classifies the country as a democracy during the whole period it is included in the dataset (i.e. In Greece, regime developments during the last 150 years have been a real roller-coaster ride. 174225; Corbett et al., Citation2017, pp. Combinations of monarchical powers in democracies 18002017. (also Dahl & Tufte, Citation1973, pp. Bhutan 200917, Greece 18641914, 1935, 5066, Liechtenstein 19212017, Lesotho 200216, Luxembourg 190039, Monaco 19622017, Spain 1977, Thailand 1975, 8390, 922005, 201113, Belgium 190013, 191939, 4458, 602017, Denmark 19012017, Japan 19522017, Lesotho 2017, Netherlands 18881939, 19462017, Norway 190939, 19452017, Spain 19782017, Sweden 19182017, United Kingdom 18852017, Bhutan 200917, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 19002017, Greece 18641914, Italy 191921, Nepal 19912001, Thailand 1975, 8390, 922005, 1113, Yugoslavia 192128. It has generally been pointed out that the case of Bhutan is unique in the sense that democratic reforms were voluntarily initiated by the king and not reluctantly, as a result of popular protests or demands. Every case listed under any of questions 14 is categorised as meeting the criterion of monarchic executive powers (EP), and every case listed under questions 8 or 9 is considered to fulfil the criterion of monarchic legislative powers (LP). a HOS appoints cabinet in practice (C) (v2exdfcbhs, *_osp, *_ord). In practice, does the head of state have the power to appoint or is the approval of the head of state necessary for the appointment of cabinet ministers? Yes= Responses 3 or 4. b Relative power of the HOS (D) (v2ex_hosw). Values have also been compared with the scores countries have received on the Polity 2 scale (an effective measure of the degree of democracy, ranging from 10 to +10) in the Polity IV-dataset (Marshall et al., Citation2018). A federal absolute monarchy in which, different monarchies, or in this case, sheikhdoms fulfill both the duty of president and prime minister, although in actuality they are monarchs. The dataset does not contain extensive information on regime characteristics for the European miniature states Liechtenstein and Monaco. He came to power in 1964, and almost immediately clashed with prime minister Papandreou over the control of the military. Thresholds within the size category are, to some extent, always arbitrary. Monarch. Moving on, the results showed that In Luxembourg, Sweden, Spain and Yugoslavia the monarch has been in possession of powers in three out of four power dimensions. In other words, it reflects a complete transformation of power, where the monarch is confined to the position as a ceremonial head of state. aDisregarding periods of occupation during WW1 and WW2. Semi-constitutional monarchic regimes emerge in former autocratic monarchies as they democratise and rarely persist for long periods. Whereas Greece has switched between republic and monarchic forms of governments, Thailand has remained a monarchy, but oscillated between democracy and military rule. A constitutional monarchy is a monarchy that is ruled by a written constitution. Particularly the death of the monarch provides a good opportunity to strip the monarch of his or her powers (see also Huntington, Citation1968, 180). In practice, from which of the following bodies does the head of government customarily seek approval prior to making important decisions on domestic policy? (Yes = 5, head of state). The following year the new king postponed the scheduled elections indefinitely and concentrated executive powers into his own hands, whereby Nepal returned to authoritarian rule. Based on a study of Bhutan, Liechtenstein, and Tonga, Corbett et al., Citation2017 (pp. Ever since, the country has hovered between democracy and autocracy. The authors define as semi-constitutional monarchies 'systems in which the actions of monarchs are circumscribed by a constitution, but in which monarchs, as independent and autonomous political actors, nonetheless have the capacity to exert a large measure of political influence' Corbett et al. One question for Semi Constitutional/Absolute Monarchists from non monarchy countries. The following list includes democratic and non-democratic states: Nations with limited recognition are in italics. However, it is evident that the V-dem experts have interpreted this question loosely, and included many countries where the monarch is not involved in choosing the prime minister, but only makes the final, formal, appointment. Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east and north. Under other classification systems, however, these systems may instead be classed as semi-presidential systems (despite their weak presidency). Although the constitution was parliamentary and the prime minister was the dominant political actor, the king continued to exercise significant influence in the executive field. Monarchy can be categorised into many types in this modern era: semi-constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, commonwealth realms, and subnational monarchy. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). These systems bear more resemblance to semipresidential systems than to parliamentary ones and therefore the label semi constitutional monarchy is used to denote them. After a short power struggle with holdovers from the Franco regime, democratic elections were held in 1977, and during this year, the monarch possessed considerable powers. In a parliamentary republic, the head of government is selected or nominated by the legislature and is also accountable to it. The basic logic behind this statement is simple: a leader who has not been elected by the people has little or no legitimacy to rule in a democratic polity. Applying a higher threshold, say 0.5. would be too strict in comparison with Boix, Miller and Rosato's threshold for inclusion in the category of democracies, and would, for instance, mean that the following countries, all classified as democracies by Boix et al. Lesotho, again, meets the criteria of democracy since 2002. Veenendaal, Citation2013, pp. g HOS dissolution in practice (C) (v2exdfdshs, *_osp, *_ord). In the long run, the monarch faced a zero-sum game; either try to retain his or her powers as an absolute monarch or be stripped of all powers and, at best, continue as a ceremonial head of state of a democracy. I understand that you are either fed up with the hopeless democratically elected leaders of your country or are under some other form of shitty government like a military dictatorship or an oligarch influenced country. On the other hand, a semi-constitutional monarchy lets the monarch or ruling royal family retain substantial political powers, as is the case in Jordan and Morocco. Accordingly, all democracies where the monarch has held executive powers, legislative powers, powers over domestic policy, or powers to dissolve the legislature are defined as semi-constitutional monarchies and the rest of the cases, where the monarch is powerless on all dimensions, are conferred to the category constitutional monarchies. On the other hand, there are many systems classified as democracies by most reputable categorizations or indices where the monarch has, or has had, more or less the same position as a president in a semi-presidential system. Regarding the other dimension of interest, I apply six categories. In Monaco, the powers of the Prince are even greater. In a directorial system, a council jointly exercise the powers and ceremonial roles of both the head of state and head of government. In practice, Governor-Generals are chosen by the parliaments and/or prime ministers of the countries and often the persons chosen to this position are local politicians or dignitaries. Second, physical factors have generally played a surprisingly subordinate role in comparative politics. Although the dataset is useful for cross-country studies, it certainly has its limitations. However, semi-constitutional monarchies do not always exist as a transitional phase during which democracy is introduced and subsequently consolidated. Type of monarchy. The strong position of the hereditary monarch was attributed to the fact that the royal family of Laos had been extremely loyal to the French. To some extent, the two strategies overlap and merely reflect differences in degree rather than in kind. In semi-presidential systems, there is always both a president and a head of government, commonly but not exclusively styled as a prime minister. Bhutan 201416, Greece 1874, 19551966, Liechtenstein 1921-2017, Monaco 19622017, Thailand 1975, 198390, 19922005, 201113. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. . Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Monaco have had powerful monarchs operating within a democratic context for many decades. First, it is uncontroversial, in the sense that it separates systems where the monarch has ceremonial powers only from systems where the monarch can exercise at least some influence in the political sphere. The concept of semi-constitutional monarch identifies constitutional monarchies where the monarch retains substantial powers, on a par with a president in a presidential or semi-presidential system. However, since this designation shall be in accordance with the customary law of Lesotho (art. For the purpose of the present study, we are concerned with situations where absolute monarchies democratise, which means that the first and, particularly, the second strategies are relevant. In effect, "presidents" in this system function the same as prime ministers do in other parliamentary systems. First, whereas there is already a quite extensive literature on executive power sharing between presidents and prime ministers, similar studies regarding the power-sharing arrangements between monarchs and prime ministers are, with very few exceptions, conspicuous by their absence. (Citation2017) point out that smallness is likely to counteract the gloomy prospects for the monarch outlined in the kings dilemma. In this kind of setup, the monarch has influence over the state almost to the degree of an absolute monarchy. According to the constitution from 1962, the Prince is the dominant (in fact, the only) actor in the exercise of executive powers and has very far reaching powers in the legislative sphere; he has exclusive right to initiate laws, absolute veto powers and can dissolve the legislature at will. In some full parliamentary systems, the head of state is directly elected by voters. Monarch in control over domestic policy, Bhutan 200917, Greece 18641914, 1935, 195066, Lesotho 200216, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 190039, Monaco 19622017, Spain 1977, Thailand 1975, 198390, 922005, 201113, Bhutan 201316, Greece 1874, 194666, Italy 191921, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 1944, Monaco 19622017, Sweden 191116, Thailand 1975, 198390, 922005, 201113, Tonga 20122017, Yugoslavia 192128, Bhutan 200916, Greece 18641910, Italy 191921, Laos 195458, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 190039, 442008, Monaco 19622017, Nepal 19912001, Netherlands 1945, Spain 1977, Thailand 1975, 19831990, 922005, 201113, Tonga 20122017, Yugoslavia 19211928, Bhutan 200917, Greece 18641914, 1935, 194666, Italy 191921, Laos 195458, Liechtenstein 19212017, Monaco 19622017, Nepal 200001, Norway 190508, Sweden 191116, Yugoslavia 192128. In many countries, the process of democratisation was slow, and the monarch was gradually divested of his or her powers. Yet, the question how much powers monarchs possess has not aroused a great deal of interest among political scientists. Thailand changed from traditional absolute monarchy into a constitutional one in 1932, while Bhutan changed in 2008. The head of state is ordinarily called a president and (in full parliamentary republics) is separate from the head of government, serving a largely apolitical, ceremonial role. However, In Greece (18641914), Italy (19191921), Laos (19541958), Nepal (19912001), Thailand and Yugoslavia (19211928) the semi-constitutional monarchic system coincided with a transition to democracy, but in all these countries the democratic form of government subsequently broke down. Although Governor-Generals are formally appointed by the British monarch, their connection to the British Crown is often very vague. In some cases, the prime minister is also leader of the legislature, while in other cases the executive branch is clearly separated from legislature (although the entire cabinet or individual ministers must step down in the case of a vote of no confidence). The leader who is at the head of the monarchy is called a monarch. I then proceeded by testing the assumption that semi-constitutional monarchies would emerge primarily in countries which transit from autocratic monarchies to democracies and that small size was conducive for the survival of the regime type in question. The period of 'semi-constitutional' monarchy in Britain was a period of vast expansion of power and influence in the world, not to mention the opening of commerce and prosperity. Therefore, their statuses resemble more a president in parliamentary systems than a monarch in a hereditary monarchy. The country surpassed the threshold of democracy in 1864, and is the first example of executive power sharing. The second category consists of similar cases in which democracy did not consolidate, and the country returned to autocracy. States in which most power is exercised by the central government. 3 E.g. In the Netherlands, the monarch is considered to have been powerful in 1945. Huntington (Citation1968, pp. The list is colour-coded according to the type of government, for example: blue represents a republic with an executive head of state, and red is a constitutional monarchy with a ceremonial head of state. Permission will be required if your reuse is not covered by the terms of the License. The first one is made up of countries where the monarch has inherited at least some of his or her powers when the country transited from autocracy to democracy, after which democracy has become consolidated. In full presidential systems, the president is both head of state and head of government. Bhutan 201417, Greece 18641914, 5566, Laos 195458, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 190039, 442008, Monaco 19622017, Nepal 19912001, Netherlands 1945, Spain 1977, Sweden 191116, Thailand 1975, 8390, 922005, 201113, Yugoslavia 19211928. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. For the sake of validity, I have complemented the dataset by Boix, Miller and Rosato by making use of V-dems Liberal democracy index (D) (v2x_libdem). A state governed as a single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme and any administrative divisions (sub-national units) exercise only the powers that the central government chooses to delegate. Based on the few studies that have been conducted in the field, there are two plausible explanations for why powerful monarchs occur in democratic settings. Specifically, monarchies in which the monarch's exercise of power is unconstrained by any substantive constitutional law. [3], Certain states have been defined as having more than one system of government or a hybrid system for instance, Poland possesses a semi-presidential government where the President appoints the Prime Minister or can veto legislation passed by parliament, but its Constitution defines the country as a parliamentary republic and its ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.[4][5][6][7][8][9]. The legend of what the different colours represent is found just below the map. The constitution adopted the same year gave King Alexander I extensive powers. The power struggle culminated in 1914, when King Gustav V publicly challenged Prime Minister Karl Staaff. In a widely cited article, McCargo (Citation2005) uses the term network monarchy in order to describe Thailands mode of governance. Commonly, monarchies are classified into absolute monarchies and constitutional monarchies, but since this classification essentially is based on the powers the monarch possesses, the difference between the categories is one of degree rather than kind. I then proceed by excluding republics and independent countries ruled by the monarch of another country. [12] Full parliamentary republican systems that do not have a directly elected head of state usually use either an electoral college or a vote in the legislature to appoint the president. The results also showed, that while semi-constitutional monarchic forms of government tend to emerge in rather similar settings and under similar circumstances (i.e. The president does not have the right to dismiss the prime minister or the cabinet. V-dem dataset. Among 26 current monarchy countries in the world, there are as many as 10 dynasties from Europe to the Middle East who control a net . A monarchy is a form of government in which supreme power is absolutely or nominally lodged in an individual, who is the head of state, often for life or until abdication. In recent years, it has become much easier to make cross-country comparisons on the basis of political practice. 1 The basic strategy has been to compare Freedom Houses scores with Boix, Miller and Rosatos classifications during the period 20122015 and thereafter check if Freedom Houses scores have changed during the years 20162017. In mixed republican systems and directorial republican systems, the head of government also serves as head of state and is usually titled president. In Lesotho, the college of chiefs determine who will be the next person in line for succession as monarch. Confederacy (Confederation) - a union by compact or treaty between states, provinces, or territories, that creates a central government with limited powers; the constituent entities retain supreme authority over all matters except those delegated to the central government. a government led by a prime minister. The question whether Greece should be a republic or a monarchy was settled in a referendum in 1946, where the monarchists won by more than two thirds of the vote. 66109). Liechtenstein is a semi-constitutional monarchy headed by the prince of Liechtenstein. Veenendaal (Citation2013, p. 58) notes that [i]n both countries, executive and judicial power is traditionally located in the hands of the Prince, who delegates this power to selfappointed government ministers and judges. democratic regimes in which power is shared between a prime minister and a monarch, can be explained by reference to Huntingtons notion of the Kings dilemma and the size of countries. Several states that are constitutional republics are in practice ruled as authoritarian states. King Juan Carlos, however, was determined to liberalise Spain. (Citation2017) have noted, the heart of the matter is that the king simultaneously devolved authority and cemented the monarchys place in Bhutanese socio-political life [whereby] he ensured a peaceful transition to democracy and sidestepped Huntingtons Kings Dilemma, at least for a time (Corbett et al., Citation2017) see also Sinpeng (Citation2007, p. 39). (Citation2013; Citation2018), who make use of a dichotomous qualitative scale, classifying more than 200 countries as either democracies or autocracies on a yearly basis for the time period 18002015. Absolute monarchies are systems where the monarch, the hereditary ruler, possesses powers to such an extent that the countries in question do not qualify as democracies. Also, combining all the rest of the dimensions makes little sense, since many of the questions from the V-dem dataset overlap, especially with reference to the powers in the executive sphere. Accordingly, we can expect that the time period during which a monarch is in possession of powers is limited, and that pressures for reducing the powers of the monarch will grow as democracy consolidates. Nevertheless, the monarch continues to have extensive powers, especially in the legislative sphere. Bhutan 201417, Greece 18641914, 5566, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 190039, Monaco 19622017, Spain 1977, Thailand 1975, 8390, 922005, 201113. The authors define as semi-constitutional monarchies systems in which the actions of monarchs are circumscribed by a constitution, but in which monarchs, as independent and autonomous political actors, nonetheless have the capacity to exert a large measure of political influence Corbett et al. These are systems in which a president is the active head of the executive branch of government, and is elected and remains in office independently of the legislature. Crowned republic. Table 2. Thus, much in line with Corbett et al. The third and fourth category refer to situations where the semi-constitutional monarchic form of government has emerged from an autocratic regime without a monarch as head of state, whereas the fifth and sixth categories describe situations where the semi-constitutional monarchic system has developed from another democratic form of government, and subsequently either democratised (the second last column) or not (the last column). Greece was then ruled as a semi-constitutional monarchy until the military coup in 1967. Bhutan 201416, Greece 1874, 19551966, Liechtenstein 19212017, Luxembourg 1944, Monaco 19622017, Sweden 191116, Thailand 1975, 8390, 922005, 201113, Yugoslavia 192128. The constitution transformed Bhutan into a constitutional monarchy as the monarch gave up a significant part of his powers. If the head of state took actions to dismiss cabinet ministers, would he/she be likely to succeed? Yes = 2 or 3. d HOG appointment in practice (v2expathhg). Italy turned to democratic rule in 1919. However, three countries, all of which have powerful monarchs at the time of writing, contradict this rule. In 1922, Benito Mussolini became prime minister and the short democratic period ended. 2 The motivation for choosing 0.4 as a cut-off point is to make sure that no relevant case is left out from the study. In some constitutional monarchies, like in Japan or Norway, the monarch is only a symbolic head of state without . Systems in which a prime minister is the active head of the executive branch of government. Monarchical reign has often been linked with military authority. 4 Sometimes it is not easy to draw the line between inheritance and elections. The Italian experience resembles the Yugoslavian one in the sense that the monarch retained some powers as the country transited from autocracy to democracy, after which autocracy was restored. The countries are included in the present study but their classifications along the nine power dimensions are based on other sources.Footnote3 Table 1 gives an overview of the population of cases. Nevertheless, it is evident that in comparison with other monarchs operating within a democratic framework, the Prince of Monaco is an extremely powerful actor in terms of both constitution and practice (see Chagnollaud de Sabouret, Citation2015; DOnario, Citation2014). in 2015, would fall below the threshold of democracy in 2015: Albania, East Timor, El Salvador, Guyana, India, Mexico, Moldova, Nepal, and Solomon Islands. At present, there are no signs that the new monarch, King Varjiralongkorn, would accept a mere ceremonial role in Thai politics. States in which political power is by law concentrated within one political party whose operations are largely fused with the government hierarchy (as opposed to states where the law establishes a multi-party system but this fusion is achieved anyway through electoral fraud or simple inertia). However, their monarchs still rule the country according to a democratic constitution and in concert with other institutions. Although, if a vote of no confidence is successful and they do not resign, it triggers the dissolution of the legislature and new elections (per section 92 of the, Some monarchs are given a limited number of discretionary, One of fifteen constitutional monarchies which recognize the. He has published widely in the field of political science. Bhutan 201316, Greece 1874, 195066, Liechtenstein 19212017, Monaco 19622017, Thailand 1975, 8390, 922005, 201113. The unique symbiosis between the monarchy and the military has secured the position of the monarch, both in democratic and authoritarian eras. This turbulent period paved the way for the military takeover in 1967. What local authorities do exist have few powers. It is particularly noteworthy that all three long-lasting semi-constitutional monarchies are characterised by their extreme smallness. It is Europe's fourth-smallest country, with an area of just over 160 square kilometres (62 square miles) and a population of 38,749 (as of 2019).
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