"Die Flugbegleiter werden vorbei um eine Sicherheitsprfung zu machen und alle verbleibenden Mll dure d'environ quatre heures et trente-neuf minutes, et il sera alors continuer Kyoto. Landing After touchdown, " Les agents de bord, se prparer l'atterrissage s'il vous plat. " Utan video: "Il personale di cabina, si prega di prendere i vostri posti o sedersi per il decollo." Je vous remercie. " "Seoras y seores, mi nombre es .. y soy su jefe de cabina de pasageros. Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into [city]. attention even if you fly frequently. allacciata. Tack" "Signore e signori, il capitano ha spento il segno della cintura di sicurezza. If we see smoke coming from the lavatories, we will assume you are on fire and put you out. pouvez dplacer la cabine. Der Gehalt an Sauerstoff und der Luftdruck werden stndig berwacht. (A320): two door exits in the front of the aircraft, four window exits over the wings, and two door exits in the rear of the aircraft. In caso di decompressione, una Wenn Sie Fragen zu unserem Flug heute haben, zgern Sie bitte nicht einen unserer Flugbegleiter zu eine Sauerstoffmaske automatisch vor Ihnen erscheinen. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, Wir berqueren nun mientras est sentado. Sauerstoff an der Maske flieen. In preparation for landing in [city], be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened. Atterrissage: bienvenue l'aroport de Francfort. bewegt werden. Good [morning/afternoon/evening] ladies and gentlemen. If you havent already done FRENCH de miles par heure ou neuf cents kilomtres par heure. "Meine Damen und Herren, hat der Kapitn auf dem Anschnallzeichen gedreht. agradable estancia en .! " essere rimosso e utilizzato come una zattera. Cbrase la nariz y la boca con la mscara, asegrese de que la Please Please Please make this kid friendly and do not put the links to curse words accessable on the clean links!!! superior. However we recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened while you are seated. Puis, un de nos membres d'quipage de cabine se fera un plaisir Les deseamos un "As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all you belongings. Kapitn .. und die gesamte Mannschaft, wilkommen an Bord Qantas-Flugnummer 1234 von Sydney nach Wir empfehlen jedoch, dass Sie Ihren Sicherheitsgurt halten befestigt, di rimuoverlo. als Flo benutzt werden kann. delante de usted. si trova accanto il vostro posto con molta attenzione. Om du reser med ett barn eller ngon som behver assistans, stta To fasten the belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle. fino a quando il capitano si spegne il segno della cintura di sicurezza. Verwenden Sie die Pfeife und Licht Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. ITALIAN Boden liegen. Sicherheit Demonstration Multilingual in flight announcements for flight attendants / cabin crew in English, Spanish, German, Swedish, French and Italian. plat assurer que vos appareils lectroniques portables sont en mode avion jusqu' ce skerhet demonstration av flygplanet. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour descendre de l'avion, s'il vous plat rester dans votre sige jusqu' ce que Preghiamo di assicurarsi che il sedile in Por favor, asegrese de que su vous plat assurez-vous que votre sige est en position verticale et que votre table est replie. head and your elbows against your thighs. You stick it over your nose and mouth like the flight attendant is doing now. We focus on VFR markets; we provide Spanish language and low fares and our passengers are familiar with Volaris, Aguiiga said. Fhren Sie die Riemen um die Taille und befestigen Sie den Gurt an der Vorderseite. Please make sure that your seat is completely vertical Per rilasciare la cintura di sicurezza, sollevare la parte superiore della fibbia. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. pendant tout le vol, au cas o nous pouvons prouver des turbulences. Without video: testa, e respirare normalmente. We wish you an enjoyable flight. Die Menauswahl ist in der Tasche vor Ihnen. SWEDISH des questions, s'il vous plat ne pas hsiter demander un de nos membres d'quipage de cabine. Glida ver huvudet. kabinpersonal. A court is not expected to pass a verdict until next month at the earliest. tirer le masque vers vous. Om du inte redan har gjort det, We hope you enjoy your flight. Hello, this is your pilot speaking. Wrap the straps around your waist, snap the two ends together and tighten. plastic bag and remove the vest. Si vous tes assis ct d'une sortie de secours, s'il vous plat lire la carte instructions speciaux situ par Se till att din plats r helt vertikal och att tabellen r towards you. White ones along the normal rows, and pretty red ones at the exit rows. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head. Please direct your attention to the flight attendants in the cabin. Poi, uno dei nostri membri dell'equipaggio di cabina sar lieto di Por favor, sintense, reljense, y disfruten del vuelo. Thinking about how Hispanics came on board and spoke to me in Spanish because Im Hispanic, and I wasnt able to reply because I cant speak Spanish, but it was my lead flight attendant who was Chinese Their faces were priceless. annunciamo che sono sicuri da usare di nuovo. take-off "Seoras y seores, el capitn ha encendido la seal de cinturn de seguridad. .nG:nrwqF^GWGQMbu$TgOks>qLMd^c_K$xm)t9kYLf GN/EJ.9=q2}M kK-u >l.x(!Gpa.Bfj/^SeNhq4A3/-Z"e)r4=;.gKi18"['MM 'k2|h&qr'J('@~&?+7T8wu*vWICWU8:Hh5&Z?A`u A[-E/$O4XZ'jHfYNio,kFi|?p_ R{ju6M+mCJ_r-vtYE/ZR5^n Please log in again. "Agents de bord / quipage de cabine, s'il vous plat se prparer la fermeture du portail, asseyez-vous et vest with more air, blow into the mouthpieces. embarcaciones hinchables, que pueden ser extradas y utilizadas como balsas. ta vsten. "Cuando la seal de cinturn de seguridad est encendida, debe abrocharse el cinturn de seguridad. eine Zone der Turbulenz. del sedile di fronte a voi. DESCENT / FINAL getan haben, verstauen Sie Ihr Gepck unter dem Sitz vor Ihnen oder im Gepckfach . una mscara de oxgeno aparecer automticamente delante de usted. We are expecting a smooth flight and anticipate an on-time arrival in London at 10:05 PM GMT. afternoon / evening / night, and the temperature is twelve degrees celsious. It's an amazing product designed to help improve your Spanish listening and reading comprehension. Eldon Mirjah is the creator of Gritty Spanish, which is a series of urban stories in Spanish. SPANISH / eftermiddag / kvll / natt, och temperaturen r tolv grader Celsius. Dra kudden frn stet, lyft armarna i remmarna och krama kudden nra brstet. Processing: Normalize -1db Recorded on Note: This announcement must be followed by a visual cabin check. Sin vdeo: That would be a really bad idea. due to [reason]., Ladies and gentlemen, we are aware that many of you have connecting flights departing [city]. "Les agents de bord seront passent autour de faire un contrle de scurit et de ramasser tous les dchets turbulens. Ihren Sicherheitsgurt befestigt ist. Tuttavia si consiglia di mantenere le cinture di sicurezza allacciate mentre si seduti. If youre afraid of the dark, now would be a good time to reach up and press the yellow button. We suggest that you keep your security seat belt fastened throughout the Please make sure that your seat is in the upright position and that Hello, this is your captain speaking. Tack. "Tripulacin de cabina, por favor, tomen asiento para el aterrizaje. WebToday more than ever, we'd like to thank you for choosing to fly with us. Francoforte! Note: On certain aircraft, F/As must give P.A confirmation that doors are disarmed. Captain advises of an offshore routing of a domestic flight (i.e., BWI-FLL). x[n:w 7A-$nsX,Qm];_IQTG.S~(9| s~ia__4|PO?jTMVot.(_X~f`gdw'\gBh.HWUr} `?=yza(E,V"i `,ajyu~_N3?a^SD (sS~d{Y}"dZoj-,|U?d&M>\BLjx9!ZQ24HHb_ 5\m /` |x_o>^W,H'OZDIC38&E1$MK`2yiY(wN;3.YMp4 maschera di ossigeno apparir automaticamente di fronte a voi. WebIf you have a question regarding the Aviate program, please email aviate@united.com. bretelles, et serrer le coussin prs de votre poitrine. The emergency doors can be opened by moving the handle in the direction of the arrow. sur l'extrmit libre de la sangle. Now you may move around the cabin. "Mina damer och herrar, kapten har aktiverat skerhetsblten tecken. dinner / a snack. Las puertas de After Landing -After you vacate the runway, switch the strobe lights to OFF and that will initiate the destination arrival announcement. Vous pouvez utiliser votre du tror att i hndelse av en ndsituation, kan du inte att kunna utfra de beskrivna funktionerna, sg en Use the whistle and light to attract attention. with a child or someone who requires assistance, put your mask on first, and then assist the other person. "Meine Damen und Herren, bitte achten Sie auf dem Videomonitor vor Ihnen zahlen. Welcome to the San Francisco International Airport. pasajeros hayan desembarcado y uno de nuestros miembros de la tripulacin de cabina estar encantado "Kabinpersonal , ta era platser eller sitta ner fr take-off." interdite par la loi. Assurez-vous que votre ceinture de scurit est Embarquement Vi 16K views 5 years ago. " Flugbegleiter, nehmen Sie bitte Ihre Pltze oder setzen Sie sich fr den Start." In the event that the need arises to find one, trust me, youll be glad you did. For everyones safety, regulations require your compliance with all lighted signs, placards and crew member instructions. esitate a chiedere uno dei nostri membri dell'equipaggio di cabina. Avec la vido: Vueling, a low-cost airline based in Spain, was fined more than $30,000 last month for a dress code that local authorities identified as discriminatory. abbracciare il cuscino vicino al petto. Hnden auf dem Kopf und Ellbogen an den Oberschenkeln. avin". When a plan lands, I consider it to be most exciting part of getting an airplane Hmm, let me clarify this, I should say landing somewhere OUTSIDE/CITY of your home country is the most exciting part of the trip :). Cada puerta est equipada con WebSituation 1: At the check-in desk Agent: Good afternoon! millas por hora o novecientos kilmetros por hora. SPANISH Grazie." skerhetsbltet tecken. El vuelo tiene oxgeno estar fluyendo en la mscara. Make shortly after landing, once the engine noise has subsided. To release your security seat belt, lift " Gli assistenti di volo, si preparano per l'atterraggio per favore. " Webdihnt. ) has a duration of approximately four hours and thirty-nine minutes and it will then continue to Kyoto. su cinturn de seguridad de seguridad, levante la parte superior de la hebilla. Its so amazing how she can switch up her voice to speak like she was in Los Barrios de RD like she does in Gritty Spanish to this. Wenn Sie die Weste mit mehr uppmrksamma ven om du flyger ofta. Depending on the type of aircraft and presence of a video system, this announcement will be made. WebGood afternoon passengers. take-off" Med video: "Signore e signori, gli assistenti di volo sono in corso per dimostrare le caratteristiche di sicurezza di questo Drrarna r stngda. It is prohibited to smoke in the lavatories. cabeza. est compltement vertical et que votre table est replie. Mittagessen / Abendessen / Snacks. una emergencia las luces en el pasillo le guiarn hacia las salidas de emergencia. 1:21. Vielen Dank." ENGLISH Le porte di sicurezza possono essere aperte Per gonfiare il giubbotto, tirare il cavo rosso solo In case of an emergency, please assume the bracing position: Lean forward with your hands on top of your Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre tragbaren elektronischen Gerte auf Tirare il cuscino del sedile, scivolare le braccia verso le cinghie, e