3.9 The Planning Inspectorate also requests that whatever the route followed by the Applicant (request or notification) a GIS shapefile be prepared and submitted in accordance with the information contained at the subheading below Advance notice and GIS shapefile. Advice Note Two seeks to provide advice about the important role of local authorities at different stages of the Planning Act 2008 process. Sign up to receive email notifications when updates are made to the Planning Inspectorates advice notes and other important web content. 8.8 In order to clarify the role of PEI to consultees, the Planning Inspectorate recommends that Applicants clearly explain that the information is preliminary; that the Applicant is actively seeking consultees comments and that there will be the opportunity for both the design of the Proposed Development and the EIA to take into consideration any comments received through this consultation. 0303 444 5004. It is possible that during the course of the pre-application process new information becomes available that may affect that decision. 5.4 The scoping process is undertaken by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State. 8.9 Applicants are not required to provide PEI when undertaking their formal consultation (although if they do so they must set out how it will be publicised and consulted on as part of this process). For example, consultees may look for more or less technical information depending upon their interests. Advice Note Two: The role of local authorities in the development consent process Published February 2015 (version 1). Nonetheless the Inspectorate has a duty to ensure that the applications and assessments necessary to inform a robust examination, recommendation or decision are supported by relevant and up to date information. The Advice Note has been updated to reflect changes in legislation and new ways of working including the submission of electronic only applications. This would facilitate the Secretary of States consideration under Regulation 32 of the EIA Regulations. These Advice Notes are referred to in this . If the proposed DCO site boundary comprises a number of separate discrete polygons, these should all be included within the single shape file contained in the *.zip file. 6.2 The electronic copy should be a single file including all appendices and figures. press.office@planninginspectorate.gov.uk. Find more similar flip PDFs like March 2015 - Tidal Lagoon Cardiff EIA Scoping Report. Advice Note One is about the production of Local Impact Reports. This change register was introduced on 1 May 2012 and lists any changes made to existing advice notes and notes the publication of any new advice notes. Updated to reflect legislative change from the Infrastructure Planning Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2017 and to clarify the Planning Inspectorates approach to EIA notification and consultation. On 23 March 2016 the Planning Inspectorate published revised versions of its four . It identifies the stages of the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) process and clarifies the information to be provided with a DCO application with respect to HRA at each stage of the Planning Act 2008 process. If done well, it allows for an early identification of the likely significant effects applicable to the EIA Regulations (in particular Schedule 4) and also provides opportunity to agree where aspects and matters can be scoped out from further assessment. Start letter and initial work. The Inspectorate will work closely with Applicants and relevant stakeholders notably our statutory consultation bodies in this regard. Updated to reflect legislative changes from the Infrastructure Planning Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2017, the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 and the Conservation of Offshore Marine Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. changes to reflect the coming into force of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The advice note has been updated to reflect up to date practice in relation to requests to make a material change to an application. Under that provision, the Secretary of State must notify and exchange information with other EEA states if it is of the view that the proposed development is likely to have significant effects on the environment in these states. It also addresses points relating to the implementation of the Rochdale envelope for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. The Planning Inspectorate is also required to notify the consultation bodies of the duty imposed on them under Regulation 11(3) of the EIA Regulations, that if requested by the Applicant, they must enter into consultation with that person to determine whether they possess any information which is considered relevant to the preparation of the ES or the updated ES; and, if that is the case, they must make that information available to the Applicant. 25 October . Is the absence of likely significant adverse effects dependent upon proposed measures envisaged to avoid or prevent such effects? 3.16 Applicants are advised to consider the following questions in respect of their Proposed Development before making a screening request: 3.17 If the answer to any of questions 1-5 above is no or dont know then Applicants should consider carefully whether the timing of the screening request is appropriate. Is there sufficient detail and certainty regarding the location and characteristics of the Proposed Development? Advice Note Three: EIA consultation and notification Republished August 2017 (version 7). Updated to reflect ways of working noting circumstances of coronovirus (COVID-19). This is done in a fair, open and timely . Planning Inspectorate . 6.4 Any references made to relevant documents (eg a National Policy Statement, methodological guidance or other document which are to be relied on) should be made to the specific passage, policy or relevant part of the document. Advice Note Fifteen: Drafting Development Consent Orders Republished July 2018 (version 2). Supersedes version 5, March 2015 (PINS, 2015). 6. challenging the decision to award costs . This should include any relevant National Policy Statement(s) and guidelines prepared by relevant professional bodies. It will be kept under review and updated when necessary. The Advice Note has been updated to reflect requirements following the introduction of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 which came into force on 16th May 2017. It also reflects the views, on DCO drafting matters, of those government departments that are most involved in the consenting of DCOs. Advice Note Five: Section 53 Rights of entry RepublishedMarch 2017(version 6). 7. This advice note sets out a staged approach to cumulative effects assessment (CEA) for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and provides template formats for documenting the CEA within an applicants Environmental Statement. It is intended to assist local authorities with the form and content of these reports. Please note, this advice note refers to annexes in a separate document (PDF 226 KB). there must not be any other files within the *.zip file; it should be in the British National Grid (OSGB1936) format; multiple *.zip files or multiple .shp files within a single zip file are not compatible with the Planning Inspectorates GIS system. Please note, this advice note refers to annexes in a separate document (DOC 119 KB). This advice note is aimed primarily at applicants and local authorities, however, it is also relevant to any consultee who may be interested to know how an applicants Pre-application consultation is reported. 5.8 Prior to submitting a scoping request, Applicants may choose to undertake their own non-statutory consultation with the consultation bodies, or others. This will enable the Planning Inspectorate to allocate resources to deal with the request and enable the Planning Inspectorate to identify the consultation bodies in advance of receiving the request thus ensuring a timely start. One text change was also applied, the reference to the Welsh Language Board as a non-prescribed consultation body was removed following the abolition of this organisation on 1 April 2012. We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use this site. 5.10 Ensuring that ESs are appropriately focused on aspects and matters where a likely significant effect may occur is essential. 1.1. Advice Note Four sets out advice on how to apply to the Planning Inspectorate to authorise an applicant to serve a written notice which requires the recipient to provide information to an applicant about interests in land. 3.13 In dealing with the description of the development and its possible effects on the environment, Applicants should ensure the information is set out with reference to the criteria in Schedule 3 to the EIA Regulations, these being: 3.14 Applicants should also ensure that all aspects of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the development are addressed. This advice note has been republished to reflect amendments made to the Infrastructure Planning (Application: Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 2009 by the Infrastructure Planning (Prescribed Consultees and Interested Parties) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 and the Natural Resources Body for Wales (Functions) Order 2013. This includes: 3.8 The Planning Inspectorate requests that notifications made in accordance with Regulation 8(1)(b) of the EIA Regulations are accompanied by information sufficient to facilitate Regulation 11. Advice Note Six: Preparation and submission of application documents (version 11) This advice note will assist applicants in preparing, organising and submitting applications to the Planning Inspectorate. The advice note includes Annex 1 the Inspectorates long form transboundary screening proforma (ODT, 40kb) and Annex 2 the Inspectorates short form transboundary screening proforma (ODT, 37kb). Planning Inspectorate Published 1 January 2010 Last updated . In turn the Inspectorate expects that consultation bodies will continue to work with Applicants to find suitable approaches and points of reference to aid the robust preparation of applications. the procedural advice issued by the planning inspectorate 4. procedural challenges by way of judicial review: 5. the decision by the secretary of state not to call in a planning application. This Advice Note seeks to provide: a brief description of the legal context and obligations placed on an applicant, with respect to cumulative effects under national planning policy and the EIA Regulations (the Planning Inspectorate's Advice . We use cookies to store information about how you use the the National Infrastructure site, such as the pages you visit. The purpose of this advice note is to clarify the Planning Inspectorate's position on the need for widths to be shown on all public path, definitive map and rail crossing . Section 14 on data protection has been amended and a new section Copyright and intellectual property has been added. Is there reasonable confidence that there will not be substantial changes to the information above which may affect any outcome in consideration of likely significant effects? provides a clear description of the Proposed Development through all phases of the development consistent with the DCO ie in terms of construction, operation and decommissioning phases; clearly explains the processes followed to develop the ES including the established scope for the assessment; explains the reasonable alternatives considered and the reasons for the chosen option taking into account the effects of the Proposed Development on the environment; details the forecasting methods for the assessment and the limitations (as relevant); assesses in an open and robust way the assessment of likely significant effects explaining where results are uncertain; provides sufficient details of the measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and where possible offset any significant adverse effects, the likely efficacy of such measures and how they are secured; details the need for any ongoing monitoring or remediation; and. What DNS applications are currently in progress? 01/2009 and all the good practice advice notes which were also published by pins. In any event, Applicants should contact the relevant Infrastructure Planning Lead (IPL) at the Planning Inspectorate who will arrange an inception meeting in advance of any request to discuss details of the Proposed Development. 5.5 The Planning Inspectorate must adopt a scoping opinion within 42 days of receiving a scoping request (electronic copy). The Planning Inspectorate prefers an early indication of the intent to submit a notification/request preferably several months in advance of the actual request being made. Introduction. The advice note also includes updated information relating to the fee arrangements for applications and examinations. Schedule 2 development, likely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of factors such as its nature, size or location. Regulation 11(1)(c) of the EIA Regulations requires the Planning Inspectorate to notify the Applicant of any such bodies, and it is the duty of the Applicant to include them in their consultation.