The application of linguistics in stylistics is intended to create awareness about the internal use of language in a text. Moreover, the role of quantification depends on how necessary it is to prove ones point intuition has a respectable place both in linguistics and criticism. Despite a break of traditional rules, my sonnet still be called a sonnet? The pragmatic meaning of a text can be recovered through the context that produces the text. Style is chiefly linguistic, though in some cases graphological features, the layout or arrangement of text, and even the physical characteristics of a text may contribute to a style. Your email address will not be published. Finally, students whose interests are narrowed into the field of linguistic stylistics need an articulate and current work in the field to update their knowledge. In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. organized in units (tone Many scholars have all shared their diverse views about the levels of stylistic analysis. This study however, postulates the following as pedagogical implications: 2.3.1 Lexical Repetition. One may also ask, what is graphological translation? 2.1.8 Levels of analysis within the Graphological Framework: Enquiries into previous Categorization In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. Short and Candlin (1989 . Such rules as (Isidore, 2010) observes, will cover the lexical, grammatical, figures of speech, context and cohesion categories; it describes the elements of language used in conveying a certain subject matter. (Province), What social relationship exists between the users (status), Is there a specific format that is being used (Modality), Was the user deliberately manipulating certain features in the language use (Similarity). 2.1.10 Punctuation of individual words and idioms in The journalism . 2.3.5 Syntactic Level . Different schools of thought worked in explaining and understanding this term, which put a large number of definitions which some of them appear to be overlapping while others seem to be contradictory. The application of pragmatic and stylistic theories to text analysis indicates a clear departure from how texts were analyzed when modern linguistics began to develop. @lomlfoml If you look at the poem - visually look at it - you can directly. This level of analysis involves both syntax and morphology. There are various morphological processes. According to classical tradition, oratory is the art of discovering all possible means of persuasions. For instance, a word may be meaningful to some culture while it may not to another. 4.3.5 Hill Songs (2000) used afterward. Linguistic Stylistics 2.3.2 Graphological Features. In this paper, the graphological features such as capitalization, font-face, colours, punctuation, layout, spelling and paragraphing will be looked at as well as their stylistic relevance to the advert. Degree in English. Graphology offers the reader a solid impression by communicating the exact mind of the writer. The ultimate aim of carrying out a research is to develop knowledge. 3. They include: linguistic stylistics; literary stylistics and literary linguistic stylistics. % Graphological Level, Lexical Level, Grammatical Level, Semantic Level / Discourse Level, Pragmatic Level. 2.1.16 Devices of Linguistic Deviation Stylistic features like graphology, syntax, lexis and semantics are looked into. This statement presupposes that Jane wrote fiction This confusion with vague meaning may be due to its double filiation, i.e graphology as it concerns the study of writing systems, and as it also concerns character analysis based on handwriting. language and also describes formal rules intonation, the foot which carries the stylistics, graphological knowledge is central to the understanding and better appreciation of a. literary text. 1.1 Background to the Study In analyzing a text, the business of a stylistician is to look at many features of the text. Text Analysis in Stylistics. This was before Lennards proposal emerged. Person deixis: These are used to point things and This author belongs the generation of Nigerian poets often referred to as Contemporary poets. He labels what we call graphology as punctuation and devotes attention not just to punctuation marks but also to spelling, typefaces or spacing, to mention just a few. There are numerous types of stylistic devices available, each with a distinct goal: to add interest, clarity, and visual appeal to a text. 2. In the same vein, it is referred to as a level of linguistic analysis which focuses on the layout of texts, the size or shape of words and any other feature that is graphical or orthographical (Yeibo and Akerele 2014). xcolor: How to get the complementary color. Also called handwriting analysis. Verdonk (2002), in his view, defines it as the analysis of a distinctive expression and description of its purpose and effect. The principal aim of the paper of the paper is to identify and analyse linguistic features used in the play. Contractions/ contracted forms figure 1.2, or table 1.1 . Traditional, Modern and Linguistic Concept of S Stylistics and its relation with linguistics and literature, Discourse analysis (Linguistics Forms and Functions), Transformational Grammar by: Noam Chomsky, 20196306 introduction-to-discourse-analysis. That is an act of bringing This research project intends to carry out a stylistic investigation of selected Christopher Okigbos Socio-political Poems. 3 0 obj The Graphological level: In this respect, stylistics is interested in how the writer uses the graphic resource of his language to give expression to his ideas and achieve his effects. Foregrounding is a deliberate act of making a feature prominent or important. Various scholars such as Levenston (1992) and Lennard (2005) have attempted series of proposals for a standard pattern of categorization of the elements within the graphological framework of linguistic stylistic analysis. PHONOLOGY It is the study of sound system of a language and also describes formal rules of pronunciation. Hence, a socio-stylistic study of Gabriel Bamgbose's Something Happened After the Rain is . In the later years, Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens (1964:50) expanded the concept of graphology to include spellings, punctuations, capitalizations, italicizations and many other graphic resources related matters in language. Assonance - This research is helpful in understanding the basic concepts, literal and hidden meanings of the poem. Moving out 6. E.E CUMMING plays with form and structure and he uses nontraditional punctuation to push the boundaries of what, words can mean. 1964: 50). This paper is an attempt to shed light on linguistic deviation in literary style. language features to reveal the deeper meaning of the poem. 2.1.14 Fonting Ask us a question or register to join a community of 235k+ members that receive latest education news. All these problems put together, inform the researchers desire for this study with the title: The Device of Graphology in Joe Ushies Poetry: Stylistic and Pedagogical Implications. orthographic word, and letters. Temporal deixis: They point to time. also a branch of semantics which allow Stylistics are used to determines the form of language as being used and the effects of that particular variety used, Stylistics also helps us to understand that language has several varieties which are distinctive to each other. This bond is harnessed given the qualities that they share. Some language teachers were of the opinion that works that prominently made a foregrounded use of linguistic tools were especially suited to show language in action. Since stylistics also concerns itself with the sociocultural context which reading and writing take place, contextual factors such as the cultural background of the reader and the situation in which the text is read must be taken into consideration when analyzing a text at the level of context. Stylistics hardly develops a theory of its own; instead, it relies so much on theories developed from other disciplines such as literature, photography, psychology, history and a lot more others. For Samuel Wesley, it is a dress of thought. The result is that, whereas linguistic stylistics comes up with a somewhat objective evaluation, based on realistic criteria; literary criticism comes up with that which is generally imaginative, speculative, subjective, and impressionistic (Isidore, 2010:30). Status affects lexical and grammatical level. reader.RANK FREQUENCY WORD a brief summary of phonological and Graphological level in stylistics. i&^,X_\g p})gqx 2M+s58F {K8`vs-lnz6nw07+UVruNst]uFX Y~O:h dA}}pag$V9l]\ua^;#LIp@o_;B/Op _Q3$N .Xu@}jB:;}ui!L8 3>`a%H4FR2[SrT=^:IZT?l^*68{1i 4w0UY3zDar1L `5 ]#wI'j0c-rg{ The stylistic features, they go on to discuss, are not exclusive to one genre but are techniques that can be applied equally to non-literary texts. text. This is why the present study specifically addresses how the author communicates meaning through the device of graphology. For a systematic analysis, these linguistic features are clustered into phonological, graphological, lexical, grammatical and semantic levels of analysis. This level is concerned with how sound devices function in achieving stylistic significance in texts. I think that referring to octaves and sextets , graphological deviation should be written using inverted commas. Stylistics has also moved from what Simpson (2004, pp. Poetry, the main focus of this paper, is marked Language and Stylistics: The reason why language is so important to stylisticians is because the various forms, patterns and levels that constitute linguistic structure are an important index of the function of the text. Stylistics is only a part of applied linguistics family and not a core branch; this is because it is concerned with the practical methods of assisting in the explanation of intuitive reader responses to a work of literature without any criticism of badness or goodness of the writing. 2.3 Theoretical Framework level, syntactic level, graphological level and semantic level. Three main types of style were learned: grand, middle and plain, (Enkvist (1973). However, in recent times, there is more to style than being a pointed instrument used for writing. Therefore, to interpret a text stylistically both external and internal evidence are needed. Graphological devices include punctuation (comma, full stop, colon, semi-colon, and quotation marks, etc. sibilants, emphatic ) Stylistics analysis of the poem leisure In this chapter we will offer the stylistics analysis of a poem Leisure by William Henry Davies. further linguistic or stylistic analysis: 2.3. In its own analysis, it intermittently works on the text, but occasionally wanders off and brings in extra-linguistic, extra-textual material (may be from philosophy, psychology, biography, social history, etc.) Examples of person deixis are : Whose, her, his sentence, sub sentence, 3) To identify the pedagogical influences that can be brought to bear by graphology in understanding Ushies poetry? 2.1 Conceptual Framework There is a point of convergence between style and meaning. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Despite all these studies, literature in this field is yet to outline or categorize a standard parameter for graphological analysis, which is one of the major concerns of the present study. 2.1 Statement of the Problem In summary, Stylistics is concerned with the writers deployment of the formal properties of a text and how readers interact with the language of (literary and non-literary) texts in order to explain how we understand, and are affected by texts when we read them. It discusses how we recognize Stylistic variations in language are reections of factors like context, author-reader dynamics, and the backgrounds of the parties involved. What's the most energy-efficient way to run a boiler? Read more about our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Factors of individuality-handwriting, lexical levels-words that one is fond of using. speech, clauses and phrases used in writing. Longe and Ofuani (1996:359) see it as solely concerned with the investigation of the artistry of language usage in literature. 3.2. Identify some features that can be focused on in a linguistic stylistic analysis. 1. INTRODUCTION (1964) were crucial for the expansion of the concept in linguistics and stylistics, they still failed to clarify the elements to be analyzed within this category. Related literatures like (Isidore, 2010, Chatman, 1967, Van Peer, 1980 etc) have revealed the fact that researchers attempt to explore at a stretch, all these levels of analysis in a text, thereby heralding some deficiencies in the individual linguistic levels. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Index Terms. Secondly, the study provides the students with an overwhelming sensitivity with language use thus, revealing the writers conscious attempt at deviating from the linguistic norm; and also enhancing their in-depth and critical understanding as well as appreciation of texts. 5. Deviation, used in functional and condensed way, enhances and supports the possible meaning of the text, in other words, providing the readers with the possibility of aesthetic knowledge and the authors defined style of writing. Meanings are judged through Wales (2001) has attempted a seemingly clearest and most complete definition of graphology so far, since it clarifies its meaning and incorporated many other features beyond the letters of alphabet, for example: punctuation and spacing. While literary stylistics in this light is concerned with the use of linguistic techniques and dwelling heavily on external correlates (history, philosophy, source of inspiration, etc) as well as occasional leap into the elements of language used to interpret a text, the linguistic stylistics is about engaging in stylistic analysis in order to test or define a linguistic model which in turn will contribute to the formation of linguistic theory; the latter also relies heavily on the scientific rules of language in its analysis. -nature of vocabulary (use of simple or difficult words, vocabulary is archaic or modern, words used are concrete or abstract), -lexical relations that exists between words (use of synonyms, antonyms, use of unique words, use of borrowed words e.g Kikuyu word in an English text), They include factors that arise from a person. It describes patterns of writing that distinguish the writer's style, for example capitalization, punctuation, spacing and so The primary focus here is foregrounding.  L ro#G*o"rY:wDs54!NUt4;>h knowledge and physical context of the ); adverbs as modifiers, determinants and so on will be investigated. Stylistics as a branch of literary criticism emerged in continental Europe in the early twentieth century. Linguistic stylistics does not deny the fact that intuition plays a major role in textual interpretation; neither does it prevent an analyst from expressing his intuition in the analysis. 1.Morphological level CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study The use of language is one of the most distinctive characteristics of the human species. %PDF-1.5 Albeit literary stylistics occasionally may involve the rudimentary analysis of the structure and form of a literary text, it however readily employs the use of literary categories in the analysis of the text. Graphological Level about somebody's character through his This level is often referred to stylistic meaning. Detailed evidence of the morphological level will be sought in the selected bank adverts viz-a-viz their stylistic functional relevance. time, till, then, soon This assertion aligns with the view of Nkopuruk and Odusina (2019). helps us to find out subtleties of time, place Cataphora: refers to an expression or subject which is It has to do with the entire words and phrases of a particular language. study of invisible 6. At the semantic level, words may be used to produce denotative, connotative, collocative, affective, thematic, or stylistic meanings based on the speakers or writers intention. Graphology in this sense is not a branch of linguistics. @DanBron But that cannot be possible - you cannot know the war discourse is explored in the octave, for example, without the foresight that the longest line is the one used for the war discourse. Thus, if one says some sounds are similar or dissimilar, one must provide the textual or linguistic evidence. Based on the statement of the problem stated above, the research examines the following questions in order to achieve the purpose of this study: 1) What are the patterns of graphology found in Ushies poetry? physical context of speaker. (6) Style: In the context of this research, style is defined as the distinct way of language use which expresses the individuality of the authors intents, thoughts and ideas. 2. idiosyncratic behaviors in a text. This is because they could be conditioned by diverse factors like heredity, training and even experience. The present model is occasioned by the need to accommodate the invading trends of graphology and to stand in the gap created by Levenstons and Lennards. The study adopted foregrounding as a. endobj Special acknowledgement goes to the Almighty God, the author and finisher of faith, the alpha and omega, for His sustenance and benevolence. It is as new as stylistics itself. Examples On this note therefore, it becomes problematic demarcating literature from language and vice versa as students are made to specialize in either of them. 3.7 Procedure for Data Collection is an Education news site that is dedicated to covering the Education Industry.Copyright 2023 . Morphology to Jolayemi (2008) is the study of word-formation, in other words, the study of how morphemes (smallest units of a word) whether free or bound form words. By definition, deviation is the conscious attempt of flouting the linguistic norms for the purpose of foregrounding, revealing or defining the writers style or peculiarities. LEXIS & SEMANTICS Lexis concerns word choice; semantics concerns meaning. context based study including linguistic rhythm, syllable which carries person, events. study of, meanings in a Then can you please explain this article "Owen`s poem Anthem for Doomed Youth is also graphologically deviant. I extend my gratitude to the authors whose literatures, I reviewed and referenced at the same time. Stylistic features of each. It is based on the premise that stylisticians who are involved with teaching should be aware of the pedagogical orientation and reading paradigms which inform their practice. To make a judgment about something, we need different evidences. From the aspects of graphological features, lexical features, syntactic features and semantic features, the thesis summarizes the stylistic features of English news report of public health emergency. The importance of graphology in a text is to capture the eye of the reader. Lexical Level The stylistic analysis of Robert Brownings poem Patriot into Traitor is done by using graphological, phonological, with the description of formal features of a text and their functional importance.