The exam will also contain specific open-book questions on the science of the Neurocycle (this will be a multiple choice 90% pass exam that can be completed anytime in the 10 weeks after training). Link to this post: or to the website Can you clarify how attending the same university as Dr Christaan Barnard, or a Nobel laureate, endorses her arguments or precludes her from criticism? The researchers conducted face and content validity assessments to ensure a strong initial approach to question selection. My brother is a narcissistic sociopath And so are we!. Siegel, R., et al., Cancer statistics, 2013. We can learn from all types of people and leaders without becoming their disciples. Before long, I was into familiar territory, that of the so-called flame war. I was under the impression she was an expert in her field of neuroscience which I assumed meant brain mapping and all of the scientific Data to go along with that! I think its good that you wrote to Dr Leaf, even if the outcome was stone-walling from her minions, as predicted. 4. (LogOut/ Leaf is currently conducting and publishing clinical trials using the 5-step program she developed while in private practice to further demonstrate the effectiveness of mind-directed techniques to help relieve mental ill-health problems such as anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts. I was using tongue-in-cheek hyperbole. And thanks for the education I hadnt heard of a flame war before but its a fairly apt description. 9. Thats myopic and selfish. It is heavily researched and thoroughly referenced. Yes, she said this. Whenever I come across blogs like this one, I look for that one thread: Money. Due to low Emotional Intelligence, bad choices and stressed out people trying to make decisions for a toxic world. For all intents and purposes, I believe that scientific knowledge is a different class. She is just sharing her research and her personal experience to bring some hope and a natural alternative to anxiety infested, pharmaceutically dependent, malnutritioned, stressed out people. I had never heard of Dr. For those who can only see through the lens of science, they will never be able to appreciate the depths of spiritual revelation, and thus, the things which men think are wise are plain foolishness; that spiritual things are not known by mind power. And concluding that the remaining 98% must therefore be lifestyle related is overly simplistic. This blog is my reply. And I don't have to wait long to start helping people professionally. Journal of abnormal psychology, 90(3), 213.) I pray that God would guide you to such a place, and the Holy Spirit would guide you into the depths of knowledge that you desire. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can connect me to Dr Leafs formal writings (peer review). If Dr Leafs approach is working well for you and your friends, then thats great. Apr 30, 2023. She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university, and the workplace. Seems to establish clear link between mental activity and body function. Part of my daily detox routine is my morning cup of mushroom coffee from Four Sigmatic, a company which creates superfood lattes that can help detox the brain and boost cognitive function (you can get a 15% discount off your order,or use coupon code DRLEAF at checkout), my daily probiotics from BiOptimizer(my readers can get a free bottle sent to their home by the code leaffreep3om. So I guess irritation is in the eye of the beholder. She laughs at how ridiculous it is that she never went to college but was given accreditation regardless She doesnt claim to be an expert on psychology but speaks from her own life and experience of scripture so its far more balanced and rational without claiming to be what youre not, I tried to contact her and received the answers you received referencing her website, As you also point out, many are helped by numerous ideology from all kinds of people it doesnt mean they are who they say they are, It would be far more credible if Caroline Leaf had the humility to change her claim and started saying I have a degree in speech pathology and Im passionate about this and this and this. Caroline Leaf I dont have my reading glasses with me! Every. Users are invited and reminded to participate in the survey via emails. For example, Wiedemann et al [18] did a trial using ANP to truncate panic attacks. While Dr. E-mail us for more info and a custom quote. (Im assuming that to hold the title of Adjunct Professor, hes published peer-reviewed articles. For the exam, the trainee has to do one full 63-day Neurocycle, which includes a weekly report on their own progress based on the questions they would ask the clients they will be coaching (see weekly session guides). Incredible. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. I cant say Im particularly surprised though. I think yours is a jolly good underlying question, though Dr Pitt might not take kindly to its being posed to him by way of your setting him a homework assignment that requires him to write 10 to 20 pages. Thanks for the thought provoking comment. Sleep helps the mind, brain and body regenerate. on 11. A recent paper showed that the corticosterone response required to learn fear is suppressedin the neonate to facilitate attachment, but with enough stress, the corticosterone levels build to the point where amygdala fear learning can commence [24]. Im interested in what she said. Leaf was unable to connect with her son for two hours. A critical step for improving mental health is developing non-pharmacological therapies that can treat anxiety and depression effectively without reliance on pharmacological treatments and the accompanying risks for side effects and interactions. viii, 243 p. 20. If her theory is widely used as you say, it must have been extensively cited. Want to attend a conference and hear Dr. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. If so, What is it? Brenda Louw. LEAF'S CERTIFIED FACILITATOR PROGRAM. Be wary of natural or alternative healers that want to sell you chelation or some herbal remedy. Data is analyzed by an independent research and analysis consulting firm, Elite Research, LLC ( If he chose to respond, Im sure his voice would have much more authority than Dr Leafs. This really shows that Dr Leaf is not an expert and that she is taken seriously by the church is incredibly disheartening. This was the last lot of peer-reviewed research that Dr Leaf has done. I would assume a very small number of your readers are qualified to search out all the detailed studies or analyses cited as the various references. In terms of a lay audience, I think a bunch of experts getting together and arguing would have all the appeal of watching a session of Parliament. I really didnt give them much information. I have never had a chronic health condition and havent had so much as a cold in years. Youre right, most people dont listen, but that doesnt matter. Interesting study, and thanks again for the reference, but it certainly doesnt change my mind when it comes to the validity (or non-validity, as it were) of Dr Leafs teaching. Its obviously not. Your recent experiences align very closely with how I felt at the start of my journey with Dr Leaf. 4. It seems they want to protect their house-of-cards ministry any way they can. Sure, medicine and pharmaceuticals are not our saviours, and no one who believes in rational evidence-based medicine would believe that they are. 9(1): 6-22. Participants feedback revealed that the program made it easy to apply their learning in their work and school lives, and that they desired further future mindfulness trainings via this program structure. Dr. Caroline Leaf CA Cancer J Clin, 2013. And I certainly dont feel she is deceptive or just in it for the money. Coincidentally, I was thinking earlier today, in a completely different context, about the possibility that a body of learning and practice that had pseudoscientific foundations, might nevertheless be demonstrated scientifically to be helpful to believers in it, in some cases. Learn the business strategies Dr. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. Not like gravity. Hutter, C.M., et al., Characterization of gene-environment interactions for colorectal cancer susceptibility loci. Big difference. Includes Column Based templates similar to those used by Dr Caroline Leaf. Her teaching does not stand up to even rudimentary scrutiny, either scientific or scriptural, and on that basis alone, I think her teaching should be rejected. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR DR. Amazon US = Her statements should stand up on their own through the rigors of critical analysis. Hunter, P.R., et al., Water supply and health. This was confirmed in the psychosocial assessments conducted alongside the QEEG tests, which revealed a corresponding improvement in decreased toxic thoughts, isolation, and overall LMM score as well as increased autonomy, awareness, empowerment, life satisfaction, and ability to manage life obstacles. Cancer Res, 2012. Did its feebled thoughts and behaviors result in its disease? All the best. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Perhaps you could take a lesson or 2 from Francis Schaeffer! Paul R. Hedges, Esquire and Doyle, G.A., The CHRNA5-A3-B4 gene cluster in nicotine addiction. She was one of the first in her field to study how Mine is a long story but in a nutshell, I came across Dr Leafs books and read Who Switched off my brain? I had a sense of interest but underlying WHAT!?! Sorry for some of my typos! . Go look up the CDCs ACE study on trauma and stress causing diseases. 298(14): 1685-7) Negative or toxic thoughts are often the result of an underlying disease process not the cause of it. Am I to read into what she means by clinical trail, or do you mean that she is not qualified to teach these items? WebDr. Want to Be Successful? Have an Attitude of Gratitude! Dr. Leaf WebDr. The Dos and Dont's of Brain Health - Dr. Caroline Leaf Caroline Leaf I suggest that you have a read of it. A little background.. If Dr Leaf had minor errors in her teaching that were still being debated amongst members of the scientific community, then I wouldnt be so worried, because youre right, no ones perfect and were all prone to error.