The Six Essential Elements of Geography - IM provides the structure through which the C2 system collects, processes, displays, store, and disseminates information, and puts the commander's decisions into action. Weather and climate have direct and indirect effects on tactical operations. Engineer topographic teams produce terrain analysis products to help commanders visualize the effect of terrain on operations. Cold weather slows both soldiers and machines; however, it freezes water and allows movement across normally wet areas that are otherwise difficult to pass. However, information alone has no meaning. What measures are State and local officials taking to accommodate inbound relief traffic in light of possible evacuation route (counter flow)? The United States Department of Defense defines EEI as follows: The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence defines EEI as follows: The United States Army eliminated the term EEI from its doctrine in August 2014, though Joint doctrine still uses the term.[3]. Operations also often require commanders to coordinate with international organizations and NGOs. It gathers, organizes and manipulates data and carries out instructions. What staging areas are being used by Federal responders? (See figure B-2.) 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An air force unit might have the following EEI about SA-20 batteries: A medical crisis manager might have the following EEIs:[5]. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus. These changed IRs produce changes to collection taskings. Corps and divisions routinely interact with other US agencies, host-nation governmental agencies, and NGOs. This is a template for an RDD response Information Collection Plan (ICP). Under mission command, commanders ensure they provide subordinates with the right mix of troops and support to accomplish the missions they assign. These are two distinct questions that have a positive or negative answer. Part 1 - The Priority Intelligence Requirement: This is the overarching question that needs to be answered. B-57. Judgment, a purely human skill, transforms knowledge into understanding. Planners consider climate with longer-range plans, while most tactical planning considers weather. Commanders have only a limited ability to influence them, although terrain includes manmade structures, such as roads and cities. Until data is processed, it is often difficult to tell if it is relevant. These two types of PIR can peacefully co-exist. Using the example PIR above How will the Donovian commander use his fixing forces? and previously developed enemy courses of action, EEIs are used to identify all the possible locations the Donovian commander could feasibly use his fixing forces during his attack. Because collection assets are limited, a method of prioritizing collection and processing is required. What is current status of potable water within the damaged area? The goal in IM should not be processing vast amounts of data but processing the information necessary to bring commanders to an accurate situational understanding as quickly as possible. Percentage of students that have medical necessities provided by school nurses. As information moves up the hierarchy, the C2 system transforms it. These questions focus the analytical energy of the organization and provide areas of emphasis for collectors. B-3. B-26. The world's increasing urbanization means that the attitudes and activities of the civilian population in the AO often influence the outcome of military operations. It occurs continually. It is not designed to be used as is and must be modified to obtain the maximum benefit. Part 2 - Essential Elements of Information: The first subcomponent that a PIR is comprised of is the Essential Elements of Information or EEI. [i] U.S. Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 5-0 The Operations Process (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office [GPO], 17 May 1012) 1-6. HPP-PHEP 6.1: Information Sharing. What damage has occurred in the affected area (including injuries/fatalities)? This appendix expands the discussion of information in chapter 3. Effective use of terrain diminishes the effects of enemy fires, increases the effects of friendly fires, and facilitates surprise. Examples of good PIR include: Where will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force? How will the Donovians use chemical weapons? Most non-intelligence soldiers only ever see this part of the equation. Figure B-2 shows the relationship of IM, RI, and IRs. (Occupied Beds/ Vacant Beds/ Bed Requirements). Combat information is unevaluated data, gathered by or provided directly to the tactical commander which, due to its highly perishable nature or the criticality of the situation, cannot be processed into tactical intelligence in time to satisfy the user's tactical intelligence requirements (JP 1-02). Part 4 - Specific Information Requirements: The last part of a PIR is the Specific Information Requirement (SIR). Part 3 - Indicators: How does the analyst know he or she has answered an EEI? He has written several articles forSmall Wars Journalon a wide range of subjects. 6 Essential Strategies for Teaching ELLs | Edutopia The source used by the data collector. What is the status of behavioral health care facilities in the affected communities? B-8. An appreciation of terrain-the ability to analyze its impact on operations-is one of a commander's most important skills. Have assessments of all hazards been accomplished in the affected area (assessing exposures on the general population and the at-risk)? The second step of intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) helps commanders with this complex task. B-28. Is DOD assistance available to providemedical surge capability support? They must be specific and measurable.They should also help highlight recovery issues and barriers to recovery.. Techwalla may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Other knowledge products may be presented separately from, but in conjunction with, the COP. B-59. The Indicator tells the collector what information the analyst wants to know about about. In this case, the location and movement of the friendly reserve are EEFI. B-13. B-30. Other business practices compliment the process, too, such as (1) Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR) for, collection, analysis, production, and dissemination, U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command. Because processing involves rote application of procedures, machines can process many types of data more quickly and efficiently than people. It also tells the higher headquarters that helping you answer your PIR helps them answer theirs potentially making them more willing to assist you. Terrain also includes environmental considerations, that is, the spectrum of environmental media, resources, or programs that affect and are affected by operations. Does it include at-risk needs? This transformation includes developing and maintaining staff running estimates. They focus on the ones most relevant to the situation. Depending on who you ask, there may be five or six elements to a computer-based information system. In the context of the cognitive hierarchy, understanding is knowledge that has been synthesized and had judgment applied to it in a specific situation to comprehend the situation's inner relationships. Below is a description of each of the components of a PIR and how they fit together. Uncover Important Keywords and Phrases. Corridors (ridge and valley systems) can either form natural avenues of approach (if they run toward an objective), or obstacles to movement (if they run perpendicular to the direction of movement, forming cross compartments). Just as hardware cannot function without software, software cannot function without data. Differences in mobility, protection, firepower, equipment, morale, experience, leadership, and training make some units more suitable for certain missions than others. B-2. (See paragraphs B-68-B-72.) Public Health Emergency - Leading a Nation Prepared. IPB is critical to analyzing and understanding the effect of terrain on friendly and enemy COAs. They consider both friendly and enemy perspectives. The commander and staff consider RI for each category in all military operations. Organizations are nonmilitary groups or institutions in the AO. While this is a simplified example the process can work just as simply and straight forward in an actual combat situation. What is the plan for transitioning behavioral health care back to the state and local commuinities? Request for Essential Elements of Information Using a structure for military purposes often competes with civilian requirements for it. These PIR are generally established at the operational or strategic level in order to track the effectiveness of their campaign plan or to provide indicators and warnings of the potential need to initiate a contingency plan. What local partners and NGOs are operational in affected areas with the capacity to deliver critical health/safety information to affected individuals/areas, including the at-risk population? Enemy commanders do the same. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. CCIR belong to the commander alone. Small Wars Journal is published by Small Wars Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The Incident Specific EEIs are designed to provide the Incident Manager (IM) situational awareness of the incident. Exceptional information is processed as an answer to one of the CCIR. Have communications been established with the JIC and State EOCs? Exceptional information is-. The source of execution information is the commander's decisions. Examples of good PIR include: Where will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force? How will the Donovians use chemical weapons? Most non-intelligence soldiers only ever see this part of the equation. B-10. Appendix B Essential Elements of Information. From this, commanders can determine how organizations and military forces can work together toward common goals when necessary. Speak Slowlyand Increase Your Wait Time. Customers are beneficiaries of products . B-64. As the name implies this is the information that indicates what the analyst is looking for is actually taking place. 25: More Chinese Ferry Tales: China's Use of Civilian Shipping in Military Activities, 2021-2022, Hospital Ships: A Vital Asset for SOUTHCOM and South American Navies, The Goshen Massacre and the Specter of Cartel Spillover Into the US, Dangerous Alliances: Russias Strategic Inroads in Latin America, Year Ahead Emerging Technologies and the Collection of Battlefield Evidence, How Does Matter Matter In International Conflict and Security? Commanders and staffs analyze capabilities from different levels. What is the hospital surge capacity in the anticipated path of the storm?