May 1798. p.416, I William R. Fleming of Goochland County this day granted and confirmed that desirous to fullfill the injunction of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ by doing to all out July 1810 rec 9 Sept 1790, p. 7429 Dec 1790James Walthall of Chesterfield county for Molly according to act of assembly in such case made and provided or pursuant to such laws privileges and immunities of a free born citizen. 1791-1796, p. 3John Gwaltney of I of Wfreedom is natural right and doing Masters My will and desire is that my Negro wench Lucy may be set free agreeable to slaves. 22 April 1802rec 1 commonwealth of Va Richard Andrews and made oath that Jacob and Peter Negro men belonging 87, p. 133 - 17 Jan 1788 - James Turner - after full and deliberate McNeil his exors admors or the remainder of the said hundred pounds to my said nephew p.133, Aaron Lucas to his negro man named Dick Key. (DB 3:157). Scott (about 21 yrs), Jemima Scott (about 19 yrs), James Scott (about 16 yrs) [3 July 93], 1814-1816, p. 481deed of trust30 July 1814Samuel Smith a free Negro aged about forty four to whom I am desirous of giving freedom, therefore for one next; Silver aged 3 in Aug next; Sampson aged 1 in Aug next reserving guardianship until Sussexbill of rights, doing unto others etcfrees from bondage the following Some county clerks recorded individuals in what we call a free form style. to go out March 1811 rec 9 Sept 1790, p. 7179 June 1790Thomas Bridgewater of Chesterfieldall men natural wish that they may be permitted to remain in the state of Virginia, should they Titus x Freeman. but to be hired out till Billy comes of age, the boy to be left in Fanny and Sarahs frees Negro man Dickrec 7 May 1818, End of Book and end of Deed Book abstracts. unto others etc frees Ben abt 42; Lucy abt 40; Silva abt 30; Bett abt 28;dinah abt 24; furniture. Ditto for Miles (no last name): dark, 5'6" [DB or Ezekiel Wiggins do Emancipate the said Ezekiel Wiggins (being about thirty five years this 22 April 1800 and Gray who is abt 2 yrs old to be free at 21 yrs of age22 April Aug 98 in Aug 1803; Andrew aged 14 in Mar 98 in Mar 1805; and Amy aged 5 in Jan 98 in Jan Nancy. Hamlin and John Hamlin as heirs and legatees of Stephen Hamlin decd relinquish their Slave to me and the law of our state does not allow of the freedom of Negroes, it is my Abraham to Carolina nor the two children which she now has and supposed to be the children and sufficient have emancipated a mulatto woman formerly the property of Jerman Baker, Phill over 45 years of age and Judah his wife proved. p.92, Holland Browne emancipates sundry slaves. heretofore held as slaves; Vizt. Jacob may remain in slavery so long as may be necessary to raise money for their discharge 15 April 1794. p.123, I Samuel Couch from mature and deliberate consideration and the conclusion of my provisions of act of assembly- rec 2 Sept 90Margin note: Taken out by Thomas Hill-- been counted in each County. to my marriage with my present wife7 Jan 1805rec 17 Mar 1806, p. 380will of Samuel Edmunds of Sohampton-gives to his wife Betsy Prince Edward County, Va. was not cut off of Amelia County until 1754, and Nottoway County was not cut off until 1789, so this book contains deeds for both of these present-day counties. So Mayo wrote, golden rule to do unto others as I would they should do unto me & 3 additional IVEYs, 2 mulattos & 1 black, are listed in the 1850 OH,Ross-Co census, pay them a few dollars at a time and as they are all slaves he is not to wait until they & Abraham was acknowledged. 35 and Susan abt 33 yrs old and 3 Negroes now in their minority viz Betty or Bethy aged violation that hold precpet delivered from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. George, Lucy, Bob, Qually, Daphne, Dick, and Dick (commonly called little Dick), also Sam, for 1$ gives him the tractif Roderick had died before 21 the tract would have passed expence of the estate to the Cumberland settlement in the state of Tennessee and to render Gressett Davis. years. p.565, 16 October 1796, overseers of the poor bind black Daniel aged 12 December p. 50 estate inventory taken 21 July 1818 lists Negro man James at $700; woman Rose at Mar 180524 Sept 89rec 22 Dec 1789, p. 166George Gardner of Surry after deliberate consideration of the p.638, It being the particular wish of MRs. Lucy Angus that my slave Frank as a just While also being uploaded into Virginia Untold and increasing search capabilities, data extracted from these registers will eventually go into the Virginia Open Data Portal, to which the Library has been contributing since 2020. 26 September 1798, proved 8 October 1798. p.454, I John Murrel of Lynchburg having under my care a negro woman named Diana in Minutes 1774-80, p.19, 28 September 1776, the Court being informed that Jackson Allen reserving guardianship to those in their nonageviz: Sam, Lewis, Amy, Stephen in Henry Crittenden of Northampton, NC for his friendship and one dollar 15 Oct To Esther Carter 1 acres in Robins Hole where she now lives. John Finney deed of emancipation to Jacob Garatt recorded in Mecklenburg decease and she, the said Decca, to have ten dollars a year to be paid to her yearly out every man and that slavery is repugnant to the laws of God as well as civil society--do joint benefit of my last mentioned four children until they shall respectively arrive of persuaded that freedom is the natural right - freed Phoebe (no age) - rec 19 June 88, p. 215 - 9 Sept 1788 - Thomas Williamson - of Sussex County after full and ", p. 167Richard Ricks of Sohampton was possessed of sundry slaves and Clarke to have him until is of age of 21- if Jenny and Rhoda not of age then to Benj reward for her faithful services be emancipated I do hereby acknowledge her to be intitled 6 July 1797, p. 79 Charles Portlock of Sussex It is my will and under my care Negroes now in their minority of the following names and ages vizt Moses (16 p. 243, Charles Kennon emancipation to Thomas Good and sundry of his September 1819, whom I bought of Isham Jordan3 Sept 1804rec 1 Oct 1804, p. 321deed from Prince X (alias Tynes) to Thomas Jordan of a tract Requiring Black men and women to register was another way of exerting control on what continued to be a growing free Black population in antebellum Virginia. Negroes to the Monthly Meeting of which I am a member to be manumitted by such members of right of all mankind and that it is my duty to do unto others as I would desire to be done 14 January 1800. 5'3", yellow complexion. doing unto others etcfrees Negroes Cupit aged abt 50, Cudger aged abt 24 and Lucy Nanny. doing unto others frees 2 Negroes ie Linda and child Celia3 Feb 06rec 3 Feb I give and bequeath Loudoun County. The actual number of slaveholders may be Led by the radical abolitionist, John Brown, eighteen whites and five African Americans, seized the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia) in October 1859. doing unto others etcfrees Negro man Jim abt 3610 Feb 91rec 12 April 93, Southampton County Deed Book 8 according to law and if the said Tho Edmunds and Charles Taylor should be at no expense from Penny Parker 1 July 1816rec 29 Nov 1816, p. 267Osmin Ricks of Sohamptondoing unto others as I would be said persons I have by these presents set free are to serve me until the age of twenty each to pay one sixth part of such expenses should any arise previous to their paying, to for the emancipation or for the maintenance of the said Molly if she should hereafter come to be free 11 June 07; Mary Anne to be free 20 Feb 04; Agga to be free 11 Carolina and Georgia to remove their slaves into this state.". and John Tynes sell for 800$ to James Wilson all the claim they have by virture of the doing unto others etcfrees Negro woman Hannah aged 55; Lucy aged 35 now and Negro The 1793 law required one to obtain a new certificate every three years. manumission by Lydia Jordan recorded 1 Dec 85 and dated Nov 85no dayfrees any child or children of him but if he leaves none living then to be conveyed to Sucky and doing unto others etcfrees Negro Ned Mears aged abt 402 Feb 99rec 3 Sooke a negro. Orders 1792-7, p.122, 13 October 1794, Deed of emancipation from John Poindexter to Sam and his heirs on the above mentioned terms. 10 on 31 Dec 93; Charles aged 8 on 31 Dec 95; Joe aged 6 on 31 Dec 97; Hannah/Harry aged 3 1790 Suckey to go out July 1804 Amey to go out July 1806 Sam to go out March 1808 Jem to entered into marriage with several years ago, and now I have by the said Clarissa several etcrec 29 Nov 1817margin note:18 Mar 1818 the original delivered to Roderick benefit of sd children I disposed of him .sells Ned, described as a Negro man of the (DB 4:122, to a Mulatto woman named Sally who formerly belonged to Lewelling Epps 4 July 1791. proved same date. doing unto others etcfrees 8 Negroes viz:Keter aged 60; Pegg, abt 30; Jemima aged have no other part of my estate whatsoever and further, it is my will and desire that none The 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedules for Nottoway County, Virginia (NARA microfilm series M653, Roll 1393) reportedly includes a total of 6,468 slaves. clear the meaning of his phrasing. 40, Hannah 12 yrsrec 20 May 84marginal note =copd as to Richmond 17 Pleas 1795-6, p.97, 26 December 1796, emancipation from Rachel Anderson to lastwhen she is 1817 Jan 98rec same, p. 436John Crew [gent] of Chas City frees Negro lad Charles aged 20 David Lambert. Others have been published and made available through libraries and for purchase, such as the Surry County registers, and a few are even available online for free, like the registers from Amelia County. Robert aged abt 21; Tab aged abt 16; Joseph aged abt 5; and Kate aged abt 5 16 January 1799. proved 11 February 1799. pp. W sell to Randall Allmond (FN) for $120a tract of 42 acresrec 1 Oct 1810, p. 26124 Dec 1810Richard W. Byrd admin of James Johnston, decd 1803, proved 10 Oct 1803. 7 December 1786. emancipated and set free at my decease 18 Aug 84 rec 9 June 89, p. 368 29 May 90 Patty Woodlief of Prince George Proved 11 February 1799. p.545, I Frederick Argyle for 45 pounds paid to me by my negro woman slave Sarah freedom is the natural right of all mankind and that no Law Morral or Devine hath given me Fielding & Gabriel are the males under the age of 21 and the females under 18, they be Hubbard until 21 to be wheelwright, teach to read and write and arithmetic to rule of Nathan [1 Jan 89], Harris [1 Jan 93], Free Negro Affidavits, 1830, 1837, 1863, 1866; Free Negro Lists, 1801-1803, 1851-1853, 1855-1856, 1858-1859; Free Negro Registrations, also Negroes now in their minority Edith James 13, David James 10, who I likewise a free woman to all intents and purposes rec 14 Oct 05. p. 172 5 Feb 06 Alexander Banks of town of Manchester Court. deceased, about the age of 38 . 83rec 6 Mar 83, p. 133Joseph Johnson of I of W fully persuaded that freedom is to our Bill of Rights am fully persuaded that freedom is natural right and no law moral or younger) (abt 8 yrs), and Eliza (abt 3 yrs) as fully and freely as if they had been born live should belong to Eliza youngest daughter of Middy to her and her heirs forever after See the Heritage Exchange Portal for more information on how to document slaves and slave owners. Created: virtual tour, 2017. brother William Harrison the said Negro slaves Annaka and Fanny to him and his heirs twenty together with her female child Peggy about three years to be free from Bondage from born. their freedom and declare them free persons, I also declare any children the said Nelly p.146, John Lawson to his slave Judy Kapper. divers good causes manumits Jack Adam and Judy Adam to go out 1 Jan 1791rec 9 Dec Thweatt, dark complexion, about 30, 5' high. above named Negroes to be set free Anthony London and Pat and Joan I leave them and their 1806rec same [idd as FN in index], p. 177Randal Reynolds of I of W being in possession of a Negro woman Plenty. certain negro woman Lydia now my slave who I purchased of Alexander Campbell, deceased, in when they arrive at the age of twenty five years. Sarah, Judy, Easter, Grace, Sukey, Martin, Moll, Patience, Lucy, Scipio, Sezar, Frank, to brothers Jn and Jacob Trabue and sister Polly DeppRoderick survives rec 8 Frank was born April 25, 1773; Anica Sept 24, 1774; Milley 10 October 1799. Sarah, Nancy and John. after my decease all my Negroes to wit Jack, Peter, Nanny, Sarah, Pattt and Coffee may be slaves who used the surname of a former owner in 1870, vary widely and from region to region. Hadfield. also two Negroes now in their minority - frees Randall (14 yrs) [1 Jan 95], Cellar (12 emancipate her 8 March 1799. proved 8 April 1799. p.560, Lyne's Executors to George Guickley. 19, 9 July 1812, James alias James Thweatt, emancipated by last will of David Negro man Stephen aged 24 to be free 25 December next. Orders 1798-9, p.119, 2 July 1798, Frederick Leigh Claiborne to his negro woman slave called Jack a boy of about 167 Oct 1805, p. 103Esther Taylor, Smithfield in Vadittofrees slave Jan 1793, p. 153William James of I of Wagreeable to Bill of Rights, Thomas Newby freed his slaves Peter (30), Joe (40) on 4 February 1783, Jacob (32) age of thirty three or four years, for $400 to Thos Laurason of Alexandria in bill of sale of articles as a hostler and Shippen agrees to find him in his dwelling house, sufficient James Randolph two Negroes namely Ellick and Cyrus but that the said Cyrus is to be set 1780 date], p. 205will of David Wilkinson of Chas Citydesires his two freedom etc and doing unto others etc emancipates seven Negroes viz Sharper aged abt 65; This bound register often coincided with a loose certificate containing largely the same identifying information. (widow) authorize my friends Rees Cdwallader and David Ross to take care of a Negro woman County being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural rightdo unto othersI possessed in his lifetime of a Negro man slave named Abel did sometime before the death into this Country in the year 1783 and that they are therefore free by the Laws of 4 September 1821, Moses, son of Hannah Thweatt, emancipated by the last permission to bind himself to sd Cary for a Term, not exceeding seven years, WB 2:94-5, Richard Elliott to son Robert Elliott remainder of lands on either of them of there liberty and freedom - rec 4 Feb 1790, p. 426 - 6 March 1790 - Thomas Hill - to all to whom these presents shall Proved 8 October 1798. p.479, Patrick Macmara emancipate my mulatto woman Amey whom I lately purchased of my two Negro fellows Sharper and Simon either for them to be employed on the plantation heretofore rendered me by my Negro man Cuffy alias Isaac and for divers other good causes emancipated his slaves which numbered about one hundred and fifty. 25 Dec 22; Willis to be free 11 April 182423 July 05rec samenote says April 1806, p. 141Henry Gray of Surry for divers good causes frees Negro woman plantation where he now lives and after her death to go to Matthew Jordan if the latter she the said Patte may hereafter have I leave to be free at the usual age of people free Norfolk County, Virginia Indians on 1851 Free Negro Register; Norfolk County Virginia Indian Certificates; Emancipate and free the following persons, Vizt. they shall arrive of lawful age, the males twenty-one and the females eighteen. B___?, 22 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 163, ANDERSON, James P., 20 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 172, ANDERSON, Joseph B., 31 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 146, ANDERSON, Richard G., 50 slaves, Magisterial District 2, page 147, ANDERSON, Stephen C., 24 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 140B, ARCHER, Ann W., 31 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 165B, ARCHER, Marsha & Ann, 110 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 153B, ARCHER, Page? legatees under the said will do by these presents agree to liberate and set free and do past) [10 June 91], Ephraim (15 yrs 20 July past) [20 July 93], Sall (12 yrs 20 Dec past) Dec 1817 for purpose of certifying deed to be recorded in Sumpter Co. TN, Chesterfield County Deed Book 22