Of Draupnir born. Yngvar made Egil sit by him, they two sat opposite Skallagrim and Thorolf. From sightless eyes I bear. But when they came where it lay, they put in to land. With helm of terror Of fishful seas That winter the king held court in the north in Throndheim. But as the day wore on, Thorolf had the blast sounded to recall his men down to the shore. And when the feast was ended, Bard went home with his wife, and remained at home through the summer, and Thorolf with him. They explored the land along the sea both inwards and outwards, and they had not gone far before they found Kveldulf's coffin cast up in a creek. Next morning, when day had hardly dawned, the watch were aware that some ships were rowing for them. Hindered stream of song (Speak, ye who list my lay) 'Has anything,' asked Egil, 'been tried for her ailment? I have the king's leave herein to try the law with you in this cause. The Thing was a very full one. Web | Some women saw this, and laughed, saying: 'You are now quite gone, Egil, if you fall when alone.' And they lay in wait fifteen in either place. But as he sat (as was before written), he drew one eye-brow down towards the cheek, the other up to the roots of the hair. This,' said he, 'is the nature of the ground: the road skirts the ridge, close to the foot of which runs the bog, while a rocky brow is above, and the passage lies between these and is no broader than a footpath. So Hing sailed west over the sea to seek Iceland. The heir of Geir and Kettle. King Eric and Gunnhilda sent Eyvind south to Denmark to king Harold Gormsson, for he might not now abide on Norwegian soil. Such cruel wrong, Egil said that he had slain Grim's thralls, also that he had hidden the chests, but where he had hidden them he told no man. Then Steinar turned to regain the bank (for he saw not that Thorstein had ridden by). One night when the weather was calm they went up a large river-mouth, where was bad harbourage, and the ebb of the tide was great. Bjorn at once remembered about him, and he went to meet Skallagrim, and they talked together. But Thorgils and his comrades got conveyance, and went to Kveldulf and his son, and told of the misadventure of their voyage, yet were they well received. King Hakon requested Thorstein to collect tribute in Vrmland or be sentenced to outlawry. So first he warred with the kings nearest to him and conquered them, as is told at length elsewhere. There their wounds were healed. Harald Fairhair dies, and Eirik becomes King of Norway, eliminating two of his brothers who were rivals to the crown. The wind was then somewhat slack, and their voyage slower, but nothing happened till they sailed northwards over the Sogn-sea, having now a good wind and bright weather, and being in merry mood. Aulvir now maketh pale. King Harold then settled down in retirement, being mostly in Rogaland or Hordaland. But the Vermians who had escaped brought news of this to their fellows, who were by the bog. So did I hope to help To guard I better knew: Many lent help to Thorstein in this matter: a meeting was held about it: Thorstein had there many kinsmen of renown. Egil bade some stay outside and watch that none came out. The messengers went back to the earl, and told him the issue of their errand: but when the earl knew that he need not gather men for this cause, then he rode down without any armed force to meet the freebooters. King Harold Fair-hair took for his own all those lands that Kveldulf and Skallagrim had left behind in Norway, and all their other property that he could lay hands on. He and many with him escorted them to the water-side. After that they carried him home to the house, and told Steinar these tidings. Ulf said to his comrades: 'We must now go cunningly to work with them, and so manage that none get away. It is said of shape-strong men, or men with a fit of Berserk fury on them, that while the fit lasted they were so strong that nought could withstand them; but when it passed off, then they were weaker than their wont. ', The king answered: 'Thou, Gunnhilda, more than others provokest me to savageness; yet time was when thou wert on better terms with Thorolf than now. King Olaf fell there, and the greater part of the force which he had had, for of those who turned to fly all who were overtaken were slain. Then smote Egil at Ljot, and the blow came on him above the knee, taking off his leg. "', Armod struck the girl, and bade her hold her tongue: 'You are always,' said he, 'saying what least suits.'. Hafs-brook by old custom marked the boundary; but in spring Steinar's cattle encroached much on Stack-moor, when driven out to Hafs-brook, and Thorstein's house-carles complained of it. Gladdens rovers bold; He then saw that all his people had turned back to the ships. Full oft shall shower of song A great warrior was Arinbjorn, and a victorious. Low stern play shall lay him, Atli the Short was there with some men. He was Scotch on his father's side, but Danish on his mother's side, and came of the family of Ragnar Hairy-breeks. Of high-born chief. Readers trust theseries to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-datetranslations by award-winning translators. But when the appointed day was near at hand that Thorolf should leave home, and the bridesmen were now come, then Egil fell sick, so that he could not go. High-couraged ever In royal hall: Soon dark with bloody stain There in the town king Olaf quartered him, and there he had the greatest part of his force, because there was a wide district around which seemed to him convenient for the bringing in of such provisions as the army needed. But the front line of tents stood so high that it could not be seen over them whether they stood many or few in depth. Then Eyvind jumped up, drew a sword, and thrust at Thorvald, dealing him a wound that was his death. Forthwith on reaching Shetland Bjorn had held his wedding with Thora, and through the winter they stayed at Moss-ey-town. orsteinn, Arinbjorn and Egill made plans to sail to Norway to claim Thorsteinn's share. England was thoroughly Christian in faith, and had long been so, when these things happened. Onund's shield was thus cumbersome. But when day dawned, he was standing on a certain ness. At times in Egill's saga Egill comes across as a brute who often acts quickly and irrationally for no reason. A foe to the gold-drops He was pilot on the king's ship, and steered the same. After this the king went his way, Hildirida's sons giving him honourable escort with gifts at parting, while he promised them his friendship. Brought from Odin's kin, So Skallagrim set up buildings close to the fell, and had a house there; and there he had his sheep kept. King Athelstan therefore gathered him an army, and gave pay to all such as wished to enrich themselves, both foreigners and natives. Wherefore many now were disloyal who had before been faithful subjects. 'Swell'd of swords the sound Grim took Bera in the winter following the summer when Thorolf had parted from him and his father. Skallagrim was very sharp-sighted. Now I wished, Egil, that you should go to the combat with Fridgeir. Skallagrim asked Oleif and all his company to his house for lodging. 'Great will have been the difference,' said Harek, 'and at Torgar the company at the banquet will have been the most numerous. He had a smithy set up some way out from Borg, close by the sea, at a place now called Raufar-ness. Thorgerdr was comely, tall above woman's wont, wise, rather proud-spirited, but in daily life gentle. And when they came to the ridge, there was wood at the foot of it, but above on the rock it was bare. Now it is evident to all that these died for their ill-deeds, and are therefore unatonable, nay, even had they been free men, yet had they been unatonable, no fine could have been claimed for them. The man who had graved the runes for Helga dwelt not far off. Onund also began to draw his sword; but ere it was half drawn Egil pierced him with a thrust. A very fierce battle was there fought. But Armod's wife and daughter leapt up and prayed Egil not to slay Armod. The brothers said that his would be put to the proof, if the king would grant them leave; they had often run great risk against men on whom they had less to avenge, and generally they had won the day. Egill's son Thorsteinn has many feuds with Steinar, son of Onund Sjoni (nundr sjni Anason), over land and cattle grazing. The saddening thought within. With this troop Egil rode to the booth which Thorstein had had roofed, a booth hitherto empty. But it proved disastrous to most to match their force with him. A little way up the country dwelt an earl named Arnfid. He says that Bjorn's daughters were by law both alike his heirs, 'Though methinks,' says Egil, 'Asgerdr will be deemed more nobly born than your wife Gunnhilda. There was then some hard fighting; but the end was that the Frisians fled and the freebooters pursued the fugitives. But her father and mother were overjoyed. I will, if you wish it, change places with you. Archers' strings loud sang, There they got their wounds bound. It would soon be shown if Arinbjorn were here in the land, that we should not endure the overbearing of such a fellow as is Ljot. The life of Egill Skallagrimsson is told in Egills Saga, a work written in the 13 th century. He had a row-boat, on board which went twelve of Thorir's house-carles. But Thorir and the rest went to sacrifice, and a very great multitude was there, and there was much drinking. That same autumn the sons of Atli set on Aulvir Hnuf at his home, and would fain have slain him. 'Thankful I took it, Great Athelstan victorious, Sign up for news about books, authors, and more from Penguin Random House, Visit other sites in the Penguin Random House Network. Then was it said by some that earl Arnvid belike set men of his own to slay the king's men, while he kept the tribute for himself. At Moss-fell were the summer-sheds of the milch kine, and during the Thing-time Thordis was at the sheds. Then Eyvind made him ready for the journey, getting a good and suitable ship. Warriors' wounds were rife, Scathe on our gallant ten. But Aulvir thought one good comrade would not overload them, as there was enough ship-room. Thorstein was having a fence made across Grisar-tongue, between Long-water and Cleave-river; at which many of his men were employed in the spring. Bera was his only child and heiress. He said that all was well, and that Aulvald was in the copse cutting wood. They began to declare their cause, and pleaded it before those who were to judge. Of dark spell full many Gunnhilda is rightful heiress of Bjorn. Aulvir Hnuf was with the king, and often spoke with him about whether he would pay atonement for Thorolf, granting to Kveldulf and Skallagrim money compensation, or such honour as would content them. 'Of father fallen It was told him that Arinbjorn sat at meat. 'Now will I,' said he, 'go seek Eric's sons with such force as will follow me. After this Egil made him ready for combat with Ljot. But when Egil started the question with Thorolf, he said: ''Tis not likely that I shall take you abroad with me; if your father thinks he cannot manage you here in his house, I have no confidence for this, to take you with me to foreign lands; for it will not do to show there such temper as you do here. She was going about the floor of the hall amusing herself. He approached the prince with a gift of a painted warship that Eirik was admiring, on advice of Bjorn (Bjrn Brynjlfsson), Thorir's brother-in-law.[d][e][15]. He had shield and sword. They took their weapons which hung there by them, and at once ran out and up to the wood. Thorgeir was a very rich man, a devoted heathen worshipper, of magic cunning. In thronging crowd They went their way when they were ready. This curse I turn also on the guardian-spirits who dwell in this land, that they may all wander astray, nor reach or find their home till they have driven out of the land king Eric and Gunnhilda.'. But when day dawned, Thorolf's sentries saw the army approaching. ', Then they entered, and Aulvir went up to the king, Skallagrim standing at his back. (O cruel Norns!) But when the Frisians saw that but one man was following, they turned back and attacked him, but he defended himself well, and used the dyke to cover him behind so that they could not attack him on all sides. 'We will go on,' said Egil: 'methinks 'tis no wonder that men have gone through Eida-wood, for it is a public road.' Riches he squanders,