Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is not part of the definition of culture? Students and families expect teachers to act independently. To support ELLs in understanding classroom rules and procedures, teachers should: The preferred term for a student engaged in learning English as his or her second language. C) learned behaviors shared by a group. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. So in a situation where there is a gap of information when it comes to me and another students culture, Ill make sure that in a separate environment during a separate time period, not necessarily in front of the rest of the classroom with that student, to ask questions, to both ask how they were feeling about what happened in that moment, but then also how to better my understanding of that moment. And so that supports recognizing the culture of everybody in the classroom, including the teacher. When working with students, teachers should take an asset-based approach, rather than a deficit-based approach. The contents of this Website do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Finally, Melissa Patterson discusses how she respectfully addresses cultural gaps. And every day she came back, we had a new question for her, and we were just as excited for the event as she was. In white, middle- and upper-class schools, there is a strong expectation that parents know how to intervene on behalf of their children. And then after talking with the student and clarifying the situation and then also asking them what they would like to see in that classroom going forward, would they prefer me to speak to the class when theyre not there, when they are there, and what would make them the most comfortable going forward to make sure that the students in the classroom understand as well as I do? -value, beliefs, and attitudes These norms are reflected in broader school district practices and policies, as well as classroom expectations around behavior, communication, classroom dynamics, and family engagement. O indigenous environmental infrastructure. Speakers of nonstandard dialects of English: In international business,a good general rule is: By understanding their own cultural perspectives, those of their students, and those promoted by the school, teachers can better identify cultural gaps. A few lessons that Ive learned instructing or interacting with students from different cultures is to be as open-minded as possible to create a safe space for them to feel like its OK to share their different views and culture or their background or activities that their families may participate in that are foreign to me. -a person's education, these two things determine the social class of a person (their income is not one of these factors), psychological influences on the purchase decision process, -learning Project Officer, Sarah Allen. Often times, these disparities negatively impact the success of diverse student populations. In low context cultures, an important goal of communicators is to help each other save face and maintain social harmony. A) individual competence. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . As a new member of the community, teachers must earn respect. If maintaining harmonious relationships takes precedence over a strict adherence to a time schedule, you are demonstrating a monochronic time orientation. And so in some ways it can be responsive, but it also can serve as the precursor really to setting up your classroom dynamic that can help to have a smooth flow in your classroom but also can help when you return to it to say, oh, hey, we established this together. The pieces I didnt understand was its very intricate. So in order to consider a culture within these behavior management plans, often the easiest way to integrate that is through student input, being able to allow for opportunities for students to help create some of the structures, whether its the rules or procedures, and thinking about what it is that not only allows the teacher to succeed in the classroom but also what it takes for those individual students to engage with the material and be able to be as successful as they want in the classroom. Which of the following statements about disability etiquette is FALSE: A. Its ok to pet a service dog if he doesnt look busy. He frowns upon colleagues who fail to arrive on time. D. Reliability, Scalability, and Portability, Common resources fall into five general groupings. s. Invite family members to teach a lesson or to share something about their culture, traditions, holidays, or cuisine. For example, some cultures prioritize the sharing of resources (e.g., pencils, paper) while others value independent ownership. Culture refers to all of the following except: All of the following characteristics except _____________ can help define culture. The U.S.and Canada are typical examples of high-context cultures. D) It is considered impolite to say "yes" or "no" directly. User: Mateo did poorly on a test. Most of us can fit comfortably in any organizational culture,as long as we are earning a good salary. Operations Management questions and answers. Log in for more information. 30. Click on the tabs below to learn more. The strongest, most beneficial strategy that I have found for digging deeper and learning more about my students culture is a morning community circle: Taking the time to talk to students and giving them low-risk opportunities to speak about themselves leads to be able to have deeper conversations and have them feel confident and comfortable that they can reveal about their personal lives and express what is important in their culture and how things might be different than what theyre seeing in school. b. This disparity in cultural and racial backgrounds and experiences can lead to unique challenges and potential misunderstandings. And similarly for young people there is an expectation of how you might advocate for yourself. Think about a group of students you are currently working with or may work with in the future. are two of the following influences, the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services, including the mental and social processes that come before and after these actions, describes the distinct phases that a family progresses through from formation to retirement, -you had an easy and pleasant shopping experience B) Be aware that customs in most other countries are much less formal than in the U.S. Its important to recognize that schools themselves have cultures, and classrooms themselves have cultures. Some ways to make the plan more culturally sustaining are to: Practices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. Weegy: She is worried the restaurant will run out of bread for sandwiches best explains why Mae does not want to sell Weegy: Chinese communism pushed the idea that rural peasants were the force behind revolution -is how was Chinese Weegy: "Near the computer" is a prepositional phrase. A culture gap that Ive experienced with one of my students, a young lady, and she was explaining the quinceaera to me, which Id heard of the term. Weegy: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time. User: What is the function of the World Trade Organization? How can a seller organization influence perceptions of a buyer organization? However, Black students were overrepresented in disciplinary actions. Then the last bit would be to also consider families and community and peer teachers in considering additional factors that can help teachers succeed in building an effective classroom management plan. Seek family input Learn more about the cultural practices of the student and family and what promotes the students success. During the 20172018 school year, Black students in grades K-12 accounted for approximately 15 percent of total student enrollment. A State TERT organization's deployment process. How do your values and beliefs influence your classroom practices? At the core, we need to remember the role of schools is really to support and serve young people. In the 20172018 school year, 53 percent of elementary and secondary students identified as a race or ethnicity other than white. B) making the working conditions more pleasant A lot of times I think it can be helpful, especially as were talking about sustaining, which really means not only acknowledging but supporting young people in bringing in not just the young people and the teachers but also families, caregivers, or community members to both acknowledge and support those differences as well. Families who participate in school events are considered to be interested and involved in their childs education. The chart on the left is labeled Students and is divided as follows: 47% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 27% Hispanic (gray), 15% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 6% other (green), and 5% Asian/non-Hispanic (yellow). If the teacher does not understand Jordans culture, a seemingly insignificant action like looking at the ground could be misinterpreted as defiance, apathy, or lack of respect and could result in the teacher administering a negative consequence. Teachers are expected to collaborate with family members or community elders. Which activities would members of masculine societies typically choose as the most effective way to improve team competency? Weve already started to establish this communication. Assistant Professor, Department of Members of a low-context culture feel the need to make information clear, direct, and explicit, as they view themselves as individuals, World-mindedness is the opposite of ethnocentrism, Culture is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: a. Values that influence decision-making. The belief that one's own culture, including its values, beliefs, and practices, are superior to others is called. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. School Behavior Support, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02_cottrell.mp3. A) monochronic Weegy: The term that fits the definition provided is "body image". If a Hispanic teenager refuses to speak Spanish outside the home, uses Spanglish inside, and only English everywhere else, what communication practice is he or she exhibiting? Its difficult for the teacher to be able to differentiate one lesson 20, 30 different ways for each individual within the classroom, but if they can think about collective similarities across students and see how they interact with one another and how they can help one another to learn and grow, that will allow for opportunities to change and adapt these structures within the system. laws., as laws are not part of religion, The contingency model of leadership effectiveness is an example of the person-situation interaction. Any significant disparity in world views, values, and expectations that exist between a teacher (or the school culture as a whole) and racially and ethnically diverse students. When cultural practices involve easily observable characteristics such as the clothing people wear, the food they eat, the languages they speak, and the holidays and traditions they celebrate, we often refer to these practices as visible. Once teachers understand why these gaps exist, they are ready to learn how to address them. If you carefully edit and monitor your online profile, you are likely to be a member of a collectivistic culture. Many teachers are often wanting to establish a certain type of classroom without any sort of flexibility. If you choose buttons wider than the pattern suggests, what must happen? To these children, this was normal and natural. Oftentimes, this discipline is the result of subjective understandings of student behavior such as interpreting an action as rude or disrespectful rather than understanding that the behavior may stem from cultural differences. Providing directions in the form of a question implies an expectation of choice or an option to decline. Culture is a word we use to describe any of the practices, beliefs and norms characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. When cultural gaps are present, students may not understand what is expected of them or how to interact with others. And it would be an insult to you if I came in advocating for my student. And if it is not serving them well, its not supporting their learning, then why is that and what might need to change? Page 3: Cultural Influences on Behavior. That in turn gives students the understanding that I care, and that I want to know more, but also gives them some kind of power over the education that Im getting, so that I understand what that means, not just about their culture, but what that means for them and how that affects them personally. Culture is a word we use to describe any of the practices, beliefs and norms characteristic of a particular society, group, or place. D) spend time getting to know a person before doing business with her or him. School of Education, Andrew Kwok, PhD Engage in a conversation around these differences and work to build a classroom community that acknowledges them and bridges this cultural gap. Because this behavior does not align with her expectation, she sees it as rude or violating classroom rules. The group of students, however, is used to learning from each other in a group context and consider their verbal behavior as appropriate and supportive. My student was not turning 15. chapter13- trauma and stressor related disord, KEP-Dienste - wichtige Begriffe kurz erklrt. Strive to understand the differences between the expected behaviors in the classroom and acceptable behaviors in students communities. I believe the importance of understanding an individuals culture is just to continue to give them validity. If we feel that they still dont need to change then how can we help students and support them in sort of living in concert with those with those expectations, and how do we support those? Although there are many different cultures within the United States, the education systems definition of what is appropriate behavior typically reflects white, middle-class cultural norms and values. Next, KaMalcris Cottrell highlights how her school creates a safe space where students are able to share their beliefs and values. Next Andrew Kwok discusses the discrepancies that may exist between the school and classroom culture and students cultures. Which two of the following may cause you to make a purchase sooner than you had planned? Students and teachers may have similar cultural backgrounds and experiences, share only certain cultural experiences, or be altogether different from one another. Ask for student input Discuss components of the classroom behavior management plan (e.g., rules, procedures, consequences) with students. The Command Staff are incident management personnel that the Incident Commander or Unified Command assign to directly support the command function. These conflicts can have a range of effects: students feeling misunderstood or marginalized, higher rates of discipline referrals, and students leaving school altogether. And so basically with cultural capital, the idea is that its passed through families, and it helps them do better in school. They include __________, Teams, Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies. Any of the shared rules, expectations, and practices that guide, inform, or influence the behavior of people in a certain culture or social group. Question. Why do you think a cartoonist might create a very thin character with a huge hat? In the mornings, we have a caring community circle, and the teachers invite the students to join this circle and share on certain topics or even just something that the students would like to share thats important to them. And then Im able to learn more about them that way, as well. Cultural capital is this idea that students and their families are familiar or are unfamiliar with what is deemed the legitimate culture within a society and in particular within a school. So I think with these parameters in place for this circle, this structure, this sharing time, it allows students to feel comfortable enough to share their different cultures and backgrounds. Cultural gaps can cause teachers to misinterpret students behaviorespecially more subjective behaviors (e.g., disrespect, noncompliance)which can lead to conflict. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. This opportunity to get to learn about their students opens up a variety of options for expanding their education. Cultures that rely heavily on subtle nonverbal cues to convey meaning have a ________________ orientation. But for me, what Ive experienced is its OK to ask a question and not to have malice behind it. Jordan, on the other hand, has been taught that making eye contact is disrespectful to adults, and so he looks at the ground when Ms. Amry speaks to him. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023 Vanderbilt University. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time. The third chart is labeled Out-of-School Suspensions and is divided as follows: 39% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 31% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 23% Hispanic (gray), 6% other (green), and 1% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). C) Social contexts reveal much information about relationships. A) creating a friendly atmosphere Build relationships with students When teachers and students learn more about and develop a mutual respect for each other: Teachers gain a better understanding of what students need to engage in class and to succeed, Students gain a better understanding of why particular rules and procedures are necessary to help the class run smoothly and to help the class succeed. Verbally conveying information in a direct and assertive manner is valued. B) sets of values, beliefs and norms. We are more likely to perceive outgroupers as more trustworthy, Co-cultures have all of the following features EXCEPT. b) False, Anne Spice notes that infrastructure such as oil pipelines has been a tool of O critical infrastructure. a. language b. beliefs c. behavior d. These are all parts of the definition of culture., The complex system that includes a group's beliefs, values, dress, and way of life, is called . In some cultures it is considered impolite to directly say "no" to a request,because it could embarrass the person who made the request. B. O urban gentrification. This is because cultures nowadays are not as strong as in those old days, for instance many cultures do not accept homosexuality, but now laws are been made to legalize homosexuality. D) individual job advancement. I must confess the influence of culture is so huge, culture can influence customs, beliefs, Values, and laws. All department members can share their suggestions for increasing sales. Therefore, option 'a' will be the most correct option here. Finally, he talks about developing a culturally sustaining classroom behavior management plan. And so that, I think, is the difference between really thinking about culturally responsive, which is responding to who students are and where theyre coming from and their experiences and their different ways of being. Culture is the unseen thread that binds people together. Lori Delale-OConnor, PhD Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Within any culture,we can find a wide variety of communication styles displayed; for this reason,we should avoid stereotyping members of that culture. O settler colonialism Length of time that has passed since the disaster. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Notions of time B. learned. D) No way, man. A company with a large fleet of cars hopes to keep gasoline costs down and sets a goal of attaining a fleet average of at least 26 miles per gallon. Federal and national channels This can include cultural liaisons and community outreach specialists with personal knowledge and understanding of the cultures represented in the community. To learn more about cultural influences on behavior and how demographic differences can lead to cultural gaps that negatively impact students, we encourage you to listen to Lori Delale-OConnor in this extended IRIS Interview. These subjective interpretations lead to negative outcomes for students that further exclude them from learning opportunities, including higher rates of suspensions, expulsions, and even students leaving school. Can't you see I'm busy? Focusing on perceived shortcomings of diverse students and addressing weaknesses rather than acknowledging and building on their strengths. An organization's culture can be described as its members' shared perception of "the way things are" in the organization. Resilience and Redundancy A good compromise might be to allow both but with criteria for when each is appropriate. ===>But if we are to choose one out of the options for the most correct Option, the option 'a' will be the most correct. According to Co-Cultural Communication Theory, Euro-Americans are the dominant culture in the United States and therefore have more power. C. Protecting their employees in the workplace The fourth chart is labeled Expulsions and is divided as follows: 38% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 35% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 21% Hispanic (gray), 5% other (green), and 1% Asian/non-Hispanic (gold). If you are interacting in foreign business settings,you would be well advised to wear something trendy rather than dressing in a traditional,conservative style. Members of low-context cultures assume that listeners share similar attitudes, values, and beliefs. FALSE. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. When we take into account the fact that student populations are becoming more and more diverse while the majority of classroom instructors are not, this cultural gap becomes especially acute. Its almost the pieces of a wedding for this young lady whos turning 15. B. Beliefs and reactions to situations. A) That would be difficult. Assimilation is an attempt by a member of a co-culture to be accepted into the dominant culture. B) polychronic A lack of eye contact indicates deference or respect. Verbally conveying information in an indirect and passive manner is valued. . A few ways that I have addressed culture gaps is personallystarting with meself-reflection, learning what my views are, learning and admitting that I didnt know all that I should have known, but being willing to learn it. Our perceptions of the world Ensuring the uninterrupted flow of information' describes which key communications and information systems principle? B. Additionally, data from the 20182019 school year indicate that Black students with disabilities ages 321 were overrepresented in disciplinary removalsincidences involving a student being taken out of an educational setting for disciplinary purposes (e.g., in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, removal to an alternative educational setting, removal by a hearing officer). Ms. Amry considers it respectful for her students to make eye contact when she is speaking to them. Modules, case studies, activities, & more, Sample syllabi, curriculum matrices, & more, Sample PD activities, planning forms, & more, Resources & tools for independent learners, Feedback and testimonials from IRIS users, University of Pittsburgh School of Education. When defining culture, researchers normally don't include sexual orientation or gender in their definition. D) costly, Skylar is a very organized and timely individual. A) Strive to get to know coworkers and quickly get on a first-name basis. When they reflect on comprehensive classroom behavior management, teachers should always keep in mind that one of the major influences on behavior is the students culture. All rights reserved. However, many cultural practices are more subtle: peoples interpersonal relationships, family values, familial roles and obligations, interactions between peers and community members, and beliefs about power and authority. Recognizing that every school in every classroom has a culture and that culture arises from the development of school itself within the United States, but also of that particular location is really helpful to recognizing the ways we can change or keep the different practices and policies that serve us well, and we can discard or change the things that arent serving us well to reflect the changing culture of the classroom and in the school. University of Pittsburgh To gain a better understanding of your own knowledge, attitudes, and practices, as well as to identify areas of strength and growth, complete the Double-Check Self-Assessment. How might they affect interactions between a teacher and her students in a real classroom setting? Major values that distinguish the United States include individualism, competition, and a commitment to the work ethic. So my first thought around culturally sustaining practices in general is to just understand what the culture of a space or place is. C) I'm sorry; we just can't do that. Even in schools where the majority of the student population was from diverse racial or ethnic populations, the majority of teachers were white. Lets talk about why a students behavior or students behavior more generally may not align with the school and may not align with what those expectations are. Teachers should identify and anticipate potential cultural gaps that may influence their behaviors and interactions with students. Group of answer choices How we communicate with others The basic elements of communication How we even view life and death. Cultural expectations are often ________________ to the people who live and communicate within that culture. And so culture is a fundamental aspect of establishing what your classroom is going to look like and then supporting the ways that that students can engage with each other and can engage with you as you move forward. This can result in a cultural gap. They were asking questions. If you tend to reveal personal actions, viewpoints, and events on social media sites, you are likely a member of an individualistic culture. Its important for teachers to identify and anticipate cultural gaps that may influence their behaviors and interactions with their students, preferably before they occur. The style of writing used in text messages (brevity and lack of attention to correct spelling)is viewed by the baby boomer generation as careless and incompetent. the influencing of people during conversation, in either positive or negative ways, is called. A. A. Interoperability Students who listen and remain quiet are respectfully engaged. School Behavior Support, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_cottrell.mp3, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_patterson.mp3. -a person's occupation
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