It is because of a mother's love that Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived, and it's because of love that Dumbledore watches over that boy and tries to protect him from his terrible fate. Harry Belafonte with his son, David, and second wife, Julie, in 1958. Minerva had no qualms about displaying her loyalty to Dumbledore. He stated that he wanted to fight Voldemort on his behalf but he "felt like he loved Harry too much to not realise that he should have trusted Harry more". In this school year, Dumbledore sent several seventh-year students to the British Ministry of Magic as a part of a student programme.[99][100]. [105], Harry approached him again after hearing Albus and Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Draco Malfoy, are kidnapped by Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort, where he asked Harry what he was doing and answered Harry's questions. It's unknown whether Credence/Aurelius' mother was on the ship that sank on its way to New York. But watching Harry year after year, he came to love the boy like a son, wanting nothing more than to guide and protect him. [85], He was present at the Start-of-Term Feast, delivering his welcoming speech while also offering a word of caution. There was a reason for this- Harry had to be able to stay with them at least until turning 17, or his mother's sacrificial protection wouldn't have worked. Fearing - like her husband - that the ousting of her daughter's inability to control her magical ability would see her confined indefinitely to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Kendra rebuffed all her neighbours, with the eventual exception of Bathilda Bagshot, preferring to be left alone: and Albus learned not to mention his sister or father in public. The Ending Of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore - Looper It was only years later, around December of 1926 that Dumbledore's patient monitoring of Grindelwald's movements through second-hand accounts paid off; when he heard about the series of magical disturbances that were causing severe devastation throughout the city of New York that risked the exposure of the wizarding world. Later on in the war, Dumbledore was approached by another person who also wanted a job at Hogwarts: Sybill Trelawney, who applied to become the new professor of Divination, a subject Dumbledore disliked and barely considered a part of necessary education for young wizards and witches. Next, he arranged for an underground passage to be made on the school grounds to give Remus an easy and discreet way of accessing the building when necessary and had a Whomping Willow planted over the opening; both to hide it from view, and as a security measure to stop anyone from coming across the future pupil whilst he was dangerous. However, after Grindelwald's defeat and having come to terms with his past guilt over his sister's death, later in his life Dumbledore would see his family whole and intact, free of any pain or suffering. However, in 1981, Pettigrew betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort in his role as their family Secret-Keeper and faked his own death by cutting off his finger in a crowded London street which he blew up with the Blasting Curse in order to frame Sirius Black. Dumbledore also entrusted Snape with protecting the students once Hogwarts fell into Voldemort's control. [46], Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore, and admitted that he, Draco, was behind the series of attacks on Hogwarts students, and that Voldemort had ordered him to kill Dumbledore. This did not, however, discourage the Headmaster from taking a personal interest in Jacob, who was both one of the most rebellious and most talented students at the time. Still, the wizarding war raged beyond the walls of Hogwarts: Shortly before the Potters' deaths, Dumbledore discovered that James's Cloak of Invisibility was, in fact, one of the Deathly Hallows. [101], Albus Dumbledore and colleagues discovering a blood-written message on the wall, Shortly into the school year of 1992, students again fell under attack from a beast allegedly released from the Chamber of Secrets. Indeed, Dumbledore was the only wizard capable of defeating Gellert Grindelwald, and later, even in his extremely advanced age, intimidated and surpassed Lord Voldemort himself. When he's not juggling reading four books at once, you'll probably find him exploring medieval castles around Scotland. Aureliuswas thus born in 1900 or 1901 when Aberforth would have been around 17 years old. Though whilst he was extremely flattered, Dumbledore did not want the role of Supreme Mugwump. Dumbledore could have, at any point, taken Harry away from his abusive aunt and uncle and simply adopted him. During this year, Dumbledore employed his old friend, Alastor Moody, an ex-Auror, as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. He also secured Hagrid's release from Azkaban by having Ron deliver his release papers via owl and cancelled exams as a special treat, much to the delight of the students and the dismay of Hermione Granger. Albus expressed his sadness over Leta's death at Grindelwald's hands. Despite this, after learning of Sirius's innocence, Dumbledore forgave Remus for his supposed betrayal, understanding his Marauder friends only became Animagi to help Remus in his werewolf form and considered it an extraordinary achievement. Most prominent among the students he recruited was Tom Riddle in 1938, who resided at Wool's Orphanage in London. The destination of their journey was Bhutan. She was extremely opposed to his decision to place Harry Potter with his narrow-minded Muggle aunt and uncle, saying that "You couldn't find two people who are less like us. After Voldemort's death and Harry revealing that he was the true master of the Elder Wand, he said to Dumbledore's portrait that he was going to return the wand to his tomb where it would remain until he died and should he be undefeated, he would be the wand's last master which would break its power. Dumbledore displayed his extraordinary magical capabilities as he calmly countered or dodged Voldemort's attacks and returned with his own assault that steadily forced Voldemort to go on the defensive, yet Dumbledore was not fighting to kill, a fact which surprised Voldemort. The Headmaster came to know this identity of Chiara, and extended her the same offer he had done Remus Lupin years before. He maintained close contact with these friends in the form of enchanted books they all possessed which allowed them to speak despite the distance. Fenrir Greyback was a savage werewolf who seemed to have had dealings with Dumbledore in the past, as Dumbledore was shocked that he, of all people, had come to Hogwarts the night that the Death Eaters entered the Astronomy Tower. After Harry had received his letter from Rubeus Hagrid, Vernon had denounced Dumbledore as a "crackpot old fool" and refused to pay for Harry's school funds. [62], At the end-of-year feast, Dumbledore awarded an extra 170 house points to Gryffindor students, Harry Potter (60), Ron Weasley (50), Hermione Granger (50) and Neville Longbottom (10), respectively for bravery and logical skills, prompting Gryffindor to win the House Cup, ruining Slytherin's chance of the cup for the seventh year in a row. Although Harry does not use the Resurrection Stone to summon his old headmaster, it is Dumbledore who welcomes Harry during his most important visit to Kings Cross station, to guide Harry and comfort him. It is very likely that he also had a good relationship with Charlie. Dumbledore was also disturbed by the fact that Tom was a Parselmouth, a rare ability supposedly connected with the Dark Arts, although not as much as the fact that Tom had obvious instincts for cruelty, secrecy and domination which was proved by the fact that Tom had used his magic to hurt the other children in the orphanage. [28], Severus Snape, a trusted ally, colleague, and former student. Harry and Dumbledore took brooms from behind Madam Rosmerta's bar and flew to the Astronomy Tower. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledorefinally addressed the Credence/Aurelius Dumbledore (Ezra Miller) twist, confirming Aurelius to be Aberforth's (Richard Coyle) long-lost son. Dumbledore tells Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) that in 1899, during the same summer that Albus fell in love with Grindelwald, Aberforth also fell in love with a woman from Godric's Hollow. Dumbledore also revealed to Newt the location of the mysterious German wizarding prison, Erkstag, where Theseus was being imprisoned. [35], Travers putting Dumbledore into Admonitors during interrogation, The rumours of Newt's potential travel to France reached the British Ministry of Magic, and a delegation of Aurors, including Newt's brother Theseus Scamander and Torquil Travers, was sent to Hogwarts Castle to question Dumbledore. Regardless, Dumbledore didn't seem to resent her too much for having ruthlessly tortured Merula Snyde, as although he considered it a major priority to neutralise her, Dumbledore openly suggested against Merula Snyde being too focused to kill her. As he had promised, Dumbledore allowed Harry Potter to accompany him to the cave and help destroy the Horcrux. Despite public appearances, Dumbledore thought Karkaroff was a coward. He believed that lying to Harry was the only way to get him to do the right thing when the moment forHarry to die arrived. Dumbledore looked at his deeds, at his flaws, and he had the wisdom to confront and overcome them; he fought the greatest nemesis there was: himself. [67], Having been informed of Jacob's subsequent confession that he had pressured his friend into making the potion as part of their bid for the vaults,[66] Dumbledore had no other choice but to expel him from the school. Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year! They had a baby boy together, but the woman was sent away before she gave birth, and Aberforth never got to be a father. @CHT64 It's odd that no other student ever reported Snape to Dumbledore. Harry Belafonte, the singer . However, when Snape discovered that he had been used as a pawn in Harry's own destruction, he was horrified, seeing it as a calculated betrayal of Lily's memory. Dumbledore was also seen using the Deluminator, a device for removing and later returning light, and for use as a homing device. But I wanted you to question Dumbledore. Also, Voldemorts still trying to kill him. Dumbledore has been known to be quite philosophical; often, very few people have the understanding (or patience) to comprehend his philosophies. It is implied that Snape withheld little, if any, information from Dumbledore that was relevant to the Order's success, while Snape deliberately did the opposite for Voldemort. He was troubled at some of the rumours about Tom, these were true of course. Dumbledore was highly perceptive and psychologically canny; his knowledge of people's true personality went beyond being simply a good judge of character. According to Rowling in 2018, we will learn more about Grindelwald's and Dumbledore's past in the upcoming films. Furthermore, he also realizes the phoenix is staying by his side because he is dying as a result of his Obscurus curse. Dumbledore instantly believed Harry and his friends about Sirius's innocence, but the Minister did not. Dumbledore typically chose to withhold the truth from Harry over outright lying to his favorite student, but when Harry asked Albus what he saw in the Mirror of Erised, Dumbledore gave him a completely dishonest answer.