Covering KS3, GCSE and A-Level, we provide the most comprehensive GCSE and A-Level revision tools to pass your exams. What is the impact of humans on the savanna? Now and again, along concordant coasts, they occur when a much-jointed area of a precipice, for example, experiences a line of weakness or fault due to exposure. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. As the bay develops, wave refraction around the headlands begins to occur, increasing erosion of the headlands but reducing the erosion and development of the bay due to a loss of wave energy. Weak tidal flows and a small tidal range will decide the shape and degree of stream deltas just as the size of seashore profiles. there is little or no debris at the base because it is broken up by attrition and transported offshore or along the coast. There are two main types of cliff profile: Steep, unvegetated cliffs produced where marine erosion dominates there is little or no debris at the base because it is broken up by attrition and transported offshore or along the coast. What are the impacts of industry on the physical environment? A cliff profile is a cross section of the cliff from mean low water mark to the top of the cliff. Influence on the Natural Greenhouse Effect. The larger the fetch, the longer the time the wind has to affect the waves, resulting in larger waves. A tectonic feature of sedimentary rocks meaning the angle of rock strata in relation to the horizontal, Vertical or near vertical profile with notches reflecting strata that are more easily eroded, Sloping low angle profile with one rock layer facing the sea; vulnerable to rock slides down the dip slope, Profile may exceed 90 producing areas of overhanging rock; very vulnerable to rock falls, Steep profiles on 70-80 and producing a very stable cliff with reduced rock falls. What factors influence the effects and response to tectonic activity? Sub-aerial processes allude to the processes of weathering and mass movement. John Wiley & Sons. The Holderness Coast is located on the east coast of England. They generally differ in their angle of slope because of their rock structure and geology, but the processes involved in their formation are the same. Soft rocks (e.g., Limestone) are more susceptible to weathering & erosion so a coastline made of chalk (e.g., Dorset) will change relatively quickly. They result from the interaction of a number of processes: Rocks tend to form in layers of different rock types known as beds. Profile may exceed 90 degrees producing areas of overhanging rock; very vulnerable to rock falls. What are shanty town improvement schemes? A beach profile shows the cross-sectional shape of a beach, usually from the edge of the sea to the base of the cliff. this is a type of mass movement. The coast is the narrow zone between the land and the sea. Why is the Human Development Index important? produce cliff profiles and micro features such as caves and arches. Each coast is unique in its location and set of functions. Because the soft rock is exposed, it is eroded faster than the hard rock. mv"$9ezZ6Fm2f\M 1 Vegetation can protect the cliff face but its roots can also grow into cracks and widen them. Use the images below to explore related GeoTopics. As the notch becomes larger, the cliff becomes unstable and collapses as a result of gravity. Wave cut platforms have a significant impact on the ability of waves to erode the base of the cliff. Subaerial processes include weathering and mass movement. chalk, limestone) erode more slowly. In these cases, the bedding planes are tilted away, causing a gravitational pull on the rock. In this case, Portland limestone has been eroded at several points, allowing the underlying sandstone mud to easily erode into a cove. Bedding plane layers of sediment represent layers that formed between depositional events. Coastal geomorphology: An introduction. Edexcel GCSE Geography Past Papers Irrespective of whether the coastline is concordant or discordant, as wave refraction takes place around the headlands and erosion of the bay is reduced, sub-aerial weathering such as corrosion and corrasion begins to weather the bay, furthering its development. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. As a consequence of cliff retreat another landform. Depending on the relative position of the weaker rock in composite cliffs determines the different landforms that are created. When overlying rock is removed, underlying strata expand and stretch, creating unloading joints parallel to the surface. Geography: Landscape systems, processes and change (NEW). Concordant coasts have alternating layers of hard and soft rock that run parallel to the coast. The Holderness Coastline is one of Europe's fastest eroding at an average annual rate of around 2 metres per year. How is urban planning improving the quality of life for the urban poor in Rio de Janeiro? What is the impact of humans on the desert? The soft rock is less resistant than the hard rock so it is eroded faster. It leads to the formation of many landforms and, combined with deposition, plays an important role in shaping the coastline. What challenges are associated with the growth of Rio? Solution: Weak acids present in ocean water can dissolve certain types of rock, such as chalk or limestone. The angle the beds dip at affects how they are eroded and the profile of the resulting cliffs. A tectonic feature of sedimentary rocks meaning the angle of rock strata in relation to the horizontal What is a horizontal dip? For example, this could be a joint in chalk. SQ*> %FY%WnVH5Zn* 5pTm4`CE(ftB\v[Av+ 6F l Firstly, marine processes erode and undermine the base of the cliff. k|CN2[>u6/9v}^}_iq>D\"q|}&~=:7";Zn>v6GvAtl|XHAeMcb9) @s"&H:X07]M3=Mi What is the structure of the Temperate Deciduous Woodland? What does scenery formed by erosion look like? Often produce straighter coastlines. Discordant (rock type runs perpendicular to the sea). w=nRTlnV2nbV1nb+an2(V11V21). What are the economic and environmental issues of energy production? The ice applies pressure and breaks the stone. 3 Q What type of feature is a dip? Split the line into sections where the slope angle changes. As the stream flows down the cliff, fluvial erosion (surface run off erosion(will attack the saturated permeable bed and lower impermeable stratum, reducing the angle of the cliff profile. What are the effects of economic development in Nigeria on quality of life? Cliff Profiles & Bedding Layers Rocks tend to form in layers of different rock types known as beds. Melting of ice sheets + caps meant wave energy actions occur higher up the shore and cliff and beach profiles adjust as a result. The material from the collapsed cliff face is eroded and transported away. Abrasion: Pieces of rock and sand in waves are thrown against the cliff face. Boulder clay is structurally weak, and has little resistance to erosion. Natural weathering is brought about by the underlying foundations of vegetation and settling birds. The neap tide delivers a low tidal range, in that the higher tide is lower than usual and the low tide more elevated. In igneous rocks, cooling joints form when magma contracts as it looses heat. What challenges have been caused by urban growth in Mumbai? Limestone Case Study Malham, The Yorkshire Dales. Headlands and bays, such as Swanage Bay, form on discordant coastlines, where hard and soft rock run in layers at 90 to the water. A wave-cut notch is created by erosional processes such . Attrition: Waves crush rocks and stones on the shore against each other, causing them to break and become smaller and smoother. h|lQ%2~pjW|TvmO67&Z[~[+Qv,up=L6 3l}qXqX"p j3&+n&S0n&Mc&z^c+Tk+vQVjVH>0smNc@1k 4 Rock falls are a very sudden type of mass movement. These coasts are drift-aligned and associated with the longshore transportation of sediment. The weight of the saturated clay causes the material to slump along the slip plane. The size of fetch and type of wave are crucial factors affecting the rate of erosion. The bay in front of the town was dredged resulting in the beach all but disappearing over a year. Weathering also plays a role in the rate of erosion by creating weaknesses in rocks that are exploited by the processes of erosion. Need revision notes and resources for other subjects? The Oxford Dictionary of Geology & Earth Sciences defines carbonation (the method of corrosion described) as a form of weathering but I disagree and think that, in the case of coastal systems, it is a form of erosion. The cliffs vary in height, steepness and shape according to the geology of the area. In the tropics, low wave energy levels and high rates of chemical weathering produce low gradient casts. Where there is limited vegetation to bind the soil together and the ground is very saturated heavy rain can produce sheet flow over the upper cliff surface. GCSE CCEA Coastal landforms Coastal landforms can be either erosional or depositional. A The resistance to erosion of the rock. Reduces friction between grains in unconsolidated material. The counterargument is that the water the material is dissolved into moves, removing the material. Rock types, such as limestone and granite, and structure (jointing and bedding) control the cliff profile. "Coastal Systems and Processes". Opportunities and Challenges in the Sahara Desert, Opportunities and Challenges in the Thar Desert, Opportunities and Challenges in the Western Desert. More resistant (hard) rock forms steep cliffs. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Where the coasts has the same type of rock along its length fewer bays and headlands are formed as the rate of erosion tends to be similar. How does geology affect the formation of river landforms? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". How is a cold environment interdependent? Clays, mudstones, and most igneous and metamorphic rocks are impermeable. Where are Temperate Deciduous Woodlands Located? This is because the waves have further to travel in very shallow water as the platform grows. For example: If less resistant, weak rock is at the base of the cliff, undercutting and collapse may occur. The sea attacks a weakness in the base of the cliff. What is the value of the tropical rainforest? At nearby Lulworth Cove, bays and coves can appear on concordant coasts when weak points in the resistant rock occur. Often produce headlands and bays. Which landforms result from moving or melting ice? Sub-aerial processes include weathering and mass movement. They represent weaknesses erosion can exploit, Coastal Landscapes and change Enquiry Questio, A-level geography Edexcel - Coastal landscape, The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity - Edexce, Edexcel geography A-level The water cycle and, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology, Dennis G. Tasa, Frederick K. Lutgens, Tarbuck, Chapter 12 - Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanism, HEES: Week 1-Weathering, Soil, Mass Movements. The rapid removal of debris by high energy waves prevents the build up of material at the base,. A Rock type and resistance to erosion Presence of lines of weakness Coastal structure Computer Science Mass movement alludes to the development of material downslope affected by gravity. Where are polar and tundra environments located? The cliff profile will have a significant impact on the rates of erosion. It does not store any personal data. This all takes place within a small segment of the land/ocean interface known as . Tides are brought about by the gravitational draw of the moon and, to a lesser degree, the sun. Marine Erosion Processes And Erosional Coastal Landforms. When the roof of the arch collapses a stack is formed(see image below). Tunisia Case Study. Faults are major features in rocks produced by tectonic forces and involve displacement of rocks on either side of the fault line. They can be quick occasions, for example, avalanches and rockfalls or they can be moderate processes, soil creeps. High energy coasts Waves are powerful (for a significant part of the year) The rate of erosion exceeds the rate of deposition By hydraulic action and abrasion, and the other processes of coast erosion, the base of the cliff is undercut to form a wave-cut notch. Small seas with small fetch create constructive waves. A cliff is a vertical, near vertical or sloping wall of rock or sediment that borders the sea. Define cliff profiles A the shape of a cliff cross-section is known as the profile they owe their form to geology, sub-aerial processes and wave energy along a given stretch of coastline 2 Q What do variations in cliff profiles reflect? This means that the bathymetry (the underwater elevation) of the ocean or sea bed also impacts the strength of waves. Waves and tides play a role in the transportation of this broken-down material to other areas, and deposition refers to the process where waves and tides lose energy and no longer carry the disintegrated material. History What controls the location of micro-features found within cliffs? Beds that dip seaward produce gentler cliffs but are less stable because loose material can slide down the bedding planes in mass movements. The video below shows chalk bedding planes (layers) with joints (vertical cracks) in the chalk cliffs at Flamborough. As the cliff collapses a layer of flat rock is left behind called awave cut platform. This leaves a wave-cut platform. A progressively regular kind of mechanical weathering found at coasts is salt crystallization. Whereas, cliffs composed of weaker rock strength experience cliff retreat more rapidly. The dip of rock strata in relation to the coastline. Where do you want to go now? Hallsands, in Devon, UK, was destroyed as a result of a dredging operation carried out in the early 1900s. How does food insecurity affect the environment? There is a range of landforms of erosion found along the coast. Fetch This is how far the waves have travelled. These beds are subjected to tectonic forces that tilt and deform them so they dip at an angle. They are typically made up of bedding planes (layers) with joints (vertical cracks). What are the effects of deforestation in the Amazon? Cliff profiles are influenced by geology. gas (Equation 5.425.425.42 ) from an initial volume V1V_1V1 to a final volume V2V_2V2 is given by, w=nRTlnV1nbV2nb+an2(1V11V2)w=n R T \ln \frac{V_1-n b}{V_2-n b}+a n^2\left(\frac{1}{V_1}-\frac{1}{V_2}\right) The site is self-funded and your support is really appreciated. Distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, Effects of earthquakes and volcanoes on people and the environment, Reducing the impacts of earthquakes and volcanoes, Population and settlement iGCSE Geography, The main causes of a change in population size, A country with a rate of high population growth China, A country which is over-populated Bangladesh, A country which is under-populated Australia, A country with a low rate of population growth or decline Japan. A concordant coastline. The load is not visible. Faults, joints, fissures and folded rocks, Major fractures in rocks produced by tectonic forces and involve displacement of rocks on either side of the fault line, Small scale coastal features such as caves and wave-cut notches which form part of a cliff profile. This creates acove, a circular area of water with a relatively narrow entrance from the sea. Although you may be able to measure the height and depth of a wave-cut notch (if present), do not attempt to climb cliffs directly f[/1.9(h(u(-6$=Bm--ZX]lFo-=`Tnx0M~]5 i5&m5KSd5nTA$h An example of a wave-cut notch is shown in the video below. How have animals adapted to the rainforest environment? Wave action and weathering create a notch at the high water mark. Weaker rocks (e.g. Geography Revision. Horizontal beds produce steep cliffs with notches where differential erosion has taken place. If the rocks occur in layers, the dip of the rock also helps control steepness and form. Bedding planes and joints in the chalk cliffs at Flamborough. The cliffs vary in height, steepness and shape according to the geology of the area.