Considering a school district police officer was on the scene before the shooter even entered the school, why did it take so long to end the shooting? In return, the Fed paid $102 billion to banks, $9 billion for administration, $1 billion in dividends, and then gave back $76 billion to the Treasury, making up for the shortfall in a way that no one else could do. CurrentlyMississippiistied for 45thout of 50 in the2023 Sound Money Index. Yesterday we reviewed the Feds Statement of Operations finding many peculiarities such as: a $16 billion capitalized loss, $2 billion spent by the Board of Governors, and $1.2 billion paid as a dividend to the banks. Only seven states still engage in it. As of 2014, 27 states had a mandatory duty to warn statue and nine other states allow mental health professionals to break privilege to warn possible victims. Kudlow laments that a toppling of the dollar from that perch"seems to be the direction we're going in. Moreover, even though the state of Florida has compulsory schooling laws, the students themselves are not "in custody": Courts have rejected the argument that students are in custody of school officials while they are on campus, Mr. Hutchinson said. Its generally portrayed as a win for the people when the Fed remits billions to Treasury, but this is nothing more than the return of the publics money, less over hundred billion dollars in expenses and a healthy dividend along the way and if this is confusing, dont be alarmed, its supposed to be. Following last February's shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, some students claimed local government officials were at fault for failing to provide protection to students. After all, it's clear that it is not necessary for a country's currency to be a reserve currency in order for that country to have a high standard of living and a high degree of economic freedom. Tax ID# 52-1263436, conscription. Naturally, politicians and pundits such as Trump and Kudlow view any threat to this kind of state poweras a bad thing. Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.. At this point, however, how wefeel about it is irrelevant. In this event, the Supreme Court ruled that the police have no obligation to protect your right to due process (Fifth Amendment) by enforcing existing restraining orders and that the court order did not provide her special treatment under the law. We should not accept earlier rulings that police have no duty to protect us especially as they continue to receive bloated budgets. The Russian government has claimed conscripted soldiers are only being sent to replace volunteer soldiers in their posts, with the volunteer soldiers then sent to the front in Ukraine, but some havedisputedthis. Only $446 billion was held in the Treasurys general account. They also prevented others from intervening. The Kremlin'sapproachhas been to transition to a digital platform. This attracts huge amounts of wealth to government Treasurys that otherwise would have gone into private-sector investments. But what does it mean to say the Fed owns (rounding down) $8 trillion in UST and MBS? Passage of this measure will increase the states ranking dramatically. To answer the initial question: How bad is it? Justices said the police had no such duty. Why did Canadian police cars become so menacing? Do the Police Have an Obligation to Protect You. It has never been painted on most p. The Reserve Banks remit excess earnings to the Treasury after providing for the cost of operations, payment of dividends, and reservation of an amount necessary to maintain surplus at the aggregate surplus limitation. . Lucky for the Fed, theyll suffer no adverse consequences for their actions because according to them, the crisis wont be their fault. Letter: No mention of serving all in California's police oath And then theres President Trumpsplans for a military parade on Veterans Day(costing between $10 million and $30 million) to showcase the nations military might. This site is protected by And additional states may pass their own exemptions this year. The interest, administrative, and dividend costs were discussed in the review of the Statement of Operations a few days ago. But 99.8% of police officers bust their ass and risk their lives every single day to protect and serve us to the best of their ability. Not a single one of those cops, armed with deadly weapons and trained for exactly such a dangerous scenario, entered the school to confront the shooter. Its true what they say about following the money. All of this has taken place right under our noses, funded with our taxpayer dollars and carried out in broad daylight without so much as a general outcry from the citizenry. But as courts have determined, they have no obligation to do that. To Protect and Serve | Disney Wiki | Fandom On the other, seldom talked about side of the balance sheet, are the liabilities: The liabilities primarily consist of money the Fed owes to others. 134,500 people. Offenders are subject to imprisonment for up to 10 years. This October 6, 2008 announcement solves the mystery: The Federal Reserve Board on Monday announced that it will begin to pay interest on depository institutions' required and excess reserve balances. We need your support in this difficult time. After all, even after the pound sterling lost its status as reserve currency in the 1930s, it did not disappear. After all, even if the US central bank (the Federal Reserve)creates $8 trillion in new dollars in order to prop up US asset prices, much of the world will take those dollars out of US domestic markets, and this will reduce price inflation in the USat least in the short term. There are instances when we do require people to intervene in order to warn, protect or rescue, but rarely are those people police officers. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Passage of this measure will increase the states ranking dramatically. The past year has been the most arduous of our lives. "To Protect and to Serve" became the official motto of the Police Academy, and it was kept constantly before the officers in training as the aim and purpose of their profession. On the big screen, the military coup is foiled and the republic is saved in a matter of hours. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. Its the same reason why the Trump Administration has made aconcerted effort to expand the police states powerto search, strip, seize, raid, steal from, arrest and jail Americans for any infraction, no matter how insignificant. In fact, police dont usually need much incentive to shoot and kill members of the public. Its almost as if the Fed only makes money when it expands its balance sheet, meaning the only way out of this is to inflate the money supply. The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are in custody, he pointed out. The notes reveal that all is not well with the Fed, and these heavy losses can be squarely attributed to its own policy. police cars no longer say to protect and serve. Zelensky alsoauthorizedthe "release" of convicts with combat experience to bolster Kyiv's forces. With few eligibility exceptions available and a brutal front line, the stricter rules have many Ukrainian men fearing for their safety. Directed by Scott Morse Rob Gibbs (co-director) Original airdate Late 2015 (cancelled) Cars Toons Episodes Previous "The Radiator Springs 500" Source " To Protect and Serve " is an unaired Cars Toons episode, with Scott Morse as director, Rob Gibbs as co-director, and Mary Alice Drumm and Nicole Paradis Grindle as producers. All they have is the ability to print more money and lower rates, so its difficult to imagine "low" inflation during any alleged recovery. This article was paid for by AlterNet subscribers. The life-and-death nature of the job is used to push for extremely generous medical leave, overtime, and pay packages. Moreover, reserve currency status creates political cover for the regime's easy-money policies in the short term. One of the problems were forced to confront when considering the role of the Federal Reserve is whether its better for the Fed to take losses and capitalize them as deferred assets, or go back to an era of Fed profitability whereby the Fed remitted money to the Treasury on a weekly basis. One of the problems were forced to confront when considering the role of the Federal Reserve is whether its better for the Fed to take losses and capitalize them as deferred assets, or go back to an era of Fed profitability whereby the Fed remitted money to the Treasury on a weekly basis. The reality is likely that closer to 80% of the employees only make around $100,000 while the remaining 20% make a lot more. Mrs. Doe, an 80-year-old widow, has lived in the same neighborhood for 50 yearsraising a family on a quiet street, sharing life's good times and bad with neighbors and friends, and enjoying the amenities of life in a suburban community. Legal scholar Carl Rizzi argues the public duty doctrine should assume a special relationship between police and students. Since police officers have stopped cooperating, and have offered contradictory information, we will probably never know. This produces no net benefit sincegovernment spending in itself distorts the economy, drives up prices, and otherwise redistributes wealth according to political considerations, rather than according to the needs of consumers and entrepreneurs. As I point out in my bookBattlefield America: The War on the American People, Im referring to government with a capital G, the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law. The jobs available primarily consist of office workers, such as economists, researchers, attorneys, analysts, and IT positions. Specie is defined as Coin having gold or silver content; or refined gold or silver bullion that is coined, stamped, or imprinted with its weight and purity; and valued primarily based on its metal content not its form., The measure continues, Specie or legal tender shall not be characterized as personal property for taxation or regulatory purposes., To remove any doubt of the legislatures intent, HB 1718 explicitly states, the exchange of one type or form of legal tender for another type or form of legal tender shall not give rise to any tax liability, and, the purchase, sale, or exchange of any type or form of specie shall not give rise to any tax liability.. CurrentlyArkansasisranked 30thout of 50 in the2023 Sound Money Index. Comments for Round 2: Reading the Feds Balance Sheet, Print Round 2: Reading the Feds Balance Sheet, How to Read the Feds Statement of Operations, Comments for How to Read the Feds Statement of Operations, Print How to Read the Feds Statement of Operations, Mississippi Becomes the 43rd State to End Sales Taxes on Gold and Silver, Comments for Mississippi Becomes the 43rd State to End Sales Taxes on Gold and Silver, Print Mississippi Becomes the 43rd State to End Sales Taxes on Gold and Silver, Arkansas Passes Legal Tender Act, Removes Taxes on Gold and Silver, Comments for Arkansas Passes Legal Tender Act, Removes Taxes on Gold and Silver, Print Arkansas Passes Legal Tender Act, Removes Taxes on Gold and Silver. Nevertheless, we are told there is an agreement here a "social contract" between government agencies and the taxpayers and citizens. The women who had called police on account of intruders being in their houses, and then spending the next 14 hours being raped, werent owed the specific duty of police officers to protect them. By 2009 over $1 trillion was held there, and in 2021 over $4 trillion. Ford says it will keep making police cars after some workers ask the Epson, you earn a gold star. That is, what happens when one party in this alleged social contract doesn't keep up its end of the bargain. There's no excuse for that." It is the unfortunate, misguided, perverse message that has been beaten, shot, tasered and slammed into our collective consciousness over the past few decades, and it has taken root. @2022 - AlterNet Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. We know the Uvalde shooter wasnt stopped by a police officer outside the school before entering. This is especially the case when the dollar is unbacked by any commodity like gold, and is simply a floating fiat currency that can be inflated at the will of the regime at any time. This begs the question: if the police dont have a duty to protect the public, what are we paying them for? Print Banking Crisis (Not the Fed) To Cause Recession? At the same time, conscription appears to have been implemented as a new form of punishment. Nonetheless, Total operating expenses amounted to $9 billion, meaning that administration consumed around 5% of the Feds revenue. There is another expense line item called: Other Items of Income (Loss), but this is only $220 million, therefore negligible. standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding somethinganythingthat police could misinterpret to be a gun, police have no constitutional duty to protect members of the public from harm, Military Spending Is Already Bankrupting America, Americas Dirty Little Secret: Sex Trafficking of Young Girls, The State of Our Union: A House Divided, Enslaved & Mired in the Mistakes of the Past, Jesus Stood Up To The Roman Empire And Hed Resist US Empire Today, every situation as a deadly force encounter in the making, concerted effort to expand the police states power, Too often they appear to mean, to protect officers and serve the police force., even questioning police behavior is decried as disloyal, un-American, and dangerous. As a result of the increasing rates, the value of the Feds assets has declined dramatically. This reality does belie the often-made claim, however, that police agencies deserve the tax money and obedience of local citizens because the agencies "keep us safe.". One of the most dishonest headlines of the week goes to CNBC: Fed expects banking crisis to cause a recession this year, minutes show. Police have a legal obligation to stop crime. So it would appear that police, upon realizing that people. Of these seven outliers, legislative allies in five states introduced sales tax exemption bills, with efforts in Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Maine still ongoing. For all of us independent news organizations, its no exception. Every one of Mississippis neighbors (Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee) had already stopped taxing the monetary metals. The correct answer is that the Fed should be abolished, but this will not happen anytime soon. Police Officers Threaten to Quit If the Public Keeps Demanding Accountability, Police: We're the Experts Don't You Dare Criticize Us, Lack of Police Accountability Shows the "Social Contract" Isn't Working, The Problem with "Just Do What the Cops Say and You Won't Get Hurt", Comments for 23,000+ People Work at the Fed, It's a Good Thing for Ordinary Americans If the US Loses Reserve Currency Status, Comments for It's a Good Thing for Ordinary Americans If the US Loses Reserve Currency Status, Print It's a Good Thing for Ordinary Americans If the US Loses Reserve Currency Status, creates $8 trillion in new dollars in order to prop up US asset prices, Why the Dollar Still Beats the Euro and the Yuan, government spending in itself distorts the economy, the pound sterling lost its status as reserve currency in the 1930s, Ukraine War Offers Glimpse at Modern Conscription, Comments for Ukraine War Offers Glimpse at Modern Conscription, Print Ukraine War Offers Glimpse at Modern Conscription.