May be crossed to enter or exit a private driveway. are in the same box the next time you log in. You are constantly looking for hazards and driving in a way that minimizes the risk of an accident. If you have the green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should: Approach the fork in the left lane. 3. Required fields are marked *. When you drive a small car. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. If you do not have enough space on the other side to clear the intersection completely, do not proceed. about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. | Epic Ways In 2022, The Age Of Consent In North Carolina In November 2022, Dont Move Out Of State With Your Child Before Reading This. If you are on a blockade on your way through the crossing, then you could be penalized. C. Under no circumstances. Explanation Even if the light is green, you may not enter an intersection unless you can get completely across before the light turns red. If you see a solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line this means: That only vehicles next to that broken line may pass. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved You may legally drive: 70 mph or faster to keep up with the speed of traffic. 6. You are driving on a one-way street. While exciting, the experimentation raises many legal questions. Yes! The problem occurs when a driver goes out into that intersection and now. Stop, then proceed when you think all of the children have exited the bus. U-turns are also illegal in New York City`s business districts where NO U-turn signs are provided. Keep your phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road. You can`t turn around near the top of a hill, curve, or any other place where other drivers can`t see your vehicle 500 feet (150 m) away in both directions. Often, motorists do not see a motorcycle approaching them and hit it when crossing a lane. Respect for the right of way of others is not limited to situations such as giving in to pedestrians on zebra crossings or carefully observing the right of way of cyclists and motorcyclists. If you cant stop, look out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes. Use our free study guides to help you understand your states official drivers handbook. 4. User: if your vehicle has a two part safety belt system you should (More) Question Not Answered Updated 11/22/2021 2:24:01 PM You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and cannot see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. You may park for a limited time. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out. You must: 4. You may stop here only long enough to load or unload passengers or freight no longer than posted. We have other quizzes matching your interest. Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street. Wait for the emergency vehicle to pass before continuing. Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic. You should obey his or her instructions: 8. This statement is true for parking at a _______ curb. In front of a public or private driveway, close to a fire hydrant, or on a bridge. 5. A blockade at an intersection can result in an infringement. You are Depending on the circumstances, blocking traffic may violate city or state traffic laws and may qualify as reckless driving. In order to pass your DMV exams and to become a safe driver, its important to know the reason why a particular answer on the written test is correct. You must obey all signs and markings. You are driving and a dust storm blows across the freeway reducing your visibility. You should slow down and: You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. South Dakota has the highest speed limits in the United States. You should drive slower and turn on your: If you plan to pass another vehicle, you should: You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 mph. flashing yellow traffic signal at an upcoming intersection. Any 3-axle vehicle regardless of the height. Watch for children crossing the road. Not only are you slower to respond to changes in your environment, but you are also likely to have blurry vision. This can impede traffic, increase the likelihood of a collision and lead to a ticket. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: Look to the sides of your vehicle to see what is coming. When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving: When driving in fog, you should use your: A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. 9. It is illegal to park your vehicle __________. where A, B, C, and D are constants. What should you do if you have a tire blowout? The speed limit is: 3. While you may be able to legally block intersections in some states in the USA by 2022, it is important to note that there are penalties for doing so. Why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes? Doing so can impede the flow of traffic, increase the chances of a collision, and result in a traffic ticket. (b) During rush hour traffic. Trains that are crossing the roadway invariably have the right of way. When should you return to the right lane after passing another car on the left? A maximum of 50 feet and a minimum of 15 feet from the nearest railroad track. When you entered the intersection on the green light. Pay attention to traffic approaching the road to the left. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be. Drivers are never legally allowed to block an intersection. 9. 050 Do not block intersection signs. When Just make sure youre out of the way when the light turns green. There is no exemption to this rule if the driver is the owner of the property adjoining the driveway, executive director of NSW Centre for Road Safety Bernard Carlon said. At freeway entrances, you should check traffic by ____________________. An intersection is any place where one track line meets another lane. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be: Turned to the right (away from the street) 7. A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds. The DMV is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any translation provided by Google Translate and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information or changes in the formatting of the pages resulting from the use of the translation application tool. You may legally block an intersection: During rush hour traffic. driving in fog, you should use your: Loading zone for passengers or mail only. To safely negotiate a curve, use your brakes ________________. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. All rights reserved. It is unlawful for any person to block or attempt to block the entrance to or exit from any public or private property including, but not limited to, any building, parking lot or parking structure or other structure or facility located on such property. You just studied 8 terms! Which of these is also illegal? 10 to 15 seconds When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when: You don't have room on the other side to completely cross the tracks. Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb. Two yellow lines (one solid, another broken) in the center of a two-way road mean that vehicles traveling ___________. When vehicles meet on a steep, narrow road, not wide enough for two vehicles, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way? have the same rights and responsibilities as motorized vehicles. 5. If you are driving on a Interstate (freeway) and a car is attempting to merge into your lane, you should: If possible, safely make room for the merging vehicle. Wondering if you need auto insurance coverage? However, if you are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic, you may not be required by law to move your vehicle. . You see a Pull to the side of the road wherever you can and let them pass. Always stop before you cross railroad tracks when: When you tailgate other drivers (drive close to their rear bumper): Should you always drive slower than other traffic? Set a reasonable and safe speed, you must take Weather and Road conditions into account. Double check your left and right outside Mirrors. If you've received a traffic citation for blocking traffic in your area, consult with an attorney. Would You Pass This Driving Test Quiz? C. Under no circumstances. It is allowed to go out into an intersection prior to making your left turn as long as the traffic signals allow it. August 18, 2022 by Ubaid Ur Rehman Leave a Comment. A. when you enter the intersection on a green light. only after entering the intersection on a green light. You should: Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn. With signals like this, drivers have to follow the turn-signal lights, and if the left arrow signal isnt green, they cant make a left turn, even if the light for through traffic is green. States with these laws require drivers involved in minor crashes where the vehicle is still operable to move their cars out of the way of traffic. Drivers may legally block an intersection: only during rush hour traffic. 5. You should: A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles: create, study and share online flash cards, you should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions. Although the statutes will vary by state and municipality, blocking traffic in the following ways is likely in violation of traffic laws. Karimen Test: Karimen Written Driving Test Quiz, Virginia's Learner's Permit Practice Test: Part 1 Signs. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be: Turned to the left (toward the street). You must: Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential area is ____. The flashing yellow light means: There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. However, you should not go simply because the light has turned green. What happens if you block intersection? (c) Under no circumstances. You should slow down and ___________. 6. What age group of adults are most likely to fall asleep at the wheel? You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. Which of the following statements about blind spots is true? All of the above circumstances. State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. Drive just below the speed limit in certain situations to improve your braking distance. If your local council hasnt taken on CPE, you will need to contact your local police force. : You may be fined by the court if you are caught with a blood alcohol limit BAC above the legal limit 73. : you may be fined by the court If you are involved in a collision, you must exchange with the other person (s) involved, your driver license information and: 74. : proof of insurance, vehicle registration, and current address If you are In order to identify hazards early and avoid last minute moves, you should scan the road _________ seconds ahead of your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within ___ days. You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they When you entered the intersection on the green light. Is it a crime to fall asleep while driving? under no circumstances. Your email address is only used to allow you to reset your password. You may legally block an intersection _____. Most people face difficulty passing the test and appear more than once. Always drive slower than other traffic. You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. There will be marginal cases where these measures may be legal in the given circumstances, but in general, if you respect the rules of the road, you should not block traffic. The square, red and white DO NOT ENTER sign means: You are traveling against traffic, and is typically used for freeway off-ramps or one-way streets. It's illegal to drive a motor vehicle with a BAC of ____% or more if under the age of 21. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. When you see a blind person pulling in his or her cane and stepping away from the crosswalk, this usually means _________________. I do this all the time. 10. Answer the following question to test your understanding of he preceding section: Why not see how you'd get on if you had to re-sit the driving test today? 3. During rush hour traffic. Yes, a police officer can write you a ticket for not going at a green light. For example, a green light does not resolve the conflict when a car turns left at an intersection while an approaching car crosses the intersection straight through. If you block the intersection, you can be cited. Imprisonment in a state prison for three, five, or seven years. Which of the following statements about blind spots is true? Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel. c. Under no circumstances. You should drive: Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle. You are facing uphill and there is no curb present. To improve mobility at Austin`s critical intersections, Austin`s City of Traffic and Police Departments are launching a Don`t Block the Box campaign. A yellow traffic light is a warning that a red light is soon to follow. Google Translate is a free third-party service, which is not controlled by the DMV. you can block traffic when you drive too slowly. The speed limit is _____________. You can avoid dangerous last minute maneuvers by looking_____ ahead of your vehicle at all times. If the vehicle is blocking access to your driveway you should first make enquiries with the neighbours to see if they know who the car belongs to, so they can move it. You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. When youre driving uphill,___________________. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. Give the right-of-way to: pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a walk signal. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page. Drivers under 21 may not carry unopened containers of liquor, beer, or wine in a vehicle unless _______________. They tell you who goes first and who has to wait under different conditions. 2. California law states that you must drive with your headlights ____________________. You may have seen drivers blocking intersections and waiting for the light to change, even when there is no traffic. Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic. Try using the left side of the intersection to make sure you don`t interfere with traffic on the way you want to turn left. You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle: 2. The passing speed limit is: How many days may a visitor between 16 and 18 years old drive in California with their home state license or instruction permit? So next time youre on the road, remember to drive slowly and steadily, and always obey the speed limit. As long as a vehicle is taxed and a motorist is not breaking any traffic laws they are allowed to stop anywhere it is legal to do so. Under no circumstances. There will be marginal cases where these measures may be legal in the given circumstances, but in general, if you respect the rules of the road, you should not block traffic. To avoid this type of accident, you need to understand the rules of the right of way and know how to turn correctly. B. during rush hour traffic. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. When you entered the intersection on the green light. choose the right-hand lane and exit in the left-hand lane. If there is no crosswalk or limit line near an intersection, you should stop __________. Need plates? You May Legally Block An Intersection When: Your email address will not be published. A similar situation is when you want to turn left on a road, but you can`t because oncoming vehicles are stopped at the intersection. . For best results enter two or more search terms. The driver can legally exceed the speed limit, pass red lights and STOP or YIELD signs, drive in the wrong direction on one-way streets and turn in directions that are not normally allowed. You should: You must obey instructions from school crossing guards: It is a very windy day. When you see a yellow light you should slow down and stop? Following an accident, you are required to submit a written report (SR 1) to the DMV within 10 days if _______________. Its actually illegal to block an intersection, even if theres no traffic. 3. Checking your rearview mirrors frequently. To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about ______________. If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV: If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries. You may legally drive: The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is: If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should: You are getting ready to make a right turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn. However, you should not go simply because the light has turned green. How do you deal with inconsiderate Neighbours parking? During rush hour traffic. This question, or a similar one, may show up on your drivers license written exam. It is much easier to stop your car as opposed to driving downhill, Indicates speed in both miles and kilometers per hour, Indicates the total number of miles your car has been driven since it was manufactured. If a driver doesnt stop when requested by police, and a person is seriously injured in the chase, the driver will be punished by _________________. Never. There are three specific instances, where blocking an intersection will not only land you a ticket and possibly put other's lives at risk, but could also be grounds for imprisonment. Usually, these problems can be sorted out with a few carefully chosen polite words. 0 votes. Keep your eyes moving to look for possible hazards. 8. Blocking an intersection leads to a quote. You just sold your vehicle. They should slow down and: If a driver blocks traffic, it is not only irritating, but also illegal. A car approaching from the opposite direction has a turn signal on. Set the parking break and leave the vehicle in park. You may cross a double, yellow line to pass another vehicle, if the yellow line next to: 9. 2. When you are within 200 feet of a cross street where you plan to turn right. You may legally block an intersection: a. Is it OK to park in front of someones house? An intersection cannot be blocked legally under any circumstances. You must obey instructions from school crossing guards: 1. Tell the pedestrian when to cross the street 3. You may legally block an intersection when: It is never legal to block an intersection. But dont worry, if you get caught, the penalty is pretty minor. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Are used to outline and separate the outside edge of the pavement from the shoulder. You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. The answer is: B. When you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should ___________. At intersections, pedestrian crossings, and crossings, you should always: Often, when a driver or pedestrian blocks traffic, it`s because a car (or person) is somewhere where he or she shouldn`t be. By Driversharmony | Updated: Apr 20, 2023. You may legally block an intersection ___________. Are you looking for the driver's license practice test? Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique. If you have received a traffic quote to block traffic in your area, contact a lawyer. to send you a reset link. You may legally block an intersection when: There is extremely heavy traffic. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website uses Google Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages. In addition, blocking the box can cause pedestrians to meander between cars if the crosswalk is compromised, reducing their visibility to other travelers. At what distance should you stop when you see active crossing devices at the railroad crossing? If any questions arise related to the information contained in the translated content, please refer to the English version. Provide examples of genetic insight that can be learned from metagenomics. ZIP Yield to all cross traffic before crossing the intersection. If traffic signal lights stop working, you must __________________. Copyright 2023 | No affiliation with any state DMV or government agency. This person may be retained or employed by a lawyer, law office, governmental or other agency to perform this work. If you are approaching an intersection and hear an emergency vehicle with a siren or lights flashing, you should not stop in the intersection either. . If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. a.CH3CH(Cl)CH2CH3b.CH3CH2CH(OH)CH2OHc.CH3SCH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH\mathrm { a } . Crossing the intersection, enter the two-way street to the right of the midline, but as close to the center line as possible. install the Google Toolbar (opens in new window) . Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique. You can frustrate other drivers and make them angry. You should slow down and: 5. With a Class C driver's license, a person may drive ___________. You entered on a green light. A circular green signal means go, but left turning traffic is unprotected and must yield the right of way to oncoming traffic.. WILLMAR A 26-year-old suspect was arrested on suspicion of drugs and impaired driving after a traffic stop at 8:57 p.m. Saturday near the intersection of Highway 12 East and 13th . 8. During rush hour traffic. Mistakes To Avoid Before Selling Homemade Candles & US Laws, What Is Gte Technology? You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you: 3. When involved in a collision you must exchange the following information with other people involved: drivers license, vehicle registration card, proof of insurance, and _________. The speed limit is: When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street. If it starts to rain on a hot day, the road is most slippery: for the first few minutes. Who of the following can overrule a traffic signal? If there are other vehicles in the intersection at the time your signal turns green, wait until you are free before continuing. Wondering if you need auto insurance coverage. What is the definition of defensive driving? Look up the status of an active OL permit holder. In fact, in some states, operating a motor vehicle while drowsy can constitute a felony, depending on the circumstances of an accident and whether a fatality occurred. Tells you of an approaching railroad crossing. Turned to the right (away from the street). Prepare for your written test with questions like this and more with free DMV practice tests from You are entering a roundabout with multiple lanes, and you need to turn left at the intersection. Vehicles or bicycles entering or exiting the roundabout must give way to all traffic, including pedestrians: an emergency vehicle using lights and a siren or air horn can be unpredictable. Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart: 4. If you do not have enough space on the other side to clear the intersection completely, do not proceed. 2. Stop at the intersection and then proceed when it is safe. Drive slowly to avoid sudden turns or stops. Do not retaliate by blocking their drive, parking outside their property or in their space. Approach the junction of the right half of the roadway closest to the center. Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects your ability to wake and sleep. Under no circumstances. Often when a driver or pedestrian is blocking traffic, it is because a car (or person) is somewhere it (or he or she) shouldn't be. 2. Although laws vary from state to state and municipality to municipality, blocking traffic in the following ways is likely to be a violation of highway laws. What is the most appropriate thing to do if you've stopped at an intersection with a red traffic signal and an emergency vehicle with flashing red lights is behind you? When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street. However, while it is not illegal to park in front of someone elses house, it is certainly inconsiderate. after it has been raining for a few hours. They usually have white letters on a green background to provide directional and mileage information to specific destinations. Which state has highest speed limit? You are driving on a one-way street. You may legally block an intersection when: Question 26 When the light is red, you may make a left turn if: Question 27 You may cross solid yellow lines: Question 28 Driving off the paved roadway to pass another vehicle is allowed when: Question 29 You park your car on the side of the road. Privacy Policy and Unless prohibited by a sign, you may legally make a U-turn ________________. You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions. Learn more about this answer below. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. Set the parking brake. The only way to ensure you have safely checked your blind spot is to: Turn your head and look over your shoulder.
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