After talking for a while, your friend will ask why you chose him/her for this adventure. Kettleburn tells the player that he has advised many students on entering the forest, including Rakepick. Information The player asks whether Ben went looking for them, and Merula says they will find out eventually. Hit the GO button to exit the Cursed Vault. The player successfully brews a Beautification Potion with Penny who wonders if Jacob doesn't want to be found by his sibling. The player doesn't think the arrowhead is in there either. Rakepick calls the students back to the Training Grounds and has them duel each other. Regardless of the option you selected, it will take some more convincing to persuade your friend to join you. (Empathy), No one else believes in me All of our friends believe in you. If the player is Slytherin, the Slytherin Prefect decides they need to get revenge on Gryffindor for being obnoxious about winning the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch game. Gem(s) 10, A Common Enemy You also formed some new friendships, and thanks to your dedication, bravery, and persistence, Hogwarts is once again safe from the threat of the . Regardless of the choice, Charlie finds the two. Simply follow the same steps and youll be done before you know it. In events that are chronologically set in the past, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery updates dialogues to match with the player's current progress; this results in continuity errors but is avoidable as long as players access the events before encountering major changes that happen to a friend, such as gaining a new personality, graduation, or death. After you make your selection, he'll give a little festival speech, the lords will drink the wine and be poisoned, and then he'll yuck it up on stage for a bit. After studying the spell with Rowan in the common room, a practical training with Bill begins, during which he reveals being keen on becoming Head Boy. Parts Gem(s) Information She says Ben's well-being was very affected by what happened to him with the cursed ice (even if the player took Penny and not Ben) and she warns the player they need to consider everyone else in their pursuit for answers. Crushing it! As for your second year, itll bring you a new class Transfiguration, where under the tutelage of Professor McGonagall, youll be able to learn many useful spells that will definitely aid you on your quest to find the vaults. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall. The player fixes the drawer with the Mending Charm, then commands Sickleworth to go and find the arrowhead. He tells the player that they have something important to talk about at the end of next year. The player goes to the Artefact Room. The player says it's nice but they are looking for an arrowhead. - We're expecting dragons.-You may not help, but you can try.-We'll see once we get inside.Q. The player then heads to the Forest Grove with a chosen company between Tulip, Penny, and Merula. Reward(s) upon completion We both need your help. He warns them not to use it outside of the class. Then Rowan says it's an honour to meet her and asks her not to hurt him. Exiting the vault, the group encounters Dumbledore and Filch. For example, for Year 6 players, Ben's dialogue is changed to match his new personality despite this new personality only appearing in Year 6 and not as far back as Year 2, and the player can mention that they have already found their brother, which happened at the end of Year 5, over three years after this side quest takes place, whereas Year 5 players before the characteristic change still get the Ben with his old personality. Parts The low level members are always there. Rakepick appears, declaring it to be a key. When they find a door covered in ice, Rowan approaches it, and the ice sends Rowan flying and they are injured. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin. Ultimately, she tells them to prove themselves capable of looking after a niffler, saying that if they can do this, she will lend them her niffler that had been assigned to her by Gringotts. Roughly takes place during Chapter 6, consisting of 10 stages: Rewards: 200 Courage, 175 Coin, 350 XP. This year has eleven chapters. Even Bill Weasley was not strong enough to break the curse on the vault. On this quest, the player get the chance to give Bill a gift: A book about the world-famous Curse-Breaker by the name of Patricia Rakepick, foreshadowing her forthcoming appearance in the game. Chest of the Corrupted Vanquisher. In the meal with Chiara the first two questions are repeated over and over for some players, with some also reporting that the correct answer seemed to change each time as well. Reward(s) upon completion 3. They open the vault where they find a notebook and broken wand, and a voice tells the player to never let "her" find the other ones. Search the archives again for clues regarding The Vault's identity. Here you can find the detailed walkthrough for the second year of your Hogwarts studies. Talk to Head of House (Corridor)Enforce the Rules (Courtyard)Talk to House (with Head of House in the Corridor)Learn from Bill (Three Broomsticks) The player and Rowan talk about Ben and the plan to find the object that could lead them to Ben. To complete this lesson, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Parts exams. Torvus then tells the player a jewel is supposed to be on the other end of it. While the player studies, Rowan asks if they find it suspicious that Ben brought up dangerous creatures as a guard, and the player has the option to agree or disagree. Sienrid 5 yr. ago. Rakepick asks Snape how many he hasfound, to which he replies that he has found seven just since the start of that year. When asked about fighting the spiders, Kettleburn reveals that though there are spells to do so, he refuses to use them as he finds violence rarely helpful in dealing with magical creatures, and because he believes Acromantuals are "excellent conversationalists". Return to Ljufvina. The player attends potions class, where they apologise to Snape for their rule breaking; however, Snape says he only took the broom so they would appear to be at odds with one another in case Rakepick was watching. Copyright 2023 Our website use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. Rowan warns the player the House Prefect will be very smart and find them searching the room. The player is startled to see her there and she says she distracted Filch. The player, Bill, and the chosen friend (Rowan, Penny, or Ben) meet in the courtyard before heading to the vault. Recruit Filch (Filch's Office)Discuss Pranks (Corridor)Prank Rita Skeeter (Training Grounds)Discuss at Zonko's (Zonko's Joke Shop) [7], Magical Creatures Everywhere! XP He leads Rakepick to the upstairs corridor where the student is. The player searches the Artefact Room with Sickleworth. Some characters (such as Barnaby Lee, Nymphadora Tonks, Ismelda Murk, Talbott Winger, Badeea Ali, Diego Caplan, Jae Kim, Liz Tuttle, Tulip Karasu, and Charlie Weasley) that the player was established to not having met during Year 2 are visible during the concert section. Can appear before the completion of Sleep Walker, consisting of 2 stages: Rewards: 50 Empathy, 2 Gems, 300 XP. The player attends the End-of-term Feast, and Professor McGonagall gives the Year-End Speech, as Professor Dumbledore is unavailable, and awards the House Cup. Will you manage to break its curse? Rowan, shocked that their theory about 'R' being Rakepick is wrong, asks the player who they think 'R' is. The player then takes them to the Hospital Wing. Year 4 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery covers the 19871988 school year. When they get to the vault, they find even more ice in the way. Coin(s) Upon winning the said duel, Bill and the player relocates to the Clocktower Courtyard where he shares one of his favourite spells, the Fire-Making Spell, and asked the player to study the spell in The Standard Book of Spells before he teaches the spell in person. [1] Luckily Bill has already heard of the player and their brother, thanks to the articles about Jacob's expulsion in the Daily Prophet, which made it the talk of the Weasley household. Your friend will agree to help you and Chapter 9 of Year 2 will come to an end. It cost him everything. The player then searches the Artefact Room while Sickleworth watches. In the previous chapter, you met and instantly befriended Bill Weasley. - Yes, Bill wants you by his side.-He said he does, but I doubt it. In events that are chronologically set in the past, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery updates dialogues to match with the player's current progress; this results in continuity errors but is avoidable as long as players access the events before encountering major changes that happen to a friend, such as gaining a new personality, graduation, or death. After studying the spell with Rowan in the common room, a practical training with Bill begins, during which he reveals being keen on becoming Head Boy. Dress, Date prep Item(s) Shortly after the release of Year 6 in the real world, players received notifications for a quest called "PEN-FRIEND OR FOE" or "Y6_TLSQBeauxbatonsC1" (the latter was likely a code name for the former), but no signs of a new time-limited side quest. [1], Unleash Your Patronus At Hagrid's hut, the player talks to Hagrid and is given ginger root from his gardens. Requires Level 85. Reward(s) upon completion The player meets Tulip in a corridor, and she confesses to following Rakepick because she was questioned by her about the sleepwalking incident and the Cursed Vaults. Ultimately, Ben suggests getting a niffler to aid their search. Merula tells the player she knows what happened to Ben. Reward(s) upon completion Rowan deciphers the code and tells the player the next clue was transfigured into a quill that was hidden in the common room of another House (the Gryffindor Common Room for Ravenclaw and Slytherin, and the Slytherin common room for Gryffindor and Hufflepuff), and failure to follow the clue will be severely punished. The player frees Bill from the ice, but Bill is too weak to continue. Reward(s) upon completion Here you can find the detailed walkthrough for the second year of your Hogwarts studies. The player hears the mysterious voice they believe to belong to Jacob, who tells the player that they're "nearly there", but that all vaults but the last one are false, meant to be distractions and traps. Information Roughly takes place during Chapter 4, consisting of 4 stages: Merula Snyde is embarrassed that she lost to you last year and wants to have a rematch! Hello everyone, welcome to our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year Three. Rakepick wishes the player good luck for the search for the arrowhead and that she has her own search to attend to. They look for Fang's lost toy and, after finding it, tell Hagrid that Torvus wants him to come look for the Cursed Vault. The Red Cap, looking at its reflection, is so disgusted that it runs away, leaving Sickleworth free to search for the arrowhead. The House common room they will sneak into will be different for every House. The centaur Torvus appears, asking the player to leave and the reason for being there, which leads to a duel. Reward(s) upon completion The voice reveals they are trapped within the next vault, and that only the player can free them. The player gets to decide whether Rakepick takes Ben to the Hospital Wing, Filch's office or Dumbledore's office. During your adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you will come across a classmate named Penny. Afterward, continue to the Courtyard to meet with Bill. You'll have to choose one of your friends to accompany you to the cursed vault. Snape tells the player that he has searched their dormitory and challenges the player about potions ingredients that he found there. The player flies back into the Forbidden Forest and goes back into the Red Cap's hole, where they begin to search for the arrowhead. Simply be friendly and try to explain to your friend that he/she is an essential part of the team and you should be able to complete the task in three or four turns. Item(s) In the past year, you learned a great many useful spells, you managed to find out some important things about your brother and most importantly, you broke the cursed vault and saved all of Hogwarts! At the Start-of-Term Feast, Merula Snyde tells the player she will continue trying to find the Cursed Vaults. The player has the choice to trust Ben, agree with Rowan, or be unsure. The reason for that is simple - if you select Ben, you will avoid getting a fifty house points penalty afterward. You return to Hogwarts after a restless summer, a little older, a little wiser, and much more curious about the Cursed Vaults.Year 2, Chapter 1 description. They ask everyone around the Great Hall whether they know where Ben went. After leaving the vault, McGonagall demands that the player meet her outside of the Headmaster's Office. The player finds Bill on the training grounds practising defensive spells on training dummies that had been set up for target practice. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Youre a great friend, Ben. 250, Patronus 101 Parts The player meets Rakepick in the courtyard, and she asks how the search for the arrowhead is going. The family heirloom is the broken arrow the player found in the Vault of Fear, placed to break the curse there. He also warns the player not to work against her. Sell Price: 5. If the player takes Penny, Rowan will be sent to tell one of the teachers what they found. They find the object, a black quill, and then head back to Rowan where they are apprehended by the Head of House who saw them. At least one thing is certain the room was definitely connected to the Cursed Vault. They have the option of asking Professor McGonagall who's the Head of Ben's house. If you choose to ignore my invitation, I will take it upon myself to find you. Information Jacob asked for Torvus's family heirloom,but he refused so Jacob stole it, leaving Torvus blamed for the theft. Coin(s) This costs 700 coins. Meet Hagrid (Courtyard)Meet Hagrid and Fang (Transfiguration Classroom)Meet Flitwick (Charms Classroom)Meet Madam Pomfrey (Hospital Wing) Merula will be happy with this turn of events. Parts Youre the bravest witch I know. Coin(s) Hagrid needs the player's help as something horrible has happened and asks them to come to the Clock Tower Courtyard. Item(s) Finally, at the Hospital Wing, the player listens as Rakepick questions Madam Pomfrey over a sleepwalker who has been the longest affected at five weeks and three days. The subsequent actions vary depending on the friend the player brings: Bill will cast Stupefy at the acromantula to keep it subdued while the player frees the others. It is recommended that you start the chapter by doing the lessons part first. The player and Rowan decide they need to sneak into the other common room despite not part of that House. The reason for that is simple if you select Ben, you will avoid getting a fifty house points penalty afterward. After getting through the ice blocking the door, the player and Bill come face-to-face with the door to the vault. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. She asks the player if they would like to be her assistant. Reward(s) upon completion If the player suggests telling a professor, Rowan will warn them that the professor would never let them back into the corridor. The player agrees that they should bring Penny along next time. Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 4.[2]. The player goes to Hagrid's Hut, where they notice the hut has been taken over by bundimun. She tells the player she thinks the charm is too complicated for them and has to see that they're skilled enough when they attend class. The player goes to meet Kettleburn at the courtyard after doing what was asked, only to be attacked by a cloaked figure, who claims to be a messenger. Classes: Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid. Each of those will be covered in detail, so youll find all the information you need here. She tells the player to search for Ben in every known hiding place for clues as to his whereabouts and report to her if they find him, adding that she will reward them for their efforts. They create a plan and the player decides who should be the leader. Injured by the curse that seals the vault, Rowan needs time to recover. 5, Patronus Practice Makes Perfect Community content is available under. When they find a door covered in ice, Rowan approaches it, and the ice sends Rowan flying and they are injured. The players Prefect asks them to meet in their house common room. Rowan Khanna asks the player whether they had a good summer, and the player has the choice of how to respond. It tells them to search one of the corridors, and they wonder whether the note involves anyone else. The acromantula becomes hostile and says they're owed a meal and traps Torvus, Charlie, and Hagrid with their webs. Information Parts He trained you in order to improve your dueling skills. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Transfiguration classroom. It will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the cost of starting it. In Chapter 12, Jacob's sibling talks to Tulip as if she is one of the sleepwalking students in the, In Chapter 15, the player can once again use Episkey on, In Chapter 16, if the player tries to convince. Ben thinks the buried arrowhead is far from the castle, but Rakepick thinks it is in the Artefact Room. Year 2, Chapter 6: Bill Weasley Edit "The curse that seals the vault is some of the most powerful magic you've ever seen, but a skilled older student like Bill Weasley may be able to assist you." Year 2, Chapter 6 description Contents 1 Parts 1.1 Talk to Bill 1.2 Practise Transfiguration 1.3 Duel Bill 1.4 Talk to Bill (II) 1.5 Talk to Rowan 100 Courage, 100 Empathy, 100 Knowledge In the beginning of Chapter 5, Rowan is in the. Returning to Snape, the player tells Snape what they've learned and that Rakepick knew about their spying. Sickleworth climbs up a cabinet, climbs on stacks of paper, and goes to a box and pulls out something. The player meets Tulip, Barnaby, and Rowan in the library to study centaurs.