They hate it and they repent of it. I was finally out of my room and able to get out again. However, suppose we allow our thoughts to slip into blasphemous thoughts. Caving in is a sign of exhaustion, not agreement. 1. You are definitely in the right place. Such is the case with intrusive thoughts. There are a lot of reasons people might be motivated to seek God. But there comes a problem? Please take a look at the video, as I think it will be very helpful for you. Yes, these unwanted thoughts can come with all kinds of emotionsanger, anxiety, fear, passivity, numbness, and self-loathing. However, if you still love God, then there's no way you actually blasphemed The Holy Spirt because the Bible says that once a person does that, they'll never have forgiveness. But we ought to be humble and admit that there is a lot we dont know. Scrupulosity isnt a sin. Its beauty is there for all to find! There was no denying the power of God was on display. If that makes sense and always have felt it. I had a nightmare where I thought I might have spoke out a blasphemous thought in my sleep. Sorry about that. I would caution you against listening to random individuals who claim to have the gift of prophecy. This article has been such a relief to me. I really wish to divine encounter with God Almighty. Blasphemous thoughts, unwanted though they may be, seem to carry a power strong enough to snatch us out of Gods hand even though Jesus declared there is nothing powerful enough to do that. To make it worse, these thoughts wont go away. I know that either way, I know that I dont mean them either way. Nada. And so he perished. Its the worst case ive ever seen. Thank you soooo much for that article on intrusive thoughts because God knows I needed more information and intel on these thoughts that keep bothering me. We are here for you. I have this phrase that goes on in my mind in nicer words screw the Lord. He wants you to be free, just as much as he wants healing for broken legs, cancer, and depression. I worry so much that anxiety will kick in and my headache will start. I said the sinner's prayer when I was 22 while in AA at the time. I dont want to commit the unforgivable sin. Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and say to them, Thus says the LordGod: In this too your fathers haveblasphemed Me, by being unfaithful to Me. I think I've been backsliding, and since unwanted intrusive thoughts started things got much worse. It is hard for me to share these things, but I really do desire to be set free. Take the test HERE! I definitely saved this site for future reads! I know that at many times the thoughts really seem purposeful and are not, but technically I think it was voluntary. Blasphemy can be a type of spiritual treason, where you place yourself on the throne and declare yourself God. I never saw her again. We all want to think of God without conflicting thoughts. And i kinda feel gulilt and regret that i said that He becamed more fake.. and i also think that He leaved me in 2017. And I've been praying for the Spirit to give me anything (such as a fear of condemnation so I can go running back to my saviour or just some love towards God, so I can know that I didn't commit the unpardonable sin), but I know that's not how it works and I keep on feeling nothing. I found it hard to be at peace with God or with anyone else when these thoughts would enter my mind. No. I thank God that I found this article. The bravest thing we can do when we recognize we need help is to reach out. The way to deal with this is to not analyze the thought and treat it with indifference. Think hard and try to isolate this feeling. We are. I wish all of the nonsense would just go away. Unwanted blasphemous thoughts also fit into this category. You don't want these thoughts, and you don't like them. Hi, Rod, I have a video about why we sometimes feel that we have given in to blasphemous thoughts. Thank you! Let me remind you that before the idea even entered your mind, Christ was trying to get close to YOU. I know that this isnt actually blaspheming the Holy Spirit as it is not a foreign or passive thought, it has to be the most deliberate and clear conscious action. You see, we want to acknowledge them, because otherwise we will get into avoidance tactics. Working through these kinds of questions can help you find unbiblical assumptions that fuel the OCD patterns. I was still getting this here and there recently, then I was prayed over at church recently and then I ran across this article. I have studied Jesus' words very carefully, and it simply means this: To deny the Holy Spirit's witness to Jesus. I have felt like I was a screw up. They bullied. I want to give my life to Jesus. The answer is pretty simple: If we blaspheme thoughts about God, then theres an equal chance of these sinful thoughts being rooted in actual unbelief and potential sinning as true faith and obedience. Selah I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. If all will be saved, then the scary verses must not be true. Remember that Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. I'm dealing better with it these days. I drifted in and out of the church for a number of years and had a sexual relationship during that time, which I quickly ended when I remembered the Hebrews verses. worshipping Satan or being possessed by a demon, there is nothing powerful enough to do that, disorders that can cause intrusive thoughts, meet, greet, label and eat our intrusive thoughts, willful, desperate pseudo-agreement with our blasphemous thoughts, God Hates Me: Uncovering the Hidden Root of Scrupulosity, why we sometimes feel that we have given in to blasphemous thoughts, Most spiritually inclined people are deeply enmeshed in a religious community. The Bible has several verses that speak about blasphemy as royal disrespect. But again, remember that we are speaking of purposeful and willful blasphemy. People with OCD often have an untrustworthy picture of God and this fuels their need to meticulously control their environment and thought life. I recommend praying very simply to say, Im sorry, I feel bad that I laughed at a bad joke. However, there are also passages where we are warned about what brings sin into our hearts and where we have been commanded to ask for forgiveness. Thank you for describing your struggle Im sure there are dozens of other readers who would resonate completely with your story. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ive been really struggling with this issue recently. But after going through a series of severe difficulties, I finally cracked. So I was laying in bed trying to sleep and this demon put a partial thought into my brain about the Holy Spirit which I finished, most likely due to OCD about always finishing partial thoughts (this has been one source of many of my bad thoughts). God still loves you and He understands what youre going through. Be encourgaged. Just check and make sure you choose one that is private so that your blasphemous thoughts dont accidentally appear on your friends feeds!! I stuffed it down and thought it would be unholy to express in prayer. I fell to my knees and poured out my bitterness in prayer. But by all means, they had to stop their ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit! Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name,His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. I pray that some day I'll be able to helps others. Thank you.. Hey Ken, I'll be praying for you. After listening to his videos and reading his books my life has never been the same. This is what the scribes assumed when they heard Jesus claiming to forgive sins. Hi, Abraham, I definitely recommend taking the time to read through this entire article for helpful tips. Hi Liz, This is a fascinating question, which I admit I dont have a snazzy scientific answer for at this point. He will never lose no matter what and even the peoples failures in the Bible such as King David, Paul and even Jacob has brought people hope. I told them I wasn't ready yet they said no you are ready. There are a few verses we can use to understand this phenomenon and help you reduce your fears. Since that point, I started to get thoughts I would always say aren't mine. And he felt bad as did I and I am really scared that I committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit because I smiled/laughed at the joke. It ministered to my soul. What most people dont know is that honeybees can only sting once and then they die. The fear was debilitating and it was the main reason I fell into a depression. To make story short I ended up in the hospital for some time and had decided that because my believe of god has always been strong I will let myself be admitted to hospital because he will rescue me and he did. Now we know in part, says the Apostle Paul in1 Corinthians 13:12, but we dont know in totality. The Bible says Jesus is the truth and the way and the life there are a million verses about truth. It was breaking my heart. It is impossible to live like this. She just had a major breakthrough in knowing how to deal with the intrusive thoughts and ruminations. I want God to love me. I hope you don't mind me replying to your comment. Seeking companionship/love isn't wrong but the way we go about it sometimes is. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Since then Ive become a threat and the enemy is trying to dim my light. God doesnt even have to try hard to understand our thoughts. In this guide, we'll cover everything you ever wanted to know about these intrusive thoughts, such as: You are a devoted follower of God. But this doesn't mean that it's okay to insult God and Christ. Doubt can be a powerful tool in God's hand to convict you of greater truth. He told Eve she would be better off as the parent rather than as the child. The Bible clearly says the Just shall live by Faith (not feelings) Hebrews 10:38. They only feel that way. I have a lot of questions lol but I think that these questions for you personally is a good start in talking to somebody. This is why He had to die Himself for us. So yes that particular one is less common but is part of the mix. Strange, intrusive thoughts about God or the Holy Spirit are dangerous thoughts because we feel they could cause us to lose our relationship with God or even our eternal life. Nice job, Keep it up! Im not the best with talking about feelings and usually I keep them bottled up so I dont know how to process through this and every time I see something in instagram about it or like with verse that talks people knowing God in their hear and not in their heart I get more anxiety because I feel like thats me or that maybe I just trying to avoid Hell instead of actually having a relationship with God. I just want to thank you so much for this article,it has really helped me especially in times like this when my thoughts want to come back. I dont want to give but Im scared that I have. I grew up going to Sunday school every now and then, but never learning anything. Even the possibility of the 'unforgivable sin" until I read this article and realized that I wasn't alone. But what does it mean to blaspheme the Spirit? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. These unwanted thoughts that just pop in your head and wont leave are called intrusive thoughts. Everybody gets weird, unwanted thoughts from time to time, but the average person is able to let it go, like water off a ducks back. No, I definitely dont believe youre too far gone. No one is beyond the reach of Gods mercy and healing! A trick I tried was to tell my brain, "why can't you be wittier than that!" Also my anxiety, every time its like my anxiety/fear kicks in when I talk to Jesus , my head would then go somewhere else like to the evil one and then Id try shaking my head or confess to Jesus and tell Jesus Christ I am only praying to you and no one else I am so sorry and I hate this that I cant just talk to you without my head wondering off please forgive me, it has gotten to the point where there is trying to be more doubt in many areas, but I know God in heaven is all powerful. I'm feeling desperate, it hurts so much I'm afraid and worried. Because this work is spiritual, it . Hi Debbie! 2. Generally speaking, they have never had a true revelation of who God is. The Bible tells us that no one is able to pluck us out of Gods hand. I hope she was saved. I have talked to dozens and dozens of others who express the exact same concerns. I dont believe this is a one-time thing, but it is an ongoing rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit, of over and over again attributing his precious work to Satan himself. It was so bad, I ran away from God. Nothing will ever snatch us from our Father's hand. a few months ago I saw a post not to use lol because it meant lu$ifer our lord. ever since then that thought has been in my head and ive repeated lu$ifer is not lord over and over again but im scared that when I was telling my parents about this I accidentally said that he was just to tell them what was stuck in my head. The Father draws them by the work of the Holy Spirit. Did I renounce Jesus? I have a much harder time believing saying it out loud is forgivable rather than just the thought. Gods blessings, Jaimie. Now when Herod saw Jesus,he was exceedingly glad; for he had desired for a longtimeto see Him, becausehe had heard many things about Him, and he hoped to see some miracle done by Him. He knows that you said mean and hateful things out of hurt. I know who God is and I know my savior even though my mind might try to deceive me otherwise. Knowing that these thoughts are obsessive-compulsive is one thing. You have given me hope. What we have to do is realize that they are not from the real me, (even though it can sometimes feel like it) and we must simply move on through life, allowing those weird thoughts to move parallel to us through our day. I was stuck with a job I hated. Your intrusive thoughts produce similar feelings of danger and powerlessness. I want to get back/closer to God, I want hope. I then started getting unwanted thoughts along the lines of say you blasphemed the Holy Spirit or just blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I am able to come out of this trance like situation whenever I am able to pray in my heart or even jus metion Jesus's name and this now only happens when I do not pray. When they come up, say, whatever, and keep moving with the duties of life. He's rooting for you! I just feel so strange right now. Try to get back/closer to God again, and now fight against masturbation/porn. People blaspheme against the Holy Spirit when persuaded by the Holy Spirit's power of the truth of the Gospel and Christ's claim to be God's Son and our Savior they nonetheless reject it. Praying for you. Youprepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;Youanoint my head with oil;My cup runs over. When no relief is in sight, your body and brain might work together to shut down this cycle by pulling the plug, figuratively speaking. As your scrupulosity coach, Im here to help you get out of your head and rediscover a thriving relationship with God. He forgave me. God will forgive. Thank you for your great work and for helping so many. Havent I ever showed you my pitchfork? I'm sorry to tell you this, but in my case this scrupulosity thing really makes me almost want to quit. So no, a Christian cannot commit what Jesus calls blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I feel like my thoughts were from scrupulosity but Im not sure. Now I understand the condition, not my thoughts intrusive thoughts. I hope God hears me and will give me faith so I can believe that Jesus died for all my sins, has saved me, and will deliver me from all this unbelief and numbness. You can pray like this: dear Lord, I think my motives are pretty messed up, but you knew that already. Psalm 3 says,Many are they who say of me, There is no help for him in God. But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. One of my clients was recently sharing this passage with me. This started for me when I was about 19 or 20 years of age. There they also sent up theirsweet aroma and poured out their drink offerings. I think that Iam lost etrnally having no hope. On the other hand, an ego-dystonic thought is any thought which seems to conflict with the ego. It may take time, but you can find the way out. Why in the world does this happen? What do you do? He couldnt find a place in his heart of genuine repentance, though he sought it with tears.. You accept all these things by faith but not by sight. We sometimes have the idea that a blunder or mistake or misspoken word against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable while other kinds of sins can be pardoned. We talked about how ego-syntonic blasphemous thoughts thoughts that are in harmony with your ego and sense of self are not good, but ego-dystonic blasphemous thoughts count as intrusive thoughts and shouldnt be worried about. Choose to read and believe the Word of God because it's true. Guess what? Saying in my mind lord satan or father satan. Its possible to get sticky, unwanted thoughts about God, Buddha, the president, your child, your dog, your kitchen knives, your socks, etc. For example, if I do something wrong, someone else will die, or be damned, or lose their job, etc. It was a challenge that went on for years before he found relief. These are the things that Christians do and regret doing and have to repent of doing and ask forgiveness for doing. God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (John 3:17). I truly believe that the Lord put this in my path to understand this condition, at the time of the depression I did not know what it was. Pretty much 24/7. I don't know why it happened but it got worse and worse. And I dont feel like apologising. It may be that you need to patiently learn your Heavenly Father who loves you, and let go of the Angry God who wants to harm you. Jesus says in the Bible that no one can snatch us from His hand and that The One who has started a good work in us will finish it until the day of Christ Jesus. I still fight them in hopes someday they'll disappear but they don't. I never felt safe. I didn't pursue church or the Bible until years later. I pray for your mind to be released from this burden, in Jesus name I pray amen. Remember the Pharisees we mentioned earlier. Ohhh thank you sooo much.. that gave me a little bit of assurance.. but i would like to ask something again hehe.. if i knew to myself that i did not do something wrong.. like i keep remembering it and i keep having the same results in my mind that i didn't do it but i'm still anxious whether i did it or not.. does it usually mean that i've done that thing or haven't.. and right now i'm trying my best not to do the thing i'm afraid of doing.. and at the end of the day i re-evaluate myself and based on my memory i didn't do something bad but i still get nervous.. i hope you would be able to explain this for me because i really am getting a hard time.. and thank yoooou so muuuuuch.. And what if you made someone do something bad but they are not aware that it was bad and did it.. will they be punished for this or not?