These individuals might encounter difficulties due to their inability to stop themselves from enjoying the pleasures of life. Also havinv a Chiron return and Tr Uranus/Mars conjunct my natal moon, definitely shows up the non support aka backstabbing from the immediate females in my family. Often his views are not understood or misinterpreted because it is difficult to find like-minded people due to his progressive and often unorthodox way of thinking. Not many people are able to do so. If lord of the 9th, this is an excellent time for a pleasure trip. Venus conjunct Jupiter maximum orb 700. You may notice that your popularity rises and that money and success seems to come more easily to you. Any comment? It is still close to the Sun, so there is an exaggeration. Hi Jamie this Jupiter/ venus conjunction is conjunct my natal Uranus ,which is at 28 .3 degrees and things are very quiet. Ive had enough people trying to shame me for what has been a brutal journey to standing up for my right to be treated with respect.). I do have this aspect natally and the description relates to me quite well. That is a conclusion that we cannot ever get alone. however, hes not making any moves. It is not a time in which you are likely to feel especially ambitious. The natal chart is just like the moment you were born, an unchangeable fact. Jupiter transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with significant others and with friends. This relationship could work, if lovers are ready to make it work, and to skillfully balance work and private life (but at the same time, the two are very often connected in some way, interlaced). Natal Neptune for me sits at the apex of a minor grand trine. On the contrary, all efforts are immediately rewarded. Few of us have that gift in its purest, most potent form. This is a very lucky transit, so you may even be the beneficiary of a sudden and unexpected windfall. Yes, to be honest, I do tend to cut exs off. Venus Sextile Jupiter Transit. If lord of the 4th, this is a period when you are likely to want to stay at home by the fireplace with friends and family and enjoy more intimate company. Firstly, better late than never: many thanks for looking at my chart and explaining to me that my Pluto square Venus is probably the most important aspect! With Venus Jupiter meaning lots of love then perhaps you have some activity coming up in your love life. A sentimental enrichment and an expansion of self-love can be the result of feeling better with the partner you already have. Transit Chiron Aspects - The Dark Pixie Astrology The transit of Venus conjunct your natal Jupiter puts you in a good mood, in a state where you accept everything better than ever. March 2, 2023 You are lucky to have the Mercury Venus Jupiter conjunction on your birthday. Its just important to stay grateful for what you already have and not to become greedy. You must act with moderation in everything you do, and do not take anything for granted, love, money or anything else. Going to look up my local time. I have this in a triple conjunction with Rahu does it distort things? This is one of the best aspects because it brings popularity, good fortune, and true love. Transiting Jupiter trine or sextile your natal Venus. It makes sense. As such, these people would do well to indulge in careers oriented towards this domain. You may feel a little lazy, not wanting to deal with work. While this is a time for prosperity, you should be careful as you might feel too much desire for overindulgence which might cause addiction depending on how you choose to proceed. Venus sextile Saturn natal is a good omen for stable income in your life. I have virgo in 10th house. I confronted her with the behaviour and said no. Ive still got a lot of business expenses at the moment, so cant make any big purchases. Life is beautiful, and you want to surround yourself consistently with beautiful people, places, and things. Jupiter Square Neptune Transit Personally, ideologically, or religiously, you want to demonstrate the strength of your convictions in action. By Corinne Lane Leave a comment on Venus Transits to Natal Jupiter. Their nature makes it so that they treat relationships with a positive, carefree outlook. Very straight forward astrology! If lord of the 5th, it is common to form new love relationships during this period as the result of meeting someone new. Financial endeavours turn out very fortunately. This also marks a great time to enjoy festivities in a crowd (or anything that leaves you relaxed yet stimulated), no matter the time of year. Thanks, Gabrielle. Thanks! A new love relationship may begin at this time. This can be a fruitful time to take a community workshop or class regarding something you are passionate about. i keep reading happy/party/love , NO! I dont do relationship astrology but in your chart you have Uranus square Sun transit from March 2016 to January 2017. In any case, you are more sensitive to the subtleties and small nuisances that may arise, and you are able to make the corrections that are necessary for the love to flow smoothly. Your inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness are so attractive. Thanks as always Jamie! She just walked past me in the street last week saying Ive got to go, take care. Im angry, bewildered and sad, but at the same time, looking at the friendship without rose coloured glasses (I have natal Venus square Neptune), its obvious that she hasnt been a good friend for a very long time no support when my mother died, my dog died, my friend died, when I separated from my partner, when I had life threatening illness etc. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. While they rarely offer help out of their initiative, if need truly be, they waste no time in providing aid. Financially, you can make beneficial investments, or opportunities can arise that will provide long-term benefits. Boris, it could mean a Comet shows up, and alarms sound! You will also be in a generous mood and not greedy at all. It is well past by Jupiter sextile Sun transit on October 30 which lasts a few weeks to cover the start of the new job. They are people who have suffered a lot in life, but who see each of their mistakes as a new life lesson, and they want to spread that word further into the world. Is a Venus at 16 Aquarius conjunct Jupiter at 24 too wide? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Anyway, in an aspect like that you will find that Saturn tends to act on your Moon, more than the Moon n your Saturn. They simply despise being alone in the world. My default tendency is to just let it go and continue with the friendship but shes done this so many times to me before I feel like Ive had enough. September 7, 2029, Hi Jamie, I was trying to find an old response of yours to a question posted on your general comments section, it was regarding best time for love in 2016, I think you said it was end of August (my DOB is 22/09/76, 7.30am in UK). OK so hes an Aquarius with lots of Capricorn in his chart and completely lacks the fire element and very little water element. To see if they had 2 degrees Aries or Libra? Im in a much better space having let go, again. Thank you Jamie for that explanation. Uranus conjunct MC Transit looks to be your most significant transit at the moment. What do they tell you? March 24, 2024 In astrology, Venus influences our aesthetic preferences, romantic relationships and charm. Mercury makes it a triple conjunction. In my case, its often emphasized in a thrift shop environments, or in shoe-string design budgets, due to careful, frugal Virgo. I ignore him. I find myself approaching a relationship with a woman, these being the prominent aspects, Mars in Virgo (me) opposed to Venus in Pisces. From now to September 1 is great. Any legal matters you may have in the works bring good results now. I wish I could feel Jupiter, but cant recognise anything really. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. She was a Libra ( Venus ruled ). Your dislike of aggression or threatening situations means you prefer to be around other agreeable people and live in beautiful surroundings. Venus conjunct Jupiter transit portends love and money, harmony, and happiness. Try getting out of the house and hanging out with those you care a bit more often since this is a time of communication and the strengthening of bonds. As for what you told me about Uranus conjunct MC Transit I had indeed some changes in where I was living around these dates and a roll coaster of changes related to career but I have still be facing sudden changes in where I was living between the end August 2017 mid September 2017 and again mid December 2017 and march 2018, would this also be related to the Uranus transit to MC or would it be more related to the Uranus square ascendent Transit? So lately Ive been contemplating my self worth and how it has always been difficult for me to connect to it. Even introverted people will have a more open attitude during these days. Bullies hate to have their privileges taken away!). You love immersing yourself in culture and would love traveling to exotic places. My friend who discarded our friendship rang me today like nothing had happened and wanted to go out to dinner. It occurs from this-the planet Venus is in the sign of its displacement, and expansion. So this Big conjunction is also sextile my Natal moon at 25 Aquarius, and sextile Pluto at 26 Libra. When it comes to synastry, we could say that this aspect affects two partners in such a way that they are more friends than romantic and fatal lovers. I found it really interesting that you mentioned fashion and design. The transit of Venus trine your natal Jupiter is one of the most favorable transits, although its effects last a maximum of a couple of days. You feel happy, and this positively influences all your personal or professional relationships. my natal Libra in Jupiter by 5 degrees. But when Pluto squared my Mars I started standing upto a lifetime of abuse by her, realising love is NOT abuse. The fear of homelessness is pandemic in our world. You are at your most attractive and charming, so it is a great time to be dating. Would be interesting to look back at partners to see if they had anything there in synastry. My friend and I, we are using the timing of the conjunction to remedy the high concentration of the two metals in the well water. You're going to have sweet revenge on life for denying you the delights that should've been your due. All rights reserved. You can get carried away by extravagances, lack of moderation and excessive financial expenses. So far I guess that I can assume this aspect made a conjunction with my natal Saturn but what about mercury transit? It is a time that favors your relationships and people will be more attracted to you than usual. Any comments? This is how it feels. The transit of Venus trine your natal Moon awakens feelings of love and affection in you. During these transits, you feel very generous, but you must have some moderation to avoid extravagant spending. I have a friend with Venus in Scorpio, 5 degrees natal. Perhaps this is the right time to discuss legal matters, or to set the date of a wedding. This must be reflected in their private and public lives, precisely because it offers us so many different possibilities and options. Jupiter thus expands your love sector during this time and increases your opportunities for romance. there is a dependency because of a disability, rather common. Transit Jupiter Sextile Venus, Personalized Astrology reports and readings Your inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness are so attractive. Both the Ascendant and Vertex axis represent relationships. You can do favors for others, which will then be returned or rewarded. Keep on taking the steps that terrify you most. In its totality, this can truly lead to exaggeration and swinging between the extremes of life togetherness and the need to be alone and live a minimalistic life without any expectations. I truly have paid a massive price for daring to stand up for my dignity after a lifetime of being groomed to accept her and other peoples abuse, I am surprised I have not entirely collapsed or died, either by a terminal illness or my own hand. You are doing great, you have to keep taking it till you do stand up and look them in the eye. Again, youre already on the right path. They are well respected and loved by society. Venus takes about 584 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. June 9, 2026 May you be baptized and healed by the Holy Spirit. xxxx. Its also semi sextile my natal Venus at 26 Capricorn. They love to study, absorbing every word they read. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Last week of November will be an interesting time. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction will oppose my natal Venus this year. You should feel warm and happy inside and will want to share the good feelings. Its not so much that youll have to force yourself to ignore the negativity thats happening around, its just that the good things will intensely outweigh the bad things without you having to do anything. Here we can see a person who has the energy with a certain note of eroticism that can be seen in his walk, speech, and mannerisms due to Venus impact. Rather than becoming rigid or inflexible in your perspective, you are someone who remains open and flexible to receiving new interests and ideas. So your venus is also 4 Leo, so anything happening now? Transit Venus Trine Jupiter, Personalized Astrology reports and readings When Jupiter conjuncts, sextiles, or trines your natal Venus, your love nature is stimulated. Hard work is also in the picture, but it is not without fruit. Transit Jupiter Sextile Natal Venus ~ Attracting Relationships Your bad year is due to Saturn square Neptune, with both planets aspecting your Sun. Sorry, I was going on a bit in my last message! On these days, you will be able to express your truth with a sense of unparalleled beauty. Would the square minimise the benefits of this conjunction? She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. Trapped and imprisoned is how I feel, just like you. It was an intereating question. Wishing you Godspeed Jamie. BagatelleBoutique, on Etsy. Every time it rained the water was pooling, but soon it will flow more naturally. Their empathy and social skills provide them with quite an array of friends and are more than likable because of this. You need excitement and you surround yourself with pleasures, so you must maintain self-control and moderation. If Venus is relatively well-integrated, this aspect can symbolize a flair for the provocative . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. This usually coincides with romantic crushes, although for these to be really fruitful and lasting, the transit must also be accompanied by Saturn transits to the Sun, Moon, or the Ascendant. Sometimes and indication of the start of an office romance. Venus Opposite Jupiter Natal and Transit - Astrology King Venus Transits to Natal Moon - It also produces self-indulgence and laziness, and so much desire to have fun that you can waste your resources, money, and be irresponsible. through 5th house, 7th, no. You appreciate quality and will sacrifice much to enjoy it. That is something to be proud of. Your presence encourages others to display the same warmth and affection that you naturally exude. The transit of Jupiter square your natal Venus produces a need to express affection and love towards others but, unfortunately, it also makes you very passive and you expect things to come to you on their own instead of you going after them. Beautiful things are attracted to you. These are also times that attract pleasure and money, but sometimes it means that you have many expenses while also daring to be generous or self-indulgent. Neptune transiting the 2nd house of the NewAge chart (Jan11/96). Continue with Recommended Cookies. There is a difference between Minor Transits and Major Transits. I just left on a plane to hang out with my best friend while legal proceedings of outstanding divorce settlement will be negotiated. It is quite exciting to see how my story unfolds this year. I have been making beauty products with essential oils. No is about the best answer. Lenders are eager to extend you credit. Venus Sextile Jupiter Transit - AstroTransits Forgot to mention that my progressed Vx is 16 Virgo 37 but that would not be an exact conjunction with Venus/Jupiter. Right now I have transit Venus conjunct natal Jupiter, square natal sun and transit sun trine natal sun. The solution can also arise now for some legal problem. Jupiter Conjunct Venus Aspects Natal and Transit - These traits also mean that these people might often engage in relationships of either a romantic or sexual nature. October 8, 2025 I may be ill and unable to work and dependant, but that does NOT mean I deserve to be threatened/shouted at/deliberately exposed to chemicals that Make breathing difficult/have food and access to doctors withheld. Jupiter means: Benevolent, expansive, generous, optimistic, over-confident, trusting, lawful, trips (long), adventurous, abundance . You serve a very good vegetarian chile, and are not indisposed by a Leos charm(Venus) or Sagittarius perception(Jupiter). Jupiter Square Neptune Aspects Natal and Transit - You feel very sociable and loving, but because you feel so good about yourself, you do not throw yourself into the outside world and ambition is restricted. Yes time will tell, then that is saying it is up to Saturn! anything to/from venus activates my abandonment/abuse trauma. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Great Opportunities, Venus Trine Uranus Natal and Transit: Spiritual Awakening, Moon Square Jupiter Natal and Transit: Bringing Justice Wherever Needed, Sun Conjunct Mars Natal and Transit: Responding to Challenges, Mars Conjunct Pluto Natal and Transit: Overcoming Difficulties, Moon Trine Jupiter Natal and Transit: Doing Your Best Socially, Mars Trine Pluto Natal and Transit: Becoming Stronger, Mars Conjunct Uranus Natal and Transit: Social Interactions. It seems that my solar return was exact on 27 august 10.11pm so I was wondering on the one hand how this Venus conjunct Jupiter plus mercury in the surrounding could play if I have my natal Saturn at 27.02 degrees even more when my natal Saturn makes natally an opposition to my moon at 2.32 Aries and a sextile to my Venus in cancer at 19 degrees. People with the Venus sextile Jupiter in their birth chart are passionate, determined and diligent individuals that wont stop until theyve reached the goals theyve set in mind. So what will this conjunction mean for my job situation. His Uranus (retrograde) is also 1.23 degrees Libra. I feel totally singled out for ongoing misery, will it never end. This is a time to enjoy the benefits of the good karma accrued from your previous good deeds and hard work. Sex is a great way to share your affections now, and you will be more attractive than usual. Could you possibly look at this chart and tell us what you think? Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. The transit of Jupiter sextile your natal Venus is a very pleasant transit. The relationship may feel larger-than-life, especially at first. Best one because it includes moon phases is: The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000-2050 at Midnight. Minor Transits are the Inner and quicker moving Planet/Luminaries; the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Your Karmic work done & realisation of your own self-worth and what you deserve & value in a friendship (any likely any other relationship) with the passing opposition of Saturn. Gerald, thats an interesting idea to look at world events / outside things that have progressed to the point of ones natal chart. This is a time when you are friendly, generous, optimistic and kind to everyone. Your Venus would never feel Saturns influence after Pluto (half a degree), Jupiter (2 degrees) and Neptune (half a degree). In the process, 3 of top soil and grass has been carefully removed from a clay underlay, and landscaped into areas where grass will flourish better without vehicles running over it, creating the swampy conditions. This transit indicates good luck, and you may receive gifts, money or compliments. I always let it go. Apologies if this is the wrong section. Jupiter Sextile Venus Transit You might experience a sharp interest in the arts, perhaps even taking up the study of a creative expression. As it was, I felth the square strongly, as waves of exhostion and body ake, like the flu. You may be feeling more sentimental than usual. That is why you have to express your needs of affection in an open way. It is a good time to enjoy social interaction, have fun or take a vacation. November 9, 2028 The transit of Venus square your natal Jupiter can normally be quite pleasant, but there is a lack of discipline that can cause problems, as well as a lack of moderation with food or drink.