Their moody and unstable nature. Venus in Cancer is the sign of the security seeker. Though many of us think our sun signs are to blame for our toxic behaviors in love, when it comes to partnerships, its Venus who rules. This means that in the case of love and relationships, Venus in the Cancer zodiac sign is very sensitive. Cancer is the sign of a watery planet governed by the Moon. Stop using tears as a weapon. Actress Penelope Cruz (Taurus with Mars Cancer) says of her childhood, "I remember playing with some friends and being aware that I was acting playing with them--I would think of a character and pretend to be someone else." Natal Venus in Cancer: Everything You Wanted to Know. Venus in Cancer men are known for their sensitive and emotional natures. To be fulfilled, he also wants to be confident that the one he loves will always be there to support him too. He likes subtlety and stays away from loud people with flashy clothes and make-up. Instead of expressing those feelings outright or aggressively, they will hold back and keep it locked down until the partner figures out what's wrong. Herein the 3rd disposition signifies communication, skills, crafts, power to take action, risk-taking ability, valor, mental intelligence, etc. He wants to help heal her and make sure she receives the best possible care. When it comes to love, we all have some habits we arent proud ofwhether its an ongoing relationship with the green-eyed monster or moving way too fast in any relationship. Infographic: What is the Ultimate Commitment. Cancer Venus people are cautious and security-minded. When in love, it is possible for people in Cancer to become needy and possessive. Boundaries are healthy. People born under the Cancer horoscope sign are remarkably intuitive and observant. Venus in Cancer men are known for being very protective of their loved ones, and they often take it upon themselves to make sure their partners are safe and secure. They are often moving from one feeling to the next. Their security-orientedness. Positive: Loyal and comprehensive; Be someone they can depend on. This placement struggles with emotional imbalance. Make him think he's the greatest. The Cancer man gets very attached to his lover as soon as the relationship starts. Hes like a caretaker for the wounded and grievous. This native woman can very easily delight her partner with her innocent and divine looks, which she seeks to inculcate. Revealing the Stars of a Super Star - Rajiv Bhatia aka Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, a cluster of stars aligned with a cluster of energy, 2023 Astrological Battle Royale: Your Sign vs. Venus and Rahu in Aries. These women are caring, nurturing, and romantic. Venus stands for romantic, balanced, financial, friendly, loving, effective, marriage, pleasant and worthwhile relationships, and leisure activities. They may bottle only to have emotional outbursts, they may stay covert . One of the typical Cancer negative traits is the ability to hold a grudge. Youll feel safe here and notice that the people around you are really trustworthy and loyal. Their emotions range from extreme sadness to uncontrollable passion and lust. Dont cheat on a Cancer man because even if youre both able to move forward, it will leave a permanent stain on the relationship. If he puts in this much effort towards the creation of a safe haven, he will naturally be very reluctant in abandoning it, and there are very few things that would put him in this situation in the first place. Venus in Cancer man wishes to build a link from the ground up to help him on the way and to enrich the connections spiritually by sensitive approaches. Some signs may find the protective and possessive nature of a Cancer man overbearing, like when he insists on escorting you to your car at night or asking you to text him when you make it home safely. Step out of the office, Capricorn. He takes love to a whole new level, and if he thinks he cant trust you, hell become very jealous and possessive. Just as the moon routinely cycles through phases of covering itself in shadow and revealing itself in light, a Cancer man will unearth your secrets and illuminate them. Someone who is content with a simple life away from the crowds and the limelight will be happy in the arms of a Venus Cancer man. He is going to need regular reassurance that you love and appreciate him, and for some people, the need to continually reinforce this can be annoying. These people have the ability to start powerful legacies that will live on for generations. However, only focusing on work can make seem unromantic and detached. Aries in this placementmeans youre instantly committed the moment you feel an emotional connection. Your favorite part of the relationship is the beginning, when learning about a new person is an exciting adventure. The second-best compatibility with Venus in Cancer is Scorpio and Pisces. His ideal partner is also family-oriented like he is. These men are sensual guys. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. They are tender and touchy lovers. On that same token, they can be very protective. In relationships, she is quite loyal, honest, faithful and possessive. When he is at the point where he is ready to enter a relationship, the Venus Cancer man will already have it in mind that he is looking for a life partner man, not just a whirlwind romance. Its one of the hallmarks of their personality type-they dont like to be alone, especially for very long. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. They also happen to be very possessive, so even though they long for love, they will not be able to handle the more casual approach to relationships that other signs tend to adopt. If they cannot connect deeply sexually and physically with the partner, they can become seriously . However, once the excitement fades and the newness wears off, *poof*! You want your lover to see you as special. Your Cancer partner knows what youre thinking and feeling sometimes even before you do. If youre dating a Cancer guy, you can trust him with your life. Venus in Cancer men can be possessive and jealous when time away from each other is spent. They desire for other peoples comfort and happiness to be just like their own. You wont have to worry about him being unfaithful or flirting with other women. MyPandit provides authentic personalised astrological services at affordable prices through iOS and Android app. Find out, and get a detailed analysis of your Birth Chart. You are the last person to drop the L-bombif you say it all, its not your style. A Venus in Cancer transit may feel a little emotionally unstable at times, but this influence is still very kind and loving. Some men are attracted to mates who are the life of the party or who are wild at the club. These family-oriented people arent looking for a good time. Well, hes going to run back to his safe place, stay there for a few days, meditate on what went wrong, wallow in his sadness, and wont soon forget it. Once theyve committed to someone, theyll do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. Hes just like a parent to everyone. very loyal, almost to the point of making one feel guilty. 7. Morgan Lett. They have a talent for nourishing bonds with others, making it easy to make just about anyone a friend. and our Venus in Cancer is guarded and chooses their words carefully. Theyre not afraid to express their feelings, and theyre always willing to go the extra mile to make their partners feel loved and appreciated. He often is attracted to more traditionally feminine looks, simply dressed (not gaudy or flashy). The Cancer man gets very attached to his lover as soon as the relationship starts. However, your over-sensitivity may be your downfall. He is highly family-oriented and has every intention of settling down and creating a happy home with that special someone. The Taurus Man As A Boss. If you, or the Cancer Venus you love, want to learn to grow more deeply into this placement, learn more about the sign of Cancer and Venus itself. However, once the excitement fades and the newness wears off, *poof*! If you enter into a relationship with a Cancer guy, be prepared to meet his high expectations for a partner. You love the thrill of being chased, not caught. He's Incredibly Loyal Venus in Cancer men are often attracted to a classic feminine ideal. Ideal Partner for the Cancer Man: Loyal and Intuitive. He will observe and admire from a distance at first, and as he gets more comfortable and begins to feel secure that the person is safe, he will make a move. My work girlfriends know I'm "baby" and need the extra love/attention. You give off mix signals because you arent sure of what you want. Venus in Cancer men are often great listeners, as they have a natural ability to empathize and understand others feelings. Youd rather pick a fight and risk your relationship than have it become boring and routine. Shes an artistic housekeeper; her home is her sanctuary (and she feels most secure when shes in it). I love you? Forget it. What makes this sweet sign so possessive? Venus in Cancer Woman Well, lets just say that hes willing to give up on his happiness in order to give just a few moments of satisfaction and fulfillment to those he cares for. However, as impulsively as you fall in love, you can easily fall out of love. A homosexual Cancer man will often dress as a lady. Privacy Policy. Win the heart of this man, and you can rest assured you will keep him for life. You value freedom above all else and will leave if your partner is clingy or emotional. You love quality things, so youre choosy when it comes to picking a partner. If they fall in love and the partners cheating, theyll be the last ones to notice. Her need for security is so intense that its often perceived as clingy and insecure by other signs. She is quite sensitive herself and needs reassurance and stability. You perceived her as a person who gives unconditional love and you could always turn to her. Copyright 2023 Predictive Technologies Private Limited, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change, Venus in Cancer: Meaning, Traits, Compatibility, and more. They are often writers and poets, and may take an interest in music. Their intuitiveness. I always heard those traits from Venus in Cancer. Unlock Your Potential: Jupiter and Sun in Pisces 2023. If your partner hurts your feelings, youre prone to melodramatic outbursts followed by a stony silence treatment. They are often silent and have trouble forgiving the person they are upset with. 1. Even if he does forgive you, its impossible for him to forget. They thrive in stable relationships and environments. Talking about love, right? Venus is beauty, desire, love, liquid money. They enjoy grand gestures of affection and will do whatever it takes to make their partner happy. What does a Cancer Man Do When He Likes You. At this time, they feel on top of the highest spirit, lovely, and popular. These people need a stable home and support system to feel comfortable dating. What I loved about him was the tenderness. This guy lives to love and to be loved. They lead with their whole heart in life, business, and love. They insist on doing things their way and can be very finicky about the details. I can relate to the statement and being insecure and needing constant affirmation. It would help the Cancer man to speak up about how he is feeling and open up communication to his loved ones. He will spoil, pamper, and adore you endlessly, and of course, he will always be faithful. In essence, your Venus sign suggests the type of lover you areand this may differ wildly from your sun sign. They are highly desirable and are pursued by everybody. Venus in Cancer man might be jealous, possessive, and sad, but his feelings may not be expressed actively. For you, romance does not compute. For example: having Venus in hard aspect to Mars can indicate a person, who will have very hard time to express optimistic, peaceful feelings in relationship. On the 2nd of June Venus enters Cancer with a period of three weeks. You might think its a fun idea to intentionally spark your Cancer mans jealousy to spice up the relationship, especially if you feel like he needs to prove his devotion to you. In order to love others, these gentle souls must first learn to love themselves. Life isnt a movieyour actions have consequences. Her relationship with others is very gentle. If you had the choice of working overtime at work or going on a date with the love of your life, youd probably pick work. Venus in Cancer men are passionate and intense, and they often bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to their relationships. When people cheat, they are the ones at fault, not the person they betrayed. He revels in the role of the kindly family patriarch. Due to the Cancers need for security, he only feels safe when hes near someone he can trust. If you are with a Cancer man and you have someone else close to you, be sure your Cancer man is suffering. After they have carefully look on the partner from every possible perspective, only then would they agree on going forward. Remember Taurus, you can own things, not people. Her love is honest, intuitive, giftful, and warm. If youre considering dating a Venus in Cancer man, there are a few things you should know. Theyre sensitive, family-oriented, passionate, loyal, and protective, but they can also be insecure and possessive. He finds fulfillment when someone loves him as much as he loves them. As Cancer traits, They work hard to keep friends and their families in a comfortable and happy environment. Venus in Cancer men are known for being incredibly loyal and devoted partners. Venus in Cancer women tend to be feminine, sensitive, loving and sympathetic. Subscribe To Our Newsletter! You dont show your love and affection in a conventual way: Youd send your lover a science article rather than a love note. Your email address will not be published. With Venus in Libra, you are in love with the idea of love. When a Cancer man loves a woman, he develops an innate desire to shield and defend her. Rather, he prefers to suffer in silence, for as long as it takes. It is the indicator of marriage, wife and girlfriend for a man. Not his friends, but his lover. The people in Cancer are honest but shy. He tends to be old-fashioned in his ideas of love and courtship. They are avid savers and low-risk investors. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. This placement is an all-around amazing place to be. You love quality things, so youre choosy when it comes to picking a partner. However, your strong Crab shell will take care of most of the emotional attack coming from the outside. A Cancer man in Venus will always test the waters before he jumps in. What to Expect Sexually From a Cancer Man? So, if you have serious intentions in mind, like a family, children, a home to call your own, then this guy is definitely for you. Its hard to fight the feeling that our hearts skip a beat when Venus enters Cancer, sign she rules. Also, for business and partnership, this time is good. But he expects equal treatment from you, otherwise, he will become bitter and resentful. She works with clients to help them understand the value of astrology and what it can bring into their daily lives. They may even view it as a sign that their partner really values and cares for them. in Art History and Philosophy but she has been studying astrology for over 10 years now. Youre gone. Just as he is instinctively possessive of his lover, he also has an innate desire to shelter anyone close to him in his life. Casual love affairs are only a source of distraction and sorrow for them. A Venus Cancer man likes someone receptive to his affection and not too independent. If things are messy or melodramatic, they do not like it. Instead, he may prefer to be silent for a long time. Their tendency to quickly form intense emotional attachments. Venus will give insight into whether an individual is interested in finding a life partner and what sort of life partner most appeals to them. They do not like sharing their loved ones or close friends. You love being in love and will do anything for the person youre dating. However, the moment you feel your lovers attention drifting, youre insecurities take over. A Venus Cancer man feels things very profoundly, especially love. Throw the check-list away. They will not pursue someone if their finances or personal life are off-balance. No one can compare to this native when it comes to empathy, to that urge to take care of others, to just be there and help someone unconditionally. They love beautiful things, and enjoy doing things that make them see the world. He is not as inclined to go for women who are model-thin, tomboy-ish, or for the high-profile career type. As sensitive water signs, those with Venus in Cancer need someone who is comfortable with sharing emotion. Required fields are marked *. He will do everything in his power to help others. As a Water sign, the man in Cancer can have mood swings, and some of these people become very quiet if something is bothering them. He can get possessive of his partner but in a passive-aggressive way. Ruled by the Moon, Venus in Cancer is considered to be an empathetic and nurturing placement. When you do finally meet someone, you dont want anyone else to have them. Cancers are kind of like mother bears fiercely defending their baby cubs in the wild; they have an instinctive drive to protect the people they cherish. Overall, you can see your Venus sign acting out in the crushes you have, your personal sense of style, and your toxic love habits. Any example when being clingy, possessive, and/or jealous? Venus in Cancer man might be jealous, possessive, and sad, but his feelings may not be expressed actively. The Venus in Cancer woman is usually soft-spoken, and enjoys spending quiet time with her loved ones, especially on weekends. We start things off in Taurus season, which highlights the most social and community-oriented part of your chart. When a Cancer man loves a woman, he develops an . When it comes to love and relationships, Venus in Cancer people are only interested in long-term commitments. They are known to be stubborn and ambitious when they want something badly. They are attracted to the opposite sex and also have a magnetic personalities. That is why they really like to play host or hostess. You take minor flaws and turn them into major character defects. Last but not least - Venus. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Its very important for them to feel secure in life. They believe in tradition. quote: Originally posted by Aries23Degrees: I dated one (I am Venus in Scorpio). His possessive nature means that he will do whatever it takes to guard and protect you. This man is all about lingerie. This especially occurs when these natives feel that others do not take them seriously or give them sufficient credit or take advantage of their kind actions. He loves to be the emotional support of the ones he loves. You would rather flirt with many people on a dating app at once then go on a real-live date with one person. I'm jealous & possessive in all relationships/friendships. This is a community for discussing and learning astrology, not for personal chart and life questions. They can be possessive and jealous to the extreme. Cancers are considered the mothers of the zodiac, as they are naturally nurturing, caring, and protective. You want to give your partner all of your love all of the timeyou have zero chill. If you are dating or interested in a guy born under this sensitive, watery sign, you may wonder, Is a Cancer man jealous and possessive when in love?. He will overwhelm the person he likes with text messages and phone calls and he will have them in mind all the time. These people go out of their way to make their partners feel loved by showing enormous attention to detail and personalization. He used to pout a lot and use indirect cues when he wanted sex. No matter the age, the ultimate fairytale for Cancer Venus is marriage. If youre someone who needs space and you value your independence, this sign may not be a suitable romantic partner for you. And my oh my we could cuddle for days and do all that deep kissing stuff for hours. Venus in Cancer is home to the Crab and their fiercely protective and nurturing persona. However, he is experienced enough at heart to know when to be serious, too. As a water sign, astrological cancer relies on its emotions to make a situation bigger. This native can like artwork, films, songs, etc. His parents, especially his mother, are the main players here. It wouldnt matter if youd try to convince him theres no reason to be jealous, he will continue believing what he wants. If you have Venus in Cancer, you will find that your emotions are an integral part of how you love. However, your constant attention can be overwhelming and your partner may need space. When dating, they go all in, and sometimes they fall in love too quickly. Men with their Venus in Cancer are known to look for somebody who is like their mother, or someone who is "mothering" at least. They are a bit jealous and do not like it when their sense of security is threatened. Due to their codependent nature, they have a hard time balancing the needs of their partners with their own. They need to feel secure and loved in order to open up and fully express themselves, so make sure to let them know youre in it for the long haul. Check Cancer Compatibility now. You love being in love. Thought about what would happen if you hurt him? A Venus Cancer man can sometimes struggle with feelings of jealousy. Their instability can be a distraction in intimate relationships and professional partnerships.
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