts that providers have with local authorities will tend to encourage best practice and standardisation. To address this, the committee made a recommendation on how managers should encourage staff to complete training. Early years the importance of early intervention for infants at risk: providing professionals with a toolkit for the emotional screening of infants and early signs of distress. The committee also reviewed existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance, and legislation and care law about whistleblowing. The committee built on this evidence with their own expertise. The committee also reviewed existing health and social care guidance. If they are not already doing so, they will need to promote a positive culture and encourage greater collaboration between their members and partner organisations, especially care homes. There were a number of concerns with this evidence, around: the methods used, for example in relation to data analysis and sampling strategies, the relevance of the themes in the evidence, as some of the studies were conducted in care settings other than care homes. Family learning, parentingand school readiness, Volunteering, co-production and parental engagement, Supporting children, young people and adults, Parents and carers: Support the fight for fair early years funding, Getting involved in your child's development, Family Time Tips - free children's activities to try, Simple ideas to promote wellbeing in young kids, Join the fight for fair early years funding, Look up funding rate changes and provider closures in your constituency, The problem with 'free childcare': an interactive explainer for parents and carers, Join forces with early years providers in your area, MP letter campaign: Say no to relaxed ratios, expected levels of progress for their age. BRITISH RED CROSSFirst-aid for baby and child: UK-wide courses for anyone wishing to learn first aid skills for babies and children.First-aid for child carers: designed to meet the first aid training needs of child minders and child carers. The majority of training programmes are linked to the learning outcomes in the learning disability pathway of the new Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care Diploma and the level 2 and 3 certificates in supporting people with learning disabilities.Communication and Autism: an insight into the complexities of communication for individuals with autism. Based on their own knowledge, the committee decided to emphasise the legal protections for whistleblowers. . y+xg!A/# nk?YjF:` U&sY.! There was a small amount of qualitative evidence on effective multi-agency working, and on responding to and managing safeguarding concerns. Child protection: a guide to current policy and practice. The 12-hour course includes lectures and group discussions. There may be a cost for care homes who choose to provide external whistleblowing services, which is why the committee only ask care homes to consider using this service. During a safeguarding enquiry, care home managers will need to allocate time to hold discussions with staff and direct them to external information and advice. Care homes do not currently nominate people to provide support to staff accused of abuse or neglect. These recommendations are important because: managers have a key role in helping staff obtain support and advice, care homes need to have a more honest and open culture when it comes to potential safeguarding issues. ERIC provides advice on bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and incontinence. All off-site providers will confirm their Safeguarding policy and procedures, a copy of which will be held by Cotham and up-dated each year. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. Protection refers to guarding children who have been abused. However, as this can be an existing member of staff, the committee were confident that there would be no significant resource impact. The committee provided anecdotal evidence of concerns about the efficacy of e-learning, in particular when there is no opportunity for discussion and human interaction. The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements are designed to help providers create high quality settings that are welcoming, safe and stimulating, and where children are able to enjoy learning and grow in confidence. The requirements explain what early years providers must do to. They made recommendations on how these systems should be used to record and share information. In addition, some staff posts may need to be backfilled while training takes place. In addition, they may need this support to continue afterwards, and their needs should be reassessed after the enquiry. However, it will bring care homes in line with best practice, particularly in terms of supervision and continuing professional development. The evidence matched the committee's experience of practice. More resources may be needed for a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, but it should improve the quality and safety of care and support. Weve listed some of them above, but to ensure a full understanding of all the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS as well as a broad awareness of the rest of the EYFS statutory guidance you can train your staff in flicks new the EYFS made simple course, and much more; all as part of the flick subscription. A school information pack is available.Eczema - supporting and managing this misunderstood condition: topics include childhood atopic eczema. The committee suggested 'safeguarding champions' as a way to provide more informal support for people worried about the impact of raising concerns. ,oy:\D g}Y BRITISH INSTITUTE OF LEARNING DISABILITIES (BILD)Offers day training programmes on a range of learning disability related themes. In turn, this should help reduce the under-reporting of safeguarding concerns. Qualitative evidence indicated that multi-agency working and learning can help to improve safeguarding practice. There was no evidence comparing the effectiveness of different modes of training (for example e-learning programmes compared with group sessions). Managers will also need time to provide one-on-one support to anxious staff, and to make changes to policies, processes and training in response to the outcome of safeguarding enquiries. Safeguarding Self Assessments (Audit) The Safeguarding Self-Assessments (Safeguarding Audits) are intended to support you to meet the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early. To address this potential issue, the committee made a recommendation on assessing how well training is working and whether it is being used to improve practice. They agreed that further research is needed to evaluate the most effective modes of training, and to clarify whether e-learning training can meet best practice standards. Instead, the committee reviewed existing non-NICE UK sector guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. For the quantitative data, this was mostly because of the use of non-randomised trials and imprecision in effect estimates. There were also concerns regarding the methods used in some of the studies, for example in relation to their recruitment and data analysis processes. There were also concerns regarding the methods used in some of the included studies, for example their recruitment processes and how they considered the wider research context. Grief matters for children: promoting effective bereavement strategies in schools: one-day conference. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. So why not sign up today? keeping the person at risk involved in the safeguarding process. Mandatory training is required to fulfil section 14.225 of the Care and support statutory guidance 2020, and each organisation is responsible for ensuring that staff receive effective training. ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING. The charity has support groups for one-parent families, parents of triplets or more, special needs families, those who have lost one or more of a multiple-birth set, and those who are expecting or have twins, triplets or more as a result of fertility treatment. The committee emphasised the importance of asking the resident at risk what they would like to happen next, to ensure that the response to safeguarding was in line with the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal. Good whistleblowing policies are important and help support a culture in which staff feel able to report concerns. The course looks at physical, sensory, cognitive and emotional/behavioural difficulties, and specific areas such as dyslexia. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. In addition, there were issues with the relevance of the qualitative data, because some studies may have been conducted outside of care homes, and some findings may not have been specifically related to safeguarding. Local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and other commissioners should already be monitoring safeguarding in care homes as part of contract management, so this should not represent a significant change in practice. Care homes should already have a safeguarding policy and procedure, and the recommendations reflect statutory requirements. For qualitative findings there was a shortage of evidence, with only limited data from a small number of studies. AllergyWise: online anaphylaxis training for school nurses and healthcare professionals responsible for training teachers and staff in schools and early years settings. However, in care homes where this is not the case, managers will need to spend more time supporting staff and learning from safeguarding enquiries. It is designed to inform parents about the childs progress in relation to the early learning goals and support the transition to Year 1. Some care homes have a positive, open culture, in which staff and others are supported to reflect on, identify and report safeguarding concerns. This is true for their proactive role (monitoring care standards locally), and in their responsibility for starting and running section 42 enquiries (including large-scale enquiries when needed). The committee agreed, based on their own expertise and experience, that local authorities needed to plan ahead for the support that these people might need (this would be especially important for large-scale enquiries). To reflect this, the indicators are split into 2 categories ('consider' and 'suspect'), with different actions based on the likelihood of abuse or neglect. To address this, the committee made a research recommendation to look at the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of e-learning safeguarding training, compared with face-to-face training. Areas covered include the role of the appointed person, health and safety of the early years environment, the first-aid box, emergency procedures, children's accidents and how to record them. Dame Clare Tickell, in her review of the EYFS, recommends that the welfare section of the EYFS is renamed the 'safeguarding and welfare requirements' and that the welfare requirements are redrafted to improve their clarity. To ensure staff understand how to gather and record information correctly, care homes and care home providers may need to provide extra training. The committee agreed that this research is important to identify how care homes understand Safeguarding Adults Reviews and what they learn from them. The evidence indicated that care home managers can play a key role in influencing the attitudes of their staff and colleagues towards training. Early Years Foundation Stage safeguarding and welfare requirements Commissioners may need to do more to promote good communication and working relationships with care homes, but this could be achieved without additional resources. Staff are encouraged to watch out for changes in the mood and behaviour of residents, because many indicators of abuse and neglect are quite subtle physical or emotional changes or traits. Although the committee were able to draw on their own knowledge and experience, they felt that the gap in the evidence indicated that a research recommendation was needed about the views of care home residents in relation to their experiences of safeguarding enquiries. This has been a legal requirement for some time so should not represent a change in practice. In addition, they linked the recommendations to Care Act statutory requirements for local authorities. the adequacy of the data, which was considered to be limited (and did not include any quotations). This is because, in their experience, those indicators represented a higher likelihood of abuse and neglect. First-aid at work: four-day practical course, including an examination. They link to details of the evidence and a full description of the committee's discussion. Publications, including The Gluten Free Food and Drink Directory, can be bought direct from Coeliac UK. They believed this is important because good-quality training can have a big impact on safeguarding practice and the safety and wellbeing of care home residents. Section 3 - The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements April 2017 3 Registered providers must also notify Ofsted or their childminding agency of the action taken in respect of the allegations. Training in paediatric/childcare first aid is a requirement for all childcare practitioners who require registration by OFSTED. endstream endobj 777 0 obj <>/Metadata 37 0 R/OpenAction 778 0 R/Pages 774 0 R/StructTreeRoot 67 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 778 0 obj <> endobj 779 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 774 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 780 0 obj <>stream There were several issues with this evidence. However, it is not uncommon for staff to work in a climate of suspicion and defensiveness. MUDIAD YSGOLION MEITHRINAbersaff: training linking to the Abersaff resource pack focusing on health and safety guidelines. However, this is unlikely to take a significant amount of time, as there should already be systems in place to record and share this information. In some care homes, staff already have the opportunity to share good practice and challenge poor practice. In particular, the evidence looked at the concept of whistleblowing and the reasons why care home staff may be reluctant to report concerns (for example, fear of losing their job). One of the toughest tasks an early years practitioner can ever face is supporting a grieving child. quality of care can be undermined when staff are treated negatively for raising safeguarding concerns, or when staff are afraid to work with residents who have raised or been involved in safeguarding concerns. Some care home providers already fund access to employee assistance programmes, so would not significantly need to change practice. The quantitative evidence had issues with bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. Safeguarding children levels 1, 2 and 3: individual courses designed to enhance knowledge, understanding and practice of safeguarding children. If they do not, training may be needed. Its training arm is NHS Connect, which runs workshops around the country. This creates opportunities for parents and professionals to engage with current thinking on a range of issues. The effectiveness of training and learning with other organisations is likely to be improved if positive relationships are established. Care homes may need to change their safeguarding training programmes to make sure they cover the areas included in this guideline. Speech, language and literacy development for children with Down syndrome (2 to 11 years): focuses on the specific speech and language needs of children with Down syndrome and how to meet them, including the use of the See and Learn Language and Reading programme. It meets the needs of Sure Start and Early Years and is appropriate for members of NCMA and PLA as well as anyone who is caring for children.BRITISH STAMMERING ASSOCIATION, BSA aims to help eliminate stammering in children by improving information for practitioners.BSA National Conference 2011 9-11 September, Durham: a programme of workshops and presentations, and a great chance to meet other people who stammer.