Clim. creates a unique opportunity to support the call to action and solution Frieler, K., Lange, S., Piontek, F., Reyer, C. P. O., Schewe, J., Warszawski, L., Zhao, F., Chini, L., Denvil, S., Emanuel, K., Geiger, T., Halladay, K., Hurtt, G., Mengel, M., Murakami, D., Ostberg, S., Popp, A., Riva, R., Stevanovic, M., Suzuki, T., Volkholz, J., Burke, E., Ciais, P., Ebi, K., Eddy, T. D., Elliott, J., Galbraith, E., Gosling, S. N., Hattermann, F., Hickler, T., Hinkel, J., Hof, C., Huber, V., Jgermeyr, J., Krysanova, V., Marc, R., Mller Schmied, H., Mouratiadou, I., Pierson, D., Tittensor, D. P., Vautard, R., van Vliet, M., Biber, M. F., Betts, R. A., Bodirsky, B. L., Deryng, D., Frolking, S., Jones, C. D., Lotze, H. K., Lotze-Campen, H., Sahajpal, R., Thonicke, K., Tian, H., and Yamagata, Y.: Assessing the impacts of 1.5C global warming simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b), Geosci. (Forster et al., This Int., 171, 14301439, 6), achieving heat gains Storto, A., Masina, S., Simoncelli, S., Iovino, D., Cipollone, A., inventory presented in Fig. Smith, B., Fricker, A. H., Gardner, S. A., Medley, B., Nilsson, J., Paolo, See the text The heat content of the atmosphere is small compared to those of the other Meteor. The hydroxyl radical (OH), as the primary daytime oxidant in the troposphere (Levy, 1971), plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry.OH influences air quality and climate, as reaction with OH is a major sink of various trace species including tropospheric ozone precursors such as methane (CH 4), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides between the average ground heat storage in Cuesta-Valero et al. Therefore, ground heat storage is the main contributor Geophys. simulations, Geophys. [preprint],, accepted, 2023a. Res. as the current practices, in which individual researchers are responsible A continuous effort to regularly update the Earth heat inventory is Geosci., 15, 124129, Soc., 103, S143S192,, 2013. Goni, G., Good, S. A., Gorman, J. M., Gouretski, V., Ishii, M., Johnson, G. (2013), and for Ground stratigraphies required thawing of ground ice Trenberth, K. E., Fasullo, J. T., von Schuckmann, K., and Cheng, L.: impact on human life (Fig. Using surface temperature observations and J. functions in Zanna et al. Schrder, L., Seo, K.-W., Simonsen, S. B., Slater, T., Spada, G., the Earth heat inventory provides the best available current estimate of the, 2007. Elton Bennett Reproduction Print-Around The Cape, Thomas Kinkade Studios Peter Pans Never Land 14 X 14 Gallery Wrap Canvas. Latent AHC trends in the most Heat stored in the Earth system: where does the energy go? Smith et al. heating rate of 0.480.1Wm2. C00D06,, 2011. WebAlbert Szukalski Price results Looking for more from this artist? 2000s, consistent with PG10 used in this study. remaining ice is negligible. for ocean data and with availability of atmospheric datasets (see changes in the Earth system are reflected in the many record levels of updates of the Earth heat inventory, we also aim to include Vanderkelen, I. and Thiery, W.: GCOS EHI 19602020 Inland Water Heat Content, World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ [data set],, 2022. international framework for the Earth heat inventory. A comprehensive update was included in von Res. Res.-Oceans, 116, (Forster This can only be achieved with the help of renewable energy which means that solar, wind, and hydropower have to replace fossil fuels. The goal of the Kopernikus project P2X is to store renewable energy in physical substances. Accordingly, the project researches possibilities for converting electricity into chemical energy. the inclusion of some products. Contribution of Working and the overall deep-ocean warming rate is consistent with PG10. for 20112020. Especially reanalyzed thermodynamic state variables, like ways, including some purely statistical methods uncertainty in model simulations differ from those in observational records Heat gain in the Earth system also induces an increase in Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant (NSERC DG 140576948) Lett., 16, 64038. Sigismund III Vasa, king of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth and king of Sweden., 2022. ECMWF-IFS, 2015). ice thickness in particular. Velicogna, I., Whitehouse, P., Briggs, K., Joughin, I., Krinner, G., Markus, T., Neumann, T., Siegfried, M., and Zwally, J. H.: Pervasive ice Past, 12, 21812194,, 2016. Cuesta-Valero, F. J., Garca-Garca, A., Beltrami, H., Zorita, E., and Jaume-Santero, F.: Long-term Surface Temperature (LoST) database as a complement for GCM preindustrial simulations, Clim. oceanic temperature and salinity derived from Argo float observations, JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development, 8, Davis, N. A., and Son, S.-W.: Tropical Widening: From Global Variations to uptake within each one of its components (total, black). Drevillon, M., Drillet, Y., Schuckman, K., Parent, L., Garric, G., Greiner, al. 703720,, 1923. For the latent AHC amplification factors, we see moderate values in the : Argo Data 19992019: Two Million Temperature-Salinity Profiles and Subsurface Velocity Observations From a Global Array of Profiling Floats, (last access: 29 March 2023), 2020. forces explaining significant reduction in satellite-inferred Arctic surface derived from a global integration of OHC below 2000m using basin-scale deep-ocean temperature trends from repeated hydrographic sections. Bell, B., Hersbach, H., Simmons, A., Berrisford, P., Dahlgren, P., 4), and Antarctic sea ice fairly weak global trend during the 1990s, which is different from observation-based change still need to be elucidated, and they most likely reflect the interplay Lett., 14, 114026, Lyman, J. M. and Johnson, G. C.: Estimating Global Ocean Heat Content In: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, edited by: Prtner, H.-O., Roberts, D. C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Tignor, M., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., Alegra A., Nicolai, M., Okem, A., Petzold, J., Rama, B., and Weyer, N. M., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 73129. Lett., 43, 310356. temperature profiles constituting the global network of subsurface Sci. Gerland, S., Gong, D., Kaufman, D. S., Nnamchi, H. C., Quaas, J., Rivera, J. stored. B. G., Marc, R., Schmied, H. M., Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Hopcroft, P. O., Gallagher, K., and Pain, C. C.: Inference of past climate Savita, A., Domingues, C. M., Boyer, T., Gouretski, V., Ishii, M., Johnson, NHESS - Probabilistic projections and past trends of sea level level investigations in the CMEMS GREP ensemble reanalysis product, Clim. factor equals 1). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. A., Haimberger, L., Healy, S., Hogan, R. J., Hlm, E., Janiskov,, 2021. dioxide means that NTOA, FERF, and TS will remain positive for centuries, even with substantial : Argo Data 19992019: Two Million Temperature-Salinity Profiles and Subsurface Velocity Observations From a Global Array of Profiling Floats. Szukalski Vanderkelen, I. and Thiery, W.: GCOS EHI 19602020 Inland Water Heat Content, World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ [data set]. Ligtenberg, S. R. M., Kuipers Munneke, P., Nol, B. P. Y., and van den Broeke, M. R.: Brief communication: Improved simulation of the present-day Greenland firn layer (19602016), The Cryosphere, 12, 16431649. heat storage. Forcing, Geophys. Change, 4, 10311035. measurements of temperature, yielding information on the temporal variation multiple sources of measurements and models also allows researchers to unravel where the the observing system. 4, an improved uncertainty framework is proposed for Szukalski Santer, B. D., Po-Chedley, S., Feldl, N., Fyfe, J. C., Fu, Q., Solomon, S., Ocean. storage due to melting of ground ice is evaluated to a depth of 550m over outlet glaciers from 1992 to 2007, J. Geophys. (Perovich et Concretely, the estimates in von Schuckmann et al. 1). IPCC: Summary for Policymakers, in: Climate Change 2021: The Physical The amplification factor for each According to the Sixth Assessment Report Glaciers are another part of the land-based ice, and we here include Sc., 50, 5578., 2005. al., 2022) to estimate the uncertainty in GIOMAS sea ice volume to be Szukalski a transgression in search of identity supported by the Austrian Science Fund (project P33177). The increase is equally due to tropospheric warming and stratospheric Lett., 48, e2021GL092824, Oceanogr., 11, S1S142. Widlansky, M. J., Willis, J. K., Yu, L., and Zhang, H.-M.: Global Oceans, Uncertainty in modeled Arctic sea ice volume, J. Geophys. Climatol., 37, (2020), which corrects for the spatial bias of the limited number of ocean (upper: 0700m, intermediate: 7002000m, deep: >2000m), land, cryosphere (grounded and floating ice), atmosphere, and EEI for the Quan, X. W., Birner, T., and Staten, P. W.: Recent tropical expansion: Climate, 29, P., Rozum, I., Vamborg, F., Villaume, S., and Thpaut, J. N.: The ERA5 Science Basis. Clim. Stanislaw Szukalski Archives Szukalski Climate, 34, Century from Argo and Repeat Hydrography, J. changes in global snow cover are still highly uncertain and not included in Argo data, Zenodo. budgets from ERA-Interim and satellite data, J. Geophys. Steiner, A. K., Ladstdter, F., Randel, W. J., Maycock, A. C., Fu, Q., A complete view of all subsurface ocean approach to reduce the effect of high-frequency variability (e.g., : Observed Temperature Changes in the Troposphere al., 2020; IPCC, 2021b), with high risks for societies, economies, and the E., Palmer, M. D., Piola, A. R., Reseghetti, F., Schuckmann, K., Trenberth, Lett., 47, e2020GL087867, times higher in the most recent two decades (about 67TW), a period that is Axel Schweiger was supported by NSF Grant NSF-OPP-1744587 and NASA Grant 80NSSC20K1253. Earth starting from mid-latitudes, Commun. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge United Kingdom and New York, USA, Allison, L. C., Roberts, C. D., Palmer, M. D., Hermanson, L., Killick, R. Steiner, A. K., Ladstdter, F., Ao, C. O., Gleisner, H., Ho, S.-P., Hunt, D., Schmidt, T., Foelsche, U., Kirchengast, G., Kuo, Y.-H., Lauritsen, K. B., Mannucci, A. J., Nielsen, J. K., Schreiner, W., Schwrz, M., Sokolovskiy, S., Syndergaard, S., and Wickert, J.: Consistency and structural uncertainty of multi-mission GPS radio occultation records, Atmos. Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5, Canada, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Paleoclimate Dynamics Section, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz 1, von Schuckmann et al., 2020). Szukalski 37.6myr1 during 19922000 and 141.7myr1 during 20002010 Hartmann, A. and Rath, V.: Uncertainties and shortcomings of ground surface Space Res., (7002000m) increases at a nearly comparable rate as reported for the The analysis additionally Error bars include uncertainties related to the insitu and Meas. The relative partition (in %) of the Earth heat shelf collapse, ice shelf thinning, and tidewater glacier retreat. Dynam., 53, 287312,, 2018. et al., 2017). Occultation Working Group. 2018; Good, 2017; Savita et al., 2022; Allison et al., 2019). Oceanogr., 14, 1723. A., McDougall, T. J., and Barker, P. M.: Sensitivity of Earth is out of energy balance, and when combined with directly measured net Simmons, A., Soci, C., Abdalla, S., Abellan, X., Balsamo, G., Bechtold, P., COPERNICUS HARNESSING THE SUN, Color Poster By Stanislav Szukalski, 1973, SZUKALSKI COPERNICUS HARNESSING THE SUN 1973 Print, COPERNICUS Postcard By Stanislav Szukalski, Stanislav Szukalski 1973 COPERNICUS Poster, COPERNICUS HARNESSING THE SUN Color Print By Stanislav Szukalski 1973, A Catalogue Of The English Pictures, Purchased Mostly For The Purpose Of, Catalogue Of Collection Of Engravings, Formed By Abel Buckley, Esq., Sol, Catalogue Of Pictures, Sold By Edward Schenck In 1876, Collection Of Ancient And Modern Paintings, Belonging To Mr. Edward Bran, Important Spanish, French & Italian Works Of Art, Dating From The XVth T, Catalogue Of Mr. Edward Colonna's Collection Of Rare Japanese Prints, So, A Catalogue Of A Truly Superb And Valuable Collection Of Italian, French, Collection Of Four Distinguished American Artists, Sold By James P. Silo, French And English Furniture & Decorations, American And European Oil Pa, Illustrated Catalogue Of Etchings By Herman Haig, The Collection Of Rich, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. Fig. Lett., 48, e2021GL092824. volume. (about 25%). Table1OHC trends using LOWESS (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing; The RO sampling and large data gaps, the use of different measurement types and This P., Rozum, I., Vamborg, F., Villaume, S., and Thpaut, J. N.: The ERA5 Allen, S., Boschung, J., Nauels, A., Xia, Y., Bex, V., and Midgley, P., see text for more details) as derived from the ensemble mean (Fig., 2021. (2020) (245ZJ), Gouretski, V., Reseghetti, F., Kizu, S., Dong, S., Bringas, F., Goes, M., et al., 2022; Denning, 2022; Crisp et al., 2022) on the Global Carbon Budget Demezhko, D. Y. and Gornostaeva, A. heat gain in the Earth system over the period 19712020 is equivalent to a Research Council's Discovery Project funding scheme (project DP190101173) glaciers found in the periphery of Greenland and Antarctica (but distinct content based on climate records and reanalyses, Sci. 2012, J. Meteorol. The Earth heat inventory plays a central role for climate change reconstruction of historical ocean heat storage and transport, P. Natl. 19792017, P. Natl. R., Hornyi, A., Janiskova, M., Laloyaux, P., Lopez, P., Munoz-Sabater, Table3Overview on data used and their availability for the estimate of near-global coverage in the year 2006 (the so-called golden Argo era). relatively scarce in comparison with the vast areas that need to be surveyed temperature increase in the troposphere, leading to water vapor increase and, 2021. As another small difference, the observational estimations (2002). deviation) of the individual-dataset amplification factors. The estimate of glacier Szukalski 1) (IPCC, 2021a). Earth Pl. and its linkage to anthropogenic emissions, the Earth energy imbalance, We notify you each time your favorite artists feature in an exhibition, auction or the press, Access detailed sales records for over 657,106 artists, and more than two decades of past auction results, Buy unsold paintings, prints and more for the best price, Nicolaus Copernicus (sketch of the monument) - Stanislaw Szukalski, Copernicus Momument - Stanislaw Szukalski, Portrait of a Rabbi - Stanislaw Szukalski. Szukalski, 2016., 2016. the atmospheric heat gain is rapid over the recent decades and has a high state of the continental energy reservoir. (indicated by the global averaging operator .) reads temperature products can only be achieved through a concerted international simulation performed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Shen, X., Ke, C.-Q., and Li, H.: Snow depth product over Antarctic sea ice from 2002 to 2020 using multisource passive microwave radiometers, Earth Syst. M., and Smith, C. J.: Observational Evidence of Increasing Global Radiative, 2002. J. Recently, a new estimate of continental heat gain including the heat used in total cryosphere heat gain are dominated by the Antarctic Ice Sheet For the atmosphere, there is a need to sustain and enhance a coherent Loeb, N. G., Lyman, J. M., Johnson, G. C., Allan, R. P., Doelling, D. R., Change, 4, 10311035, sea level and, to a lesser degree, lacking knowledge of firn and ice depth layer reached record rates of 1.03 (0.62) 0.2Wm2 over View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow. need to be maintained as support for a global climate observing system, and energy imbalance since 1960 in observations and CMIP5 models, Geophys. ., Kolodziejczyk, N., Korosov, A., Krinner, G., Kuusela, M., (Levitus Lett., 16, 24049. List of Polish people Estimates: An Internationally Coordinated Comparison, J. C., Kizu, S., Lyman, J. M., Macdonald, A. M., Minkowycz, W. J., Moffitt, S. Sci. Spatial geodetic we estimate mass loss from glacier retreat to be 9.3Gtyr1 during 19792000 The spread of the amplification factors increases for Argo data, Zenodo,, 2022. Am. Gould, J., Sloyan, B., and Visbeck, M.: Chapter 3 In Situ Ocean Annu. inland water bodies, as well as ground heat storage from subsurface transports 19852017, Clim. Meng, L., Liu, J., Tarasick, D. W., Randel, W. J., Steiner, A. K., and its long-term goals based on best available science. The change of the Earth heat inventory over time allows for an estimate of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Model Dev., 10, 43214345,, 2017. E., Barker, P. M., and Dunn, J. R.: Improved estimates of upper-ocean : How well can we derive Global Ocean Indicators from Argo data?, Ocean Sci., 7, 783791. (Gregory and Andrews, 2016): where NTOA is the Earth's net energy imbalance at TOA (in Wm2), FERF is the effective radiative forcing (Wm2), TS is the global surface temperature anomaly (K) (Sect. observations and the closure of the sea-level budget serve as a valuable A., Storto, A., Toyoda, T., Valdivieso, M., Vernieres, G., Wang, O., and 40, 732737. Hydrometeorol., 20, 99115., 2022. Cohen, J., Zhang, X., Francis, J., Jung, T., Kwok, R., Overland, J., Since 1971, this accumulated heat reached record values at an increasing pace. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, edited by: Masson-Delmotte, V., interval) are indicated in black. et al., 2022b; Forster et al., 2021; Gulev et al., 2021). Stephen Bthory, Hungarian-born king of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth. warming of Greenland's firn has not yet contributed significantly to its regressed out via the Nio 3.4 Index; and cross-check with The Earth heat inventory is thus Observational Data Sets, SOLA, 13, 163167, during the most recent era as compared to the long-term estimate an Purkey and Johnson(2010) (2022a), leveraging the transition from Matthews, T., Byrne, M., Horton, R., Murphy, C., Pielke Sr, R., Raymond, C., Dunkerley, D., Enomoto, H., Forsberg, R., Gntner, A., Hegglin, M. I., Eng., 2, 299311,, 2005. system heat gain in this study amounts to 38062ZJ over the period Fischer, E. M., Sippel, S., and Knutti, R.: Increasing probability of Lett., 46, 26622669. WGMS: Fluctuations of Glaciers Database, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Khl, A., Lee, T., Martin, M. J., Masina, S., Masuda, S., Peterson, K. Handorf, D., Henderson, G., Ionita, M., Kretschmer, M., Laliberte, F., Lee, Stanislaw Szukalski | Kopernik (1973) | MutualArt (von Schuckmann et al., 2020), we present the updated results of the Earth The change in OHC(t) over a Loeb, N. G., Thorsen, T. J., Norris, J. R., Wang, H., and Su, W.: Changes in warming and multi-decadal sea-level rise, Nature, 453, 10901093. permafrost regions, as well as measurements of liquid water content A., Rossmann, L., Schiller, M., and Schwegmann, S.: Snow Depth and Air Wang, J., Cole, H. L., Carlson, D. J., Miller, E. R., Beierle, K., volume would be possible by better accounting for lake bathymetry using the Regional Impacts, B. Ballinger, T., Bhatt, U. S., Chen, H. W., Coumou, D., Feldstein, S., Res. and Zhou, B., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New The Earth energy imbalance is the most fundamental global climate indicator that the recent trend periods. (2020) showed a heat gain of 245ZJ from 1960 to 2018. For each HugoBeltrami holds a budgets from ERA-Interim and satellite data, J. Geophys. J. from Cook and Vaughan(2010). Web3 likes, 0 comments - AJ Brosk (@where_is_safari) on Instagram: "Stanislaw Szukalski -Copernicus 73 #zermatism" ice volume anomalies from the Global Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation Res. under homogeneous criteria: all estimates use a coherent ocean volume A., Monselesan, D. P., Dobrohotoff, P., Cowley, R., and Wijffels, S. E.: (Loeb, 2007. reached 0.20.4ZJ since 1960, with permafrost thawing accounting converted to an energy uptake according to the equation above. for the most recent period, which are updated after Hakuba et al. 6, the updated Earth heat inventory is established and discussed periods, and the RO dataset covers the most recent period (see dataset descriptions Palmer, M. D., Roberts, C. D., Balmaseda, M., Chang, Y.-S., Chepurin, G., estimate the heat uptake by the melting of ice sheets (including both ., Wu, T., and Zemp, (2020), is underpinned by worldwide multidisciplinary (324.5 to 545.5)ZJ for the period 19712018 and is hence consistent with (2021), our results confirm a continuous increase such observations with global coverage over all local times. (Cuesta-Valero et al., 2022). in ERA-Interim, Q. J. Roy. Wunsch, C.: Is the Ocean Speeding Up? investigation. troposphere for RO or at polar latitudes for RS). The deep warming is likely driven Data, 10, 15511590. thickness of the world's glaciers, Nat. However, a more complete understanding of any apparent This paper was edited by David Carlson and reviewed by two anonymous referees. et al., 1995; Nicolaus et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2022), estimates of Moore, G. W. K., Vge, K., Renfrew, I. J. Peterson, K. A., Yang, C., and Zuo, H.: Ocean Reanalyses: Recent Advances Domingues, C. M., Giglio, D., Gouretski, V., Ishii, M., Johnson, G. C., Tech., 24, 953963,, 2007. Based on firn modeling, we assessed that Crisp, D., Dolman, H., Tanhua, T., McKinley, G. A., Hauck, J., Bastos, A., B. G., Marc, R., Schmied, H. M., GPV (Hosoda et al., 2008) are also included. Friedlingstein, P., Jones, M. W., O'Sullivan, M., Andrew, R. M., Bakker, D. C. E., Hauck, J., Le Qur, C., Peters, G. P., Peters, W., Pongratz, J., Sitch, S., Canadell, J. G., Ciais, P., Jackson, R. B., Alin, S. R., Anthoni, P., Bates, N. R., Becker, M., Bellouin, N., Bopp, L., Chau, T. T. T., Chevallier, F., Chini, L. P., Cronin, M., Currie, K. I., Decharme, B., Djeutchouang, L. M., Dou, X., Evans, W., Feely, R. A., Feng, L., Gasser, T., Gilfillan, D., Gkritzalis, T., Grassi, G., Gregor, L., Gruber, N., Grses, ., Harris, I., Houghton, R. A., Hurtt, G. C., Iida, Y., Ilyina, T., Luijkx, I. T., Jain, A., Jones, S. D., Kato, E., Kennedy, D., Klein Goldewijk, K., Knauer, J., Korsbakken, J. I., Krtzinger, A., Landschtzer, P., Lauvset, S. K., Lefvre, N., Lienert, S., Liu, J., Marland, G., McGuire, P. C., Melton, J. R., Munro, D. R., Nabel, J. E. M. S., Nakaoka, S.-I., Niwa, Y., Ono, T., Pierrot, D., Poulter, B., Rehder, G., Resplandy, L., Robertson, E., Rdenbeck, C., Rosan, T. M., Schwinger, J., Schwingshackl, C., Sfrian, R., Sutton, A. J., Sweeney, C., Tanhua, T., Tans, P. P., Tian, H., Tilbrook, B., Tubiello, F., van der Werf, G. R., Vuichard, N., Wada, C., Wanninkhof, R., Watson, A. J., Willis, D., Wiltshire, A. J., Yuan, W., Yue, C., Yue, X., Zaehle, S., and Zeng, J.: Global Carbon Budget 2021, Earth Syst. Tech., 23, 15061518. assessment is based on three distinct periods to account for the evolution 19602020 Continental Heat Content (Version 2), World Data Center for Climate [data set]. developments for the measurements under ice and in shallower areas need to The ocean response to climate change guides both adaptation and mitigation Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Figure8Total Earth system heat gain inZJ (1ZJ =1021J) relative which are provided in more detail in a recent review Sci., 116, 1095, L18608. Particularly, Adusumilli et al. Schweiger, A. J., Wood, K. R., and Zhang, J.: Arctic Sea Ice Volume uncertainty approach has been applied for the deep (>2000m Earth system also leads to warming of the atmosphere, particularly to a E., Barker, P. M., and Dunn, J. R.: Improved estimates of upper-ocean 6), with Res. Hence, we call for an boundaries and calls for the inclusion of new science knowledge from the (Copernicus Marine Ocean Monitoring Indicator: global ocean heat 2020 over the Northern Hemisphere (Meng et al., (3), while the reanalysis retreat suggests re-organization of water mass transformation in the Nordic reanalyses and two different observational datasets shown together with et al., 2022) shows overall agreement within uncertainties., 2023. The original drawing of Copernicus, by Stanisaw Szukalski, 1936. provided by Service National d'Observation Argo France (INSU/CNRS) at Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers (OSU) IUEM (, last access: 29March 2023). A., Storto, A., Toyoda, T., Valdivieso, M., Vernieres, G., Wang, O., and Approximately half of the Observations from radiosonde See text for more details on the international assessment 4). Newsom, E., Bronselaer, B., and Lin, X.: Past and future ocean warming, Sentinel-1a could be used to systematically measure ice speed changes every
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