This article will share a few powerful Twin Flame Prayer that will bring your soulmate closer to you. Loving Saint Michael the Archangel,guardus in Armageddon. I invoke the Presence of my Beloved Archangel Michael and all your legions of Blue Angels To cut all bad and all causes of discord and suffering. Saint Gabriel is a messenger for the Good News, I ask him to assist me to clearly hear your voice and to teach me the truth. Before we go to the various Soulmate Prayers, lets see whats a twin flame through Bible evidence. In the Name of Christ, our Lord. If you find this article about Twin Flame Prayer helpful and informative, spread it, share it with your family and friends. Angels are spiritual beings whose role in the Bible is described as messengers; they also praise and worship God while protecting and directing people. Let God direct your path and strengthen your love life as its meant to be. Amen., Devine, Archangel Chamuel, I pray you to lead me to walk on the right path and meet my soulmate as soon as possible. O Love! Heal me of all darkness and open me up to your love and light. May the vibration of our love, union and common purposebring peace, healing and light to all people around us. Music of eternal worlds and chakras spinning round, Rhythm, dance and holy mantra merge in sacred sound. Send down, Your Healing Angels, Your Heavenly Host upon me, and upon those who I love. Other Saint Michael prayers have also been officially approved and printed on prayer cards. What to Expect; Our Barbers; Partners; The Service. I will let Your Healing begin,Whatever way God gives it,Amen. Please help me feel secure and at peace; and fill me with faith so that I may focus on my priorities and enjoy a healthful, happy life. (7x)*. Together with the angels of purity and the seraphim, these twin flames guard the immaculate concept of the God design for every man, woman and child upon the planet. Its crucial to have a clear image of you meeting your soulmate or they meeting you. Often people dont look within and keep waiting for years. I call for the consuming of all portents of our returning negative karma, abstracting our ability to recognize each other and creating a sense of separation. See him placing his magnificent presence around you, your family, your friends and all those for whom you are praying. TO ARCHANGEL MICHAEL FOR PROTECTION Prayer In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence, I call now for the victory of my twin ame, for the cutting free of my twin ame by the power of the mighty blue ame and sword of Archangel Michael. Be with us in our final moments and when our souls quit this earthly existence, carry them safely to the judgment seat of Christ, and may Our Lord and Master bid you bear us quickly to the kingdom of eternal bliss. Or are you flowing deep within emotions stream, Ever powerful, silently? I would do this prayer at least once a day. And I embrace my pure soul as who I AM., I welcome the transformation that is allowing my true essence to shine through more and more as I embrace the pure energies coming in in the Equinox portal, and subsequent portals as I refine my energy increasingly and permanently, showing me the way to connect fully with Source.. Encapsulate me and all Humanity in your invincible Circle of WhiteLightning, the Ring Pass Not of Gods First Cause of Perfection.Prevent anything that is not of the Light from interfering with ourservice to the Light and our Divine Mission of Loving ALL Life on thissweet Earth FREE. I will not fear evil because You are with me, my God, my strength, my powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages. Love is a core quality and the most robust string to connect two people. RQxC_ZA[0p NTGpT>l8o+wWcIM O Lord, make haste to help me. A Prayer For Abundance, Wealth, Divine Wisdom: Archangel Michael. Previous, painful experiences with the wrong person break people to the extent that they swear not to allow anybody in their lives. I pray you to keep our relationship as beautiful as its new and let it be forever. Let me vibrate the energy that attracts my twin flame and connect us as soon as possible. The important thing is that you pray with faith, because God will grant you what you need. You are not meant to live alone, thats for sure; even Bible has evidence. Then you give a blue-flame decree and visualize Saint Michael and his blue-lightning angels around yourself and your twin flame. I AM the Violet Fire Freeing Me and You! Help me to see the brotherhood of humankindto see the reality of a deeper connection that we all have to each other and to thus , base my actions on that understanding. Amen., Lord, The source of unconditional Love, Thank you for settling all the entangled strings and clearing my future path. May my Twin Flame speak to me through my Heart of Hearts and may that doorway to my soul open more fully. Then 10 fold or more will come back to you. Angel Michael is just one of the most revered and heroic angles in the Christian and also Jewish scriptures. Love! From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. There are various types of angels, each with their own set of missions and activities. Help me to keep and maintain peace between myself and other people and be an instrument for peace in this world. You are the salvation of those who turn to You. Wherever my twin ame is, cut him/her free. I call on Michael to be with me now. Helpme tolearn and use the simple art of letting go and letting God perform His perfect work in me and through me. . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I am now open to fully embrace my higher truth, my higher self and higher heart. 1 Samuel 18:1 Now it came about when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as himself., Beloved, Saint Michael the Archangel, Eliminate all the barriers stopping my twin flame from meeting me. Amen. By the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Please prepare the way for the unfoldment of the light. I AM the Violet Fire Making All Things New! Numbers play very important role whenever we grow or stu. Deuteronomy 13:6 If your brother, your mothers son, or your son or daughter, or the wife you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul.. Intensify the action of the circle and blue sword, O raise me now, O raise me now; O speak thy sacred word. Say this invitation: O God, come to my assistance. Consequently he is usually prayed to for protection from the evils as well as obstacles of the modern-day world. Help us O Lord to accept more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Dear Loving God and Archangel Michael, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones [name specific loved individuals]. I believe you can turn things in your favor if you try for it. Dissolve all less than perfect love; consume its cause and core. Let your prayer and divine angels help you bring your love closer to you. )cDw$M0g7@'%iG)*NY-F?^ 8B@MpP$(7GYn"sLbi>jF~5&:$-aul1T}-. Each Our Father will be in honour of: O glorious prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, you who shine with excellence and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil, who turn to you with confidence and enable us by your gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day. If you have been trying to connect with your twin flame and no efforts are succeeding, try using a Twin Flame Prayer. I will let Your Healing begin,Whatever way God gives it, Amen. Then when you are ready say this Twin Flame Prayer. Then I once more awaken And hear a sweet familiar song That pierces through the darkness Im no longer alone! Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer "Dear Saint Michael the Archangel, guard us in battle, be our shield against the wickedness and snares of the devil. Holy Father, you have given us archangels to help us during our journey on earth. So, find and accept the reason holding you back to meet your twin flame. However, someone who accepts, loves, cares, and supports you in all life circumstances, Good or Bad, is your twin flame. Prayer of Your Healing Angels, That is carried from God by Michael, Your Archangel. Clear my heart of all pain and suffering and open it to the joy that life can bring. Please angels help me to become successful, and to be happy and have abundance and help me to keep praying to God so my prayers will be answered. O Life, receive this Blessing from above! Its like something shifted after I said that prayer. Whereas he defeated Satan during the war in heaven. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. ryXA!31FHM@4W!-?U\&u! TZK )seeu.7|H_w5ndx'iE2&H/Q}$(/]cV' >w= U6(}AQUB\(wV>M, My mind is quiet. Your twin flame can be your love partner, a friend, someone random you just met; try to know your feeling in depth. Thank you for making them available! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. May this Divine Love quickly anchor itself and generate Divine Balance in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, so that we may witness a rapid shift from the current state of the world into one saturated with love everywhere. He cannot do so, however, unless you ask him to,because you have free will. That is the law of the universe, you must let go and clear space to receive more . It flows through me into lavish expression. Please help me to release all anger and fear so that I can attain inner peace. The Chaplet of St Michael was invented by Antnia de Astnaco, a Portuguese Carmelite nun who received a revelation from Archangel Michael who instructed her to honour him by saying the nine salutations to the nine Choirs of Angels. I began reading a lot about twin flames and stumbled across this page by accident. Amen.. (3x), So Be It and So It Is. St Michael the Archangel made these promises to those who pray the Chaplet of St Michael: The Chaplet of St Michael prayer is usually prayed with a chaplet while counting the prayers just like in the rosary. Surrender your love life to God and use this Twin Flame Prayer to find the right one to connect with again. I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. I ask that from this moment on we are both able to commit ourselves completely to our love and our union, in all directions of time, space and matter, in all dimensions and for everyone to see. For Archangel Michael, the twin flame is Faith; For Jesus, it was Mary Magdalene; The twin flame concept brings together the idea of unity and balance of power. Ruby love, now blaze through me; expand my heart this hour. In the name of God, I AM THAT I AM and in the name of Christ within me, I call onArchangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora-. In the Name of the Beloved Mighty Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own Beloved Holy Christ Presence, by the Power and Authority of the Immortal, Victorious Threefold Flame blazing upon the Altar of my Heart, I call to Beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun, Beloved Helios and Vesta in the Sun of our System, Beloved Saint Germain and Portia, Beloved Maha Chohan, Beloved Omritas Ruler of the Violet Planet, Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Beloved Mighty Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Beloved Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus and the Seven Holy Kumaras, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Kwan Yin, the Lords of Karma, and the Hierarchs of the Elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha, to Blaze the Violet Transmuting Flame throughout my entire consciousness, being, and world. How beautiful are You, in Your heaven-made armor. Let me feel the beam of YourHealing Angels upon me,the light of Your Healing Hands. And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, bind the forces of Death and Hell, the seed of Satan, the false hierarchy of Antichrist and all evil spirits who travel through the world for the destruction of souls. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. I AM the purity God desires! Glorious Prince, chief, and champion of the heavenly bodies; guardian of the hearts of men; dominator of the rebel angels! I call to my Lord Jesus Christ that his heart may know my heart as one with his. Give this protection prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel and his guardian angels for the protection of you, your family and friends, your finances, and your spiritual practice. But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you." . I pray to you to cleanse my vibration and energy totally of negative beliefs and thoughts. Amen.. Please open my mind and my heart to inspiration, so that I can find the best path and take the best journey possible. Do you hide behind the rock, beyond the trees? Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon You and ask You to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity. Beloved I AM! I vow to end all toxic patterns and surrender the role I play in them. Legions of Light, come into action now! I have complete faith in the way the universe operates, so let our lives become worth living.
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