Didnt absolve him of all wrongdoing, he did still create an army to kill the Jedi, but Obi-wan couldnt really bring himself to care. Some sort of contest and winning over his affection seemed to be its goal. Why did he think it was important for Mando to come with him on this job? Please consider turning it on! The Geonosians know what theyre doing.. Cara! Mando yells running up beside said woman. Seven hundred years ago people spoke like that Jango. Obi-wan states, as if answering his thought. Well, good luck! Obi-wan calls. Except Cara hasnt picked her cuffs and is literally climbing up her own chain, not the pole. Obi-wan raises his eyebrow once more, No. Regardless, he shouldnt be doing that. Obi-wan states, just as Mace comes bounding over to them. There he meets their new king, whos a major dickhead. It allows contact, itll make you feel closer to me, as you do have access to my mind. Clearly done with this conversation. Look, I can try to help you find his species, but if you dont want to give him up to the Jedi, maybe just keep him? For helping us today.. It wouldnt even reach Naboo. Teaching Boba how to fix and improve a ship when he could. You will stay back and not engage. Obi-wan settles. This information will save lives. Wh- Obi-wan cuts himself off as he comes to a realization with a Fuck., I hate you. Obi-wan sighs, It appears, we have a Force bond Jango., Yoda chuckled, the bastard, A Force-willed Force bond. Maybe if he. + -. 2: Din time travel So I've been trying to find a good fic when Din (with Grogu) after getting the Darksaber reluctantly starts gathering followers/allies and starts bringing his people together and rebuilding (could be on a different planet) Mandalore. He didnt really want to think about it too much. Show off, Jango grumbles, then leads Obi-wan onto his ship and to the small medical center. Work Search: Yes Master Windu? The man stands at Obi-wans back, as Jedi were trained to do. Din gets captured and Luke realises that he is ready to burn the entire galaxy to ashes if one of his clan gets hurt. Jango comes back to the medical room, sans helmet and is holding the Troll Child at arms length in his helmet. Obi-wan smiled. Jango rolled the grenades down the hallway toward the droids. It had taken an embarrassingly short amount of time for Obi-wan to fall for Jango. If thats what you want to do. He started as whispers, rumors of a new Mand'alor, quietly gathering followers. While Cara and Mando were talking, Obi-wan crouched down, Get on my back, itll be easier for both of us, He orders and Boba complies without complaint. Oh. Mando sits down properly, seemingly content to wait for them to stop. With obligations to free Mandalore, he offers her a home there but forgets to account for him falling in love. Then it wont be a problem if we take a closer look. Jango nearly hisses and barely restrains himself from stomping out of there, taking his son and Mando with him. This estimate is partially based on the age of Aidan Bertola, who portrayed Djarin during the character's Clone Wars flashback scenes. Which fair, Obi-wan probably shouldnt be bantering with Fett at this time. Or: Din pulls a Hannah Montana on a smitten Luke Skywalker and hijinks ensue. I suppose so. Jango will provide cover fire if one of us needs it.. The Mandalorian is awake. Very well. Dooku concedes before turning his attention elsewhere, Fett, Im surprised and disappointed at your choice of allegiance.. Luke Lars has a mysterious past, a dangerous job as an LAPD Detective, and a stubborn personality that makes him hard to get along with.Din Djarin, his newly assigned partner matches him toe to toe on all of these attributes.They also have one more vital thing in common. Competition? Were saving their stupid Karking asses.. Din Djarin's Helmet Stays on During Sex. Yeah, you too! Anakin looks far too weirded out by that conversation, looking to Obi-wan for some help in what-the-hell that just was. Skywalker shrugs, I actually call him Obi-wan most of the time. AMORETTE DJARIN, also known as the bounty hunter, 'Mirage,' is married to Din Djarin, a bounty hunter, better known as 'The Mandalorian.' . Before the droids can start shooting, Jango hears the whir of ship engines. His Jetii was so ridiculous. However it is what Padawans and younglings will call older Jedi. It was the Beilad Jedi Temple. Boba immediately grabs onto them for balance and security. Jango was hardly a ball of fuzz when Obi-wan met him and Obi-wan was rather sure Jango had been on his best behaviour at that time. I didnt say that. While Jango knew Jedi could read minds, his was incased in Beskar. The Mandalorian pushes himself into a sitting position, careful not to dislodge the troll child too much. Great. They were safe for the time being. Good work, you all did. Were taking you to safety Sir! They can lead to very bad things. Then, Then the kid started touching this crystal thing in the middle of the room. Jango had never really understood the uncomfortableness it caused until now. He is immune to the Force, it goes silent around him, they say. I am on Geonosis. Luke is sent to Mandalore with his uncle Obi-Wan Kenobi and his friend Ezra Bridger.And there he meets the Mand'alor. Dookus voice rings through the Arena, drawing attention to himself, Master Windu, you have fought gallantly,a couple of Jedi who had been missed in the round up were escorted to the main group, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. Like. Now it is finished. It's been two weeks since the Mando'ade left Arami for the hidden world of Odessen and despite a relatively smooth transition, the adjustment to life on the primitive world will not be an easy one. That was on the other side of the galaxy. You should stay away from the clones. Jango says before he can stop himself. My spouse? Obi-wan thought, flabbergasted. I dont think youre getting any cleaner, Obi-wan states, grabbing the Mandalorians helmet. Outside help being Boba and the Slave I. Dont apologize. The clones were made off the template of Jango Fett, I followed him to Geonosis. Obi-wan saves the message and sets it to send to Anakin within ten minutes. Theyve discovered the clones.. He was going to investigate. Now.. Jango swallowed, why did he care about some stupid Jetiise? The child coos happily, sending out the idea of joyriding into the Force. Luke wants to, more than anything, but both the Jedi and Mandalorian are beholden to forces greater than their own hearts. According to Mandos account it was abandoned. Obi-wan cuts in. And was about to tell her so when Anakin and Padme came riding up to the pair. People making crude reasons as to why Jango is the way he is would not be uncommon. Hmm, Yoda takes one of the Childs hands in his and goes silent. I might influence your emotions if mine spill over the bond, but you should be able to identify them as not your own. He looks up grinning like a devil, Din Djarin, Din DjarinMand'alorDjarin. Hes spoken very highly of you. Anakin is my Padawan learner, my student or apprentice if you will. -and the Mandalorian who was not looking at them. Anakin! Inform the Senate of this plot, we will. Yoda states, then asks, Transported across the Galaxy you were? Jango could agree with that sentiment. Follow my lead. Jango mutters to Mando who nods. See that, I can. Hes my cousin. Why have you built an army for them then?. But Din is there, he is always there to bring his Riduur back, to whisper praises into his skin and show him the devoted love he feels for him always. Obi-wan takes the kid to the med center, Now, I need you to stay here,. That was not easy. Obi-wan couldnt blame him. He kicks Kenobi in the leg but the man didnt stir. Which, Jango could accept. Obi-wan sticks with the Mandalorians and Cara. It wasnt a head wound. Obi-wan walks over to one of the data ports to the ships main computer. Im telling dad you swore, Boba says, making Jango stop and look down at his kid. Great. The room we locked ourselves in had a weird crystal in the ground. The dark side of the force whispers to Luke as he goes to save Din making him feel lost, cold and alone. Rivalry? He didnt want to feel sad when Obi-wan left him. Obi-wan quickly considers his options, ultimately deciding running to Anakin and Padme might be best right now, but before he could run the Acklay fell. Leading to a relationship that changed the galaxy far more than they ever thought possible. Beloved. Obi-wan he could understand, but, he could save Obi-wan. But if the Mandalorian needs to find them, hes sure he can wheedle something out of the old Troll. Ani! Senator Amidala interrupts, running into the Hangar and straight to Skywalker. How can someone understand wishing genocide upon them? Ok. It was six one inch cuts all in one place. Uh, yeah. Was Mandos very intelligent answer. Me and Mando went in as far as we could. The Council will have to. Yes. Hush now, they say to the children. You are not born a warrior, and you do not have to be a warrior. Now Mandalor, Din Djarin faces new challenges both within the Mando'ade and without and difficult decisions must be made. Thankfully Obi-wan was taking all of Dookus lightning into his lightsaber somehow, because Jango didnt want to get electrocuted while wearing metal armour. Come with you Master Kenobi and I will.. Jango had never been more terrified the first time that had happened. Jango just told him- well thought loudly- that he wished genocide upon the Jedi and now Obi-wan is thanking him? Yes. Obi-wan reaffirms, When my friends come I need someone to guide them. Din Djarin, the Mandalorian woke with the feeling of purpose and direction. On a totally unrelated note he also meets this nice man named Din Djarin who hes head over heels for. Obi-wan rolls his eyes as Jango continues, And that might not be the best idea. We got company. Anakin states, clearly unnerved. Jango wants to protest the implication that hed need his ass saved by his ten year old, but he can definitely see that happen. Like the kind of pissed that Jango often saw before blood was spilled. If this Force bond conveyed all necessary information, then hed know about the clones, right? Damnit. Cara seems to understand as she just nods. So, while I was wondering who else could time travel, I thought of a premise with Fulcrum, old Ben and Vader stuck in the past. Perhaps this one can be withstood, perhaps there is still hope. It is good to see you Obi-wan. Carl Weathers as Greef Karga. Eh. Im taking Boba with me, you can come if you want to. The other Mandalorian looks to Kenobi hesitantly. He didnt understand the why of a lot of things that had happened today. You and Anakin go in, you get his threat level, and if lightning is a concern, you distract him while I fire off fifty rounds., Obi-wan sighs, Fine. Anakin and I can take him., Jango snorts, Right, like Im letting you run headlong into another fight.. I know you know what you are doing, of that I have no doubt, but it worries me when you so willingly go into a dangerous situation. A Jedi is a career choice and way of life. The Mandalorian nods along with what hes saying, but Obi-wan doesnt know if hes really understanding, If you give this child over to the Jedi, you wont see him again., To be a Jedi is dangerous. Yoda obviously but who taught the old Troll? Cara looks at him and makes a sound that means kind-of-but-also-someone-has-lied-to-you. Obi-wan, with new priorities, gets close to the Mandalorian, checking to make sure he was still alive- pulse was there- only to have his hand come away covered in blood. Okay.. Completely ignoring Jango and Cara. And youre not looking at us because Obi-wan trails off, hoping the unknown Mandalorian would fill in the blank. The Zeltron's strange abilities aren't enough to stop the Mando from catching his prey. Obi-wan once again sneaks through the base to where the girl was being held. Chapter 1 - Panic. He is haunted by the history of his religion that was kept from him. din. Obi-wan didnt have any help to give. Uh, Im collecting them? Obi-wan could feel the look Mace no doubt had on his face. Obi-wan gave her a smile as if he hadnt been panicking moments earlier And how do you know me leaving you was not a calculated risk so that this beast could be felled?. Obi-wan restrains a groan and just really hopes Anakin got his message. Now he stood across from a Jedi that looks all too familiar, stuck with a weapon he wants nothing to do with, and the sudden weight of creed, family, and politics being dropped on him. To be a Jedi you have to go through several tests, its- its like being a Mandalorian Warrior. 6. If her brain turns out normal we won't be able to explain Jango hears Obi-wan say but the man hadnt moved his mouth. Out. Jango says, pushing Mando who didnt need that much prompting to run out into the arena. He wasnt even particularly good with the spear. Someone needs to explain things because What the Fuck-, Fuck isnt a new word to the kid. Im, going to check on Boba. Jango says, leaving the med center. When the kid touched it, it started glowing and then it threw us all back., Hmmm, peculiar that is. Din deals with the burden of the Darksaber, and the voices laying inside it. It wasnt a lightsaber but it would have to do. Jango turns, gesturing for Boba to follow as he starts to drag Mando off of the Balcony. Did I just get kidnapped? Obi-wan asks the unconscious Mandalorian. # 1. wont matter that much since its an AU anyway just fyi, Im not that experienced with writing him, things that could be resolved if people just talked to each other, Order 66 Happened Differently (Star Wars), The Will of the Force & The choice that must be made, Leia Organa & Anakin Skywalker & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker Raised Together, Nightsister Magic | Dathomir Magic (Star Wars), Anakin Skywalker is a dad, father-in-law and mostly important, a grandfather, minor Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth - Relationship, Love Begets Marriage and Children Usually, Learning about your spouse after the fact, Sundari | Capital City of Mandalore (Star Wars), I wrote this while listening to Lana del Rey and got a lot of feelings, Star Wars Legends: Republic Commando Series - Karen Traviss, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, i made the new republic assholes in this oops, luke comes off as very cold and calculating but he's really just zoning out, when din sent the darktroopers into space they never came back, The Razor Crest is Not Destroyed (Star Wars), I cant believe theres a tag for that lol, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, major character death is first chapter only, theres gonna be a lot of ocs at the beginning, this isnt going to all be as depressing as the first chapter, When the Stars Guide You Home: Flashbacks, Phoenix Rising: Stronger Together Trilogy, My friend who has supported my dumb procrastinating ass for too long now, Grogu | Baby Yoda Ships Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Haunted Mandalorian Darksaber (Star Wars), Begrudging Co-Parents to Friends to Lovers. Jango didnt have an answer to the question hed been asking himself since Kenobi had shoved his helmet on him unceremoniously in the Slave I medbay. Jango came out, standing beside Cara and started firing at Dooku too. Jango could hear Boba grumbling but ultimately his son nods, Fine. It was a glowing crystal in the ground. He didnt want to like the way Obi-wan and Boba interact. Probably at Jango giving a ten year old bombs. It happens. Why had he gotten so close to admitting the true purpose of his clones? Dookus defeat. You chose to help us, and now youre choosing to share information that will save many lives. My dear, there hasnt been an Empire in thousands of years.. The same ones used when flying. Technically a Mandalorian season 3 without book of boba fett as well as a large helping of Legends continuity to make an Alternate Universe. Skywalker flushes, probably realizing the rather personal argument they just had in front of strangers. Now what the fuck do you mean were going to Coruscant? Obi-wan pulls his pad from one of his belt pouches, Was this symbol anywhere? Obi-wan asks, pointing to a sticker of the Jedi Order Symbol on the back of the pad. Jango was curious too. Or the word. Checking the troll over with the Force tells Obi-wan its probably mentally 3 to 5. Now Din Djarin has to adjust to his new life without Grogu and his mission to return him. He knows how to use them. Was not a good defence as Obi-wan just looked at him in disappointment before turning around and heading to Skywalker, who was trying to get up with only one arm. Like attach a bomb to Dookus pants. Oh, okay. Skywalker says, looking as if it was anything but okay but that he wasnt about to ask more questions. Were blowing up this tunnel. His people? Obi-wan didnt know Master Yodas people. The droids start shooting at the ships and the survivors so Jango returns fire, as does everyone else with a blaster, the Jedi deflecting the bolts back at the droids. When Din comes back to confront Luke about not teaching his son, it leads to an agreement being made between the two. Language, theres a child present. Soon, they arrive at a hangar, all five of them jumping off and heading inside, Jango, Boba and Cara staying behind as Obi-wan and Anakin rush into the main hangar where Dooku was. A force bond is simply that. Jango didnt want to do this. I didnt comment in the arena but, Cara asks, looking at Obi-wan. Youre ridiculous, Cyare. Jango mutters with his eyes closed. The Mandalorian nods and gets up, following Jango out of the medcenter and out of the ship. Helmets on. Obi-wan states and the unknown Mandalorian turns to look at them. So, whats your name? Boba asks, looking at the Mandalorian. Theyll feel foreign in your brain like- Obi-wan stops himself and shuts his eyes. Hes rather certain, or hopeful at least, that Obi-wan doesnt understand the gesture. Senator Amidala seemed to be about to make a remark when the transport was shot, they hit something and her, a trooper and Mando got knocked out of the transport. The woman groans and shakes her head but makes no further comment. Dooku looks over at them curiously. And the longer they're together, the more he realizes that moment has already passed. A child, you have. Because if you go in guns blazing without first surveying his power levels you very well might. Boba glares at Obi-wan but grumbles out a Fine, and stays with Jango. The New Republic will give Mandalore all the resources they need to rebuild, and in return all he has to do is marry someone selected by the senate, who would then spend the rest of their life doing everything in their power to get him to join. The Mandalorian Court, in an attempt to wrangle in their wayward Mandalor, propose a political marriage to the Naboo between the Mandalor and Prince Amidala. With one order, theyll hunt down and kill all the Jedi. Jango hates the words he says. But it was for naught as Obi-wan was knocked out by some Geonosians. He asked why Master Yoda talked as he does.. And I screamed for whatever it's worth: "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
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