Thank you Julia..! This resonates so unbelievably its nuts. Every single part of this resonates with me. 100% reflects my personality and mission. The description fits me to the last letter. So they are very spiritual and loving without much ego. I just read your article and its totally 100% spot on like me exactly! Why dont I just go in there myself and take care of it? So I did. The Andromedan starseeds have been described as highly evolved souls who are here to guide humanity in the right direction. But still wish I could find a baby helper through the rest of this process if not for Devine Guidance I would probably still be asleep. You may still be a starseed even if you do not have these birth chart markings. And I felt such congratulations in the air for the whole month and the guides themselves were pleased I made it through. Wow, i just had this aha moment to know who i m, and not only indigo. I love looking at the stars, love the beach, I could swim underwater before I learned to swim on top. Dante. So excited about this journey! Stumbling across this knowledge, I feel that in addition to being Pleiadian, I am also Andromedan, as it holds so much resonance for me. Or do you have to go to a certain kind? Thankyou and blessings to you. Would love to meet other mission realmers Thank you in advance for sharing all this information. I thought everyone felt the same. Thank you so much for this article!! Amazing. And oneness is important to me, I cringe when ppl are not inclusive in their talk and actions but I have learnt to not hold them responsibly for that. So there are nothing egotistical about you whatsoever. This is all new so new, and I am getting all of these downloads Its mind-blowing. Welcome, Hope you enjoy our site 2 years in the making and finally we are here. The worst is when people are silenced for speaking the truth, and warning people about the dangers of 5G technology, vaccines etc. I have a Telegram account and always read the posts from Darkness to Light. The Human Mother I had an RHNEG blood type never bonded to me as I was told much younger I had tried to kill her coming thru the womb and birth canal. These starseeds have a lot of Taurus placements. Thank you for my awakening , other readings I have had now piece together and I know what my purpose is on earth now . (Sorry for my english). This is absolutere me Awesome to meet another Twin flame andromedan starseed . Happy to hear the post resonated with you! this post so much resonates with me!! And thats actually why you came in. The wisdom that I empart is sometimes very surprising to me as I am sometimes only then realising the wisdom myself, as I am imparting it no previous current life experience to draw it from I have strong Claire abilities. So happy to know others with all the same attributes. He passed away Dec 18th 2020. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Best of luck! It feels validating, Amazing! Yours youtube video give me a lot answers and sometimes more questions. Happy you liked the article and that it resonated with you, Naomi! Yet, when they incarnate on Earth, they become 3rd dimensional, just like everyone else. I could feel the way things would be seen but not in a visual sense. I healed without blood transfusion from meningitis. , Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius, Starseed Guide by Eva Marquez. I have always felt a need to help people and many thinks I am too kind, but it is in my nature. Thank you so much for sharing this great info to help me learn more about myself! It is not a coincidence that you were guided here . Andromedans are extremely union consciousness-oriented, much more so than other races, and thats because its so far away from other places (=no enemies and conflicts). The Mirrorsthe glassthe mercurythe shiftingthe materializing . Do the van life and trying to break free everyday. My entire life has been about freedom and selflove. Souls from all over the Universe signed up, by incarnating on Earth in a human body to help humanity through this transition. I had no idea what all that was, but after I read this article, it made more sense. Im disgusted by this site around us the human race acts of negativity Ive literally had to lower myself just to survive many time thru my years. Perhaps a Facebook group? Young andromedan here, glad I found this article. Someone told me that Im a starseed and needed to discover. It's 2.2 million light-years from earth and twice the size of our own galaxy. Im trying to find myself. so i searched the web and here i came to your blog. Perhaps overly. Youre welcome. It is amazing how much this resonates for me. But as I pick up things I let go of because I was taught I was bad I didnt feel comfortable in my gifts but Ive always had other come to me for 51 look about 30 yrs old I dont feel old unless I get overwhelmed with negativity. And if yes, then why are some of them hostile to one another evidently if all of them are supposed to be made of light? But I always had ET related experiences since 2002 so I had always post questions in my mind as to what was happening. The negative forces are loosing their grip as more and more starseeds are stepping into their purpose and sharing their light. Take the appearance part with a grain of salt Andromedans can come in all shapes and sizes and colours as humans. Sorry if this sounds completely unbelievable, but its what I experienced! I am new to this world of starseeds, I know I am one, and I made my birth chart and I have the main ones, but how do I know which one I really am? Took the dcfs case to the illinois supreme court and they wouldnt hear it. Manifesting <3, Hi Richie, thanks for sharing your story! Vega starseeds have a lot of Virgo placements in their birth chart. If you want to know if you are a starseed, check out my 50 Starseed Signs post here. Like Reptilians, do they really rule the world and do they know their purposes? These beings I felt had human like quality but there wasnt a distinct physical attribute . Now i make powerful conscious choices that support all of the ppl involved instead of being angry. The Andromedans are a beautiful, heart-centred race and most are 12th dimensional. Yeah such a beautiful comment thread , I recently found out 2020 I am a starseed yet Ive known since a very young age like 3 yrs old I was very very different then others. Recently Ive been consumed with the urge to research my spiritual ancestry and coming across this article has been massive help. Wow this article sparked my attention because I been looking for answers my whole life, I felt like I was crazy I always saw things in people nobody else did, I especially felt out of place almost all the time, I was very emotional as a child cried a lot whether happy or angry sad didnt matter and I was wasnt afraid to be emotional, one thing I did to control them was be involved with aquariums I love the oceans lakes rivers and streams I live aquatic life I crave the sounds and the sun off the water I love the smell. I have felt a kinship with Andtomeda for yearsmy human condition has bogged me down over recent years, taken hold of me, causing negativity within me But I fought back, even lower dimensional beings tried to take me, I fought them.. And I won.. During this earth time where these lower vibrational beings have been trying to take over Humanity, I have been spreading love, joy and compassion to all beings It has not always been easy, but my inherent knowledge has supported me I love all Nature, ALL BEINGS the Andromedan description is all me Andromedans will very likely do things with great enthusiasm and care that are unique to humans, like design, architectural engineering, fashion design (think of haute couture and other costume like fashion, not always ready-to-wear). TIA. Hi Katie! I left home 25 yrs old pregnant to a state I knew noone . So much of it resonated with me. They also strive to assist other star-nations to live in pease and unity. . I will get a starseed reading soon. thank you for writing this article. Im so ready to explore more about my purpose and do good in the wirld. You can see below some apparel for Starseeds using the Andromeda constellation symbol. I am guided by spiritual beings and today I just followed my intuition which led me to investigating the subject of starseeds. My prayer since 5 years old has been: may my presence be helpful for the highest good of me and the highest good of all humanity. new star seed seekers? I knew my whole life my soul is from there. This is literally the only place I can accept naturally as home. I always tear up and get tingles all throughout my body when I come across articles such as these. I dont like religions, I always want freedom to create and explore the world, and I always have questioned myself Is this really my family?, Thats beautiful You have a star family who is always guiding and supporting you. Before my awakening started i felt like i didnt belong here. This article brought me so much joy it made so much sense while reading this thank you so much ! Wow Im still not sure if this is me but I connected very deeply with this, I saw some pictures of places that made my heart drop. Exact Birth Time. If more than one type resonates with you, its likely that youve had incarnations in all those star systems. I do have a question as to why Andromedans are the Reptilians worst enemies? Glad to meet beautiful hearts like yours . It releases tension and all worry. I didnt know that wasnt something people can just do. Ive always known k was A star seed but never knew exactly which one until reading your article feeling it resonate within in ME and now j know! By reading dis i m sure i m a Andromedan. I've always felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Starseeds that have incarnated from the Andromeda Galaxy tend to share some of the following characteristics: they LOVE freedom and may go to great lengths to maintain their freedom they love to travel and some will choose to be purposely nomadic lifestyle, travelling by foot, bike, boat or air Andromedans; Arcturians; Dracos; Greys & Zeta; Lyrans; Orions; . Im just so new and need some time to orient myself, my goal is as clear as crystal. Which its common with this type starseed, they able to heal on own way easily. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: AMUN-RA Out!, Can ou Tell me If Alpha Centaurus has something to do with Andrmeda??? I love the comment thread especially and thank YOU SO MUCH for this article. When I have completed my purpose I will enjoy life for its beauties and leave for home, for I have no interest living until I die naturally. Im so happy to come across your site. Thank you for this article it clears up a lot for me. Either youre + or -, not both. From infancy Ive always spoken like someone much more advanced in age. I have known who I am for about a decade now, but I felt quite alone in that knowledge. Sleeve of tattoos I can go on. Thank you and bless you , I have discovered that I am very certainly an Indogo child (with General Anxiety Disorder, and ADHD), and 100% an Andromedan Starseed . You believe most governments are corrupt and that its better to give citizens the freedom to choose how to live themselves. So happy though to get to this point where we are connecting and getting down to our missions ! Hi! I was shocked by that response because i have been living in pleiadian energy (feminine for me) dominantly until that. My biggest dream has always been to live high up in the mountains where I can make art for a job and be surrounded by nature. Thats not possible. Even the part about putting on weight was true, I have an oval shaped face as well lol and I wear blue quite often. Amazing! And im grateful and I accept this, fully. RELATED:Psychic Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Able To Read Your Mind. The only thing that got me out of bed the next morning, was getting pissed. haha. Im going to meditate on this later in hopes that I can connect with my starseed family! Given their love of liberty and their archaic origins embedded in their souls, Andromedans quickly recognize manipulation. Even my face shape looks like the ones of andromedans (I actually look quite a bit as an alien). Reading this felt like I was the author. Star seed this, star seed that.. (totally enraptured by the thought as it makes so much more since of my life and childhood. Im 45 know, my life since then, was on the purpose of knowledge and love, i have a thirst for knowing, but i didnt start yet making what i have to do on this planet. Make me remember as many times i need to. Wow Thanks 100x, Awesome to see another Andromedan here I really want to do the van life one day, it sounds amazing. The only problem is I hate driving haha. . My experiences as a child told me that I was destined for more, a mission I must complete, on earth.. Lyran starseeds These starseeds have strong Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. In this section, we will take a look at those traits and characteristics that are most common and frequently found in Andromedan Starseeds, all of which are listed below. The reason why Andromedan starseeds love travelling is because they love freedom and because it reminds them of being back on their spaceship, travelling at the speed of light. I knew I was starseed I just didnt know where from. I went to a stargazing party with him (his way of trying to cheer me up) and saw the andromeda galaxy for the first time. Does that mean Im a adromadean? people always tell me i need to be more respectful of authority, which is true i suppose, but i just cant. I sure would like to know more about this and myself. The other one that surprised me was my ability to take a role I didnt know I possessed. Gosh my comment above sounds so self-ritious and almost boastful, but please know that is not at all how it is intended!!! I absolutely resonate with Andromedan starseed every aspect you shared in the article above totally on point. Even as a young child I was interested in space and was having philosophical discussions with friends about the origin of the universe. In sence it wasnt really surprising but all the new information I keep getting is very overwhelming and joyful. You also love dolphins and other ocean animals, as it reminds you of your home world, which is mostly covered in water. Got chained up thrown in a cop car and charged with a felony and told I might have to serve 14 years! 100% to the T this article described me, really interesting read. Thank you!!! It is therefore a good habit for Andromedan starseeds to listen to the sounds of nature and dolphins, meditate with ocean sounds and visit the beach and nature to revive your energy. Sorry for the long message. This includes your natal sun sign (desires, will, drive), moon sign (our emotional nature, memories, comforts, mother) and nodes of destiny (destiny in this lifetime and past life karma). But can we be some kind of hybrid? 3 nights ago while I was falling asleep the name Andromeda kept coming to me, and I thought ok I will look into that in the morning, I forgot, next night same thina and in morning I forgot again. Thank you. Fell in love with snorkelling, being underwater feels like home. NOW I understand what he was trying to tell me! In mediation, I did ascend to 12 dimensions. Just like Pleiadian starseeds, you may be struggling with self-worth issues. This felt like I was reading my life story. But it was today when I pulled the card star ancestors and in the following meditation I was brought home and was told I am an andromedan starseed. A place free of labels and judgement. I have connected telepathically with my galactic family and I couldnt be happier! I sm starting to understand multiple consciousness within myself. Julia I think the Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput was a Andromeda star seed and he was murdered 3 months ago today by the Bollywood Reptilians because he was going to expose the international child trafficking racket. Ive been curious where my partner is from. Also name itself is always been familiar to me, like I knew this name very well. This article helped me find my purpose, never have I ever felt more at ease knowing I am an Andromedan soul. Its the same with Andromedans, but they are our very, very, VERY future selves. I felt the shift and could imagine the energy as it became something else? Thankyou . The night i had my awakening i was terryfied because when i looked in the mirror i saw something else than myself. Apparently something I said while in this state was I could feel the pain of all the people in the world. I am in every way an Andromedan except for the weight part: I am over-weight and not thin. Thank you for writing such a beautiful article. . I was shocked ! They are a bit rebellious and this if often reflected in their style. Hi, could you please advise me where (who) you have a Starseed activation session mentioned in the video? So, thank you. Zanfar revealed to me that their hybrid race from another planet is on Earth already. I always have this goal to help anyone in my own little way without asking something in return. Thank you for describing it so well. Star beings most likely arent separated with skin color like humans but most star seed descriptions Ive read describe similar features of Caucasians and isnt this part of the problem on this planet right now and breaking down the old beliefs are superiority. There are around 800 000 Andromedan starseeds on Earth, making it one of the more rare races. Turns out, I was seeing my home. I stood tall with a group of other beings and had the feeling of not wanting to stand out.very non egotistical. People wanted $250 for a reading and were booked weeks out. How that can be related? Freedom is something you value a lot in life. in a hyerarchy in that other realm you spoke of? I was just afraid of being wrong but a lot of the things you mentioned resonated deeply (got a lot of tingles go through my body). I just happened to come across an article about starseeds. My spiritual awakening actually started when a colleague introduced me to the book Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock. I think im andromedian to. Literally cried of joy while reading this. Magical! The awakening is finally taking myself up on the high vibrations where I belong and I have come to experienced really high vibrations, pure love in my whole body. That is me for sure!! I knew he loved the water, was both creative AND analytical, and service centered. Wow! And kept implying the physical pain would start soon. Brought peace to my heart and mind. Galaxies are of different ages and Andromeda is one of the oldest. What are starseed markings? I know things I shouldnt know. Thank you for this article! Also the other things I was taken towards was ancient technology and shown how it works etc. I recently found out that I am from Andromeda and was looking for information to find out as much as possible. There are more in depth charts too that give you this chart along with a breakdown of what each planetary placement at the time of your birth means for you. Star Markings - Star Seed Hotline I dreamt about the arkaishic records, actually visited there and saw all the records. Ive always been curious about why any star race looks the way they do. I live in Poland and the fight for awakening continues. It has been a very lonely journey here but I know I have so much to give and teach and share. I just kept running. Ive had an Akashic reading and am aware that I am an Andromendan Elemental from the Andromendan Galaxy. Im also An Empath, Alchemist and natural Savant. Most people around you seem brainwashed by the media and blind to what is actually happening on the planet. When reading this I just felt that every point was talking about me. My life changed when I found out I was an Andromedan starseed. Is there genetic engineering that will take place in the future to alter the looks from human to star race? I have known for many years that I am special and my ascension process has been intense. I just read a little about you today. I would love to live off grid, love living by the ocean and fight everyday for freedom and free thinking. Then it happened. You are drawn to one or more ancient cultures, such ad Ancient Egypt, Atlanits and Sumeria. Alien human half breeds? a white/blue-ish being. I have always known that there was something important that was going to happen in the near future and that the balance of earth will change into something breathtakingly beautiful. Lots of love/Ida, Beautiful, thanks for sharing! I believed my mission was to face the devil. I wanted to express my gratitude and blessing to the both of yourselves (twin flames) on your earth plain journey! Thank you and hi. All that makes sense now. OMG!! Ho fatto una canalizzazione e so di essere un andromediana..tutti i segni che hai descritto mi appartengono sono un insegnante, amo la libert e il mare gli animali in particolare gatti . And alse years ago when i was back from london to tehran i was in some kind of dream for some minute that i had access to anything ( past , presant , and also future ) when i thought about help humanity by those unlimited knowledge i backed by a loud noise that i could not remember my name for half a hour . They have a lot of respect for planet earth, and they have a lot of anxiety because being human is actually extremely difficult, we are very unlike sentient life forms on other planets. And my anger has come into full control. The first step in determining your Starseed markings is to have a copy of your birth chart. It is important to not be alarmed by these frequencies that initiate contact with you as they adding love light energies to the planet in order to balance out the frequencies of the planet. I always refuse to work on defence projects. could you explain this further. The degrees of 0 or 1 are the Starseeds Polarian or Procyon. My favourite colour is purple. Thank you for this valuable information. Some starseeds also have multiple retrograde planets in their birth chart and some have rare astrology formationslike a grand trine or a mystic rectangle. This was such a great description and I embody an Andromedan proudly. It feels amazing, and as if Im being reminded, if that makes sense. I only use technology but not really into it. We have always loved travelling, and felt restless when staying in a place for too long. I feel one is deep and the other is the network of biological processes that keep me alive. lots of love and appreciation <3 <3 <3. I would love to learn more about the Andromedan and Reptilian enemies thing. I dont know if its just me I know I am starseed but there are so many Im having a hard time identifying with one fully, how can I be sure? Thanks for posting it. p.s. This resonated so much within me. RELATED:The Most Empathic Zodiac Signs Who Feel Absolutely Everything (And Those Who Feel Nothing). These people I interact with are all the ones I get along with. <3, Hi thank you for your most informative article Ive always known I AM an old soul and Ive always loved Ancient civilisations such as Sumeria, Atlantis, Lemuria & Pangea especially now I know and understand why. I came across all this information and data by accident, but Im guessing it wasnt really an accident now. What Julia wrote, is 100% me. Andromedans exceed in many areas, but especially in science and as healers of the body. thanks again for this connection. This showed me that I wasnt a weak person, but within me I had the ability to help others and be a guide? And not like irl itd help me to find out if I am this or not since all I want to know would then be what Id be able to actually do here with or without those titles. I am 65 and my life is a bliss. Thank you so much for writing this! It was a very very very crazy journey but at age 34 it seemed I am so close to finally finding out my truth. On 6-6-06 I had what doctors say was a psychotic break and believed I had died and gone to hell.. Very good article. I have always been looking a bit different from others which in my younger years led me to being bullied. Btw, thank you for the beautiful article. Thank you for this. Much love <3. It is funny how I have joked practically all of my life about being from Andromeda. the fact that this describes me exactly.. especially i have a VERY VERY strong connection with the ancients. Blessings to you, your twin and all the starseeds working on raising mother Gaia and all her children to glory. I have had to create a kind of shield to live behind otherwise its too much. These starseeds have strong Libra influence in their natal chart. We are here to help who exactly? Your statement indicates your Rh factor is BOTH + and -. Ooft! The reason I spoke of this because the things I understand now. Will one day be answered from the prayers and the power within. Thieves? Another one that caught my attention was the alien I met whose body was full of tattoos. Im learning to protect my energy. Thanks. Just recently found out that I am an Andromedan and everything started to come together. its therefore very disarming when there is a rare person who I cannot immediately categorize/figure out. Birth Chart (Coming Soon) What is a Starseed? Can you imagine? You are good at inspiring others and are deeply wise. i am very connected with nature. Just like Lyran starseeds, you HATE authority, and sometimes you just want to break out from the system, and live off-grid. When I see myself it is human but more childlike and other worldly. People have always been drawn to me and it has always confused me. I Just meditated, channeled, and asked where Im from and Andromeda came to be as clear as day.. But sometimes starseeds disguise themselves in conventional professions that are seething with corruptionto bring the planet back into alignment and help humankind evolve into a higher consciousness. I am an actress, writer, teacher , nature lover, nomad and healer. How many Andromedan starseeds can be found on Earth? Different Starseeds come from various star systems, such as Andromeda, Arcturus and Pleiades. according to the signs that you told, I am 100% Andrommedan starseed. You can still be Andromedan. Andromedan Starseed Appearance Many believe that starseeds from the constellation known as Andromeda have distinguishable physical features. Astral projected for the first time when i was six. First time I heard about Andromeda was from Star Trek. I Achieved Self Realization on May 21st 2020 and AM now well on my way to full Ascension with MY Higher God Self Ra. I still dont have anyone that helps me to understand other then the internet . It is estimated there are roughly 800,000 Andromedans currently living as Starseeds here among us, which is around 0.01% of the population - or 1 in 10,000 people. Anyhow, my mom has always said I was a star child so that is why I am here. They choose to come to Earth to help humanity and Earth in some way. There are certain markings in natal charts that reveal you may be a specific type of starseed. They originate from Procyon, a star in the Canis Minor constellation. There, heart is what matters, no other rules. They fled during the Lyran-Draco wars, in which the pursuit of greed, power, and control forced the lyran race to flee to other nearby systems. Sometimes these souls are referred to as 'Mission Realmers' or ' Angelic Starseeds '.