The country tag of the country you wish to end the mission cooldown for. The value you wish to set the specified province's base tax to. The stability key, idea group key, or tech key you wish to add to a country. The ID of the province you wish to assimilate. This command will reload all regions on the map - useful for debugging and fixing bugs. Note that this command applies to the Shinto religion. Specify a negative value to remove Republican Tradition. The amount of base unrest you wish to add. The amount of spy network points to add. Optional. This command will kill the ruler of the specified country. If this is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. The progress to set for the missionary, a number between 0 and 100 (0 = 0%, 100 = 100%). The final reason is, of course, that it's a challenge! If not specified, this command will apply to the country you are currently playing as. Court member IDs: The ID of the religion you wish to set the court member's to. This command forms a union between the two specified countries. The admiral's Siege rating, a number from 0-6. Optional. The amount of prestige you wish to add. This command can be used to add to the reform level of the Holy Roman Empire. change_religion_court [court member id] [, This command sets the religion of the specified court member to the religion with the specified ID. The tag of the country to make the revolution target. This command changes the owner of a specified province to the specified country. This means that you can only use the console in normal games where you cannot earn achievements. The country tag of the country you wish to apply this command to. This command will find and print a list of commands with the specified text in their name or description. If not specified, this command will affect your current country. church_power [amount] [country tag] DLC: Common Sense. This command shows the modifier values (boosts, etc) for the specified province ID. A number. If the command requires a particular DLC, this will be listed under the description column. The name of the trigger that you wish to assert. The ID of the province you wish to make a core. Specify a negative number to remove army tradition. Method 1: Getting Admitted You can join the Empire if: You're right next to an HRE member The Emperor's opinion of you must be equal to your development Opinion is capped at 200. The amount of Revolutionary Zeal you wish to add. The country tag of the country you wish to repair all ships of. This command changes the age of the heir of your current country. If not specified, the country that you are playing as will be affected. Optional. See our. The country tag of the country that you wish to make a Tributary state. Specify a negative number to remove doom. Single-Usage This adds country modifiers, and can only be used once for their duration after which they can be used again. This command shows and hides (toggles) the pause banner in the game's GUI. Using EU4 Console Commands A full list of 226 Europa Universalis 4 cheats is shown below. A number. The ID of the character to pass to the event. This command kills the first cardinal (in the cardinal list) of the specified country. The country tag for Holy Roman Empire in EU4 is: HLR The command to play as Holy Roman Empire in EU4 is: tag HLR The command to kill the ruler of Holy Roman Empire is: kill HLR The cheat to add Holy Roman Empire to your country's interest is: add_interest HLR The console in Europa Universalis 4 with monarch point cheats entered The console is only accessible in non-ironman games without the aid of a mod or Cheat Engine. If not specified, this will be the country you are currently playing as. Use the tag command to resume playing again. The value to set the specified country's leader's legitimacy to. See our idea group ID list for IDs. This command resets the personal deity of your current country. That is as long as the electors keep their opinion on voting for you once the election comes, so you'll have to keep that opinion. A protectorate is a country that is protected and controlled by another. Specify a negative number to remove mandate. This command will toggle AI for the specified minister (see argument information for IDs). The ID of the province you wish to upgrade to a center of trade (and/or adjust the level of). If you do not specify an institution, all institutions within the province will be embraced. This is a debug command. The country tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the province. The tag of the country you wish to add or remove fervor from. The ability ID of an ability you wish to add to the newly created light flagship. If not specified, your current country will be affected. This command changes the date of the game to the date specified. The tag of the country you wish to make the owner of the specified province. The amount of points you wish to add to all powers. Optional. This command can be used to change a Confucian country's progress towards harmonization. Elections are held each time the sitting emperor dies, so you'll have to wait for the Tuscan emperor to die and your ruler will be voted emperor. This command will refresh the values on the performance calculator (this command is untested by EU4Cheats, so may not work as intended). This cheat command starts the imperial incident with the specified ID. These events are used to choose a new ruler in a republic when the current ruler dies, is forced out of office by event or subject interaction, or their term ends. Optional. Specify a negative number to remove power. This is useful for debugging issues with collisions, etc. The country tag of the country you wish to protect/control the other specified country tag. Executing this command will print information about balances to the game.log file (not the console). The tag of the country you wish to add the diplomat enroute to. This console command will create a heavy ship with the specified name and abilities as a flagship. tributary [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. Type a command into the text box and hit ENTER to send it. See argument information for where to place the file. The ability ID of an ability you wish to add to the newly created heavy flagship. This command adds an idea group to the country with the specified country tag. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove doom to/from. This command kills the heir of the specified country. The tag of the country you wish to form a union. A country tag. This command adds the specified idea group to your country, or the specified country tag. The ID of the province you wish to clear the flag from. This debug command prints to the console heir history. Optional. The country tag of the country you wish to add 100 Papal Influence to. If the two specified countries are already integrating, this command will instantly complete the integration process. This command can be used to change the frequency of the random sounds emitted from the combat view. If you specify a country tag, the age of the heir of that country will be changed. It's a lot easier than it used to be, but you need to be fairly small.. no more than about 3 provinces maximum. The tag of the country you wish to have the first specified country integrated into. AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Empire of Sin Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3. If not specified, the country you are currently playing as will be affected. The country tag of the country that has aggressive expansion imposed on that you want to clear. This console command makes a country a subject of another country. This cheat will annex the country with the specified tag for either your own country or a specified country. Event IDs This is a toggle command. This debug command can be used to verify localization keys. The number of the map mode you wish to change the map to. The tag of the country you wish to toggle the lucky nation status of. event [event id] [country tag] [option id]. you need to add the [<Amount>], for the first one add 100 so that you can pass the reform pretty easy, second one might just add 1 and see if it progress to next reform, never done it but these should be commands. The country tag of the country you wish to change the progress of harmonization for. add_trait [ruler trait id] DLC: Rights of Man. insult [country tag] [country tag] [insult id] DLC: Dharma. Optional. This command enables and disables (toggles) smooth frame logging. This command reloads the GUI (HUD elements) of the game. The country tag of the country you wish to add points to all powers for. If not specified, this command will apply to the country you are currently playing as. This command adds a specified amount of doom to a country (of the Nahuatl religion). This involves joining the HRE (Holy. This command creates an admiral with the specified shock, fire, maneuver and siege rating. leader [fire] [shock] [maneuver] [siege] [country tag]. If they are already disabled, running this command will re-enable them. This command removes the wait time required for a enroute diplomats to be appointed (ignores the date check). A number. 15 would be 15 years old. Wait 50 years until they can be inherited, then wait until you . This cheat command kills all court advisors (along with those from the pool) for the country with the specified country tag. See, This command adds the specified idea group to your country, or the specified country tag. Synthetics is an easter egg state that can only be created through this console command. This command adds and removes piety from countries of the Muslim religion. Optional. If those hotkeys aren't working for you, or need more help with using the console, see our console guide. The admiral's Maneuver rating, a number from 0-6. add_backer [province id] DLC: Common Sense. Optional. This command adds the specified amount of fervor to the country with the specified country tag. If not specified, the effect of this command will be applied to the country you are playing as. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands. This cheat command adds the specified amount of administrative power to the country with the specified country tag. armylog.txt), a log of the reevaluation will be saved to this file (which can then be found in your game's installation directory). The amount of absolutism to add to your (or the specified) country. clr_consort_flag [country tag] [flag id] DLC: Rights of Man. This command adds one cardinal to your current nation (provided it is catholic). If specified, this command will apply to the absolutism of the country with the specified tag. add_prosperity [province id] [progress %]. This is a toggle command, it will enable or disable the Trade Company Investment with the specified ID for the specified province. If you do not specify a value here, this will default to 5000. meritocracy [amount] [country tag] DLC: Mandate of Heaven. This debug command prints to the console 'Not Successful'. The country tag of the country you wish to add or remove harmony from. The country tag of the country that you wish to change the devotion of. add_cb [casus belli id] [country tag] [country tag]. See. This command will add the specified amount of army tradition to a specified country tag. This command reloads the game's language files (localisation files located in the 'localisation/' folder). The amount of reform desire you wish to add to your country. Force them into PU when they have no heir or luck into getting a PU. The tag of the country you wish to change the horde unity of. See arguments for ability IDs. This command will make you play as (switch to) the specified country tag. If a province ID is specified, it will be toggled in that province, if not, it will be toggled in all provinces. The ID of the province you wish to change the owner of and also make a core. authority [amount] [country tag] DLC: El Dorado. This command sets the AI's invasion target to the province with the specified ID. This command will start a reformation within the province with the specified province ID. This command can be used to add and remove military power to/from a specified country. Note that they should be of the Reformed religion (as otherwise there is no fervor to add or remove). Optional. The second country tag (optional) is for the the country that is imposing the aggressive expansion. Many codes can be unloaded by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary. change_culture_court [court member id] [culture id]. The ID of the province you wish to win the siege for. If specified, the country with this tag will be the country that assimilates the specified province. Optional. This command removes a country from your country's interest. The name of the newly created galley flagship (i.e. This command prints the current backend being used for graphical rendering. I essence I play Brunswick, and I want to form Hanover and become an elector . This console command starts the estate agenda with the specified ID. This is a debug tool - it is used to test for GPU memory leaks. This console command will run all of the commands within the file with the specified name. The maximum amount is 100. All crash dumps older than the specified amount of days will be deleted. If not specified, the effects of this command will be applied to the country you are currently playing as. This command reloads the specified file. If not specified, the incident will start in your country. This command disables Great Power Frenzy. This command adds the specified amount of sailors to the specified country. If you specify a country tag here, the casus belli will come from this country, rather than the one you are playing as. Otherwise, it will disable it. The ID of the flag you wish to clear from the consort. If not specified, the liberty desire of the country you are currently playing as will be changed. Specify 'open' here to open the specified window, 'close' to close it (no quote marks). If not, it will be your country. The amount of fervor you wish to add. Instant colonization, as you might've guessed, makes colonization instant. And sorry for any gramma mistakes, im a dane. For example, 'commandlistfile.txt'. The threshold for classification of a country as an island. Age of Empires Cheats. The ID of the province you wish to change the base manpower of. See argument information for religion school IDs. The value you wish to set the specified country's devotion to. This console command makes the country with the specified country tag a Tributary state. If the ruler dies before he can complete the agenda, the malus is applied. The amount of money you wish to add to the Curia Treasury. This command makes the province with the specified ID become a backer (in support) of the current issue that is running in parliament. This command will reset the debug timer (after it has been started with the 'timer_start' command). The country tag of the country you wish to add Revolutionary Zeal to. Note that this number will be multiplied by 1000, so a value of 2 here would add 2,000 manpower. The country tag of the country you wish to make a Synthetics state. Optional. Cheat Codes While ingame, hit (the key under ESC for some ppl), ALT+21 on the numpad to access the console. If not specified, the effects of this command will be applied to the country you are currently playing as. The tag of the country you wish for war to be declared upon (the defender). Province tax income is (base tax + local tax income) / 12 * tax income efficiency * (1 - local autonomy). Specify negative numbers to remove imperial authority. Specify a negative number to remove money from the Curia Treasury. Power points are powers like administrative power, military power, diplomatic power, etc for a country. This is a debug command. Grant them electorate. This command will toggle the visibility of the game's GUI - with this option in game things like menus and toolbars will be hidden. The amount of population you wish to add to the specified province. This is a debug command. Specify a negative number to remove points. Developers, modders, and curious players may wish to simulate a crash for debugging purposes. The country tag of the country that the first country is a march of. The value you wish to set the specified province's base manpower to. Negative numbers will decrease absolutism. For example, commands.txt. Specify a negative number to remove natives (-1 would remove 100 natives). Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. The tag of the country you wish to change the amount of favor for (the amount of favor towards your country, that is). The tag of the country that placed the claim upon the previously specified province. This command removes the specified trait from the ruler of the country you are currently playing as. This command can add or remove money (ducats) from your country's (or a specified country's) treasury. If AI war declarations are turned on, using this command will turn them off (default). If a country tag is not specified, the country you are currently playing as will become the controller of the specified province. This console command adds the specified amount of Revolutionary Zeal to the country with the specified country tag. The amount added is equal to the number specified multiplied by 100: an amount of 1 would add 100 natives. The tag of the country that should no longer class the specified province as a core. If not specified, this will default to the country you are currently playing as. A number. Victoria 2 Cheats The amount to set the Chinese Emperor's meritocracy to. If you do not specify a second country tag, aggressive expansion from all nations towards the specified country will be reset. Optional. This command will add 100 Papal Influence to the country with the specified tag. Specify a negative number to decrease a province's prosperity progress. If not specified, the country that you're currently playing as will be affected (provided it is Buddhist). This debug command prints a list of test entities for all nations to the local_temp.log file which can be found at Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\logs. A number. The speed you wish to run the game at, a number between 0 and 5. Negative numbers will remove authority. The leader's Maneuver rating, a number from 0-6. This console command will run the commands within the file with the specified name when the game year hits the specified year. The value you wish to set the specified province's base production to. This cheat command sets the culture of the specified province to the primary culture of the country you are playing as. This command will toggle (enable and disable) yesman mode. This command will make the game attempt to reduce the amount of RAM (memory) it is using. For example, if you entered 1600, when the game hits the year 1600, the commands within the file would be ran. The amount you wish to add to the Republican Tradition value. Note that there can only be one target of a revolution at any given time in EU4. The amount of natives you wish to add to the aforementioned province. This command makes the specified country the game's 'revolution target'. The country tag of the country you wish to log all crownland changes for. country_modifier [country tag] [modifier id].