140 Soul Weather Astrology & Certification; Syl Carson, Founder. Or perhaps a tiny cloth to polish the lens?? Who Are the Zetas? - ZetaTalk The remains of the craft and one living ET, along with the bodies of his four dead . 140 28 45 [17], Zeta Reticuli has no known extrasolar planets. Light-year (abbreviated as LY ) stands for the distance that light travels in a year (at the speed of about 300,000 km/sec). (Many alien abduction stories since then have included stories brought out by hypnosis, not always under the most reputable researchers.). More will be said about this group in later chapters. 29 29, 02 18 Beta Reticulis zodiacal degree seems to be mistaken here! Phact Mesarthim In 1961 Betty Hill's abductors told her that they were from this Binary System Zeta Reticuli, it was not yet discovered by Astronomers on Earth, so, how coul. Zaniah 110 15 17 Our editor-in-chief, Dave Eicher, laughed it off until my face told him I am serious and seriously nuts.. Zeta Reticuli (Zeta Reticuli) is a main sequence star located in the constellation of Reticulum, The Net. 09 06 Copula Mintaka Yet spectroscopic studies of stars of class F4 and brighter reveal that most of them are in fact unlike our sun in a vital way they are rapidly rotating stars. Are there creatures inhabiting a planet of Zeta 2 Reticuli? Even if, as most exobiologists contend, we are highly unlikely to find advanced forms of life in such a small sample, the physical exploration of planets of other stars by beings from earth is inevitable, and the stars of this group should be among the first targets. ), Using information on the same 15 stars from the Royal Observatory catalog (Annals #5), Steggert reports that the pattern does come out differently because of the different data, and Gliese 59 shows the largest variation. Retrograde motion lessens the effect of fixed stars. the lines would link stars that would be worth visiting). The Planet Serpo exchange project traces its origins to the Famous Roswell Incident where a UFO reportedly crashed in the plains near Socorro, New Mexico, on May 31, 1947. At a declination of 62, the system is not visible from Britain's latitude of +53, so it never received a Flamsteed designation in John Flamsteed's 1712 Historia Coelestis Britannica. 230 Al Jabhah are the "hub" of exploration or, in the context of the incident, the aliens' home base. 14 58 Kaus Borealis One would also wonder what Betty, who has a master's degree in social work and is a supervisor in the New Hampshire Welfare Department, and Barney, who was on the governor of New Hampshire's Civil Rights Commission, would have to gain by a hoax? 140 Octans [Isaiah 40:26 ], 01 02 Mizar They requested the computer to put them in a position out beyond Zeta Reticuli looking toward the sun. For reasons that will soon become clear we can remove these classes of stars from our discussion and concentrate on the main sequence stars. El Nath Indeed, one M star known as Barnards Star is believed to almost certainly have at least one, and probably two or three, Jupiter-sized planets. And, in fact, icy moons could be ripe for life, as in the case of Enceladus or Europa.). 19 26 Zeta 1 Reticuli would have long ago been the focus of religions, mythology and astrology if it were in earthly skies. Sadachbia Both stars are solar analogs that have characteristics similar to those of the Sun. It is the French Rticule or Rhombe, the German Rhomboidische Netz, and the Italian Reticolo. But right now these life forms are simply fantasy we have no evidence that they are in fact possible. Admittedly this is based on our one example of intelligent life us. Corona Borealis This article chronicles how an unusual star map has led to new investigations of specific nearby stars that might harbor Earth-like planets - and possibly advanced forms of life. 15 19 And watch out for low-flying spacecraft. I was incredulous that models could be used to do an astronometric problem," Steggert says. ), What stars are left after all this pruning? Where does all this leave us? Main sequence stars are basically like the sun but differ in small, but important ways. After the sun sets on Utah's alpine mountains or red rock, the visual splendor continues in the form of star-filled night skies and a light show compliments of Mother Nature. (Friedman is rather well-known. 23 33, 01 52 [17], 1 has an intermediate level of magnetic activity in its chromosphere[22] with an erratic variability. 150 A short time later a UFO group leaks a distorted version of the story to the press and the whole, thing blows up. 19 01 Native American Pleiades Myths Alphard The fact that the pattern is less of a "good fit" using data from other sources leads Kretsch and others to wonder what new observations would do. Zosma Under an aggressive exterior, the natives have a deeply nurturing quality and have great capacities to support others. Skat Oculus Antares This means astronomers have observed variations of at least a few percent in the star's light output. 06 57 200 Alpheratz 24 14 Zubenelgenubi Canes Venatici Precession Astrology Zeta Reticuli, Latinized from Reticuli, is a wide binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. 03 53 Izar, Princeps The two stars are similar to our sun and separated by 800 billion miles. However, this was challenged, after using the much more accurate parallaxes from the Hipparcos catalogue (ESA, 1997), it was calculated that the stars actually have higher luminosities and so are shifted upwards, putting them in the main sequence. If they are farther out, they have frozen oceans and no life. In Vedic astrology, the degrees of 26 Aries to 10 Taurus are ruled by the Krittika, or Pleiades. Ascella 220 Astronomy was just a year and a half old at the time, and this story set the fledgling magazines credibility back a long way. Keeping all this in mind, Marjorie Fish constructed several three-dimensional models of the solar neighborhood in hopes of detecting the pattern in the Hill map. 14 19 29 50, 00 29 100 23 13 09 46 Only when they saw the immanent death of their species did they shock themselves out of their delusion that the mental body was superior. Roswell aliens didn't have GPS, apparently - NBC News In a book titled Alien Abduction?, however, images of several Zeta Reticulans wearing light blue clothing with silver trimming were depicted. 140 Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars, 1893. Noonan, Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, 1990. It would be a waste of exploration time if we zipped randomly from one star to another. Accepting Doles further trimming, we are left with single, non-variable stars from F8 through all the Gs to K1? The stars are gravitationally bound and located approximately 39 light years from the solar system. 130 Vega Although the Hills didn't, several people have lost their jobs after being associated with similarly unusual publicity. 220 07 32 Cetus 140 [14], The double star Reticuli is located in the western part of the small Reticulum constellation, about 25 from the constellation's border with Horologium. Fish later believed her work was in error. 8:56 PM Chiron enters Taurus. Such planets would also likely have unstable orbits. Dole believes the K2, K3, and K4 stars are also poor prospects because of their feeble energy output and consequently limited zone for suitable Earth-like planets. 01 47 Wasat Cor Caroli The viewing angle is from a point In space beyond that limit looking back toward the sun. Let's suppose we wanted to make our own map of a trip to the stars. Alwaid Marjorie Fish wrote a letter to Betty Hill dated October 7, 1972 source University of New Hampshire State archives), and she draws her Zeta Reticuli Interpretation set to Betty Hill's star map. 26 41 The mintaka starseed's astrological sign is Pisces (astrology) and Aquarius (star system origin). So what of Betty and Barney's story and Zeta Reticuli? Its something like planning a vacation trip. If the stars of a double system are far enough apart there is no real problem for planets sustaining life ( see "Planet of the Double Sun", September 1974). What does that leave us with? Checking further we find that all but two of the stars in the Fish pattern are on the table of nearby solar type stars. Is the Gliese catalog the best available data source? Once you have ordered using the PayPal button, you should have your report within 24 hours, or I will contact you. Ras Algethi Taurus 09 47 Their stellar classification is nearly identical to that of the Sun. Now we are ready to plan the trip. 21 26 Heres the thing: I used to be obsessed with UFOs. Cassiopeia 140 (Enceladus and Europa are tidally locked, but gravitational tugs keep their oceans liquid) The same principles apply to planets of small stars that would otherwise be at the right distance for moderate temperatures. 150 130 Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, @ 160 AD. #2 Pleiadian Found within the Taurus constellation, the star cluster Pleaides houses this second type of starseeds. This still leaves a few F stars, quite a few G stars, and hoards of K and M dwarfs. Such a concentration would be present if a more distant viewpoint was assumed and if both us and the alien visitors home base were to be represented. Mar 25, 1927 6:18 AM Chiron enters Taurus. Zeta Reticuli Starseeds: The Grey Ones - The Age of Ascension It would come through tiny hunts for a needle in a haystack, the distant, minute hum of a radio signal not of natural origin. In dark southern skies, the two stars can be viewed separately with the naked eye, or with a pair of binoculars. 23 28 This group of stars is a natural for exploration when we achieve interstellar flight. The two stars are known as Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli, or together as simply Zeta Reticuli. [13] Subsequently, the two stars received separate designations in the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung, which was processed between 1859 and 1903, then in the Henry Draper Catalogue, published between 1918 and 1924. But the main ingredient in a life-bearing planet is its star. The most likely possibilities seem to be: (a) the experience actually happened, or (b) some perceptive and illusory misinterpretations occurred in relationship to some real event. After familiarizing yourself with the universe at Clark Planetarium, head out to Utah's scenic places away from the lights of the city and see the expanse of the Milky Way for yourself. Using beads dangling on threads, she painstakingly recreated our stellar environment. 20 14 The Zeta Reticuli (or Ridiculi) Incident | Astronomy Magazine You need to move the planets in your horoscope forward to catch up with the positions of the stars for 2000. Perseus This radiation was attributed to emission by a debris disk with a mean temperature of 150K (123C), theorized to be orbiting the host star at a distance of 4.3AU. Its a solid truth. This debris disk interpreted as an analogy to the Kuiper belt with a semi-major axis of 100AU and a temperature of 3040 K.[28], However, observations with ALMA from October and November 2017 revealed that the structure observed by Herschel shows no common proper motion with Zeta Reticuli. In July 1965, an alien spacecraft from the Zeta Reticuli star system landed in Nevada and welcomed aboard twelve military personnel for a 10-month journey to their home planet, Serpo. 03 11 Zeta | Alien Wiki | Fandom 220 Did they visit Earth in 1961? Regulus, Phecda 200 Baten Kaitos For example, he says the data from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalog, the Royal Astronomical Society Observatory Catalog, and the Yale Catalog of Bright Stars "have differences of up to two magnitudes and differences in distance amounting to 40 percent for the star Gliese 59". But northeast is a bonanza: Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, and more.
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zeta reticuli astrology 2023