However, as I was in the Cumbria Archives Office today I went to check a reference book I knew was in there with a little about 4th Border Regiment in WW2 ('The Story of the Border Regiment' by Philip J. Shears). Attached on arrival to Poona Brigade in 6th (Poona) Divisional Area. Part of the new brigade was the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment. The regiment captured an Imperial Chinese Dragon Standard which hangs in Kendal Church, and was awarded the Dragon as a regimental badge. World War II Iraq War. But then at night, the Australian artillery returned the compliment tenfold! Over a period of a few days, an army veterinary team removed the vocal chords of the brigades mules under anaesthetic without causing much distress to the mules, which were given 10 days convalescence and seemed none the worse for their operations, which were a big success. 2/4th (Cumberland and Westmorland) Battalion Formed at Kendal in September 1914 as a home service ("second line") unit. KOSB A4/1. Alongside this, the 4th (Militia) Battalion was also disbanded in 1908. 1st Raider Battalion; 2nd Raider Battalion . We had a difficult, but frail, L. of C. back to Brigade H.Q. As an example, the three-line battalions of the 4th Borderers were numbered as the 1/4th, 2/4th, and 3/4th respectively. The officers were billeted in, and had the Officers Mess in, the school buildings, the school having been evacuated by staff and pupils. The early dawn mist gave way to brilliant unclouded weather as the tanks and infantry moved to the attack. and for reinforcement, which eventually led to the amalgamation of 4th and 9th Bn., The Border Regiment. It was also atthis time that the 'Lancastria' was hit. All volunteer battalions were renumbered to create a single sequential order. Two whole Divisions, plus many lines of communications and troops were drawn into battle with the Germans. Other ranks' cap badge, The Border Regiment, c1905, 1st Battalion, The Border Regiment, in South Africa, 1900. vessels en route by sea to Tobruk. Military Digest: Sudan evacuation a reminder of India's World War II ties Bombing and shelling here in Tobruk became the daily and nightly portion. It then participated in the Cherbourg Peninsula operation while attached to 2nd Armored Division from 19 July through 2 August 1944. In 1756, the 4th and 34th were both included in the small garrison on the island of Minorca. (d.11th June 1940) Fearon William Milburn. It then spent two years in Somaliland, before returning to Britain in 1950, where it merged with 2nd Battalion in October of that year. On the night of 19th March, the Bn. I've just looked through some of my notes and various books in French and English to refresh my memory of what went on. There were varying degrees of success. It is of interest that one of our officers, who was wounded on a night patrol, was Anthony Steele, who later became a British film star and was married to Anita Ekberg!! However, having brushed aside the customs hiccup, we were duly transported to Poona, which may be described as the epitome of the Indian Army. It deals with the experiences of the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment during World War Two. In 1857 they fought at the Relief of Lucknow. However I have been to Rennes, visited his grave and spoke to some local people. Amongst all this chaos we noticed a guard mounting of the Durham Light Infantry, complete with blancoed equipment this within a week or so of one of the bitterest battles of WW2. Raising of the Regiment. We set off up the hill to join a track running into the village. The Lancastria was sunk during the afternoon of same day. Our whole Brigade embarked on the Mauritania and so began the next phase of our travels, this time much further east. The regiment mobilized 'The South Saskatchewan Regiment, CASF' for active service on 1 September 1939. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not The Durham Light Infantry Bn. List of Royal Armoured Corps Regiments in World War II On this day in 1944 Captain D.V. The result was that, although no ground was secured by the attack, the next day the enemy had moved off westward. On the subject of the environment, I would like to make a comment here on the conditions in which the columns were operating. Intensive field training was carried out but, in addition, we enjoyed the considerable amenities of Hereford. 4 South African Infantry Battalion - Wikipedia On the retreat of the German / Italian Forces, the 4th Battalion The Border Regiment occupied the airfield of El Adem. By then, they were surrounded. As an example, the three-line battalions of the 4th Borderers were numbered as the 1/4th, 2/4th, and 3/4th respectively. I sourced a 1960 local newspaper article, in French, which gives the best account of June 1940 events in Rennes that I have so far found. (2d, 3d, and 4th Battalions ordered into active Federal service 2 May 1992 at home stations; released 9 May 1992 from active Federal service and reverted to state control) Reorganized 1 October. The HQ of the battalion was in Kendal, then in Westmorland. We spent a day or two in a transit area before being taken by guides up to the perimeter defences. at that time had no other role than a training role, we set off in motor transport and arrived at Patna on the River Ganges, where we were billeted at Patna University, which was not operating and without students. Heavy casualties resulted, with 27 killed and I had 97 wounded pass through my R.A.P. The 2nd Bn The Kings Own and the 1st Bn The Border Regt fought in the Boer War and both were present at the Relief of Ladysmith in 1900 and in the battles before the Relief. 6th Rajputana Rifles, 4th Bn. Cpl. Her ended the war of the 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment. KOSB A3/1-3. This infantry regiment was first raised in 1702. The disorders soon settled down and we returned to Ranchi, but were shortly called upon again to assist the civil power, this time at Gaya, south of Patna. had. The hotel there was situated in an elevated area above a lake with broad steps the whole way down from the hotel to the lake, which, when lighted up at night, was a lovely spectacle. L/Cpl. The result was that out of a battalion of some 950 strong, we had, in just under a year, 1,500 hospital admissions, mainly from malaria and relapses despite full anti-malaria precautions which, by and large, were rigorously carried out. Burgess. Unfortunately, this book doesn't specifically mention the train incident that your uncle lost his life. September 2003. As there is as yet so much more to learn about incident I ask perchance does your Mr Hutchinson have any knowledge of that incident? moved off at 4.55 followed by 5th Btn and arrived in bivouac at 6pm. It continued in British Army service until 1958, when it was amalgamated with The South Lancashire Regiment to form The Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Waless Volunteers). Similar to 1 SAI, 4 SAI's mechanised leaders followed the same training route all students attended the course until the Section Leaders Phase had been completed. 42 PDF version, 681.5 KB Footnotes GO 155/05. "Now little remembered, regarded and even by-passed in the history of the time, there were men who fought on in France after the main force of the B.E.F. The Battalion began the task of disarming some 2,000 Japanese and controlling the activity of dacoits on the Mokpalin and Bilin areas. 1st Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry 1st Punjab Regiment, 4th (Outram's) Bn. Thank you for your detailed reply to my query and I await any further information. So, following in the footsteps of their fathers and uncles of the Great War, the men of Cumberland and Westmorland went down to the battle alongside the Queen's Bays of the 2nd Armoured Brigade. The regiment's territorial components formed duplicate second and third line battalions. The Naga Hillmen were 100% loyal to us and never let us down. As I had always feared, I had an attack of malaria that morning, but, on taking Mepacrine, and on having my pack carried on a vehicle, I managed to march to the station and duly arrived at Bombay Docks, where we embarked on the Queen of Bermuda. After we had travelled a mile or two from the village, Major Scott said that there was a wounded NCO left in the village and would I return there with a section of ten men and try to recover him. RECORDS DOWN TO 1805. Both battalions marched many miles over the veldt during the Guerilla war that followed. public. On 23 May they were in action near Amiens. Pte. They were part of the 70th British Infantry Division]". 4th Battalion, The Border Regiment We set sail down the Bristol Channel on 21st March. It was still there two years later, when it was amalgamated with the Kings Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster) to form the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment. In 1919, 2nd Battalion moved from Italy to Ireland. No escort could be provided but all casualties evacuated by these means arrived safely at Brigade H.Q.. The relief of Tobruk, the capture of Sidi Rezegh and the capture of El Adem was thus the second defeat of the German land forces. Regimental Orders. was attached to the 4th Battalion Border Regiment, as Platoon Commander of 12th Field Company RE . left there was for a brief visit to Birmingham to participate in bomb-damage relief. On one occasion I was present in Djerablus for a conference with the Mayor of the town and a gathering of Bedouin sheikhs. The regiment also raised 13 Territorial Army and New Army battalions during the war. Copyright of content contributed to this Archive rests with the author. 4th (Westmoreland & Cumberland) Battalion, Border Regiment during the Second World War 1939-1945. BBC - WW2 People's War - 9th Border Regiment, In the Army reforms of 1881, the 4th Kings Own Royal Regt was territorially affiliated to Lancaster, and recruited in Furness and North Lancashire. 7th Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia to land in Gallipoli in April, 1915. 01 FEB 44; 21 July - 10 AUG 44 ; 01 APR 45- 22 JUN 45; 19 FEB 45; 01 FEB 44. Meanwhile, 2nd Battalion was in India on the outbreak of the war. KOSB A2/1& 2. WW2 Army Units and Sizes | World War 2 Facts The troubles at Gaya were not serious and we returned to Ranchi after two weeks. Thoroughly enjoyed it. But knowing what is there and what to ask for is not easy. Timeline of WW2 Raiders EXPLORE THE TIMELINES BELOW . In August 1945 when Japan surrendered, the 9th was stationed at Waw, west of Sittang River. troops and travelled by road and rail down through Beirut, Tyre and Sidon to Haifa, where we entrained and eventually ended up at Amyriah transit camp west of Alexandria. column from 8th Army arrived but was quickly cut off by the enemy and had to remain in Tobruk. The latter service included punitive expeditions against the tribesmen of the North-West Frontier. Please see my various contributions to this archive on the incident. The 2 Kings Own were flown into Broadway on March 10, 1944 and flew out from Myitkyina on July 26, having marched and fought over 1,100 miles behind the Japanese lines. Bn. View this object. was at the centre and in rear of the strong points and in my Regimental Aid Post, we lived in dugouts as did the rest of H.Q.. After re-training for D-Day, the battalion eventually had to wait until August 1944 to deploy to North-West Europe. 51st Field Regiment, Royal Artillery The long and illustrious history of the Second Battalion, Fourth Marines began in April of 1914 during WWI when it was activated as one of the three battalions of the Fourth Marine Regiment At the time of the merger, 1st Battalion was in India. The regiment was stationed in Egypt and Cyprus for the first half of the 1950s, moving on to West Germany in 1955 where it served with the British Army of the Rhine. This infantry regiment was created in 1881. The History of the Border Regiment - Burma Star Memorial Fund A. In the meantime, I've had a look through your postings, and also the CWGC website about their cemetery at Rennes. Passing through Kohima was like viewing a scene of Flanders in the 1914-18 War with skeletons of trees with no leaves on them. But then, on hearing that Rouen had fallen into enemy hands, Fcamp became the destination. Here, the 6th British Division was relieving the Australians who had been besieged there since the previous April and who had inflicted the very first defeat of German arms on land. Obtaining information from official sources seems to be quite difficult. War Diaries - Pegasus Archive
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