I always love playing with you. - Why do you think that? The machine tells them to chose from easy, normal or hard. - I wish you good luck, bro. You couldn't hear amps, screams, or fighting, you weren't likely to step in a ditched diaper, get hit with a rogue soccer ball, or get a pie to the face. -Attention.-Lucy called to her siblings, while Luna and Leni stood behind her.-We would like to perform a little song for you. - Lincoln suggested. -I don't have a roommate, and the science committee is meeting me in 15 minutes, to consider granting me entry into said committee.-Lisa answered.-My lab is a mess though and I have to clean it all by myself. He checks Luna and Luan's room, only to see they aren't there. - Lincoln said laughing. [The brothers make fun of Lincoln.] Loving this new dimension, Lincoln decides to stay in it forever, and proceeds to toss the watch away. That night, Lisa, who took what Lincoln said into consideration, has made a watch that can open a portal that will transport Lincoln into the world of his dreams. - Lori complained. Oh, and.I know this must be a bewildering situation to be dropped into. ? The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, and 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr. ,Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. - Lucy, what's with you? - Lana said confused - Come, little bro. Once you mistook Lori's bed with mine, she was mad at for this. - Babies need to sleep to grow properly. - You still have me. Everyone was dissatisfied with their failed first impression. - Leni, we already are 11. This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. The sisters are unable to hear what's going on in there when Lincoln runs out looking terrified. ["Holy moly!"] You yelled a lot on Lincoln when he was a baby. In middle of summer the 12th Loud sibling was about to be born. Luna changes it back to the correct station. - No, they don't. Lincoln walks into Lori and Leni's room to see Lori on the phone and Leni using her sewing machine designing a dress. - Lori yelled, opening door to Lincoln's room in company of the other sisters. Having now beco. LUCY'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. - I was happy as the youngest sibling once. -Why'd he want to leave in the first place? -You have to!-Lincoln said.-Come on, it'll be fun! - Did you just say "Okay, Lincoln"?! - I thought there was a mirror back then. - Luan commented laughing - Get it? - I do remember. The Loud House (Cartoon), The Stanley Parable, Steven Universe (Cartoon), The Amazing World of Gumball, Bendy and the Ink Machine, The silent age. - Lynn commented - I hope he didn't inherit your non-sense of humor. - Leni commented - Now you know. -3 years of my poetry, I wrote my soul into that book.-Lucy lamented. Do you think I have easier? Why doesn't he? While Luan was continuing to entertain her baby siblings Lucy and Lincoln began reading manga Fullmetal Alchemist. Don't worry I still love you. - Do you care more for a plushy or happiness of our brother? - You have more of them, Lily. -I wish you didn't exist!-Luna screamed.-Then I would have gotten the best years of my life! He heads downstairs and sees them looking at family photos. -No you didn't!-Lincoln said putting Lily down. - I spoke about it with her. - He's still young, he will change his bad habits. About a week after Lincoln vanished, the girls are still all droopy and depressed. - I see you already love your brother. - Leni said - Scissors are sharp, you could get hurt. !-Luna commented angry.-When you asked me to hang out with you, I thought we'd be doing something we both enjoy! The parents were overjoyed but Rita felt tired and went sleep. by xXZexyZaneXx 27.7K 298 16 - Please, be gentle to him. -Oh Lily, I wish I was like you on multiple occasions.-Lisa told her.-You fall asleep without a care in your tiny baby brain. - I have same feeling I had during your birth, bro. - Leni answered and all made a facepalm, - We start counting from one not zero. She grabbed him and took him to her room. Linka . - Leo stopped crying after Leni hugged him again, - Now I'll finish your pijama. -Never mind that.-Lincoln told them.-All you need to know is mom and dad are gone for the week. Luan walked up to the front door of the haunted house where Lincoln was, grabbed his hand tightly and walked into the house, they walked a few feet when a "ghost" fell from the ceiling, it startled them but they kept walking. - I enjoyed your theatre but Leo is a boy so he needs to play with tomboys. -That's cool.-Lynn replied.-Wanna play a quick game of football in the front yard? Lucy made a scary shadow of bat much to Leo's fear. ? - Lana yelled - Leo, please don't cry. - Lynn asked rethorically, - We were quiet. However, Luke's method of "cleaning" involves him using Lincoln's head to scrub the toilet. - Take him out of here, twerp. - Lincoln approached his baby sister - I know how it is to be the youngest no more. -I put it on.-Lincoln answered.-There was some boring guy just speaking on the rock station. - Leo is so tiny and so adorable. Lincoln felt big sadness and pain in heart hearing this. I thought boy and tomboy can get on well with each other. - All siblings reacted on hearing this except Lily who was jealous, - I'm Lucy, I hope we'll be friends. -Yep, never been quieter.-Lisa continued.-This one might not even blow up. ? Lincoln types LL & LL into the game and presses enter. - Rita greeted her older son, - We decided that Leo will sleep with you this night. - Lisa said, opening her room, - Waah! He tries to drink the water. After his sisters leave, Lincoln tells the viewers that he loves his sisters for who they are and is glad that they are nothing like his brothers. - Sorry, it wasn't intentional. - Finally. - Lori yelled. He thought nobody is around so he made a really sad face and fell on knees. Credit to Harburton81 for the title. Lincoln returns upstairs with a triumphant look on his face and two water bottles in his hand. - Luna covered Leo's ears - He'll get rid of your odor. Lincoln tricks his brothers into dog-piling on Dad again and uses that distraction to take the watch back. -Oh Leni, how have you fallen asleep after what happened today?-Lori asked.-Lincoln I'm sorry. Luna went to her room, leaving Lincoln alone and again sang lullaby for Leo. - Rita replied. Lincoln catched Lucy and tried to talk with her. - Luna said and left her room. - Lucy said smiling and showing herself to Leo, - What are you waiting for? - Lincoln complained. - I'm, I just heard what you sang for him. -And all our family got to be in the photo!-Luna said happily. - Lincoln said - No wonder she loses temper. It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. -Hey, mom and dad are gone for the week and wanted me to tell you that they'd be gone.-Lincoln said to them. His name is Leopold. - Lucy said sadly, - Now that you're all gathered I have important news to announce. - Hihi-haha. - Lori said - Can you take him? - Lucy commented - I guess I'll have to wear headband when I'm near Leo. Lincoln attempts to use the bathroom, but it's revealed to be a pigsty to his horror. - Our newborn is napping no more. However, Lynn comes back, and pulls down Lincoln's pants, causing him to annoyingly declare her the exception. - Leni commented - Why not give him a chocolate? However, his hair is cut shorter and is parted at his forehead. - Take him already! An Official Summer Read of Publishers Weekly and The Interrobang A 2018 Goodreads Choice Award Finalist "[Hope Never Dies is] a roughly 300-page work of political fanfiction, an escapist fantasy that will likely appeal to liberals pining for the previous administration, longing for the Obama-Biden team to emerge from political retirement as action heroes. - Hypocrite, you yell at me. The elder sister looks back on how it happened - Lincoln kissed sleeping Leo in forehead. - Lynn Sr, commented - Shame I didn't record it. - Lynn Jr. said smiling to Leo, - Just remember he's fragile so be sure you won't hurt him. - Shhh! - Luna said - Leo will have his very first bath. - Now you tell a joke. LUAN'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. - Lily took pacifer from Leo's mouth and put it in hers, - Mine! - Lori, take care of your boyfriend! - Lana said - This one is Izzy and that's El Diablo and - Don't be afraid. - Lucy suggested. -Lincoln, I would trade everything I owned, just to give you a hug, just to see you again for a split second.-Luna said to somebody that wasn't there. Luna filled the local sink with hot water. - Lincoln said - I wish you were like me so we could play together. -What if he removed himself from your tracking app!-Lucy said sounding just as scared as everyone else. - Aah. - Lincoln said - You're not alone with this problem. This is also the first episode in which someone calls Lincoln "Stinkin'. - Do you know how much he reminds me of you? - Lincoln said. - Lincoln commented. - Lana said - You are six years older than Leo and so is Lori six years older than Linc. Lincoln's face drooped down as his eyes began to water up. Meanwhile in Lola and Lana's room, they have gone a full 12 hrs. - You want a spit bond? - Lynn commented - I will make him a sportperson I tried to make you until you refused. Hut!" - I was happy when you came as my first son. - Lola yelled - I didn't invite any of you. - Lynn Sr. whispered. - Lisa, please don't do this again. -You don't think he'syou know.-Lori said with noticeable worry in her voice. - Hey, big sis, what happened? - Lucy said. - She just loves playing with you and doesn't know her own strength. -Can we talk?-Lincoln asked.-I've had a terrible day. - Lincoln explained, - Replay this again, please. Loud House Fanfiction - Second Loud Brother Add to Favourites By FirstDrellSpectre Published: Jun 22, 2018 55 Favourites 12 Comments 31.1K Views --Prologue-- It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. Lincoln's alarm clock goes off waking him up. "Sorry buddy, now please step father away from the house, Thanks." Lynn Sr said, as the family agreed and went back into the house. Leo woke up in her arms and was completelly confused. You stopped crying when Luna took you and sang for you. Lincoln graduated to middle school, Luan to high school and Lori to Detroid University but how they celebrated it is another story. - Lucy put pacifer into Leo's mouth - Look, he's calmed down. - Lisa asked, - Yes. - Did I just hear two cryings? -Hey Lynn!-Lincoln said to her in his dream.-Hey Lucy! - Glad to hear it. - Rita commented. - I don't understand their laziness. They won't hurt you. - Lincoln explained - Touch it and say "Hello". - Lincoln asked rethorically - I want to record your very first words and keep them. - I'll do my best to be the best brother for you, Leo. Lane (Luan) pulls Lincoln's pants up to his chest, and messes with his hair, annoying him even more. - Please, let me burb him. - I'm glad my audience enjoyed this. Linka: Uh oh. -Seeing as you already woke me up, come on in.-Lincoln answered. The two walk inside the arcade, and Lincoln takes Luna over to a dance game. - Right, with more siblings she has more responsibilities. Luan performed shadow puppetery to take the babies' attention. He would subtly turn his head away and collect himself, and the Potter's would glance away if they noticed. - All siblings said with sarcastic tone, - Your mom will give life to your another sibling. I hope you'll be as lovable brother as him. - Lucy, it's your turn. I wanted to be with you so much I competed for you with the other sisters. I'll make sure you will be as fascinated with sport as me. -Woah!-Luna commented.-Just Don't Not Dance, I used to play this game all the time. ? She enjoyed it but Leo cried. - Take care of him. - I wanted to give him my robot. Then when the sisters leave the room, she has her tiara on. Haha. Today was Friday school was out and the weekend was about to start, usually, he would be in his room reading his patent Ace Savvy comics in his underwear by now but today was a special Friday. You just said my name! Lori overslept on Saturday morning and Lincoln comes in to wake her up. Irida: I'll meet you in the Cobalt Coastlands. -Hey Lincoln.-Lana said.-What's going on? - Leni asked, - I don't have time nor desire. - Leni commented smiling - We'll be Loud 11. -LLLLLIIIIISSSSSAAAAA!-Lincoln made sure to be extra loud. -Every time I tried to talk to our sisters,I messed up something and they got mad.-Lincoln answered. - What am I doing wrong? - What a lovely little boy. - Say "hello" to your younger sibling. - Lynn yelled angry - I am his guardian! - Lincoln asked, - Can I join? - Hello, can I play with my brother now? [8] -In a family as big as mine, you can't go a single day without anyone being mad at each other.-Lincoln told the audience.-In fact, it's average to have about six of us mad at each other a day! - Just let the artist work. - Lana explained, - You dare to compare me to Lori and now you tell me what to do? Rita (Original): Hey, girls! -You couldn't have!-Luan exclaimed.-Right?! - Lucy commented, - Wanna read manga with me? - You're still my bro, Lincoln. - Rita replied - Because you gave him comics to read he became quite lazy. I said some stuff last night, and in the heat of the moment, I said the wrong stuff, please forgive me, wherever you are. Lynn is the only sister whose male counterpart shares the same name as her, as Lynn is a unisex name (although it is more common as a girl's name). - Somehow sharing pain with someone else doesn't make me feel better. - So what are we going to do now? Luan entered her room and smiled on sight of Luna sleeping with Leo on her chest in Luan's bed. - Luan said to Leo - Hey, wanna see funny faces again? !-Lincoln asked.-There's only one trophy in there, so why is it so hard to find?! Suddenly, the sisters (who are now boys) exit their rooms. ? - Lincoln said - He's smaller, toothless and has a single strand hair. - Don't you see we're playing? Let's make a blood bond. ( We open on close up on a flower in the middle of a front yard and behind it is the Loud House. Now! - Lynn Sr. said and gave Leo to Lynn Jr.'s arms, - You will have a lot of fun with your cool sister. - I told you to not enter my room! - Lincoln said - I just realized we two are the quietest in our big loud family. - Maybe this will help. -You don't have to be scared anymore girls.-Lincoln told them.-Here you go. Lynn Sr. came to them to calm them down by whistling and it was successful. - Lynn played with Lana in Danish Over. Lincoln: (voice-over )Hello, my name is Lincoln Loud. -Lincoln!-Luan yelled.-I have had this squirt flower for as long as I can remember! - Lincoln asked - I just heard she sang same lullaby for Leo. - I wish to be a fashion designer. - She keeps telling me it's stressful to be the oldest sister and I believe her. Super Smash Brothers (1) The Really Loud House (TV 2022) (1) Exclude Characters Linka Loud (33) Lynn Loud Jr. (11) Loki Loud (11) Lincoln Loud (10) Lane . - Ugh. -That boring guy has the power to send me on a tour with Mick Swagger!-Luna said. - Lincoln suggested - Maybe he'll calm down if I show him my toys. The poor girl couldn't hear her comedian of a brother because her ears were still ringing. -I'm sorry Luna please don't hurt me!-Lincoln said looking away. Later a "werewolf" howled at them, but they didn't even notice, and they kept walking forward. - Lincoln asked annoyed. - Leo giggled when Leni was measuring him. - Lynn should have heard this. -Wrong.-Luna answered still with a guilty tone. -Just get out of here you big screw-up!-Lori and Leni tell him furiously. - I'm in good mood so I won't mind you spooking me this time. -It's just not as fun anymore.-Lynn said sadly.-Can we just go to bed? Waking up to the usual chaos done by his sisters, and enjoying his life being their brother. Later, while getting ready for a date with Ronnie Anne, Lincoln sees Leif and Lexx (Lana and Lola) wearing his shirts. - Lynn Sr. said - Now if you excuse me, I have to focus my attention on your mom. - Rita said - Because his zodiac is Leo we call him Leopold. - He seems to have very strong senses. -See!-Lincoln told her from the bleachers.-I knew you were gonna make it! -I'm Lincoln!-Lincoln told her.-Not just some invisible force! - Rita asked after taking her baby son away from her breast. All except for Lincoln and Lucy who were sitting in their rooms and reading comic book and poetry dairy respectively. - Why does he live alone? The next day, Lincoln is woken up from Lars' bat colony and receives two horrible punches: one from Lynn (for waking him up) and one from Lars (for scratching his coffin). -But we think there's a monster downstairs.-Lana continued. A loud explosion goes off causing Lily to wake up and cry, while Lisa gives Lincoln a mad look. Unlike his sisters, who while they can be harsh to Lincoln at times, but still care deeply about him, his brothers are all even worse and do not seem to show any sort of love or concern towards Lincoln and are only nice when they're having fun. - This sight will never stop to be adorable. No one knew what exactly Luna said to Lincoln that night, but all they knew was that it was enough to get Lincoln to run out of the room with a look of terror on his face, and like them, she would take her words back in an instant. - Lincoln commented crying. - Lincoln rubbed Leo and took him, - Bah! - Here you are. - Luna commented, crying - And he has same hair colour as mine. She lowered her head in disappointment. -That one is from the year Lynn was born.-Luna said. -Woah.-Lisa whispered.-I seemed to have given the power of levitation to my baby sister. Descent into Madness. - Poor, naive Leni. Why is Leo crying? Lincoln finally loses it and runs to the trophy case to prove he still exists. It hurts! - Lucy took hair from her eyes, - Oh, hahaha. - Lincoln said - I promised to hang out with you to avoid this. - Me too, it was more tolerable than her jokes. I trust my intentions are clear by now. -Do you think Lincoln is still somewhere?-Lynn asked.-And if so, do you think he's alright? -I should've never said that to him.-Luna muttered under her breath. - You grow fast. -We're thirsty and we want some water from downstairs.-Lola answered. - Lincoln suggested and then got sad - Luan used to entertain me by her small theatre when I was little. Lincoln is ecstatic at this and to his surprise, they all want to go to Dairyland (with the brothers saying that it was Lincoln's idea). ["Pile on Romeo!"] Lynn opens the door and sees the empty room and empty bed. Although being casted in the credits, Leon has no lines in this episode either, but he was listed in the credits because he was heard crying off-screen. Mom and dad focused most of their attention on her. - What? -You could have just said you didn't want to play!-Lynn said getting red with fury.-You didn't have to pop my lucky football! - Lincoln replied - We can read this manga further. - Normally I would accept it but I want to form a strong bond with my only brother. After all you were born yesterday. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln grabed Lily to his room. - We'll teach her proper speach. Loud house ( 2 boy +10 girls+ 1 alien) 16 pages June 24, 2021 Yuu Adventure Fantasy Fanfiction Loud House Lonard Loud is a young inventor of the family. Don't blame me for being smart enough to plan recording things that happen only once. horror and fantasy. -Yeah!-Lincoln exclaimed.-I agree with all of you! - What is happening, baby bro? - Lincoln yelled, - Win-con wove Weo mo-we dan Wi-Wy. -Woah!-Lori exclaimed.-Leni, some unseen force just opened the door! - Lynn Sr. said allowing Lincoln to enter his room and glare at Leopold. [The bathroom is filthy.] Lincoln and Clyde are looking through the fridge for something to eat. - Lincoln said - Lucy, please help me. He picked his pj colour. - Lisa commented - Probability of the baby to be a boy was 50/50. -Ooh!-The 13 year old Leni squealed.-The new limited edition Floral Pumps, and this is the last pair! - From today I will entertain both of you. However, the brothers mysteriously have looks of concern on their faces and are asking him if he's okay. - He was born yesterday so we didn't form a bond yet. Both of them were fascinated. loud house fanfiction lost brother 28 April 2023 (It then cuts back to The Loud House as Leni was coming back home humming to her own theme song, she then hears crying and walks up the stairs, she only hears Luna who was crying on her own bed, she knocks on the door), (She opens the door to see what was wrong with Luna), Leni: Is it a fashion emergency? - Lucy gave Leo Bun-Bun. Lincoln still has 3 sisters to tell, so he went to Lisa's room. - Lincoln asked, - You can, son, but keep quiet. - Lisa sleeps quite few because she is focused on her experiments. The other sisters, still miffed about earlier, chime in with agreement. Rita took Leopold to her room. -Hey Lis!-Lincoln said barely sticking his head through the door.-Mom and dad left for the week! - I did and it was funny. Lana:[kisses her and belches] Bye, Dad! -Ooh!-Luan said.-Look, mom and dad framed the picture we took yesterday. Why didn't he inherit more sporty nature like Lynn Jr? - Lincoln said to Lily - You don't have to be worried about making any noise. -Get out of here you foolish human!-Lisa commanded. -Yeah Luna, you seem more distraught over this than anyone else.-Lola added. Get out you brat! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. -What do you want me to do at 1:30 a.m.?-Lincoln asked. - What are you saying, silly? - This mine. -And my last words to him where that I wished he didn't exist!-Luna continued.-I feel like the worst sister ever. When they walk out of the house they see the other five girls with looks of terror on their faces. - Lincoln explained sadly - I feel he doesn't love me. Can you let me hold him? - Lincoln protested - Alright. - I'll make a pj for you. - Two crying babies are too much. LUNA'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE IS STILL LOOKING AT HER PHONE. - Luna asked, - He's just hungry. Lana reached Lynn's room and woke her up. -Lincoln!-Leni complained angrily.-I have been working on that dress for forever, and you just ruined it! - Leni asked - He's playful. - Luna replied smiling, - To-together? I wanted to play with you but every time I took you from Luna you cried and Luna had to sing for you a lullaby. Luna's voice actress did not work in this episode (although the Polish and Italian voice actors did), but Lucy's voice actress did already work in it due to voicing Lynn and their gender-swapped counterparts (although not for the Brazilian Portuguese dub). - Lincoln and the older sisters said in unison - Hey, I want to do this. - He-wo-ow. - Lincoln replied - I waited 12 years for him. - Leni commented - You were so identical then. I just hope that whatever part of the spacey thingy you've been wished into, you can hear this. When Lincoln came out of the portal after leaving the brother dimension, his silhouette shows that he has his normal hairstyle instead of his Linka hairstyle. - Surprise Lincoln! The bus drives off, and the girls wake up a few hours later. - I know but he hangs out with Lucy. -Well what is represented by this map? - Do you remember when she came to us? - I'll try. - Lincoln commented. -Hooray!-Lucy said.-My first haunted house! - That makes two of us the middle child. -What name should we use to program the score into the game? - Have you always wanted a son? Completed lynnloud loud nslaftermath +17 more # 10 The Loudest Of Them All - (Discont. Lincoln tries to convince Leon (Lily) to kiss his "boo-boo" to make it better, but instead responds by biting it, making the brothers laugh even harder. - Of course. [Lincoln prepares to go to the alternate dimension.] - He complained she gives him rough time. - Lincoln took his plushy from Leo's mouth. -Luan, you have nothing to worry about.-Lincoln said in a comforting voice.-If you want I'll walk through it with you! He just needed a tender and gentle hug. A sister breaking the pact in a need to make her brother happy. - Luan said. - The water can't be too hot nor too cold. - Leni commented - I envied Luna this idea because thanks to this Lincoln wanted to hang out with her over me. Suddenly Bobby ringed the house, waking Leo up. - Lisa explained, - Then why people say "Start from zero"? - Lynn said entering her room, - Sigh. - Lisa commented - My experiments often explode due to chemical reactions of synthesis, decomposition and replacements of both kinds. - Lori said - The last thing Leo needs to see is this corpse. - Sure, after all the couch is softer than your bed. - Lincoln said, - Yes. Lynn is competing in a basketball game with a tie game, when an opponent trips her hurting her knee. [Transition to Lincoln in bed.] -If we cry while playing this, it isn't for show. -But I didn't-Lincoln said before they interrupted him. - After listening to your tellings I want to be even closer. - No, I'm your younger sister who just doesn't want to feel lonely. -Lincoln?-Luna asked holding a dollar.-There's only one level higher in the game. Lincoln falls through the portal and into a dimension that he believes is his original world. - Please, don't cry. - Luna gave Leo to Luan, - Hey, Luna! -Fine.-Luna told them.-I told him he ruined what could've been the best year of my life, and that he was a terrible brother. Luna and Leni finished, but the girls were too upset to applaud. Angst. - Rita replied - They became too different from her after you introduced him comics. - I will love our newest family member as much as I love all of you. - Lincoln replied - I just made this memory ethernal. -Alright!-Lincoln yelled.-You can take your blindfold off! Causing Lincoln to turn and look at her. - Luna, I do remember. He appeared and changed us all.- Lincoln commented - Lucy and I are middle children now and we made hair bond. I'm sorry, Linka. - Win-con, I wove you. - Luna asked opening bathroom door - I thought you're happy from finally having a brother. Pop Punk-Doug Rockwell[Ending.]. When Lincoln asked Clyde if he was imagining Lori on the beach again, there was a jar in the fridge that was labeled "DO NOT OPEN - LISA". Another annoying sibling to look after. - I thought you were going to Detroid. More Lincoln heardmore regretful he felt . - No, I love both of you. - I don't understand. - I will show you my room. - Lucy asked annoyed, - So be it. It's Halloween, and the kids are heading into a haunted house, with the exception of the twins and Lisa. - Lynn Sr. said, - Mom, dad, that's the best day of my life. - Lynn commented. Almost like my favorite colour. - Lincoln asked. - Lisa appeared behind Lana spooking her. - Leni said - Leo also will love you. Leni took Leo to her room and put him on her bed. They starts smothering her with kisses.] -Well considering as science hasn't debunked this rumour.-Lisa said.-And he isn't anywhere in my tracking system, there's a good chance that happened. He joined his family at the living room. Is that all you said? - Leni said embarassed, - Did you count starting from zero? - Lori joined - Mom did her best to calm Leo down. - Lynn asked. A Brother's Duty. - Lucy commented hugging Lincoln- Maybe because you are most tolerant. - Seriously? -Guys it's me Lincoln!-Lincoln exclaimed. - Lori explained - I already love him. - Lincoln hugged Lily back. Suddenly Lucy ran from room crying. - Luna told me this once. Lincoln starts to leave the room when he stands on a ball and rolls into Lana's lizard habit, setting them free.
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