In addition to the Facebook page, there are Reddit threads on her case. Its an opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. Although the prosecution used it as evidence that she was trying to create a false alibi, it actually sounded more like Patricia was simply trying to nail down the facts he had already asserted to her. This video is currently unavailable. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. . !) and detractors (This is another bs attempt to free a psycho). It could be coincidence, but I really doubt it. Maybe then you will see the wrongful conviction! So much of it, it would take all day to elaborate here. Youre absolutely right!! I hope it was only sloppiness of language choice, I refer to your comment of December 22, 2020 at 1:04 pm in which you state, I quote.Im inclined to think both Rorrer and Routier are guilty.. Are you even aware theres a strong suspicion that evidence of the hair, which was DNA matched to her, was tampered with? As to her duration on death row, no: inference cannot be made as to her guilt as theres a woman with about the same time (Holberg) and another with almost as much. Another inaccuracy in this is, they state the jury took SIX HOURS to return a verdict, when in fact it took less than TWO HOURS. in tandem with no evidence of home invasion. Go watch the Reasonable Doubt episode from last night Patricia did it. which makes a complete nonsense of their gun theory.. Quote if I had known I would get caught, I would never have brought you into this world. Pat to Nicole her daughter. Interesting points thanks for writing in (and, yikes, those poor deer that starve to death). But her reputation wasnt exactly sleek and shiny. Wrong Man Season 2 Release Date Confirmed (Exclusive) I do. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. Stable situation. RR, Watch the Forensic Files episode on YouTube. One on one? . Very soon after, the original hairs (in glass slides) were sent to the FBI again. Why is this even a question, why people are trying to take out killers into society? But defense lawyer Robert Pfeiffer said that plenty of evidence supported Patricias innocence. At 10:30 p.m., Andrew reported his wife missing. Rorrer has appealed her conviction several times and her supporters believe additional DNA. They were able to match 5 hairs all the same micro DNA which happened to match the DNA pulled from blood samples Pat gave. Four months after Joanns disappearance, farmer Paul Kovalchik reported seeing what at first looked like a pile of clothes on his land in Heidelberg Township woods, about 15 miles from the Katrinaks house. Anyway, there are thousands of people who differ from that belief, that is why there is so much controversy surrounding this case, and that is why there have been numerous convicted people in the past whove been exonerated on appeal. Lehigh Valley: Patricia Rorrer Still A Convenient Suspect? And while youre on that list, you can be happy in the knowledge youre not in rarefied company. This woman was motivated by an obsession with a man who no longer wanted her. After all, justice has been served in the eyes of the law, so why go on demonising her? Irelands husband buried it in the yard because he didnt feel comfortable with a firearm inside, she said. DA readily agreed they did not belong to Rorrer, was happy to admit they were never submitted for analysis. She took out the woman who replaced her. Media galore. For more on the Katrinak murder case, you can watch Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction for free on YouTube. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. I saw lots of her defenders saying that he got the hairs from a hairbrush of hers that he had somehow saved, which I thought was absolutely ridiculous. They tested the hair last night on Reasonable Doubt using updated technology it is definitely Patricias. After Joann Katrinak, the wife of Patricias former flame, turned up dead along with her infant son, prosecutors suspected Patricia. Some people are just monsters. The District Attorney got this one right. And Patricia did live in another state. Yes, that doesnt mean shes unquestionably guilty, but it does mean her case has been relatively exhaustively examined (and its not over) and it means that your assertion that you are right and the guilty camp are wrong (and that this should be obvious) is absurdly overplayed. Microconidia DNA, as long as the strand is one inch long they can pull the DNA from that. 6-10. Later, they both worked 12-hour graveyard shifts at a textile factory. The state police dropped him as a suspect. The author that wrote the book on the Rutier case donates all the funds from that book to freeing Darlie Routier because the jury wasnt shown a lot of evidence of the medical issues Darlie suffered. They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. No way for 4 months, that deceased baby would still be resting across the mothers chest. Rorrer killed two peoplea young mother and her small child and thru the justice system got what the bitch deserved! The obvious, if moot, response to this is to observe that her conviction wasnt based on inaccurate documentaries but on trial. Have you watched any of the documentaries Ive mentioned? Justice is about uncovering the truth. Any true crime fan should know the crazy history of these magic boxes. Unfortunately for Joanne this psycho took it badly. I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. Thats my life.. Rorrer and Katrinak broke up in 1989 five years before the murders and Andy married Joann in May, 1993 after dating for approximately one year. You know whats interesting? I certainly dont consider its more likely the victims husbands the perp than Rorrer, as has been suggested, leaving Rorrer or a stranger. I agree that the putative motive is relatively weak (though motive is ultimately subjective and theres no accounting for anger, bitterness, jealousy etc) and to convict on that substantially would be absurd. The victims vanished on December 15. Those who knew Joann pointed out that she didnt like to drive in reverse and would have never parked that way. After . Rorrers filed multiple appeals over issues you raise, the latest recently and rejected. Police say Rorrer put a .22-caliber bullet in the mother's head, strangled the baby and placed him . Andrew mentioned to police that his former live-in girlfriend Patricia Rorrer once managed a horse stable two miles from the bodies location and would have been familiar with the riding trails close to the murder scene. But investigators conceded they had no solid evidence against Andrew. Unbloody vehicle. Vonda Smith: An Unexpected Twist . I dont think so. Did you personally attend the trial? From my point of view, the American police investigations are first hand, and often very poorly done, Ive only seen worse in the British police, which is paradoxical given the laudatory talent of both nationalities, but it is a Scandinavian saying: bigger the mouth, smaller the facts. Saphira Wolf forgive me, but I dont have the time, or wish, to respond to idiotic comments. There is no justice for your loved ones when the wrong person is paying for the crime. The Murders of Joann and Alex Katrinak [Unresolved Crime] - Reddit The fact that there is LITERALLY NO EVIDENCE that Patricia was actually obsessed with Andy; they spoke as friends maybe twice a year. I hope she suffers and goes insane from loneliness. Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. The Free Patricia Rorrer page points to a sliver of a fingernail found at the murder site that didnt come from either Patricia or Joann. PATRICIA RORRER, : : Petitioner : v. : CIVIL ACTION NUMBER 19-01398 : WENDY K. NICHOLAS, : : Respondents : MOTION FOR DISCOVERY AND CONSOLIDATED MEMORANDUM OF LAW . And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. Im new to the case, but there seems to be a lot of reasonable doubt. They retested hair from the car in 2008 with updated new technology. The "Wrong Man" team explores whether Vonda may have been wrongfully convicted. The Common Sense Guy you should put yourself on top of the list of deluded people. For this week, I looked into the defenders reasoning as well as Patricias whereabouts today. Those that think that Patricia is innocent are simply groping at straws. They are total bs. Your somewhat convoluted explanation of discuss and express opinion, seems to ramble on and on without any logic or reason. (McIntyre said that Egan ignored Traupman because he was a nut who said that the man he saw arguing with the woman in a car was Hispanic but wearing a fake mustache and a toupee. September 2020 - Forensic Files Now Im trying to understand exactly your reasoning asking me staying away from this site because of my insulting remarks! They were telling the truth and revealing the type of person she was, a person that definitely would kill out of jealousy and revenge. The state made a case fueled by circumstantial evidence and public outrage over the deaths of a modern-day madonna and child. Advocates for her innocence complain of hype surrounding the case. They were people that knew her, not Andrew. This is all BS.She did it. She said that shes no fan of Forensic Files and that the show had many misrepresentations about her case and that shed heard mixed up some facts as well. Despite the fact it has never been proved thats exactly how it happened, it seems to be accepted as fact it could just as possibly have been the other way round, beaten and then shot. Pfeiffer and Burke claimed that police Sgt. Trip report, Helsinki June 13th 2020 - Helsinki Forum - Tripadvisor . I accept there are a couple of remarks which can be seen that way but they are in direct response to those whove been offensive in the first place. You, however seem to have no problem with these hurtful and damaging comments aimed at Rorrer. But I agree with a recent comment.. Why not do a paternity case so just that is done and out of the way. You are not expressing an opinion but making an assertion or claim of fact: [I] have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. You are claiming innocence as fact there is no doubt shes innocent. Unless theres a complicity between him and her, and the reason she didnt divulge it is because she hopes to put all the blame on him, when she was the one to murder and he was a planner. I have to assume its because her conviction is regarded as safe (which doesnt mean it IS safe, I know). It then makes light of the fact that the car in which the (incriminating) hairs were found was absent of any blood. Agree with all you say but theres so much more involving incompetence, corruption, evidence tampering and then witnesses, in Rorrers favour, who were not disclosed to her defence her trial (something they were legally obliged to do). 18+ When 21-year old Jessie Morrison is brutally beaten to death, police zero in on Vonda Smith. Update/Clean-Up. And in a piece of salacious testimony, Patricia Rorrers half sister, Sandra Ireland, said that in May 1995, about six months after the murder, their mother, Patricia Chambers, stopped by the house and asked her to hold onto or hide a gun, or both. The Innocence Project has declined to take her case. And the obvious answer is that the makers too think the evidence is against her. PDF In the United States District Court for The Eastern District of With Joann Katrinak, Alex Katrinak, Patricia Rorrer. Nope. All the sources said the same thing either exposure or suffocation, but no certainty about which one. Killers can plan all the details and alibis well ahead of the murder while cops must come up with hard evidence, even just to make an arrest. Most of all, Patricia said, she would like a rematch with prosecutor Michael McIntyre. It all gave jurors a lot to think about but only for six hours. Shes where she belongs in prison for the rest of her life. She was always looking for a fight, Gary Gabard told the Morning Call, which noted that he was a head shorter than Patricia. Go somewhere else where your asserted expertise will be professionally tested and you wont be so frustrated and insulting about those who disagree (with your expertise and opinion). Incriminating words. Cop defends accused. Great communicator. Then 31 years old, she had lived a rocky existence. As for Joanns parents, her father died a year after the murder. So lets get going on the recap of the Forensic Files episode A Woman Scorned, along with extra information drawn from internet research: Joann Marie OConnor was born on Oct. 11, 1968, the youngest of Sarah and David OConnors four children. Ill always say that Tommy Lynn Sells murdered the Routier boys OR the father Darrin did it. There was a blood-stained fingernail and hair found on the victims body, and even though (in Keith Morrisons Dateline documentary) the Asst. Her non-serious but potentially fatal (proximity to artery) injury could have been a half-hearted suicide attempt if not intentional other-incriminating. All my comments have been vetted and approved by this sites organisers so how do you see yourself as the judge of whats acceptable or not? At 6 a.m. on June 24, 1997, police arrested Patricia at her modest house in Linwood, North Carolina, and took her back to Pennsylvania. Mr Freeman, Why are youre rude about others who disagree with your OPINION (including jury and appeal judges)? She hasnt, she didnt get a hard enough sentence. Creating your profile on CaseMine allows you to build your network with fellow lawyers and prospective clients. He gave an audio interview to the Wrong Man investigators when they made a surprise visit to his house, but he declined to appear on camera. I attack only those whove considered themselves not only judges on this case, but go on to vent their spleen aimed at a person who in my opinion is innocent of this crime, based on all Ive read and watched without fear of retaliation If they so freely attack someone in the most vicious way, why should they be off limits? She definitely did it. Patricia Rorrer was convicted of both deaths in the mid-90's and is serving a life sentence. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. Youre so fixated with her guilt, youre unable to see other factors that show this case to be a disgraceful travesty. The premiere episode will air following the series finale of Power. If you subscribe to Hulu and upgrade to Starz (theres a free one-week trial offer), you can stream the Wrong Man episodes about Patricia Rorrer. I want to know why no one has answered this question: if there was no root found on the hair clutched in Joanns hand how was the lab able to produce all those results that could not have been found without roots??? Sorry ladiesher hair was in the car and at the scene.she murdered them. Patricia L. Rorrer was taken into custody from the Linwood home she shared with her boyfriend and 1-year-old daughter on June 24, 1997. I dont see any defining comment or wording that justifies that claim. Its not logical to say we know the truth unless we seen it for ourselves. The article also notes that most inmates earn around 19 cent an hour at their jobs and must pay $5 each time they need medical attention or medicine. Further, an early FBI report said the hairs found in the car had no roots which contain the DNA suggesting an evidence switcheroo. Once you create your profile, you will be able to: How do you explain her not telling the truth to the authorities about the gun and its flaw of only able to shoot once and then jamming up. Police believe Rorrer abducted and killed her ex-boyfriend's wife and infant son in Pennsylvania. Fact is she wasnt and all of her alibis were proven to be lies. Catherine Im in complete agreement with you! OK my GUESS is Patricia did do it! You should be ashamed of yourself. I find it weird that youre going to kill a woman just because she hung up on you and maybe tell you some shitty world because you call like an ex. I can't believe this bitch has a whole internet community rallying for her; have they SEEN the evidence? Clifford Freeman, since you are already at the top of the list of deluded people not much room left for anyone with an oversized ego such as you apparently have!! Tiffany, it is amazing you have all the answers to these murders! Patricia made daily phone calls every day but made no calls at all the day before, of and after Joannes murder as she was traveling and knew her phone could track her location. Hair we go. She killed a mother and child and now has all of you eating out of the palm of her hand about how mistreated she has been. Too many people testified as to the type of person she was. I thought the justice system in my state and the people were narrow-minded and corrupt. Patricia also pointed out that when author Tammy Mal started her research and speaking to me, she was not an advocate at all but she reversed and ended up advocating for Patricias innocence.