cruxes or cruces) - - w87 8/15 23 - KRUKS, KRUHKS (pl. Without Airbrushing." Its present population is said to be about 16,000. intonation of a word and what it means. Getting the audio Bible pronunciation really can help. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce Z words in the Bible: [ Zaanan - Za'anan - Micah 1:11 (h6630) - ZAY-uh-nan'] * [ Zaanannim - Zaanan'nim - Joshua 19:33 (h6815) - zay-uh-NA-nim, zah'uh-NAN-nuhm] * [ Zabdi - Zab'di - Joshua 7:1 (h2067) - ZAB-di, not ZAB-dee] * [ Zacchaeus - Zacchae'us - Luke 19:2 (g2195) - za-KEE-uhs, not -KAY-] * [ Zachariah - ("Zechariah" in NW) - 2 Kings 14:29 Kj (h2148) - zak'uh-RI -uh] * [ Zadok - Za'dok - 2 Samuel 15:24 (h6659) - ZAY-dok] * [ Zagros*] * [ (Mountains) - - it "Persia, Persians" - ZAG-ruhs, ZA-grohs] * [ Zalmunna - Zalmun'na - Judges 8:5 - zal-MUHN-uh] * [ Zaphenath-paneah] * [ (aka Joseph)] * [ (Zaphnath-paaneah in some Bibles) - Zaph'enath-pane'ah - Genesis 41:45 (h6847) - zaf'uh-nath-puh-NEE-uh] * [ Zara - ("Zerah" in NW) - Matthew 1:3 Da, DRB, KJ (g2196) - ZAIR-uh] * [ Zarathustra*] * [ (aka Zoroaster) - - - zar'uh-THOO-struh (listen)] * [ Zarephath - Zar'ephath - 1 Kings 17:9 (h6886) - ZAIR-uh-fath, ZER-uh-fath] * [ Zarethan] * [ (Zaretan in some Bibles) - Zar'ethan - Joshua 3:16 (h6891) - ZAIR-uh-than, ZER-uh-than] * [ zayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Za'yin - Psalm 119:49 (verse heading) - ZAH-yin, -yuhn, ZI (-UH)N] * [ zealous - zealous - Joel 2:18 (h7065); Titus 2:14 (g2207) - ZEL-uhs (listen), not ZEL-ee-uhs, not ZEL-yuhs] * [ Zebah - Ze'bah - Judges 8:5 - ZEE-bah, ZEE-buh] * [ Zebedee - Zeb'edee - Matthew 4:21 (g2199) - ZEB-uh-dee, ZEB-ih-dee] * [ Zeboim - Zebo'im - 1 Samuel 13:18 (h6650) - zuh-BOH-im] * [ Zebulun - Zeb'ulun - Genesis 30:20 (h2074) - ZEB-yuh-luhn, ZEB-yoo-luhn] * [ Zechariah - Zechari'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zechariah 1:1 (h2148); Luke 1:5 (g2197) - zek'uh-RI -uh, zek'uh-RI -ah] * [ Zedekiah - Zedeki'ah - 2 Kings 24:17 (h6667) - zed'uh-KI -uh, zed'uh-KI -ah] * [ Zeeb - Ze'eb - Judges 8:3 - ZEE-uhb] * [ Zelophehad - Zelo'phehad - Numbers 26:33 (h6765) - zuh-LOH-fuh-had, not -LAH-] * [ Zenas - Ze'nas - Titus 3:13 (g2211) - ZEE-nuhs] * [ Zenobia* - - dp 252 - zuh-NOH-bee-uh, zih-] * [ Zephaniah - Zephani'ah (persons' names and Bible book) - Zephaniah 1:1 (6846) - zef'uh-NI -uh, zef'uh-NI -ah] * [ Zerah] * [ (Zara in some Bibles) - Ze'rah - 2 Chronicles 14:9 (h2226); Matthew 1:3 (g2196) - ZEE-rah, ZIHR-uh] * [ Zereth-shahar - Ze'reth-sha'har - Joshua 13:19 (h6890) - zee'rith-SHAY-hahr] * [ Zerubbabel - Zerub'babel - Zechariah 4:6 (h2216) - zee-RUB-uh-buhl, zuh-RUHB-uh-buhl] * [ Zeruiah - Zeru'iah - 2 Samuel 2:18 (h6870) - zuh-ROO-yuh, zuh-ROO-i -ah] * [ zeugma* - - Exodus 20:18 ftn. function JSFX_FloatTopDiv() Heb. KHAH-nuh-kuh, Seph. To this place also the wood cut in Lebanon by Hiram's men for Solomon was brought in floats (2 Chr. Intonation --The rise and fall or music of the voice when we speak ; it "Apocrypha" - AW-guh-steen, aw-GUHS-tin] * [ Augustus - Augus'tus - Luke 2:1 (g828) - aw-GUHS-tuhs, uh-GUHS-tuhs] * [ Aurelian* - - dp 240 - aw-REE-lee-uhn, -REEL-yuhn] * [ aurochs*] * [ (buffalo, ox, Reem, unicorn, wild-ox in some Bibles) - ("wild bull" in NW) - (h7214); w92 6/1 31 - OUR-ahks, AWR-] * [ authentic* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - aw-THEN-tik, uh-, not -THEN-ik] * [ Autolycus* - - w96 3/15 28 - aw-TOL-ih-kuhs] * [ avatar* - - sh 103 - AV-uh-tahr', av'uh-TAHR] * [ Avesta* - - sh 36 - uh-VES-tuh] * [ Avrekh - Avrkh - Genesis 41:43 (h86) - ah-VREKH (VR pronounced soft)] * [ ayatollah* - - g87 6/22 14 - ah'yuh-TOH-luh, i'uh-TOH-luh, -TAHL-, I-uh-toh'luh, -tahl'-] * [ ayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - A'yin - Psalm 119:121 (verse heading) - I -yin, -in (listen), -uhn] * [ Azariah - Azari'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h5838) - az'uh-RI -uh] * [ Azazel] * [ (scapegoat in some Bibles) - Aza'zel - Leviticus 16:8 (h5799) - uh-ZAY-zuhl] *, [ Baal - Ba'al - Judges 2:13 (h1168); Romans 11:4 (g896) - BAY-uhl] * [ Baalath-beer - Ba'alath-be'er - Joshua 19:8 (h1192) - bay'uh-lath-BEE-uhr] * [ Baalbek* - - it "Phoenicia" - BAY-uhl-bek', BAHL-bek'] * [ Baale-judah] * [ (Baale of Judah in some Bibles) - Ba'ale-ju'dah - 2 Samuel 6:2 (h1184 + h3064) - bay'uh-lee-JOO-duh] * [ Baal-hamon - Ba'al-ha'mon - Song of Solomon 8:11 (h1174) - bay'uhl-HAY-muhn] * [ Baal-Perazim] * [ (aka Perazim) - Ba'al-pera'zim - 2 Samuel 5:20 (h1188) - bay'uhl-pih-RAY-zim, bay'uhl-puh-RAY-zim] * [ Ba'al Shem Tov* - - sh 226 - BAY(-UH)L SHEM TAWV, BAHL SHEM TOHV (listen)] * [ Baal-zebub] * [ (compare Beelzebub) - Ba'al-ze'bub - 2 Kings 1:2 (h1176) - BAY-uhl-ZEE-buhb, bay'uhl-ZEE-buhb, not bay-EL-zee-buhb'] * [ Baasha - Ba'asha - 1 Kings 15:16 (h1201) - BAY-uh-shuh] * [ Babel - Ba'bel - Genesis 10:10 (h894) - BAY-buhl, BAY-behl] * [ Babylon - Babylon, it Bab'ylon - Daniel 1:1 (h894); Revelation 14:8 (g897) - BAB-uh-luhn, -lon'] * [ Babylonian - Babylonians - Ezra 4:9 (h896); dp 7 - bab'uh-LOH-nee-uhn, -LOHN-yuhn] * [ baca] * [ (balsam trees, mulberry trees, pear trees, spice-trees, weeping trees in some Bibles) - ba'ca - 2 Samuel 5:23 (h1057) - BAY-kuh] * [ Bacchus* (also Dionysus) - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - BAK-uhs, BAH-kuhs] * [ Bactrian* - - it "Alexander" - BAK-tree-uhn] * [ Bahai*] * [ (also Baha'i) - - w96 9/15 3 - bah-HAH-ee', -HI -] * [ Balaam - Ba'laam - Numbers 22:5 (h1109) - BAY-luhm] * [ Balder* - - w52 12/15 741 - BAWL-duhr] * [ Balak - Ba'lak - Numbers 22:2 (h1111) - BAY-lak] * [ Balthasar* or Balthazar* - - w88 12/15 28 - bal-THAY-zuhr (listen), -THAZ-uhr, BAHL-thuh-zahr'] * [ Baluchistan* - - w77 11/1 654 - bah-LOO-chih-stan', buh-loo'chuh-STAN, -STAHN] * [ balustrade] * [ (pillars, railings, supports in some Bibles) - ("supports" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:12 Da (h4552) - BAL-uh-strayd', bal'-uh-STRAYD] * [ baptism - baptism - Matthew 3:7 (g908) - BAP-tiz'uhm, not BAB-] * [ Baptist] * [ (Baptizer in some Bibles) - Baptist - Matthew 3:1 (g910) - BAP-tist, not BAB-] * [ baptizer - baptizer - Mark 1:4 (g907) - BAP-ti -zuhr, not BAB-] * [ Barabbas - Barab'bas - Matthew 27:16 (g912) - buh-RAB-uhs] * [ Barachiah] * [ (Barachias in some Bibles) - Barachi'ah - Matthew 23:35 (g914) - bair'uh-KI -uh] * [ Barak - Ba'rak - Judges 4:6 (h1301) - BAY-rak, not BAIR-rak'] * [ Barbarian] * [ (foreigners in some Bibles) - Barbarians, it Barbar'ian - Romans 1:14 (g915) - bahr-BER-ee-uhn, -BAIR-, -BAR-] * [ Baris* - - it "Antonia, Tower of" - BAIR-is] * [ Bar Kochba*] * [ (also Bar Cochbah) - - it "Hebrew II" - bahr KAWKH-bah, -vah, KOHK-buh] * [ Bar-Jesus - Bar-Je'sus - Acts 13:6 (g919) - bahr JEE-zuhs] * [ Barnabas - Bar'nabas - Acts 9:27 (g921) - BAHR-nuh-buhs] * [ Barsabbas] * [ (Barsabas in some Bibles) - Bar'sabbas - Acts 1:23 (g923) - BAHR-suh-buhs, not bahr-SAB-buhs] * [ Bartholomew - Barthol'omew - Matthew 10:3 (g918) - bahr-THOL-uh-myoo] * [ Bartimaeus - Bartimae'us - Mark 10:46 (g924) - bahr-tuh-MEE-uhs, bahr-tih-MEE-uhs] * [ Baruch - Bar'uch - Jeremiah 36:4 (h1263) - BAIR-uhk (listen), BAY-ruhk, buh-ROOK, BAHR-ook', not buh-ROOK in NW] * [ Basemath] * [ (Bashemath in some Bibles) - Bas'emath - Genesis 26:34 (h1315) - BAS-uh-math] * [ Bashan - Ba'shan - Numbers 21:33 (h1316) - BAY-shuhn] * [ Basil* [the Great] - - w01 4/15 19 - BAY-zuhl, BAZ-uhl, BAS-uhl] * [ basilisk] * [ (adder, cockatrice, viper in some Bibles) - ("viper" in NW) - Proverbs 23:32 DRB, Yg (h6848) - BAS-uh-lisk', BAZ-uh-lisk'] * [ bas-relief* - - dp 151 - bah'rih-LEEF (listen), BAH-rih-leef'] * [ Bath-sheba - Bath-she'ba - 2 Samuel 11:3 (h1339) - bath-SHEE-buh] * [ bdellium - bdellium - Genesis 2:12 (h916) - DEL-yum, DEL-ee-uhm (listen)] * [ beatify* - - g91 6/8 28 - bee-AT-uh-fi] * [ beatitude* - - w57 10/15 636 - bee-AT-ih-tood', -tyood'] * [ Beatty (Sir Alfred Chester)* - - g72 6/22 6 - BEE-tee] * [ Bedouin* - - it "Nebaioth" - BED-oo-in, BED-win, BEH-duh-wuhn] * [ Beelzebub] * [ (compare Baal-zebub) - Beel'zebub - Matthew 10:25 (g954) - bee-EL-zih-buhb, -zuh-bub', also BEEL-zuh-bub'] * [ Beeroth Benejaakan - Beer'oth Ben'eja'akan - Deuteronomy 10:6 (h885) - buh-EE-roth ben'ih-JAY-uh-kuhn, bee-EE-roth ben'ee-JAY-uh-kan, buh-ER-oth ben'uh-JAY-uh-kan] * [ Beerothite - Beer'othite - 2 Samuel 4:2 (h886) - bee'uh-ruh-thi t, bay-ER-uh-thi t] * [ Beer-sheba - Be'er-she'ba - Amos 8:14 (h884) - bee'uhr-SHEE-buh] * [ Behemoth - Behe'moth - Job 40:15 (h930) - beh-HEE-moth, bih-HEE-muhth, BEE-uh-muhth] * [ Behistun* - - it "Darius" - bay-his-TOON, buh-] * [ Behth, also beth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Behth - Psalm 119:9 (verse heading) - BETH, BET (listen)] * [ Bel] * [ (also Enlil, Marduk) - Bel - Isaiah 46:1 (h1078) - BAYL, BEL] * [ Belial - Be'lial - 2 Corinthians 6:15 (g955) - BEE-lee-uhl (listen), also BEEL-yuhl, not buh-LI -uhl] * [ Belshazzar - Belshaz'zar - Daniel 5:1 (h1113) - bel-SHAZ-uhr] * [ Belteshazzar] * [ (compare Belshazzar) - Belteshaz'zar - Daniel 1:7 (h1095) - bel'tih-SHAZ-uhr, bel'tih-SHAZ-ahr] * [ bema* - - it "Judgment Seat" - BEE-muh] * [ Benaiah - Benai'ah - 1 Kings 2:25 (h1141) - bih-NI -uh, buh-NI -uh] * [ Ben-ammi - Ben-am'mi - Genesis 19:38 (h1151) - ben-AM-i, ben-AM-ee] * [ Benedictus* - - w99 4/15 24 - ben'uh-DIK-tus] * [ Ben-hadad - Ben-ha'dad - 1 Kings 20:1 (h1130) - ben-HAY-dad] * [ Ben-oni - Ben-o'ni - Genesis 35:18 (h1126) - ben-OH-ni] * [ Beor - Be'or - Numbers 22:5 (h1187) - BEE-or] * [ Berechiah - Berechi'ah - Zechariah 1:1 (h1296) - ber'uh-KI -uh] * [ Berenice* - - dp 219-20, 231 - ber'uh-NI -see] * [ bereshith'* - (Heb. It was taken by the French under Napoleon in 1799, who gave orders for the massacre here of 4,000 prisoners. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce M words in the Bible: [ Maacah - Ma'acah - 2 Samuel 3:3 (h4601) - MAY-uh-kuh, MAY-uh-kah] * [ Maaseiah - Maasei'ah - Nehemiah 8:4 (h4641) - mah-uh-SI-uh, may'uh-SEE-yah] * [ Maat* - - sh 53 - muh-AHT, MAY-uht] * [ Maccabee* - - w98 11/15 23 - MAK-uh-bee] * [ Maccabeus* - - g90 12/8 12; 1 Maccabees 2:4 - mak'uh-BEE-uhs] * [ Macedon* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - MAS-uh-don] * [ Macedonia; Macedonian - Macedo'nia; Macedo'nian - Acts 16:9 (g3109; g3010) - mas'uh-DOH-nee-uh; mas'uh-DOH-nee-uhn] * [ Machabees*] * [ (compare Maccabee) - - w61 10/1 582 - MAK-uh-beez] * [ Machabeus*] * [ (compare Maccabeus) - - w61 10/1 582 - mak'uh-BEE-uhs] * [ Machaerus* - - w70 1/1 32 - muh-KIHR-uhs, ma-KEE-ruhs] * [ Machbannai] * [ (Machbanai in some Bibles) - Mach'bannai - 1 Chronicles 12:13 (h4344) - MAK-buh-ni, MAK-ban-i] * [ Machi - Ma'chi - Numbers 13:15 (h4352) - MAY-ki] * [ machinations] * [ (artifices, deceits, deceptive tactics, stratagems, strategies, tricks, wiles in some Bibles) - machinations - Ephesians 6:11 (g3180) - mak'uh-NAY-shuhnz] * [ Machpelah - Machpe'lah - Genesis 23:17 (h4375) - mak-PEE-luh, mak-PEE-lah] * [ Madai - Ma'dai - Genesis 10:2 (h4074) - MAY-da-i, MAY-day-i] * [ Magadan] * [ (Magdala in some Bibles) - Mag'adan - Matthew 15:39 (g3093) - MAG-uh-dan, MAG-a-duhn] * [ Magdalene] * [ (of Magdala in some Bibles) - Mag'dalene - Matthew 28:1 (g3094) - MAG-duh-leen] * [ Magi] * [ (wise men in most Bibles) - ("astrologers" in NW) - Matthew 2:1 Da, We, Catholic Confraternity (g3097) - MAY-ji, not MAG-i] * [ Magog - Ma'gog - Ezekiel 38:2 (h4031); Revelation 20:4 (g3098) - MAY-gog] * [ Mahabharata* - - sh 103 - muh-hah'BAHR-uh-tuh] * [ Mahalaleel] * [ (Maleleel in some Bibles; compare Mahalalel) - Maha'laleel - Luke 3:37 (g3121) - muh-HAY-luh-lee'uhl, ma-HAY-la-lee'el] * [ Mahalalel] * [ (compare Mahalaleel) - Mahal'alel - Genesis 5:12 (h4111) - muh-HAL-uh-luhl, ma-HAL-uh-lehl] * [ Mahalath - Ma'halath - Genesis 28:9 (h4258) - MAY-huh-lath, MAY-ha-lath] * [ Mahalath Leannoth - ("Ma'halath for making responses" in NW) - Psalm 88 superscription or Psalm 88:1 Da, KJ, JPS (h4357 + h6031) - may'huh-lath-lee-AN-oth] * [ Mahanaim - Mahana'im - Genesis 32:2 (h4266) - may'huh-NAY-im, may'ha-NAY-im] * [ Mahseiah] * [ (Maaseiah, Maasias in some Bibles) - Mahsei'ah - Jeremiah 32:12 (h4271) - mah-SEE-yah, muh-SI -uh (may'uh-SEE-yuh in some Bibles)] * [ Maher-shalal-hash-baz - Ma'her-shal'al-hash-baz. It was from this port that Jonah "took ship to flee from the presence of the Lord" (Jonah 1:3). Sometimes front consonant sounds ( like /f, v, th, b, p, m/ or even /s, t, l, n, z, d/ are better to start with, so bible readers can see what your tongue is doing. kuh-too-VEEM] * [ Keziah] * [ (Casia, Cassia, Kezia in some Bibles) - Kezi'ah - Job 42:14 (h7103) - kih-ZI -uh] * [ Khalks*] * [ (see Chalcis) - - - kahl-KEES, khahl-] * [ Khirbet* - - it "Ai" - KIHR-bet] * [ Khorsabad* - - it "Assyria" - khawr-sah-BAHD] * [ Kibroth-hattaavah - Kib'roth-hatta'avah - Numbers 11:34 (h6914) - kib'roth-huh-TAY-uh-vah, -vuh, -ha-TAY-ay-vuh] * [ Kidron] * [ (Cedron, Kedron in some Bibles) - Kid'ron - John 18:1 (g2748) - KID-ruhn, KID-rahn] * [ kiln] * [ (chimney, fire, furnace, stove in some Bibles) - kiln - Exodus 9:8 (h3533) - KILN or KIL (listen)] * [ Kimah] * [ (Hyades, Pleiades in some Bibles) - Ki'mah - Job 9:9 (h3598) - KI -muh] * [ Kings, king - Kings (Bible books), king - 1 Kings 1:1 and ftn. Id like an appointment with Dr. Brown. 10), who named it after Caesar Augustus, hence called Caesarea Sebaste . are angry. Reduction --Occurs when people eliminate certain sounds or syllables in stelae) - - g90 5/8 15, 17 - STEE-luh; pl. ne'phesh) - Genesis 1:30 ftn., it "Soul" - NEF-ish (listen)] * [ Nephilim] * [ (giants in some Bibles) - Neph'ilim - Genesis 6:4 (h5303) - NEF-uh-lim, NEF-ih-lim] * [ Neptune*] * [ (compare Poseidon) - - sh 43 - NEP-tuhn, NEP-tyuhn] * [ Nereus - Ne'reus - Romans 16:15 (g3517) - NEE-ruhs, NIR-ee-uhs, NEE-rih-yoos] * [ Nergal - Ner'gal - 2 Kings 17:30 (h5370) - NUHR-gal, -gahl, -guhl, NUHR-gawl] * [ Nergal-sharezer - Ner'gal-share'zer - Jeremiah 39:3 (h5371) - nuhr'gal-shuhr-EE-zar, nuhr'guhl-, nuhr'gawl-shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Neriah] * [ (Neri, Nerijah, Neriyah in some Bibles) - Neri'ah - Jeremiah 32:12 (h5374) - nuh-RI -uh, nih-, nee-] * [ Neriglissar* - - it "Nergal-sharezer" - nuhr'ig-LIS-uhr] * [ Nero* - - it "Caesar" - NEE-roh', NIHR-oh] * [ Nethanel] * [ (Nethaneel in some Bibles) - Nethan'el - Numbers 7:18 (h5417) - nih-THAN-uhl (nih-THAN-ee-uhl in some Bibles)] * [ Nethinim - Neth'inim - 1 Chronicles 9:2 (h5411) - NETH-ih-nim] * [ Nevi'im* - - sh 220 - nih-vih-EEM, Seph. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce T words in the Bible: [ Tabeel] * [ Tabeal (in some Bibles) - Tab'eel - Ezra 4:7 (h2870) - TAB-ee-uhl, TAB-ee-el] * [ Taberah - Tab'erah - Numbers 11:3 (h8404) - TAB-uh-ruh, TAB-uh-rah] * [ tabernacle] * [ (as verb, dwell, live in some Bibles; as noun, tent in some Bibles) - tabernacle - Exodus 25:8, 9 (verb h7931; noun h4908) - TAB-uhr-nak'uhl] * [ Tabitha] * [ (aka Dorcas) - Tab'itha - Acts 9:36 (g5000) - TAB-ih-thuh] * [ Tabor - Ta'bor - Judges 4:6 (h8396) - TAY-buhr, TAY-bor'] * [ tabret] * [ (tambourine, timbrel in some Bibles) - ("tambourine" in NW) - Isaiah 5:12 AS, KJ, Yg (h8596) - TAB-rit] * [ Tacitus* - - it "Caesar" - TAS-uh-tuhs] * [ Taharqa*] * [ (see Tirhakah) - - it "Tirhakah" - tuh-HAHR-kuh] * [ Tahpanes or Tahpanhes] * [ (see also Tehaphnehes) - Tah'panhes; Tah'panes - Jeremiah 2:16; 43:8 (h8471) - TAH-puh-neez; TAH-puhn-heez] * [ talion* - - it "Crime and Punishment" - TAL-ee-uhn] * [ talitha cumi - Tal'itha cu'mi - Mark 5:41 (g5008 + g2891) - tal'uh-thuh K(Y)OO-mi , tal'ih-thuh-KOO-mee] * [ Talmai - Tal'mai - Joshua 15:14 (h8526) - TAL-mi] * [ Talmud* - - sh 221 - TAL-mud] * [ Tamar - Ta'mar - Genesis 38:6 (h8559) - TAY-mahr] * [ tamarisk] * [ (field, grove, holy tree in some Bibles) - tamarisk - Genesis 21:33 (h815) - TAM-uh-risk] * [ Tammuz - Tam'muz - Ezekiel 8:14 (h8542) - TAM-uhz, TAH-muz', TAM-mooz] * [ Tanakh*] * [ (sometimes Tanach) - - sh 220 - TAH-nahk, tah-NAHK, tah-NAHKH] * [ tantamount* - - w99 6/1 20 - TAN-tuh-mount (listen), not -mahnt] * [ Tao* - - sh 163 - DOU, TOU] * [ Taoism* - - sh 163 - DOU-ih'zuhm] * [ Tao Te Ching* - - sh 166 - dou deh JING] * [ Tappuah - Tap'puah - Joshua 16:8 (h8599) - TAP-yoo-uh, TAP-oo-uh] * [ Targum* - - it "Versions" - TAHR-guhm] * [ Tarshish] * [ (Tharshish, Tharsis in some Bibles) - Tar'shish - 1 Kings 10:22 (h8659) - TAHR-shish] * [ Tarsus - Tarsus, it Tar'sus - Acts 9:11 (g5018 - TAHR-suhs] * [ Tartan - Tar'tan - 2 Kings 18:17 (h8661) - TAHR-tan] * [ Tartarus] * [ (hell in some Bibles) - Tar'tarus - 2 Peter 2:4 (g5020) - TAHR-tuh-ruhs] * [ Tatian* - - it "Versions" - TAY-shuhn] * [ Taurus* - - dp 226 - TAWR-uhs] * [ taw] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Taw - Psalm 119:169 (verse heading) - TAHF, TAWF, TAHV, TAWV] * [ Taxila* - - dp 159 - TAK-suh-luh, TAK-sil-uh] * [ Tebeth - Te'beth - Esther 2:16 (h2887) - TEE-beth] * [ Te Deum* - - w64 2/15 106 - tay'DAY-uhm, tee'DEE-uhm] * [ Tehaphnehes] * [ (also Tahpanes) - Tehaph'nehes - Ezekiel 30:18 (h8471) - tee-HAF-nih-heez, tuh-HAF-nuh-heez, tee-HAF-nee-eez] * [ tehth, also teth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Tehth - Psalm 119:65 (verse heading) - TAYT, TAYTH, TET (listen), TETH] * [ teil (tree)] * [ (terebinth, turpentine tree in some Bibles) - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 KJ (h424) - TEEL] * [ Tekoa, also Tekoah - Teko'a - Amos 1:1 (h8620) - tuh-KOH-uh, tee-] * [ Temanite - Te'manite - Job 2:11 (h8489) - TEE-muh-ni t, TEM-uh-ni t] * [ Terah - Te'rah - Genesis 11:24 (h8646); Luke 3:34 (g2291) - TEER-uh (some sources TER-uh, TEE-rah')] * [ teraphim] * [ (household gods/idols, images in some Bibles) - teraphim - Genesis 31:19 (h8655) - TER-uh-fim] * [ terebinth - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 AS, Da, LITV (h424) - TER-uh-binth] * [ Tertius - Ter'tius - Romans 16:22 (g5060) - TUHR-shuhs, also TUHR-shee-uhs] * [ Tertullian* - - it "Canon" - tuhr'TUHL-ee-uhn] * [ Tertullus - Tertul'lus - Acts 24:1 (g5061) - tuhr-TUHL-uhs] * [ Tetragrammaton* - - Genesis 2:4 ftn. Definition of Joppa in the Bible - Bible Study Do you mispronounce Bible names and words often because you just can't remember the correct Bible pronunciation? gath-he'-fer (gath ha-chepher, "winepress of the pit"): A town on the boundary of Zebulun ( Joshua 19:13; the King James Version in error, "Gittah-hapher"), the birthplace of the prophet Jonah ( 2 Kings 14:25 ). It is now called Jaffa. Hermon, Caesarea Philippi is the location of one of the largest springs feeding the Jordan River. anthitheses) - - it "Evil" - an-TIH-thuh-suhs (plural an-TIH-thuh-seez')] * [ Antonia* - - it "Antonia, Tower of" - an-TOH-nee-uh, -TON-yuh] * [ Anu* - - Isaiah 35:4 (h4116); dp 71; it "Gods and Goddesses" - AY-noo, ah-NOO, UH-NOO] * [ Anubis* - - sh 50 (illustration), 53 - uh-NOO-buhs, -NYOO-] * [ anxious - anxious - Matthew 6:25 (g3308) - ANG(K)-shuhs] * [ aorist* - - it "Greek" - AY-uh-ruhst, EH-uh-] * [ aoristic* - - w57 2/15 127 - ay'uh-RIS-tik, eh'uh-] * [ Aphrah] * [ (Beth-le-aphrah, Beth Leaphrah, house of Dust in some Bibles) - Aph'rah - Micah 1:10 (h1036) - AF-ruh, AF-rah] * [ Aphrodite* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - af'ruh-DI -tee] * [ Apis* - - it "Bull"; dp 158 - AY-pis] * [ Apocalypse* - - it "Revelation to John" - uh-POK-uh-lips'] * [ Apocrypha* - - it "Apocrypha" - uh-POK-ruh-fuh] * [ apocryphal* - - dp 24 - uh-POK-ruh-fuhl] * [ Apollo - ("Apollos" in NW) - Acts 18:24 DRB (h8625) - uh-POL-oh, -PAH-loh(')] * [ Apollos - Apol'los - Acts 18:24 (g625) - uh-POL-uhs] * [ Apollonia - Apollo'nia - Acts 17:1 (g624) - ap'uh-LOH-nee-uh] * [ Apollyon - Apol'lyon - Revelation 9:11 (g623) - uh-POL-yuhn, uh-POL-ee-uhn] * [ apologetics* - - g82 7/8 22 - uh-pah'luh-JEH-tiks, uh-pol'uh-JET-iks] * [ apologia* - - - ap'uh-LOH-j(ee-)uh] * [ aposiopesis* - - 2 Samuel 23:17 ftn. teer-HAW-kaw (listen)] * [ Tirshatha] * [ (Athersatha, governor in some Bibles) - Tirsha'tha - Nehemiah 8:9 (h8660) - tihr-SHAY-thah, tuhr-SHAY-thuh] * [ Tischendorf, Lobegott Friedrich Konstantin von* - - w97 10/15 11 - TISH-uhn-dorf, -dawrf, LOH-buh-got FREE-drikh KON-stahn-teen fuhn] * [ Tishri*] * [ (aka Ethanim) - - it "Calendar" - TISH-ree, -ray (listen)] * [ Titius Justus] * [ (Titius omitted in some Bibles) - Titius Justus - Acts 18:7 (Justus: g2459) - tish'ee-uhs JUHS-tuhs, tish'uhs JUHS-tuhs] * [ Titan* - - g98 10/22 18 - TI T-uhn, not TI -tan'] * [ tittle] * [ (part / stroke of a letter in some Bibles; compare iota) - ("particle of a letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g2762) - TIT-uhl] * [ Titus - Titus (Bible book), it Ti'tus - Titus 1:4 (g5103) - TI -tuhs] * [ Tobijah - Tobi'jah - Zechariah 6:14 (h2900) - toh-BI -juh] * [ Tobit* - - it "Apocrypha"; w94 4/1 29 - TOH-bit] * [ Tocqueville, Alexis de* - - dp 270 - al-lek-sees duh tawk-VEEL, tohk-VEEL, TOHK-vil (listen)] * [ tomb - tomb - Mark 6:29 (g3419) - TOOM (silent "b")] * [ topaz - topaz - Job 28:19 (h6357) - TOH-paz] * [ Topheth - To'pheth - 2 Kings 23:10 (h8612) - TOH-fith, TOH-feth] * [ Trajan* - - it "Rome" - TRAY-juhn] * [ Trachonitis - Trachoni'tis - Luke 3:1 (g5139) - trak'uh-NI -tis, trak'oh-NI -tis] * [ Transfiguration* - - it "Transfiguration" - trans'FIG-yuh-RAY-shuhn] * [ translation] * [ (interpretation in some Bibles) - translation - Hebrews 7:2 (g2059) - tran(t)s-LAY-shun, tranz-, not tran-suh-LAY-shun] * [ transliterate*; transliteration* - - g99 12/8 14; w01 5/15 11 - tran(t)s-LIH-tuh-rayt', tranz-; tran(t)s(')-lih'tuh-RAY-shuhn, tranz(')-] * [ transubstantiation* - - it "Lord's Evening Meal" - tran(t)'suhb-stan(t)'shee-AY-shun (listen)] * [ treatise] * [ (account, book, narrative, report in some Bibles) - ("account" in NW) - Acts 1:1 AS, DRB KJ (g3056) - TREE-tuhs, -tuhz] * [ trenchant] * [ (convincing, forcible, powerful, telling in some Bibles) - ("O not painful!" (h2617) - KHEH-sed (listen)] * [ Chileab - Chil'eab - 2 Samuel 3:3 (h3609) - KIL-ee-ab, KIL-ee-ahb] * [ chiliarch - ("military commander" in NW) - John 18:12 Da (g5506) - KIL-ee-ahrk'] * [ chiliastic* - - w99 12/1 6 - kil'ee-AS-tik] * [ chiliasts* - - Revelation 20:4 ftn. ah-gah-DAH, Ashk. According to the most recent estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, 89.10% of residents identify as white, 7.30% as B.. View article 24/7 Wall St Add Joppa, details Meanings for Joppa, Add a meaning Phonetic spelling of Joppa, Add phonetic spelling Synonyms for Joppa, ", Some readers like to add an extra syllable that isnt there after digraphs, such. Finally have them repeat the whole sentence several times: midrashim) - - w99 3/15 27 - MID-rash, -rahsh, Seph. stelai or steles) - - it "Canaan (picture, page 403)" - STEE-lee, STEEL (listen); pl. mahr-khesh-VAHN, Ashk. Did you ever ask "how do you pronounce" concerning a bible name? This video shows you How to Pronounce Joppa (BIBLE), pronunciation guide.Hear more BIBLICAL NAMES pronounced: pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop; Thus, any speaker with a goal of learning how to pronounce Biblical words for communicative purposes needs to learn the rhythm and intonation of speaking the words. else{ codices) - - it "Book" - KOH-deks; pl. Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce F words in the Bible? Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce O words in the Bible: [ Obadiah - Obadi'ah (Bible book) - Obadiah 1:1 (h5662) - oh'buh-DI -uh] * [ Obed - O'bed - Ruth 4:17 (h5744) - OH-bid, OH-bed] * [ Obed-edom - O'bed-e'dom - 2 Samuel 6:11 (h5654) - oh'bid-EE-duhm, oh'bed-EE-duhm] * [ obeisance ] * [ (bow[ed] down, homage, worship, worshipping in some Bibles) - obeisance - Acts 10:25 (g4352) - oh-BEE-suhn(t)s, uh-, -BAY-] * [ obelisk* - - dp 72 - OB-uh-lisk, AH-buh-lisk', also OH-] * [ oblation] * [ (meal offering, offering[s], present in some Bibles) - ("gift offering" in NW) - Daniel 9:27 KJ (h4503) - uh-BLAY-shuhn] * [ obstacle] * [ (stumbling block in some Bibles) - obstacle - Isaiah 57:14 (h4383) - AHB-stih(')-kuhl not ahb'STAK-uhl] * [ occult* - - it "Divination" - uh-KUHLT, ah-] * [ Octateuch* - - w60 5/15 294 - OK-tuh-took', -tyook] * [ Oded - O'ded - 2 Chronicles 15:1 (h5752) - OH-did, OH-ded] * [ Odin* - - g00 12/8 27 - OH-duhn, O-din] * [ offertory* - - g80 11/8 5 - AW-fuh(r)-tohr'-ee, AH-, -tawr'-] * [ Oholah] * [ (Aholah in some Bibles) - Oho'lah - Ezekiel 23:4 (h170) - oh-HOH-luh, oh-HOH-lah] * [ Oholibah] * [ (Aholibah in some Bibles) - Ohol'ibah - Ezekiel 23:4 (h172) - oh-HOL-uh-buh, oh-HOL-uh-bah] * [ Oholibamah - Oholiba'mah - Genesis 36:2 (h173) - oh-hol'uh-BAY-muh] * [ Olivet - ("Olives" and "Mount of Olives" in NW) - 2 Samuel 15:30 DRB, KJ (h2132); Acts 1:12 DRB, KJ (g1638) - OL-ih-vet, AH-luh-vet', ah'luh-VET] * [ Olympia* - - it "Games" - uh-LIM-pee-uh, oh-] * [ olympian* - - it "Games" - uh-LIM-pee-uhn, oh-] * [ Olympas - Olym'pas - Romans 16:15 (g3652) - oh-LIM-puhs] * [ Olympus* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - uh-LIM-puhs, oh-] * [ Omega - Ome'ga - Revelation 1:8 (g5598) - oh-MEE-guh in NW, also oh-MAY-guh, -ME-, Gr. How to Pronounce Joppa in the Bible (Real Life Examples!) ftlObj.y += (pY + startY - ftlObj.y)/8; Joppa ( Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce E words in the Bible: [ Ea*] * [ (also Enki) - - dp 71 - AY-ah] * [ Ebal - E'bal - Deuteronomy 11:29 (h5858) - EE-buhl, EE-bal] * [ Ebed - E'bed - Judges 9:26 (h5651) - EE-bid, EE-behd] * [ Ebedmelech - E'bed-mel'ech - Jeremiah 38:7 (h5663) - EE-bid-MEL-ik, EE-behd-MEL-uhk not ee-BED-mee-lek'] * [ Ecbatana] * [ (modern Hamadan)] * [ (Achmetha in some Bibles) - Ecbat'ana - Ezra 6:2 (h307) - ek-BAT-uh-nuh] * [ Ecce Homo*] * [ (art representation) - - ip-2 207 - ECH-ay HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ Ecce Homo*] * [ (Pilate's words) - - John 19:5 ftn. fix microsoft teams not displaying images and gifs. - ah'nuh-mah'tuh-PEE-uh] * [ ontology* - - w63 1/15 56 - ahn-TAH-luh-jee] * [ onycha - onycha, it on'ycha - Exodus 30:34 (h7827) - ON-ih-kuh] * [ onyx - onyx - Genesis 2:12 (h7718) - AH-niks, ON-iks] * [ Ophel] * [ (fortresses, forts, hill, mounds in some Bibles) - O'phel - Isaiah 32:14 (h6076) - OH-fel] * [ Ophir - O'phir - 1 Kings 10:11 (h211) - OH-fuhr, OH-fihr] * [ Ophrah] * [ (Ephra in DRB, Vulgate) - Oph'rah - Judges 6:24 (h6084) - OF-ruh, AWF-rah] * [ oracle] * [ (holiness, holy place, holy temple, inner room, inner sanctum, Most Holy Place, Temple in some Bibles) - ("innermost room" in NW) - Psalms 28:2 AS, KJ (h1687) - OR-uh-kuhl, AHR-] * [ oracular* - - it "Christian" - or-AK-yuh-luhr, uh-] * [ Origen* - - it "Canon" - OR-uh-juhn, AHR-] * [ Orion] * [ (Kesil in some Bibles) - ("Kesil" in NW) - Job 9:9 AS, DRB, KJ (h3685) - oh-RI -uhn] * [ Ornan] * [ (aka Araunah) - Or'nan - 1 Chronicles 21:18 (h771) - OR-nan, OR-nuhn] * [ Orontes* - - it "Lebanon" - or-ON-teez] * [ Orpah - Or'pah - Ruth 1:4 (h6204) - OR-puh, not OHP-ruh] * [ orthodox*; orthodoxy* - - w93 7/1 10 - OR-thuh-doks, -dahks'; -dok'see] * [ oryx] * [ (antelope, wild goat, wild ox in some Bibles) - ("wild sheep" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (h8377) - OHR-iks, AWR-, AHR-] * [ Osee - ("Hosea" in NW) - Hosea 1:1 DRB (h1954) - OH-see] * [ Osiris* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - oh-SI -ruhs] * [ ossifrage] * [ (black vulture, gier-eagle, griffon, vulture in some Bibles) - ("osprey" in NW) - Leviticus 11:13 KJ, Yg (h6538) - OS-uh-frij, AH-suh-frij, AH-suh-frayj'] * [ ossuary* - - w97 6/15 13 - OSH-oo-er'ee, OS-yoo-ER-ee, AH-shuh-wer'ee, -syuh-, -suh-] * [ ostracism] * [ (trouble in some Bibles) - ostracism - Genesis 34:30 (h5916) - OS-truh-siz'uhm, AHS-] * [ ostracon*] * [ (pl.
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