For her dedication to her community and constant efforts to raise funds for those in need and assist those in distress with her involvement with the Food Bank. SGT Doe was directly responsible for the post PMO clearance and background checks for over 30,000 Soldiers, officers and civilians assigned to the USAG Casey area of operations. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. . Thanks! ARCOM Award Bullets. Between February and June 2007, Corps integrated two additional Brigade Combat Teams into its force structure as part of the Baghdad Security Plan. From my understanding, an ETS award should cover everything you've done in your career. Within our award tool you will see instructions on how to write DA 638, how to fill DA 638, and DA 638 reason abbreviations such as achievement vs service. She wrapped patrons' presents at the Post Exchange in order to raise money for the Battalion Family Readiness Group. SGT Doe displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of his Soldiers, and utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his team's day to day duties. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. She displayed great courage and commitment driving over the dangerous roads of Iraq. He coordinated the BN's efforts to efficiently close 159 lateral transfers that included 333 pieces of equipment, and 208 turn-ins that included 732 pieces of equipment, completing all on time. Examples can be contributed by using the form below. Especially the big ones. She effortlessly implemented key changes in the daily Black Book by including several new support sections, which were instrumental in guiding the senior leadership in the planning of possible contingency operations in Southwest Asia. His attention to detail and selflessness were essential to the success of adding ____lines to the recent ASL review. He superbly managed the Exchange Price listing resulting in 100 percent accountability for all recoverable items. - Attended EPR seminar--enhanced writing ability; completed 2 leadership crses--crucial in new . His attention to detail ensured all minor details were completed and that the Memorial started on time. In addition to her regular duties, SPC Buford instructed six to eight hours per day, six days per week in order to ensure students fully grasped the concepts and skills necessary to graduate Combatives Level 1 and 2, instilling in every student the warrior ethos and the confidence to defend themselves in hand to hand combat. His expertise and analytical skill gave decision makers a clear and accurate picture of the Division's Area of Responsibility in Northern Iraq. - ACC/A3 awd board president; steered five mbrs/rvw'd six noms--improved pkgs/set-up winner for HHQ competition. Citation to accompany the award of the Army Achievement Medal Most awards follow a prescribed format which is outlined in the applicable regulation, AR 600-8-22, Military Awards. SFC Doe was instrumental in building unit cohesion and morale. Purpose. Contributing to the high level of morale in the unit, he ensured that all mail was delivered to personnel within 24 hours. Superb performance as Watch Officer at the U.S. National Intelligence Cell in support of current operations. Official websites use .mil This new responsive design will create a much more functional browsing experience across multiple platforms including mobile, tablet, and desktop. His imagery analysis directly facilitated combat operations in Baghdad which resulted in the discovery of numerous weapons caches, capture of over 1,100 insurgent members, destruction of 3 indirect fire teams, and execution of hundreds of deliberate route clearance missions. He ensured all incoming National Guard Soldiers were properly trained in their section, as well as cross trained to assist others. PFC Doe showed constant concern for the members of the detachment by monitoring the work/rest cycle and fluid consumption during the summer months. For a period of 5 years, SGT Doe has provided the DCS, G2 with accurate and tailored intelligence. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. As the detachment's mail handler, PFC Doe constructed, implemented, and reorganized an effective detachment level mail storage facility, which significantly increased the unit's ability to maintain accountability and manage distribution of the Soldiers' personal mail and parcels. His development and implementation of a new briefing format raised the standard for excellence, and rapidly conveyed important information to ensure national level agencies and collection activities coordinated efforts to satisfy the commanders priority intelligence requirements. So, with great humility and sincerity I say, Thank You.. SPC Bowers' expertise, professionalism and superb work ethic resulted in overall mission success. SPC Doe became a subject matter expert on his Security District while assigned as an intelligence analyst in the BCT S2, Analysis Control Team. Award Bullets by Type 400+ Bullets- Use this Award Bullet tool to give you a quick and easy jump start on the next awards you write. . 74D/CBRNE NCO. If you email us new bullets to add to this workbook, we will send you a discount code for our store. She also provided mentorship and leadership development opportunities for young Soldiers by giving them an opportunity to execute duties as the class leader. Directly responsible for ensuring around-the-clock indications and warning communications connectivity to the US Intelligence Community through primary and alternate pathways, despite a 30% reduction in unit manning. SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. His input in this effort prompted many initiatives that proved vital to the counter-IED fight in the BCT operational environment including increasing the brigade's ratio of found to detonated IEDs. SGT Doe ensured his team performed their assigned tasks above the standard ensuring his team's and platoon's success. This NCO emphasis on discipline and high standards resulted in the unit's high morale and espirit de corpsby far the best in the battalion. His involvement with the community's youth provided a positive image of soldiers as role models in the community. SPC Doe drove 3,495 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes SGT Doe's ability to think on his feet and analyze difficult situations helped ensure a complaint free environment while assisting over 100 soldiers, officers and civilians in a normal work week. A multitude of sample Army award citations to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. His efforts directly led to the capture of over 150 personnel and large numbers of weapons during mulitiple combat operations. She showed them how to speak eloquently when conducting telephonic training as well as how to present in person. Sergeant Ortiz's outstanding professional skill, knowledge, and leadership contributed immeasurably to the effectiveness and success of JRTC Sept 13. Customers have access to free updates of this workbook. Army DA administrative publications and forms by the Army Publishing Directorate APD. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs. is a privately owned and operated website. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. His commitment to safety contributed to the detachment operating for 11 months in a highly volatile combat zone with zero accidents or incidents. Below are examples of both types. ! As always, any feedback is warmly welcomed, and any content you would like to share is greatly appreciated. His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. He stepped up to the plate and organized the Spanish Heritage, Asian Pacific and Black History Month food tastings and enthusiastically coordinated the Thanksgiving Meal at Camp Darby. While assigned as executive officer for B Company, BTB, LT Doe excelled in fulfilling his responsibilities to his unit. Though being in a position well above his pay grade, PFC Boles show ability and poise needed to be a primary FO in the future, while out performing some of his peers. SGT Doe functioned as the Balkans analyst from Aug 99 to Oct 00.. During these 14 months of dedicated focus, SGT Doe was the primary producer of the Daily Intelligence Summary and was responsible for briefing this summary to the Commander and senior leadership. His extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself, the HHC Grafenwoehr and the Bavaria Military Community. Driving force in developing the exercise concept, intelligence requirements and support plan for the Infantry Division's Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and Corps' War Fighter Exercise (WFX). Soldier assisted in conducting manned and unmanned teaming with 2-6 combat aviation brigade. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. Sergeant Doe enhanced the 119th Inland Cargo Transfer Company's image in the community by volunteering over 400 hours at the local elementary schools, actively engaging the students to assist with the lesson plans, assisting in the gym to keep the students active and orderly, and assisting the staff with everything from parent drop off at Alanton Elementary School, to helping with paperwork at John B. Dey Elementary School. (MSRs) in Iraq demonstrating his commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service. A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. These students benefited from receiving expert Combatives training as well as promotion points for completing either the 40-hour Combatives Level 1 class or the 80-hour Combatives level 2 class. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) 0. Additionally, he played a vital role in the construction of the first CT Database by single-handedly populating over 200 records derived from hundreds of intelligence products. Here you will find DA form 638 example bullets and instructions. PFC Doe's attention to detail was recognized by the BCT S2. Contact Disclaimer. From August 2018 to January 2019, Sergeant ______ volunteered 143 hours for the Virginia Beach Mustang Tiny Mites team as team mom. He aided his peers in Physical Training to improve APFT scores. He conducted patrol operations for 24 months, investigating and closing over 90 cases. PVT Neely participating in various other training events and activities contributing to the overall mission readiness of the Unit Ministry Team. Between February and June 2007, the brigade integrated three additional combat maneuver battalions into its force as part of the Baghdad Security Plan surge. PFC *** has dedicated over 40 hours to improving US-ROK relations through community service. Synchronized and de-conflicted indications and warning efforts of the Analysis and Control Element (ACE), the theater Intelligence Operations Center, Joint Analysis Center, Interagency Balkans Task Force, and Joint Staff Director of Intelligence. He was meticulous in every aspect of his soldiers' development and their welfare, never failing to go the extra mile to take care of their needs. We need more examples. DA Form 638 Award Bullets. The office making the recommendation will . He accomplished this working with only 50% authorized personnel strength in the S3 Section. His intensely competitive spirit and outstanding leadership skills provided the impetus for the high standards that he set resulting in highly disciplined and motivated Soldiers. Her dedication to service was instrumental to the congregation's ability to serve the Iftar meal to 75-100 people daily throughout the 29 day period of Ramadan, and to provide an Eid al-Fitr celebration for more than 300 congregants and visitors. These target folders were subsequently vetted by the command as valid operational and intelligence targets for the theater area of responsibility. Examples can be posted by using the form below. Army Achievement Medal . He flawlessly relayed information between his platoon leader and company commander while maintaining situational awareness. So I (E-5 with 5 years in) am about to ETS in a couple of months, and I was helping with some bullets for my award. New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! SGT Doe played a vital role in the initial construction of the first Combating Terrorism Database, assuming an initial operating capacity in only 2 weeks. A lock ( She demonstrated her superior analytical skills by researching and providing intelligence support to planners, briefers, and DCS, G2 decision makers. DA Form 638, Recommendation for Award Instructions, Army Achievement Medal (Template and Examples), Army Commendation Medal (Template and Examples), ARCOM with V Device (Template and Examples), Meritorious Service Medal (Under Construction), Bronze Star Medal (Template and Examples). She exhibited determination by taking online college classes, earning twelve college credits, and completing the requirements to receive her associates degree from the University of Maryland. Posted 7 y ago. While serving as Battle Captain of the Division's Analysis and Control Element, CPT Doe supervised the analysis and dissemination of intelligence reports to the Division G-2 and subordinate units, as well as other government agencies. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. Displaying broad professional knowledge and superior military bearing resulted in Staff Sergeant Flurkey's selection, over nine other Non-Commissioned Officers, as the Battalion's Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year representitive, providing a model of excellence and the Army Total Soldier Concept for all Soldiers assigned to the BN to emulate. His IDF trend analysis was vital to the brigade staff in determining the FOB's uniform posture which was used to mitigate the IDF threat to the BCT's Soldiers. Driving over 4,363 accident/incident free miles, SGT Doe earned the recognition of high miler NCO for three consecutive quarters. A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. PFC Doe excelled in his duties as a medium wheeled vehicle operator. We still want to help you as much as we possibly can which is why we offer free lifetime updates. PFC Doe displayed commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service, personally contributing to the successful completion of thirty DCLPs. While serving with 4th Squadron 2d Cavalry Regiment, SGT Millard participated in every major training event and range since 2011. He researched and produced all-source analyst comments for over 1,200 HUMINT reports for the brigade's Graphic Intelligence Summary. During this period, she was able to significantly contribute to in-depth analytical assessments, complex link analysis diagrams, and other products associated with exploiting information for the benefit of current operations. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet.
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