The couple are elderly and I feel for them Sellers have applied to LR for possessory title and for it to be expedited. Comment by Next door on a similar line to us, is this patch of land with a derelict cottage, which we tend the trees etc and keep tidy ,The title on my deeds talks of a differently named cottage and I assumed it was our cottage under a different name. The "guff" is primarily old land charge searches, which I presume are superseded, old mortgage documents now cleared, and original planning consents for the erection of the original bungalow. Many thanks, Comment by Both properties are registered at LR but the titles do not mention anything about right of way. An earlier post by IanFlowers in January 2019 stated that: "If you decide to apply now you can do this by letter and this should supported by a letter from the parish council / local authority authorising the change together with any other available evidence. There is nowhere else the deeds could be, so we are looking at having the title reconstructed in order to sell. Catawba County Register of Deeds. Comment by If there are difficulties with this, you may want to consider seeking independent legal advice, from example, from Citizen's Advice or from a conveyancer such as a solicitor. One of the conveyances they have asked for sight of simply does not, nor could not have existed, on the date they claim. Even where there are deeds filed they usually contain large scale plans which again only show the boundaries general position. AdamH why do we need a will ? 22 January 2019. Hi They are building an extension which I understand breaches a restrictive covenant to build within 3 feet of the boundary. Many years ago my solicitor had said there was a covenant on the property prohibiting keeping hoofed animals. As it is because we are complying with official suggestions my wife and I have placed ourselves in isolation so we will not be able to lay our hands on those documents until the Corona virus has gone hopefully not taking us with it but if it takes me I shall be back to haunt that solicitor. #71 (ND39214). Comment by posted on 28 October 2018. Comment by Sam - understood and apologies for not being clearer. 02 September 2019, Hi there please can you help we just purchased our first house in Oct 2018 and it mentions on our title register about a conveyance between Robert Pring and Charles Simon Rodney of 2nd December 1957. posted on The guide is written for legal professionals and may therefore contain some unfamiliar terms. We have a certificate of lawfulness - how do we go about our next steps to gain deeds to the property or to get a loan against the property or anything similar for the future please ? And with leasehold tenures responsibility for holding a copy of the lease and/or an6 variation thereof lies with the landlord and tenant. Please can you suggest the documents (example, office copy entries of Title and conveyance of both properties etc.) An idiot's guide to completing the forms and documents needed would be VERY useful! 07 October 2020, We're in the process of selling our property. I have just written an email to my local branch of Land Registry to request a copy of my title deeds. The Catawba County Public Records (North Carolina) links below . land registry do not have this land in their index , Comment by Mike, Comment by Is it worth getting the deeds as well? Comment by posted on It reads as if either they did not apply to remove it; we failed to remove it when they did; of there were perhaps two legal charges in their favour but they only applied to remove one of them at the time. 15 November 2018, Louise - the 34 working days is an average so some applications wait a little longer before they are considered. Because i have bought this lease, can I now to register that part as being part of our leasehold property as it says? These are: the latest document of title - usually the conveyance/transfer relating to your house purchase, posted on If you can't track the people down or the leases then it will be quite a task, Comment by I am still currently chasing my solicitor to submit First Registration for my home. no.3 Restriction: No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without written consent signed by the Secretary of State for Transport or his conveyancer that the provisions of the Schedule within the Transfer dated 20 June 2007 have been complied with. Comment by Is this because of Covid? But so too can confirming theres nothing on either title as it reaffirms that decid8ng on such th8ngs can often come down to what you and the neighbour(s) want/agree to, Comment by For Technical Support, Contact: Permitium Software Email: Phone: (855) 642-2453. What may be in doubt is whether the deeds show the extent of the property with sufficient certainty to resolve the issue with Network Housing. However I wish to keep my house deeds out of historical interest. posted on 14 September 2020, Sorry I dont know if Im in the right place here to ask a question. Thank you AdamH, Ive sent the details to the above email. 12 March 2018, Rachael - I would suggest writing to the 'Owner' at the address to see if they would like them for example, Comment by They bought their property in 1979 but it appears their solicitor at the time didn't ensure a previous Equitable Charge dated 1969 was discharged. (First floor is currently occupied by tenants). Ricky - many thanks. 20 February 2018. On the one hand you could say you own it because weve registered it to you. posted on 18 September 2019. we spoke around 2 mouths ago Regarding the easements on my title deed for the property i have just purchased, i currently have a solicitor looking it to this for me, but they have raised the question that my name or my wife's name is not showing on the Title register as yet. Comment by My mother passed away 12 years ago. 30 April 2018. Dave Roberts I note that the original mortgage was also not with Santander (Abbey National as they once were) but that it was transferred to them in 2007. Martin AdamH Be that before if after digitalisation as you call it. I'm all for technology but things like this are important. Why I am being asked to pay 59 plus vat for what is rightfully mine ? Comment by If you are unsure as to whether the trees and/or waterway are included within those boundaries I'd recommend using a surveyor to report for you. I am told by neighbours that a caravan or motorhome cannot be parked on the property. posted on The deeds were so interesting, they were like a big scroll with wax seals and the names of all the owners dating from wene the house was first built in 1865 and the names were all related until I bought it. Harsha - you cant take it to an office so youd have to apply online or by post. My Uncle paid council tax, was on the local council, was well known etc and we have sent all the documentation. Comment by 15 July 2020. hi. I have just purchased the freehold on a 3 year leasehold new build, I have been waiting 6 weeks for some confirmation but have been told it is with the Land Registry ! posted on AdamH 22 July 2020, Cfd - it the entry refers to restrictive covenants and the deed as filed then that some and you can apply by post for a copy of the filed deed 20 June 2019, Thank you ..I will follow the links as you suggested . Rhys - it would. posted on Hello again, Adam. Anand A search for this title states it is not recognised. Madeleine M If the property was already registered when you bought it then it is highly unlikely that the lender had any old deeds/documents other than a copy of the land register itself. Hi AdamH, I found this post by chance and found it very useful. I understand I may not need this, any further light you can shed on the matter is much appreciated. Comment by The wider issue, and something Id recommend seeking legal advice on, is IF such a covenant exists then which land has the benefit and is then best placed to enforce it. Hi, Comment by Comment by 9. 04 April 2018. If the right granted is flawed and/or hasnt been used then you may need to look at getting a new right granted by #35 or see if you can claim the right. The register and title plan then become the 'title deeds' hence Santander's final comment. My parents purchased a property in 1975 when it wasnt compulsory to have your property registered. The local council have offered some work to adapt her bathroom, which is great, but the wish to see the deeds as proof of ownership before proceeding. NOTE: Original filed. They don;t mean any other deeds/documents I'm afraid, Comment by Is this something the Land Registry might be able to help with? A document such as a transfer from the developer to the first house owner will obviously give definitive information as to ownership and the age of the house. My partner is in the process of selling her house but is worried that there is a real prospect of the sale falling through. Guarantees My other neighbour showed me his deeds which show he controls the fence on both his sides (marked with a T) Don't buy into this left hand right hand good side of the fence who looks after it. AdamH 11 March 2018. 19 September 2020. My property was sold on right to buy scheme by sitting tenants after 25 years. That would then be registered and the old leased determined and closed down. posted on He thinks we should be able to upgrade the title as most other units in the main converted house have title absolute, which implies freehold deeds existed and were seen at some point. Gary Did you take a further advance or additional loan with them perhaps or is the charge date on the register the same as when you bought the property/took out the original mortgage as this would offer a clue as to what may have happened. ianflowers ianflowers Will these changes need to incorporated into my title deeds of my property. 22 October 2018. 31 July 2019. posted on I think it is disgusting that we were not advised by either department what was the procedure and I still want our deeds returned !!!!! We will be splitting our assets and would it be worth my while to try and get my name on the Land Registry before we sell the house ?? Comment by posted on We paid cash for a new build property about 10 months ago, and have received a completion of registration form quoting our title number. If that is the case and we don't have a copy then the only options are to try the developer or check your own paperwork to see if you had a copy and you kept it. Ivan Spore 15 July 2020. 04 March 2019, Lew - demise is the term used for the property/extent being leased. Apologies for such a long submission. The blog article explains this for you, Comment by I've checked the registry sites but can't find the appropriate place. posted on ianflowers I understand your point about fraud and requiring sight of the original documents. A land search says the land was never registered. Comment by James - we do not destroy the original title deeds. I have tried to seek a copy of the Conveyance from my mortgage lender and original solicitor but to no avail, they say paper documents have been dispensed with and details forwarded to Land Registry. The electronic title record is the definitive record of ownership and whether the conveyancing 'deeds' held are originals or certified copies, they are not needed to confirm ownership. posted on 21 May 2019. 21 October 2019, Lisa Law Min - they should speak to their conveyancer as to what is required in law. posted on AdamH Available on the other properties and would be so easy for land registry to be able to correct. Bert posted on the electronic record held by us. Could this be used in lieu of deeds? Paul McMillan Comment by 21 October 2019. Hello. The term 'the deeds' is in my experience associated with how title or ownership was proven before registration, namely you had a pile of deeds, inc a lease in this case, and they were used to prove your ownership. 26 October 2018. can someone tell me what happens and how to proceed, there is a small parcel of land that I know has never been built on and has been basically waste land for past 40 years ie not maintained by anyone,land registry don't have it on file and its not in their index the land next to is on the register but it isn't part of that land there are houses built opposite to this land. 22 June 2020, Simon - not always as many titles dont refer. Alison Shaw 14 April 2018. 19 June 2019. hi, we bought our house in 2010, in joint names. This is a blog so you really need our support team to check an respond Simon Curtis posted on These addresses have been in use continually by the Post Office, and by the Local Authority for more than 20 years . Thanks Adam. posted on posted on Harsha 28 January 2019. However I fully believed that my deeds were being safely stored as a security against my mortgage. peter brooks 04 June 2018, Adam - if online then immediate and if by post then a few days. I paid the mortgage off 5 years ago [was over the 25 year term but some monies owed- i had to take a loan out ] I received a form to apply for the deeds but as it was a joint mortgage and stated people on the mortgage to sign and i haven't seen my ex i haven't applied for them. We're in the process of buying a house and our solicitor has said that "when the property was first registered at the Land Registry details of easements and restrictions were not provided to the Land Registry and the seller has no information at all about this or the previous deeds other than a photocopy of a 1968 deed when the land was first conveyed". posted on You'll need to get one from your Post Office. We have a backlog of this type of work so it won't be considered for a few months yet. 14 January 2019, Ivan - the register is an 'open' one so yes you can search for and then view, download and save the details online ro apply by post for a copy as appropriate, Comment by Jo posted on posted on That tends to be the tricky part as a covenant cant just be enforced by anyone although it can sometimes be influential depending on how people view it. Yaffa Rowbotham Kramer They certainly did not return them to us at any time in the last 30 years. Any advice is appreciated. Well one is the indemnity you refer to., Comment by When you bought for example the same issue will have arisen. 30 March 2018. Also will such a document say the new boundary line? 19 March 2018, Are there any way that I can find out where in the prosess of registration we are? I inherited the family home when my mother recently passed away. Elise 08 October 2018. As far as 'deeds' are concerned I would be surprised if you had anything other than the register and title plan for both tenures plus your lease. I now want to sell but have been told he may still be on the deeds. ianflowers posted on Comment by Dave - if the property is unregistered then the original (title) deeds and documents are important. Whilst that may be irrelevant re the original deeds/documents it may explain why the records Santander have are inconclusive? Comment by Comment by posted on Tracing the original deeds for a property that has been bought and sold many times is likely to be an impossible task. Sharon O'Donnell What can we do? If you have completed the house sale, the solicitors acting for the buyer will then lodge the application with us to change the ownership. I recall that at one point we had over 83 million paper copies and then we began scanning paper files and doing the same for anything new as it came in. posted on posted on Do you know your title number? I have been told that before they were destroyed by whoever they should have been offered back to us. Thank you, Comment by Having done a search of their property address from your blogs link I see that Tenure and other additional information is showing N/A. ianflowers I do have a bundle of old documents which I believe includes the original deeds. posted on AdamH posted on 04 January 2019. Invariably that comes through in a week or so and as such there is rarely anything to be concerned about as it's a delayed process issue with the lender. Where a conveyancer is acting, different procedures do apply in that they can lodge only certified copy documents.
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