Gather the loot lying around. Accept the gold you're offered - there doesn't appear to be a downside. There's nothing really comprehensive out there just yet. Make your way across the bridge to find a shrine. Since the infantrymen can move, it synergises quite well with Gascon and Grey Rider. Return to the main path and gather some loot before inspecting the house. When you come to a fork in the road, go north. After the battle, you will find Xavier Lemmens in the remains of the city. Also the Gheso Arbalests will be quite useful here. You can prevent this if you use the Meve: Longsword weapon to restore damaged units. Ignore the path that leads west for moment and go east instead. After the battle, Hoog will not be sympathetic to your requests but Gabor will suggest ways in which you might be able to bring him round. You will also learn that Gabor was witness to the massacre of a rival clan and did nothing to prevent it. You may want to equip Meve with the Rivian Bradsword for this battle. Nilfgaardian units are trapped in cocoons with some still alive. Fortunately, you can use this to power up Eyck and/or Isbel. All three Spotter units will move up to the enemy ranged row. Your War Wagon and Regimental Drummer units are useful for boosting the Wagenburg and the strength of the Arbalest units' attacks. Alternatively, you can choose the option that boosts your forces' morale. There'll be a group of Nilfgaardian Deserters on the field. Continue east and approach the Wyvern for a puzzle battle. Grab some loot from the south of the area and approach the necrophage in the centre for a puzzle battle. Order your men to begin the hunt for the Manticore to trigger a battle. The board is is divided into alleys and Spotters. This synergises well with the Slinger units who can move enemy cards into the trap. If you wait until turn 2 before using your command ability on one of the remaining units, you can lay down a Wagenburg without Lippy simply destroying it. Its 250 HP makes that problematic. Choose to knock at the gate and you'll meet Gerwin himself. Gabor, Decoy and the Flail can destroy the gates which means that you don't need to destroy palisades with the catapult. Take advantage of another nearby loot point and go inside the fortress. Place the second Arbalest next to the other one and attack another Spotter, doing 3 HP damage. Follow the game's instructions to win the final round and the battle. You will have to choose whether to hand them over to the dwarves or allow them to leave. Read the notice board, use the recruitment post and grab any loot lying around. Slingers (preferably promoted) are just the ticket here. When all the palisades are destroyed, the Ancient Foglet will kill Meve. When the commander, who has 78 strength, appears bring out your Slingers and use Meve's Broadsword ability to start killing weaker units. He has a very high strength but loses 25% of the current total each time an enemy unit is destroyed. Not bad if you get lucky, but not great either. When you open a chest, the game autosaves. Here's a solution: You will receive the Dazhbog Runestone trinket after winning the battle. Ignore the Nilfgaardian camp to the east for the moment. If you helped Dravograd earlier, you may want to hold off talking to the group of grateful citizens. So if you play an Arbalest card in a row with six cards, you'll do a sizeable 7 damage to an enemy unit. Keeping them in place will give Gabor a further boost to his abilities. When you have the choice, order an attack on the Nilfgaardian convoy. In this case, your moral compass is probably pointing to the correct option. You can choose to dismiss her right away, in which case you'll lose her. Go though the gap in the wall I told you to ignore earlier. It's OK but the lengthy cooldown limits its usefulness. Your goal here is to eliminate 4 Niflgaardian Spotters before they escape. Play an Arbalest and destroy the Lesser Dao. Go behind the building and look near a tree for a dig point that reveals the final golden chest for this chapter (10/10). Pick up some loot and make a note of the shrine. This is a standard battle. Adjust your deck so that you are not using the Manticore Trophy and approach the Slyzard for a battle. Continue south to a sign post and grab the two piles of loot in the area. It's not as insurmountable as it seems since the more damage it takes, the more damage subsequent attacks do. Aretuza Adept + (Human)Boosts all copies of the chosen unit (in play, in your hand and in your reserve deck) by 2. Impera Enforcers boost surrounding units as long as they have armour so use Arbalest units to strip it. Return to the crossroads and take the path leading northwest and make a note of the shrine. If the battle only lasts one round, however, you should typically discard them after your initial hand is dealt. He also seems to throw everything into the first round so let him overextend himself and punish him in subsequent rounds. To be honest, I didn't find these units all that good so you're not missing out on much. Play the Horse Thief to the RIGHT of the Scytheman. Lyrian Merlot can be useful if you manage to get some Lyrian Scythemen boosted. From the inn, take the left hand path at the fork and make your way to another compound. Go east from your starting location to find an inn with with a recruitment post and fast travel point a little further along. In the first round, the enemy will inflict Biting Frost on your rows and play Dwarven Marauder units that power up when Biting Frost is in effect. Use the Wagenburg to destroy the Vampires. Head up the steps and collect the loot at the top. Examine it for a puzzle battle. Your Wagenburg will now have six armour so use it to destroy the mob. Grab the bit of loot here and unlock the fast travel point. This is a standard battle. Two will take its place. Both cards will return to your hand. In the second round, the enemy will deploy lots of units that damage or destroy yours when played. Go east through the trees and look near the hut for a dig point that reveals a golden chest (8/10). You can choose to requisition their wares or refuse to steal from the dead. You can choose to help some merchants. This is the only way to eliminate the enemy. The Nilfgaardians will deploy a new unit: the Spotter who can increase his own power every few turns. Examine the house next to it to obtain 2500G and a card fragment. If you destroy them, the countdown timer is reduced by 2. The Nilfgaardians are engaging in primitive biological warfare. Place the other in the bottom row and attack the 4 HP Rotfiend for 1 HP damage. You will get some new units and a number of recruits according to how much favour you've won and lost. Every 3 turns the commander can damage one of your units by the number of enemy units on the field. When you get to the northeast corner you'll have a choice as to whether or not to do battle. Arnjolf is good for eliminating these. Speak to the nearby peasants if you like and grab some loot from behind the largest house. Afterwards, walk south around the nearby islet to collect some loot and continue round for a battle. You can choose to order on assault on the town for a battle. It is only visible to you. Adjust your deck so that you have Bekker's Dark Mirror among your trinkets. To proceed, take the southernmost path leading east grabbing loot on the way. Here's a solution. Caldwell should be deployed between two cards that you wish to add to the field of play, allowing you to pick them from your reserve deck and play them immediately. Even with the disadvantage of reduced morale, this battle was more of a massacre. The enemy commander can draw additional cards when he's losing so make use of your own deck to flood your side of the board with allied units. Horse Thief (Human, Field Support)Mark a unit. If the enemy is destroyed increase the damage dealt by 1. Choose to intervene to learn the long list of the gnome's crimes. That'll be a no, then. This is better than the Fortification Tonic since you can use it on a damaged unit. Sounds good. At this point, you have the opportunity to continue or turn back. Gold and wood can be found in the overworld and in after-battle spoils. Northern Wind (Trinket)Damage all damaged enemies by 4 then damage all enemies by 2. Here's a solution. Blacksmiths are awesome. The goal here is to eliminate the Ancient Foglet while keeping Meve alive. Your goal is to eliminate the Slave Drivers without allowing any of your units to die. A Spotter will appear in B1 and transform, moving Reynard one space to the right so that he ends up on B2. And once more. The castle is inhabited by a noble family who have long been in conflict with Meve. There is a trophy, Tax Collector, awarded for finding all golden chests in the game. Read the notice board to pick out points of interest and gather loot, not forgetting one to the top left of the burning village. The other eight reveal Grey Rider units which boost the other units that the enemy commander lays down every turn. Your units will now have 11 and 6 HP. Play the Regiment Drummer on the melee row. Go to the southwest of this area where you'll find a Nilfgaardian deserter. Approach the palisades for a scene and a battle. You will see another village to the south. The true measurements show the peak in Brouven Hoog's lands to be slightly less than the other one. Use the recruitment post near the eastern exit and return the way you came. They will be replaced by a Dao with 9 HP. Afterwards, you will have a meeting with Villem accompanied by Nilfgaardian forces - answer however you please. Prioritise the Black Infantry Arbalest units since they are the most damaging that the enemy has access to. You will find captives bound to a willow tree and left to die horribly. This will give Meve 15 HP, giving her some breathing space. Lyrian Scythemen are invaluable here because you can boost them easily. Examine the quest marker at the end of the path for a scene and the final battle of the chapter. Each turn, Gascon needs to play a Surveillance card to peek at two enemy cards. Continue east and then go south to find a Nilfgaardian Lumberjack Camp. Personally, I prefer the Flail since it can actually kill enemies. When the gate falls, all your units will gain a boost while all enemy units will take damage. Note that there are trophies related to unit creation. The enemy uses a new unit: a medic unit that can both heal and boost damaged enemy units. Agree to help to be thrown into battle with Scoia'tael. Meve and Reynard will note that you're nearing Count Caldwell's estates. Do not be alarmed since this charges up Eyck and Isbel. If Villem is with you, aid will be granted, including unlocking the new unit type. Choose to take the dog to add a new unit to your army and unlock the Arf! Approach the bridge for a battle. Fast travel to the sign post south of the temple and take the path headed west. Approach the gates for a puzzle battle. Afterwards, you can retrieve a letter from the nearest notice board. After your victory, answer Caldwell how you please. Approach the Wyvern for a battle. Make sure you only degrade his units rather than destroying them. The enemy will move 1 card and damage your Arbalest. Otherwise this is just a bump in the road. The enemy has an Inexperienced General with 5 HP and six Recruits with 3 HP each. Play the Rivian Sapper and destroy all the enemies. There's a notice board here you can read. Play your Marching orders card and use your command ability again. However, an additional benefit of Manticore is doubling Eyck's strength increases which is something that Valmir's Horn doesn't do. Follow the path northeast. Victory will allow access to a golden chest (2/9). Becker's Dark Mirror can go a long way to reducing the HP of the boss and Eyck and Isbel will charge up nicely - for reference, Eyck had over 200 power when I deployed him in this battle. Saving The Enemy All choices - Thronebreaker the Witcher Tales - (My Enemy's Enemy) YourKingVid 1.65K subscribers Subscribe 11K views 4 years ago All dialogue and choices about a small. All the tricks you have at your disposal should still mean an easy victory, however. The commander will spam Slave Infantry which can pull other infantry in from the graveyard. Move a Light Infantry from the melee row to the ranged row. Cross the bridge leading northeast. Go west from the battle site to Arnjolf's camp and pick up all the loot lying around. Meve will move one row up. He also plays An Craite Marauder units which gain power every time an ally is damaged. Play another Soldier Puppet on your melee row. You have an optional goal of eliminating all Slave Drivers. After the Hym's turn, it will have 19 HP and your units will have 26 and 6. Assuming you've promoted your Arbalests, their loyal ability can help as well. Doing so should unlock the Burn After Reading trophy. Your goal is to avoid Meve dying. Unlocking the chest will give you a letter. The general is able to draw a new card for every two that he plays - counter this ability with Reinforcements. The goal here is to reduce each Rotfiend enemy to 1 power, but not destroy them. Otherwise, you will have a choice of what to do with a group of Nilfgaardian soldiers. You are then presented with a choice that has consequences: Since recruits aren't really a scarce resource, the first option is the optimal one. Leave Crumhorne through the northeast exit. Reinforced Ballista (Machine)Every turn, damage units by 3, 2 and 1. If you prefer, you can simply leave them to their fate. Instead, backtrack east a short distance and speak to the individual with the blue cap. All rights reserved. Afterwards, you'll be in battle against Gascon and his forces. nr_letter_02 Afterwards, Gabor will come to you and announce his intention to remain with your army. Before you can attack Vreemde, however, you'll need to eliminate the Elite unit that gives him immunity. This is not required for the story, but does win you favour with the dwarves later. Since you'll be able to increase your morale shortly, so you may want to choose the former option.
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thronebreaker my enemy's enemy consequences 2023