Rather, it is sin that keeps a soul from holiness. It is so sound. See you there! (3) I may never criticize any Superior under any circumstances. Nonetheless, Bishop Lennon and his expert have serious concerns about Holy Love Ministries for Catholics. This is according to St. Thomas Aquinas. Humble soul will hear the voice of God resounding in their hearts, whereas the proud will heap upon themselves blind guides who can only lead them into a pit. The continue to remain silent while the most horrific distortions of our treasured Faith are promulgated. And the pilgrims are indeed coming even from other countries. There is a saying that I think applies to your situation and please know it saddens me to say this, but say it I will: Never argue with an idiot. Afterwards, the house did sell. These canons are as follows: ~~ PDF The Ten Commandments - Holy Love Help me to be Your instrument in the world. This again, is the issue of either cooperating with grace, or rejecting grace. I believe Fr. Satans work! It is hard for me to grasp the influence of the Ohio diocese attempt to stop pilgrims from going to Holy love, which is a Ecumenical Ministrry for all people and all nations. Remaining silent in the face of heresy is one way to be heretical. I myself have visited a couple apparition sites that proved to be false. 3) The faithful in the Diocese of Cleveland are admonished against gathering for functions (presumably held by HLM) on HLM property. I didnt read the whole thing but scanned it. God answers prayers. in public administration and worked in both those fields before staying home to work as a freelance writer. What Bishop would stop Christians from praying the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and many Holy prayers there, in pouring rain, sleet, thunderstorms, frigid, & hot temperature together? Disappointment leads them to reject Church authority thinking that they are right and the Church is wrong. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth (John 16:12-13). I used to look through the Holy Love website to try to familiarize myself with some of the messages so I could effectively discuss it with my friends who are avid devotees. HLM is not condemned by the Church. By giving their disappointment to God and continuing to walk with him, they acknowledge that his Church is bigger than a single ministry or the claims of any purported visionary. The argument that HLM followers are disobedient to Bishop Lennon does not hold up when you look at the procedures happening with an other unapproved appartion site. Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year to you and yours! You cited no decree, no Pope, no Church source. And I agree that the Church, Christ Himself, never changes. I found all my references on the orhtodox website, Catholic Apologetics, which can be googled on the internet. This happens when other legitimate actions done by the alleged suppressor are brought up in a negative way (example: Bishop Lennon closing parishes). Good points all. All good Catholics know pride is blinding, especially spiritual pride. Design by Perceptions Studio. This is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church. Does he advocate for women priests? In his decree of November 11, 2009 Bishop Lennon made it clear that because of a number of issues it was necessary to forbid priests to celebrate the sacraments at the site of the Holy Love shrine and that the faithful are admonished to cease gathering there. False prophets are among us. They lacked the faith and humility that Joan had. HLM is the most exquisite display of the solid mystical theology of the Catholic Church. In the Mystical Theology of St. John of the Cross (Doctor of Mystical Theology of the Catholic Church) he explains that in mystical union with God, the soul becomes God and God becomes the soul. You and those who are bashing the messages of HLM are not exhibiting to me common sense at all. (4) I will obey bishops or priests even when they disobey God by forsaking the, (5) Whoever protests against anything a Church prelate does or says is disloyal. The only true division is good and evil. Are you saying that when the Bishop says, Dont go there, he is acting outside his sphere of authority? Why cant they find out for themselves? 3. Hour of Reparation to the Shoulder Wound - Holy Love Ministry Messages 2 human hearts = 8 possible chambers. That approval/disapproval belongs to the Bishop of the Diocese in which HLM is, in this case Bishop Lennon. Period. She was managing editor and co-author of Ascension Press bestsellingAmazing Graceseries. The apparitions at LaSaletteapproved by the Churchcontain a prophecy by Mary that the anti-Christ will sit on the throne of St. Peter in Romelook it up if you do not believe me. To whom shall we go? Who gave you this talking point? It is not a command to obedience. Catholics must keep their heads on straight and not wander from Church teachings, but praying at an apparition site is not wrong. Fr. I do not need to. Thanks, Elizabeth! One also needs to consider we can ot believe all the higher ups in the church anymorethe devil has infiltrated it. This idea exalts claimed private revelation as if it were necessary not only for the plan of God, but for the Return of Jesus. Would you be equally perplexed if Pope Benedict XVI announced tonight that for the good of souls, Catholics are not allowed to visit Holy Love? We have brought this on ourselves, allowing 60 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in the womb. Today, I have come to ask your total detachment from the opinions of others. Come on folks. As Catholics, we are to follow what they ask of us. (Titus1:10) as they no longer speak on behalf of teh Church but become representatives of their own novelty. Some take them in but then spit them out never assimilating them. In preventing the faithful from going there, he is thwarting the spread of the true Faith in an age where there are few places to get it. 3221, back up and read what you just wrote. Does Bishop Lennon have serious concerns about the Catholic churches he unjustly closed, replete with canon law abuses so egregious that Rome overrode his decisions and rebuked him sharply? Where Charity abidith there is Love let our Love for one another be as strong as our love of self! No ecclesiastic has the right to water it down, to distort it, to misinterpret it,purposely or otherwise. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. "If the soul accepts the grace of conversion and, with a repentant heart passes through the Doorway of Divine Mercy, he finds himself in the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin, therein to prosper in holiness." "The Sacred Heart of Jesus mourns the loss of those souls who, through the compromise of Truth, reject God's Mercy and return to the world." I have been at HOLY LOVE, about 18 times since 2009 and its another true gift from God. I took a quick look at your blog. My life is stressful enough without stirring up such pots, I reasoned. Except that God didnt stop my father from sacrificing me. I had heard his inspirational conversion story in which he went so far as to divorce his second wife and reconcile with his first in order to become fully obedient to God and the Church. But in matters concerning the disposal of actions and human affairs, a subject is bound to obey his superior within the sphere of his authority; for instance a soldier must obey his general in matters relating to war, a servant his master in matters touching the execution of the duties of his service, a son his father in matters relating to the conduct of his life and the care of the household; and so forth (Second part of the second part, Question 104, Article 5, I answer that, http://www.newadvent.org). There is a remnant that holds to the above, but in the mainstream these beliefs are trivialized within the Catholic Church. He was sucked into this apparition site and ministry. I understand this sort of devotion although Im much more cautious these days. They crave to learn how to deepen in union with Him. You also are so obsessed with Church law that you are missing what the Church is suffering.. Again, I learned this from Aquinas, The Church is where the true Faith is. This is the man whose discernment about Holy Love ministries you want me to trust? spiritual roadmap for union with the divine will of God. Stay with the issue. As the pastor of the Diocese of Cleveland his oversight certainly includes what is identified as ecumenical in that the faithful of the diocese cannot be encouraged or permitted to participate in any group or organization whose beliefs or practices contradict the teachings of the Church in faith and morals. I cant and because of this I will continue to pray the Rosary, spread it, follow the messages, go to Mass, go to confession and adoration as much as I can. For this reason, in preparation for writing to you, I did some research on the Catholic understanding of teh virtue of obedience. I will also add anger. Period. We pray at HOLY LOVE. You will be chastised by friends and family for being so true to the faith. ps. Hi Liz Sorry about that. Looking back on that message now, it was supposed to help me in my discernment of my vocation, but the message was general and vague. Explode if someone contradicts you.? (cf CCC 1464, 1468, 736, 1832, Galatians 5:22-23 Vulgate). Now the Vatican is discerning Medjugorie and no one has accused (or admonished) those who go there, nor told them to cease and desist. The point is, Madame, that you have a vested interest in proving me wrong. They are bound to follow the dictates of the Church.and they cannot condemn what is not able to be condemned according to Church Law. No, it does not. I was joined by 3,500 other pilgrims who had congregated to see if the Virgin Mary would appear as purported locutionist Stephen Marino had reported she would. This place teaches nothing but how to lead souls to salvation. Thanks Kevin. When has Jesus rejected His own authority that of the Catholic Church? ************************************, (11/24/12-BLESSED VIRGIN MARY) I am so sorry that I so disturb your peace. if u believe whats going on in the middle east and especially the holy land is all about democracy, then i believe we are operating under and are in the age of THE OPERATION OF ERROR of the end of the age. I just read in the Summa Theologica that disobedience is right when a church authority is teaching heresy. In that video, attorney Charles Feliciano, diocesan lawyer for the Cleveland Diocese for many years, goes so far as to allude to murder not being beyond what this bishop and his minions would do. He has first hand experience of Bishop Lennons illegal and immoral practices and deeds. The message here is so simple love God and neighbor as yourself.i thank God he gives us all our free will and pray from the bottom of my heart for wisdom and heavenly discernment for all. The only reference you cited is your book. Its indicative of the state of todays Church, todays Catholics, that so many are taken in by this drivel. We have two generations of unformed and misinformed Catholics due to the neglect, defiance, and disbelief of bishops in this country. All wonderful recommendations. What I almost certain of is that he does not reveal that he abandoned his family for this ministry. Jesus and Mary would never, ever, ever, EVER counsel someone to be disobedient to the legitimate Church authority. Heres the entries for synonyms for admonish: berate, censure, rebuke, chide, reprimand, reprove, scold. His disapproval of HLM does not nullify HLMs veracity. He is a very sick man. Loyalty to the Church has never meant disregarding Truth. (Of course I guess Im defending myself here, too.) "Heavenly Father, today, I surrender to You my heart. The Church has spoken on Holy Love Ministries. In 2005 an article in The Plain Dealer newspaper of Cleveland, OH reported on this ministry: The ministry was formed around 1986, meeting in homes of followers or a few welcoming churches. Needless to say, he backed down.). 18: 17-18). PDF Catholi Diocese V' OFFICE OF THE BISHOP I beg to differ with you. I think it is important to note that in all Marian apparitions ultimately approved, Mary never undermined Church authority and always told visionaries to obey. The bishop has said it is not from God. Gay couples cant get married in church. Bishops are charged with the task of investigating and pronouncing on alleged apparitions. In an article on Apparitions/Private Revelations the EWTN.com website Colin B. Donovan, STL explained that the first responsibility of the faithful is to remain established in the faith, in the sacraments and in communion with the Pope and bishops. Say what you will, the Church has historically given mystics a very hard time, those who are now known as saints, and sites of miracles. I repeat: Bishop Lennon has only advised warned and counseled his disapproval of HLM. Been there. There is no error in what is coming out of HLM. He cites canons 212 and 214. What must be safeguarded for the faithful is authentic Church teaching and Sacred Scripture being understood properly. We do not have the power to stop grace from Marys Heart from flowing into OTHERS hearts, but, by our free will choice to reject the grace offered to us THROUGH Marys Heart, we can indeed prevent it from flowing into OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL HEART. All are Welcome at Maranatha Spring and Shrine - Home of Holy Love Ministries located at 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd, North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039, USA.
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