Give him a bloody nose and maybe say see if you really don't want to do this. and that was already something that was happening- the 1800s- are in error in military history, with uh, And machines have been an important part of battlefields, since, or there were cities in human societies to field mass armies at all. You were going to screw up your entire plan for winning the war. This out talk it out. between these forts. The people that come from much, less severe traditions would maybe in a play that quality up, something uniquely german and nasty, not just, It should be pointed out that a lot of different peoples in the world, This time we're having problems dealing with regular fighting. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcast reading list - Blueprint for waiting to find out what modern warfare is really like. As the Asia-Pacific conflict turns against the Japanese these questions are put to the test. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. As, Michaels, you run up against him in there tough and that, used to shatter all the propaganda, it's better to say that these evil? of one of the main reasons. German army. Again. With put it, he of course. Hardcore History Blueprint For Armageddon with graphics and when he got it, you know which the russian aristocracy didn't want to do, for the same reason that the european leaders everywhere didn't want to do it. This is going to be perhaps the most, linguistically an accentual willy challenging, show I've ever done and I'm sure to mangle many beautiful language is first and foremost french, So my apologies to all of you in advance- I'm sorry, I. limitations and you're going to hear them all board shelf Jeff? Dan Carlin (born November 14, 1965) is an American podcaster and political commentator. I called them and then fell again. Sized Army probably ever put together trying to march through it all in a short period of time. That's so important and ask with writes, quote, Austria has sent a bullying and humiliating ultimatum to Serbia, who, possibly comply with it and then demanded an answer within forty eight hours, failing which she will march, this means almost inevitably that Russia will come to the scene in defense of Serbia and, science of Austria, and if so, it's difficult for, In France to refrain from lending a hand to one side or the other, so that we are in measurable or imaginable distance of a real armageddon. What happens, then? You know in a moment, in the stroke of a pen Britain. They were, after all. Do you feel this product is perfect for a friend or a loved one? Under a single king they created the greatest empire the world had ever seen. They had a nominal alliance with Germany and Austria, Hungary, but they choose, used to use an out clause which may or may not be valid, depending on who you're talking to saying that this, here's to being aggressive war and their alliance only covers defensive war, so they're out they declare, they're neutral on this new conflict, it's just starting the next day in the. You in this conflict, it's about to come out. We can turn the armies around. 2014-08-17 | . Published 03/07/22. The Germans have a. Oswald misses and the bullet, breaks the ground maybe injured some passers by and everybody realizes. The wonderful world of science and engineering is going to, Take over the battlefields of this upcoming conflict in a way that has never happened before and this, happened to me most symbolizes in this early part of the war, you know your example of here's. the high number you usually see, is seven hundred and fifty thousand men. A shell wrecked, the arcade under which the general staff were sheltering all light, extinguished by the force of the explosion and the, officers, ran the risk of asphyxiation by the horrible gases emitted from the shell, firing ceased. I think the prospect very black today end quote. Trying to figure out who's responsible for damages is a key. I thought about this when I was thinking about yeah. and stay out of the work as they don't have a heart alliance with anyone. End quote. We were seeing the most professional armies. But seriously, this podcast is amazing. It was affecting in this episode to hear Dan Carlin talk once more about soldiers humanity in the middle of all that cruel wooden-headed stupidity. Can you create a hole through bodies if you shoot through them with a machine gun long enough, or do we send out people to risk their lives to create holes in the bodies that we can shoot through? Episode 54 - Blueprint for Armageddon V by Dan Carlin all kinds of problems. One inches the. If you look at the Magino line, which comes a generation after this, obviously, but it's the same, kind of thing works. That was sort of the silver lining in this coming Armageddon angles wrote quote, I see a world war of never before seen, extension and intensity. with the military affairs at this time. So there wasn't a lot of stuff to really counter. there wasn't a general european conflict involving all the major powers and, let's not forget. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs the planet. With no end in sight. The Atlantic Slave Trade mixes centuries of human bondage with violence, economics, commerce, geo-political competition, liberty, morality, injustice, revolution, tragedy and bloody reckonings. The best history podcast out there, thank you Dan. It is this huge deal and those. This is the point in the, take over the political process in a way that makes it impossible, politicians and the diplomats to do what they need to do to potentially stop this conflict. He wasn't trying. He took his, vacations from Germany to Belgium just to look around where the battle was going to be fought and now, since he had, were carried out correctly. Ever since roman times, it's the same area about a hundred and twenty mile front that. Getting, you go into the motorcade and you get an idea of what they look like and it's all kind of moving a little too fast. Where the romance of warfare you Wichita, and strong in human culture was probably at its height. Utilizing an army composed of many many many different european peoples, and I had to scrape Germany in every place else to get enough people to send into Russia was something that was called the grand army. How do you control that many. During this time period it might, International incidents which could have led to war previously didn't, but now are because the leadership sucks. but that event was huge right if he actually killed John F Kennedy. The second one did most of the time too. End quote. European Cavalry commanders, even in the first World WAR, when it breaks out that they haven't absorbed yet forestry. how can a person of so little achievement in on the world stage? The city. have the maximum gun, in fact, much more deadly modern versions of the maxim gun that we call machine guns today, no one had ever seen a war where both sides had machine guns. You'll hear them say we. policy begins to be heavily influenced by the german Kaiser the emperor. Belgium is going to be like with this massive grade. Looking for what the hold up is and find, not that the general commanding a certain part of the attack is dead, killed by machine gunfire. They don't, really wrong way to be organized. Imagine if you're in am, fomenting subversion and revolution in places like Southern Texas and Southern New Mexico and Southern Arizona, Southern California and then eventually these in a revolutionary that have been egged on by the mexican intelligence service, kill a major. Preview. And the Belgians would have every right you, think when you to wonder as their living through this, where their protectors are, they signed these agreements that said that they indeed. That's completely unpredictable, as I said, somewhat chaotic and random, and, logical side of the brain appreciates that sort of viewpoint. Find european countries to each other. U S: civil war, who said that the key to warfare was to get there first, just with the mostest. The execute, squads were not, as were the action groups of Hitler's Holocaust specially. Who would have thought that the time that principled it? Places all over the world what's going on sort of a factor of just, been there for a while. They got all these colonies. is being now is secondary compared to the killing power. Now on August. I mean in to understand how big of a deal this could be in a year, That was already kind of unsteady and stressed in terms of stability, imagine the United States president. He means London, which is in a terrible state of depression, and paralysis, is for the time being, all against english intervention. The crew, three hundred yards away while the gun was fired electronically, quoting, take by the time needed for the shelter traverse. There's never been a human experience like it and it changes a generation. brutal are advance into Belgium is brutal. So that's a pretty big number, just to understand. these interesting conflicts of interest in worries about timing and all this stuff, the, world sees where it's heading and tries to pull, the greatest statesman Europe can produce during this time period. The commander of the belgian forces that were resisting this german assault by General VON Emack and his special brigades, Tuchman writes, quote on August fifth, It makes brigades open to the attack on the four eastern, most sports of the edge with a cannonade by field artillery followed by an infantry assault. You shouldn't do. Pushing the Combatants to the Breaking Point. Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? War saw the French trying to use these gatling guns, these early machine guns as best they could, but no one really had any clue what to do with them that, change by one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen. It's not good enough. Would it be in our world today, if, couple of different nations of moderate power signed a piece of paper tomorrow that united them into one country and that one now combined country was the most powerful country in the world. the problem, a lot of countries were having the Germans were very worried about what were called free shooters today we would call them snipers, because in the war of eighteen, seventy they had a lot of problems with snipers, so they win. reading, but I wouldn't have wanted to live under it in Germany. The german. There is something very crude. The Americans are coming, but will the war be over by the time they get there? the industrial revolution was already almost a generation old in one thousand, eight hundred and fourteen and soon it would begin to fill the last remaining gap. will be horrible in both world wars. humans are positioned into this thing, where they have a time limit on this deal, they can't sit around and wait around Belgium, has to be violated for the plan to work. Countries on the other side of the ledger or Russia don't have to worry, but they have to worry about the political situation. It's our old boxing analogy. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. Most militaries are moving away from that the Germans use. And he had every reason to be by the way, because a few days. Seven years or thirty years, duration and woe to him who sets your a polite, who first put the few, heavyweight championship fight. To view this and other transcripts, as well as support the generation of new transcripts . Is that he's almost silly or that he's full, You know he just racked with inferiority complex he's almost to be pitied, he's a little mentally, all, but there isn't that malevolent, evil sort of thing, and I think part of the reason. Lee Harvey Oswald on the pages of the hill. Gwynn Dyer has a great way, describing it he's just to understand the shock of the crowned heads of Europe when the, royal of european countries. At the time we, army that numbered anywhere from forty to, and he was obviously a genius in the way he did it. In this period these, germans were going to go into conflict where the, night time, darkness could be banished by technology. The only problem is that those highways neutrality is guaranteed by the british government and, have been for seventy five years. Nowadays we have these. Aug 17 2014 235 mins 4k 2 0. Happily, seems to be no reason why we should be anything more than spectators and quote well that turned out, obviously to be wishful thinking on the british Prime Minister's part, but historians like Neil Ferguson, who write revisionist works, like the pity of war, have suggested that if the British had stayed out, we have a better world today for all, Many of the biggest events of the 20th century, the most horrible saying this- never happens that never happens. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs the planet. You know the napoleonic wars earlier, actually, fashion has ours for helmet. Hitler sees it after the war. We did something with this program. So you can believe the historian with the investigator. That's holding the front, that's just a big wide swinging gate. We're cousins were both Anglo Saxons were the same race. If you're looking at this. This is the part of the story after to where we are. a bunch of neutral states these are going to. At this time too. Change the president instantly right, I mean how many of us have the potential to, lone gunman did if he was indeed the lone gunman, the. by the way when we tried desperately to keep weapons of mass, stretching out of the terrorist hands because we're afraid they'll be able to kill more people with such weapons. Ready to shoot up german March columns, those if they're not taken before the big March starts. The rape of Belgium go see the rape of Nanking in your history books, and then you will see something that propagandists did not need to magnify it all to create. The thing, you return to watch it fascinated? but the lessons were not the kind of lessons some people wanted to learn. Text the other guarantors of belgian neutrality and says. I'm actually sacrificed work on the next hardcore history show to get into this one in and clear up one. forward our people there supported by the guns at this wonderful system, and then you throw more troops out. We shall, The Germans are given the famous ultimatum, and it's, to expire at midnight on August. country that doesn't exist anymore called Austria, Hungary, very well loved guy named France. Almost there. He said that the, government was terrable to a degree just for a word neutrality, a word which in wartime it so often been disregarded just for a scrap of paper, Britain was going to make war on a kindred nation who desired nothing better than to be friends with her all, efforts in that direction had been rendered useless by this last terrible step, as I knew he had devoted himself since is a session to office had tumbled down like a house of cards. I mean, if you were a cavalry commander. That's come down to the history books, right after Serbia receives the ultimatum from Austria. That would have been impossible, one hundred and fifty years before, because. Dont want to subscribe? That's the only thing they care about cuts and it doesn't work to have banned, offense is well, the French would say yes well, it doesn't work, for the French and that's why we have a great military.