However, for average daily maximum temperature, the summers of the 1930s and 1950s and the falls of the 1930s were warmer on average. 5: Vector-borne diseases . Sweet, W. V., R. E. Kopp, C. P. Weaver, J. Obeysekera, R. M. Horton, E. R. Thieler, and C. Zervas, 2017: Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States. In the future, this flooding is projected to become more serious, disruptive, and costly as its frequency, depth, and inland extent grow with time (Ch. Businesses locate where they can maximize profit, which often depends on regional uniqueness and comparative advantage. Hall, R. Horton, K. Knuuti, R. Moss, J. Obeysekera, A. Sallenger, and J. Weiss, 2012: Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment. CISA, 2016: The South Carolina Floods of October 2015. Gen. Tech. Simmons, K. M., J. Czajkowski, and J. Gonzalez, C. G., A. Kaswan, R. Verchick, Y. Huang, N. Jamhour, and S. Bowen, 2016: Climate Change, Resilience, and Fairness: How Nonstructural Adaptation Can Protect and Empower Socially Vulnerable Communities on the Gulf Coast. Sixty-one percent of major Southeast cities are exhibiting some aspects of worsening heat waves, which is a higher percentage than any other region of the country.12 The urban heat island effect (cities that are warmer than surrounding rural areas, especially at night) adds to the impact of heat waves in cities (Ch. Wiki User 2013-09-30 17:32:25 This answer is: Study guides Jobs 19 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005: Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Synthesis. Maldonado, J. K., and K. Peterson, 2018: A community-based model for resettlement: Lessons from coastal Louisiana . A. Bell, M. L., R. Goldberg, C. Hogrefe, P. L. Kinney, K. Knowlton, B. Lynn, J. Rosenthal, C. Rosenzweig, and J. There is high confidence that increases in temperature are very likely to increase heat-related illness, deaths, and loss of labor productivity without greater adaptation efforts. Avery, M. L., R. M. Engeman, K. L. Keacher, J. S. Humphrey, W. E. Bruce, T. C. Mathies, and R. E. Mauldin, 2010: Cold weather and the potential range of invasive Burmese pythons. ), competing schools of thought, Inconclusive evidence (limited sources, extrapolations, inconsistent findings, poor documentation and/or methods not tested, etc. Center for Progressive Reform, Washington, DC, 43 pp. Gabler, C. A., M. J. Osland, J. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, MA, 167 pp. Rehage, J. S., J. R. Blanchard, R. E. Boucek, J. J. Lorenz, and M. Robinson, 2016: Knocking back invasions: Variable resistance and resilience to multiple cold spells in native vs. nonnative fishes. Osland, M. J., N. Enwright, R. H. Day, and T. W. Doyle, 2013: Winter climate change and coastal wetland foundation species: Salt marshes vs. mangrove forests in the southeastern United States. Tampa Bay Water, 2014: Tampa Bay Water Hosts Florida Water and Climate Alliance Workshop. Howell, B. J., 2002: Appalachian culture and environmental planning: Expanding the role of cultural sciences. Infrastructure, particularly roads, bridges, coastal properties, and urban drainage, is vulnerable to climate change and climate-related events (see Key Message 2) (see also Ch. USGS Professional Paper 1815. Oswalt, S. N., W. B. Smith, P. D. Miles, and S. A. Pugh, 2014: Forest Resources of the United States, 2012: A technical document supporting the Forest Service 2010 update of the RPA Assessment. McEwan, R. W., J. M. Dyer, and N. Pederson, 2011: Multiple interacting ecosystem drivers: Toward an encompassing hypothesis of oak forest dynamics across eastern North America. Luedeling, E., E. H. Girvetz, M. A. Semenov, and P. H. Brown, 2011: Climate change affects winter chill for temperate fruit and nut trees. Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA), Las Vegas, NV, 6 pp. Sweet, W. V., and J. J. Marra, 2016: 2015 State of U.S. Nuisance Tidal Flooding. Lewis, C., 2012: The case of the wild onions: The impact of ramps on Cherokee rights. Neubauer, S. C., 2013: Ecosystem responses of a tidal freshwater marsh experiencing saltwater intrusion and altered hydrology. Attaway, J. U.S. Department of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, Alexandria VA, 224 pp. Reuters Investigates. Tampa Bay Water, the largest wholesale water utility in the Southeast, is coordinating with groups including the Florida Water and Climate Alliance to study the impact of climate change on its ability to provide clean water in the future.46,47 Spartanburg Water, in South Carolina, is reinforcing the ability of the utility to cope with, and recover from disruption, trends and variability in order to maintain services.48 Similarly, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which provides drinking and wastewater services, assessed flooding and sea level rise threats to their water infrastructure and developed potential adaptation measures.49 The development of green water infrastructure (using natural hydrologic features to manage water and provide environmental and community benefits), such as the strategies promoted in the City of Atlanta Climate Action Plan, is one way to adapt to future water management needs. Of the $50 billion, approximately $30$35 billion accounts for wind and flood damage to a combination of residential and commercial properties, automobiles, and boatswith 80%90% of this cost felt in Florida. Grace, C. L. Stagg, R. H. Day, S. B. Hartley, N. M. Enwright, A. S. From, M. L. McCoy, and J. L. McLeod, 2017: Macroclimatic change expected to transform coastal wetland ecosystems this century. Sweet, W. V., J. J. Marra, and GregoryDusek, 2017: 2016StateofU.S.HighTideFloodinganda2017Outlook. 2: Climate, Figure 2.4). 2012-08-21 23:20:25. Pan, Z., R. W. Arritt, E. S. Takle, W. J. Gutowski Jr., C. J. Anderson, and M. Segal, 2004: Altered hydrologic feedback in a warming climate introduces a warming hole.. Warming ocean temperatures due to climate change are expected to have a large effect on marine and coastal ecosystems (Ch. Cities such as Charleston and Miami have already begun to improve storm water infrastructure and explore natural and nature-based infrastructure design to reduce future flood risk. Today, even rural residents who engage in farming earn most of their incomes from off-farm employment. Much larger changes are simulated by the late 21st century under the higher scenario (RCP8.5), which most closely tracks with our current consumption of fossil fuels. For example, in South Florida, the Burmese python and the Brazilian pepper tree are two freeze-sensitive, nonnative species that have, respectively, decimated mammal populations and transformed native plant communities within Everglades National Park.180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188 In the future, warmer winter temperatures are expected to facilitate the northward movement of these problematic invasive species, which would transform natural systems north of their current distribution. Lafayette, LA. The Northeast Coastal non-metropolitan area includes Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Dare, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Northampton, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, Warren, and Washington counties. Copyright & Legal Disclaimer, Web Design & Development by Upward Brand Interactions. Brown, W. J. Sydeman, W. Kiessling, D. S. Schoeman, P. J. Moore, K. Brander, J. F. Bruno, L. B. Buckley, M. T. Burrows, C. M. Duarte, B. S. Halpern, J. Many indicators of vulnerability are dynamic, so that adaptation and other changes can affect the patterns of vulnerability to heat and other climate stressors over time. Pye, S., A. Dobbins, C. Baffert, Brajkovi, J. , urica, I. Grgurev, vana, R. De Miglio, occo, and P. Deane, 2015: Energy poverty and vulnerable consumers in the energy sector across the EU: Analysis of policies and measures. Mitchell, R. J., Y. Liu, J. J. O'Brien, K. J. Elliott, G. Starr, C. F. Miniat, and J. K. Hiers, 2014: Future climate and fire interactions in the southeastern region of the United States. The prolonged inundation and lack of oxygen that results from extreme rainfall can also result in mortality, such as the dieback of critical foundation plant species, and other large impacts to natural systems.233 In combination, future increases in the frequency and severity of both extreme drought and extreme rainfall are expected to transform many ecosystems in the Southeast region. The Georgia Piedmont lies between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Upper Coastal Plain. The Southeast has more days with stagnant air masses than other regions of the country (40% of summer days) and higher levels of fine (small) particulate matter (PM2.5), which cause heart and lung disease.37 There is mixed evidence on the future health impacts of these pollutants. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Atmospheric Programs, Washington, DC, 93 pp. Area > 290.00 km2 (111.97 sq mi) Population > 32,215 (2015 Census) Terrain > Mountainous with narrow Coastal Plain Industries > Agriculture, Trading, Tourism Major Products > Rice, Corn, Fish, Coconut, Vegetables, Pineapple, Poultry, Handicraft, Home-made Food Items People/Language > Tagalog, Bicolano, English 2017,103 Box 9.1). Plains generally have fertile soil and are attractive to settlement as they are easy to reach, provide good roadbuilding, and have good farmland. NOAA National Weather Service (NWS), Tallahassee, FL. There are limited studies documenting direct connections between climate changes and economic impacts. 8: Coastal, KM 1). Risky Business Project, New York, 109 pp. Diem, J. E., C. E. Stauber, and R. Rothenberg, 2017: Heat in the southeastern United States: Characteristics, trends, and potential health impact. ERS, 2018: Rural Poverty & Well-Being: Geography of Poverty. While the hurricane directly damaged portions of the Southeast, the impacts could be felt around the country in the form of business interruptions (such as tourism), transportation and infrastructure damages (such as ports, roadways, and airports), increases in fuel costs, and $2.5 billion (in 2018 dollars) in total estimated crop losses,109 which had the potential to impact the cost of food and other products for all Americans. Recent changes in seasonal temperatures that are critical for plant development will continue to impact regionally important crops. EPA 430-R-15-001. Gregg, R. M., W. A. Reynier, A. Much of the Southeast regions coast is bordered by large expanses of salt marsh and barrier islands. The city has responded by making physical modifications, developing a more robust disaster response plan, and improving planning and monitoring prior to flood events. The plant hardiness zones are reflective of the frequency and intensity of winter air temperature extremes in a specific region. Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA, 64 pp. Climate trends and possible climate futures show patterns that are already impactingand are projected to further impactrural sectors, from agriculture and forestry to human health and labor productivity. Notaro, M., M. Schummer, Y. Zhong, S. Vavrus, L. Van Den Elsen, J. Coluccy, and C. Hoving, 2016: Projected influences of changes in weather severity on autumn-winter distributions of dabbling ducks in the Mississippi and Atlantic flyways during the twenty-first century. Since 1990, Mesa color solutions have been delivered with responsiveness and flexibility helping customers meet their end-use requirements with quick turnaround on large or small orders. As a result, the ecological resources that people depend on for livelihood, protection, and well-being are increasingly at risk, and future generations can expect to experience and interact with natural systems that are much different than those that we see today (very likely, high confidence).