Fill in the correct term for the following sequence: Macromolecules, organelles, cells, tissues, ____, organ systems, organism. The autonomic nervous system is a neural pathway in the peripheral nervous system. Where are Pacinian corpuscles most abundant in the skin? Which branch of medicine examines tissues for disease? Name the smallest unit of an organism that can carry out all the functions of life. The depolarisation continues until a threshold is reached, which triggers a generator potential to be produced. Who is known as the father of the theory of natural selection? For instance, your body temperature needs to be kept relatively close to 98.6, Living organisms undergo regulated growth. An aggregation of cells and extracellular materials, which perform a discrete function, is known as a(n) ??? Understanding how the human body functions by examining how other species function is _____. In fact, the statue is made of rock so its only resemblance to life is how it appears. When animals eat or plants take in sunlight, they interact with their environment, exchanging matter and energy. A single virus particle is known as a virion, and is made up of a set of genes bundled within a protective protein shell called a capsid. Name the general process of eliminating metabolic waste products from the body: The process of carefully separating tissues to reveal anatomical relationships. Body has the ability to detect change, activate mechanisms that oppose it, and maintain relatively stable internal conditions, Without the expenditure of energy, the net movement of solutes in a physiological gradient will always be from a region of _________ concentration to a region of _______, respiratory, lymphatic, and blood vessels. Life depends on an enormous number of interlocking chemical reactions. Direct link to City Face's post Viruses can hijack our ce, Posted 4 years ago. Detects pressure changes. Effector organs produce a response to the stimulus. In what layer of the skin do we find Pacinian corpuscles? Single complete individual capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development and maintenance of homeostasis. The part of the brain stem that controls the influence of the autonomic nervous system on the heart rate is called the medulla oblongata. What do sensory reception and sensory perception mean? There are five groups of unicellular organisms: In the "Is this the definitive list?" The _____ is a process by which an educated guess is capable of being tested and may be proven false by experimentation. Performing a physical examination by listening to sounds in the body Who improved the microscope and was the first to observe and describe cells? All living things are capable of reproduction. What describes the integration center of a feedback mechanism? The field that focuses on bodily structures that can be observed without magnification is called ___ anatomy. Devised in the late 1800s. They keep things relatively stable on the inside regardless of the conditions around them. They are found mainly in the peripheral parts of the retina. Create and find flashcards in record time. This stimulus is received by nociceptors (pain receptors) on our skin that signal towards possible threats. What receptors are important in helping us with our sense of touch? Single complete individual capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development and maintenance of homeostasis . Most medical terminology comes from the ____ and Greek languages. -consistent with what is already known. taking a pulse by feeling the radial artery is an example, The branch of medicine concerned with imaging, The field that focuses on bodily structures that can be observed without magnification is called ____ anatomy. Still others might emphasize that life is carbon-based. growth. This heat balance allows us to maintain a constant temperature independently. Though viruses themselves contain no DNA and are technically not alive, they can re-engineer our cells to help them proliferate. What is an increase in the size of a cell or organism called? Devised in 1998. (a) Calculate the electric field at a point 0.100 mm above the center of the sheet. External stimuli are changes in environmental factors, meaning external conditions to the organism that can affect its function. what is testable, falsifiable, and consistent with what is already known? This means that each receptor is specialised to only respond to one certain type of stimulus. The structure that encloses a cell and controls the traffic of molecules in and out of the cell is the ______ membrane. Individual cells become larger in size, and multicellular organisms accumulate many cells through cell division. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Learn. In plants, these reactions happen through chemical systems like plant hormones. How would you define life? What is a microscopic structure in a cell that carries out individual functions called? Identify your study strength and weaknesses. If antibiotics can't kill viruses, then how do you kill them? Most people have an intuitive understanding of what it means for something to be alive. What is an explanatory statement or set of statements, that concisely summarizes the state of knowledge of a phenomenon and provides direction for further study called? All living organisms are made up of one or more. All mammals, including humans, can generate heat and have negative feedback loops that allow heat retention in cold environments and heat loss in hot environments. What are the two types of photoreceptors? Which of the following studies how the human body functions by examining how other species function? Living organisms have many different properties related to being alive, and it can be hard to decide on the exact set that best defines life. Who was the anatomist that taught anatomy to medical students using cadavers in the 1500s? For example, a human infant has changed dramatically in size by the time it reaches adulthood, as is apparent from the image below. Growth is an increase in size that occurs when there is a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. section, if the offspring of a female horse and a male donkey is a mule, what is the offspring of a stallion and female donkey? What does the term 'dissection' refer to? Some of the genes code for proteins needed to build new viruses, suggesting that these giant viruses may be able or were once able to reproduce without a host cell. All organisms with appropriate receptors can respond to stimuli. Aside from the skin, where else are Pacinian corpuscles usually found, and what is the function of them here? What happens to the nerve during the refractory period? A single complete individual capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, and maintenance of homeostasis is termed a(an . It's the process that allows a rabbit to run when it sees a fox, and also allows wounds to seal through coagulation so that we don't bleed out when we cut ourselves. What's the function of the sinoatrial node? Sweat production increased evaporation from the skin in the form of sweat helps to increase heat loss. A response to a stimulus is any change in the state or activity of a cell or an organism in response to an external or internal signal or substance (the stimulus). An example of a well-designed experiment would have a(n) ______ group, which would receive a placebo, and a(n) ______ group, which would receive the intervention (i.e. For these reasons, viruses are not generally considered to be alive. Microanatomy,organelles (nuclei), sperm, developing embryos, protozoans, Made final discoveryShowed DNA molecule as a double helix with two strands wound around each other. Responses are often corrective actions that counteract change restoring balance in the case of the homeostatic negative feedback loops. Which describes what is meant by percussion? Image on the retina: This part of the perception process involves light passing through the cornea and . This process can elicit a significant behavioural response once the central nervous system determines if the threat presents a true danger to survival or physical integrity. Rod cells because many rods are joined to a singular neurone, so summation can occur. Can you think of exceptions or special cases that arent covered by the list? StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. In sexual reproduction, two parent organisms produce sperm and egg cells containing half of their genetic information, and these cells fuse to form a new individual with a full genetic set. A square insulating sheet 80.0 cm on a side is held horizontally. You are alive, and so am I. The three divisions of the autonomic nervous system are sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric. The structure that encloses a cell and controls the traffic of molecules in and out of the cell is the ____ membrane. Layers of connective tissue separated by a gel. Identify seven traits that most scientists agree are shared by all living things. What is the study of how different species have solved physiological problems of life called? Direct link to patricia.quintero's post If viruses are not consid, Posted 7 years ago. Each type of cell in the body has a specialized structure and function. Different stimuli are detected by different receptors spread across the organism. Blood coagulation happens through a positive feedback loop that makes sure we dont bleed out when we cut ourselves, and our blood vessels walls open. You've probably seen this famous statue created by the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. What is meant by the term stretch-mediated sodium channel? Chemoreceptors tell the medulla oblongata when blood pressure is too low or too high. Which method involves tapping the body to feel for abnormal resistance and listen to emitted sounds? . Part of a feedback mechanism that processes information, relates it to other information, and makes a decision of action. This occurs during _____ feedback. He was a philosopher who believed that not only could disease have supernatural causes, but natural causes as well. What are examples of Unicellular organisms? Effects of a subject's state of mind on their physiology are known as _____ effects. This form of metabolism is called anabolism. A single complete individual capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, and maintenance of homeostasis is termed a(n) . Sensory reception is when receptors identify changes in the internal or external environment. False - wrong spelling of "antagonistic". A ____ is the name of a substance with no significant effect on a subject's physiology but is given to a control group that thinks they are being given the treatment, The conscious or subconscious influence an experimenter may have on the interpretation of their data, -consistent with what is already known -testable and falsifiable. Stimulus-response theory developed from early conceptions of conditioning, a behavioral process whereby a response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a givenenvironmentas a result of reinforcement. These are traits that human beings share with other living things. The antibiotic has no target to attack in a virus. A single complete individual capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, and maintenance of homeostasis is termed a living. an aggregation of cells and extracellular materials, which perform a descrete function known as: Molecules may be assembled into a microscopic structure called a(n) _______ which carries out specific functions within a cell. Individuals of a population carry a variety of genes. Although nonliving things may show some of these characteristic traits, only living things show, Living things are highly organized, meaning they contain specialized, coordinated parts. For instance, people pull their hand awayfast!from a flame; many plants turn toward the sun; and unicellular organisms may migrate toward a source of nutrients or away from a noxious chemical. Receptors spread across the skin and within the body monitor internal and external temperature variation and relay the information to the hypothalamus, which acts upon any change with corrective actions once a stimulus is created. Group of organs working together for a specific function. Cells respond to stimuli using organ effectors. In the process of learning or changing behaviour, establishing new associations between stimuli and responses is fundamental. Behaviour often is a reflection of the way in which stimuli influence internal factors, such as sensation and emotion, and may be further determined by individual experiences, including early life experiences and observed experiences. Prescribing wrong dose of medication can result based on those, Refers to the internal degree of stability within the body. Opens and closes the pupil, controlling the amount of light that enters the eye. This is what causes the refractory period. How can we tell that one thing is alive and another is not? Which philosopher is credited with leading scientific inquiry along the modern path by using the scientific method? To survive, all living systems must maintain, The homeostatic balance is maintained through control mechanisms that regulate all organisms. Internal stimuli result from variations in physiological factors detected by internal receptors. Which of the following is a process by which an educated guess is capable of being tested and may be proven false by experimentation? The first person to observe living cells was a Dutch trader, Anton van Leeuwenhoek. Because of this, many definitions of life are operational definitionsthey allow us to separate living things from nonliving ones, but they dont actually pin down what life is. organization. Which of the following are the criteria for a good hypothesis? How does the ability to evolve define whether one living thing is alive? They are commonly found in joints, ligaments, and tendons. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. What is a substance with no significant effect on a subject's physiology but is given to a control group that thinks they are being given the treatment called? A physician who listening to your body is utilizing which diagnostic procedure? Name the "Galen of Islam" whose influential textbook was the leading authority in European medical schools for 500 years. Information that can be independently verified by any trained person is a ____. Left: image of a Salmonella bacterium dividing into two bacteria. Direct link to johanna.raun's post Do we know for sure that , Posted 4 years ago. Living things have multiple levels of organization. (T/F): A negative feedback system tends to strengthen or reinforce a stimulus, A cell or organ specialized to detect a stimulus. Atom, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism. They do not seem to respond to their environment, and they can reproduce only by invading and using "tools" inside host cells to produce more virions. For instance, crystals of snow are organizedthough they don't have cellsand can grow but dont meet the other criteria of life. What are the two types of metabolism described here and what are their differences? Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. Some even simpler molecules, such as self-replicating proteinslike the prions that cause mad cow diseaseand self-replicating RNA enzymes, also have some, but not all, of the properties of life. What type of equilibrium occurs when there is a set average point and conditions fluctuate around that point? One version of thestimulus-response theory suggested that the mere occurrence of a new response to a given stimulus, as when Russian physiologistIvan Pavlovs experiments showed that dogs can be conditioned to salivate in response to a ticking metronome, is in itself sufficient to strengthen the connection between the two. Organelle. A(n) _____ is any anatomical structure that is composed of at least two different tissue types, has recognizable structural boundaries, and has a discrete function different from the structures around it. In an experiment, the control group is unaltered, while the ____ group contains the variable being tested.
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