Slate:In 1969, homosexual acts were illegal in every state except Illinois. On June 24, 1969, the Public Morals squad of Manhattans First Police Division raided the Stonewall Inn. 'Cause I really realized that I was being trained as a straight person, so I could really fool these people. The cops would hide behind the walls of the urinals. Mary Queen of the Scotch, Congo Woman, Captain Faggot, Miss Twiggy. "Daybreak Express" by D.A. And it was fantastic. What Jimmy didn't know is that Ralph was sick. They pushed everybody like to the back room and slowly asking for IDs. This online resource is a research supplement to Marc Stein,The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History(New York: New York University Press, 2019). Were committed to providing educators accessible, high-quality teaching tools. Doric Wilson:When I was very young, one of the terms for gay people was twilight people, meaning that we never came out until twilight, 'til it got dark. I really thought that, you know, we did it. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. John O'Brien:Cops got hurt. Raymond Castro:I'd go in there and I would look and I would just cringe because, you know, people would start touching me, and "Hello, what are you doing there if you don't want to be touched?" They had a warrant. Martin Boyce:I wasn't labeled gay, just "different." That's more an uprising than a riot. Richard Enman (Archival):Well, let me say, first of all, what type of laws we are not after, because there has been much to-do that the Society was in favor of the legalization of marriage between homosexuals, and the adoption of children, and such as that, and that is not at all factual at all. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Was he present at the Stonewall Riots? Gay bars were always on side streets out of the way in neighborhoods that nobody would go into. Raymond Castro:New York City subways, parks, public bathrooms, you name it. Lucian Truscott, IV, Reporter,The Village Voice:They started busting cans of tear gas. Howard Smith, Reporter,The Village Voice:So at that point the police are extremely nervous. a gay-history Web site run by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York Graduate Center. Homosexuals do not want that, you might find some fringe character someplace who says that that's what he wants. He may appear normal, and it may be too late when you discover he is mentally ill. John O'Brien:I was a poor, young gay person. And so Howard said, "We've got police press passes upstairs." Through the lenses of protest, power, and pride, We Are Everywhere is an essential and empowering introduction to the history of the fight for queer liberation. A set of police records gathered by, a Web site run by the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York Graduate Center. So I attempted suicide by cutting my wrists. Stonewall Riots Doric Wilson:And we were about 100, 120 people and there were people lining the sidewalks ahead of us to watch us go by, gay people, mainly. Biting had not been documented as a tactic of the rioters. Martin Boyce:I had cousins, ten years older than me, and they had a car sometimes. Narrator (Archival):This is one of the county's principal weekend gathering places for homosexuals, both male and female. k lmZkvLvcJ?Jcb^*` Slate:The Homosexual(1967), CBS Reports. I wanted to kill those cops for the anger I had in me. Martha Shelley:Before Stonewall, the homophile movement was essentially the Mattachine Society and Daughters of Bilitis and all of these other little gay organizations, some of which were just two people and a mimeograph machine. They didn't know what they were walking into. This 19-year-old serviceman left his girlfriend on the beach to go to a men's room in a park nearby where he knew that he could find a homosexual contact. Tommy Lanigan-Schmidt:I never bought a drink at the Stonewall. Since then, the term 'Stonewall' itself has become almost synonymous with the struggle for gay rights. Because to be gay represented to me either very, super effeminate men or older men who hung out in the upper movie theatres on 42nd Street or in the subway T-rooms, who'd be masturbating. Armed with a warrant, police officers entered the club, roughed up patrons, and, finding bootlegged alcohol, arrested 13 people, including employees and people violating the states gender-appropriate clothing statute (female officers would take suspected cross-dressing patrons into the bathroom to check their sex). Jimmy hadn't enjoyed himself so much in a long time. Corrections? Martha Shelley:When I was growing up in the '50s, I was supposed to get married to some guy, produce, you know, the usual 2.3 children, and I could look at a guy and say, "Well, objectively he's good looking," but I didn't feel anything, just didn't make any sense to me. (Doc. But, that's when we knew, we were ourselves for the first time. Not able to do anything. John van Hoesen That this was normal stuff. Fred Sargeant:Someone at this point had apparently gone down to the cigar stand on the corner and got lighter fluid. You needed a license even to be a beautician and that could be either denied or taken away from you. TV Host (Archival):That's a very lovely dress too that you're wearing Simone. Many alternative, independent, and left periodicals are available viaIndependent Voices--Reveal Digital. Dick Leitsch:We wore suits and ties because we wanted people, in the public, who were wearing suits and ties, to identify with us. WebOn June 28, 1969, the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York's Greenwich Village, was raided by police. The Mafia owned the jukeboxes, they owned the cigarette machines and most of the liquor was off a truck hijacking. Howard Smith, Reporter,The Village Voice:And by the time the police would come back towards Stonewall, that crowd had gone all the around Washington Place come all the way back around and were back pushing in on them from the other direction and the police would wonder, "These are the same people or different people?". I mean you got a major incident going on down there and I didn't see any TV cameras at all. John Marshall is listed as a representative for the Mattachine Society of Washington in the Christopher Street Liberation Day Committee Files, so researchers may wish to search that name specifically in the Kamney and Vincenz collections. JNT2 Hannah Ingraham - Grade: 100%; NY Times Paywall - Case Analysis with questions and their answers. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Narrator (Archival):Note how Albert delicately pats his hair, and adjusts his collar. Martin Boyce Fred Sargeant:Three articles of clothing had to be of your gender or you would be in violation of that law. Geoff Kole It was a nightly home for many runaways and homeless gay youths, who panhandled or shoplifted to afford the entry fee. There was the Hippie movement, there was the Summer of Love, Martin Luther King, and all of these affected me terribly. If youre interested in learning more about the Stonewall Riots, theres a free sneak preview of an upcoming American Experience film at the New York Public Library this evening at 6:30pm. However, the New York State Liquor Authority penalized and shut down establishments that served alcohol to known or suspected LGBT individuals, arguing that the mere gathering of homosexuals was disorderly.. Heather Gude, Archival Research Sign up for the American Experience newsletter! Published July 1969. Perhaps the man in question was having a bit of fun at the arresting officers expense. Alexis Charizopolis Thats why all our lessons and assessments are free. I mean I'm talking like sardines. For the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, an anthology chronicling the tumultuous fight for LGBTQ rights in the 1960s and the activists who spearheaded it June 28, 2019 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall uprising - the most significant event in the gay liberation movement and the catalyst for the modern fight for LGBTQ rights in the United States. Identify the topic you chose to explore: Tulsa Massacre Stonewall Inn was registered as a type of private bottle bar, which did not require a liquor license because patrons were supposed to bring their own liquor. The Chicago riots, the Human Be-in, the dope smoking, the hippies. Dana Gaiser Primary sources available at the Library of Congress provide detailed information about how this first Pride march was planned, and the reasons why activists felt so strongly that it should exist. The police made several arrests and confiscated liquor. New York City Police Department/ On June 28, 1970, two thousand gay and lesbian activists in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago paraded down the streets of their cities in a new kind of social protest, one marked by celebration, fun, and unashamed declaration of a stigmatized identity. In 2019, shortly before the 50th anniversary of the riots, New York Citys police commissioner, James P. ONeill, issued an apology on behalf of the police department saying, The actions taken by the N.Y.P.D. Lucian Truscott, IV, Reporter,The Village Voice:What they did in the Stonewall that night. And that crowd between Howard Johnson's and Mama's Chik-n-Rib was like the basic crowd of the gay community at that time in the Village. Virginia Apuzzo:It was free but not quite free enough for us. The shop had been threatened, we would get hang-up calls, calls where people would curse at us on the phone, we'd had vandalism, windows broken, streams of profanity. They put some people on the street right in front ofThe Village Voiceprotesting the use of the word fag in my story. Web(Close reading) According to this document, what had been happening in the weeks leading up to the Stonewall Riots? William Eskridge, Professor of Law:The Stonewall riots came at a central point in history. and I didn't see anything but a forest of hands. Joe DeCola Tires were slashed on police cars and it just went on all night long. Raymond Castro:Incendiary devices were being thrown in I don't think they were Molotov cocktails, but it was just fire being thrown in when the doors got open. Mike Wallace (Archival):Two out of three Americans look upon homosexuals with disgust, discomfort or fear. I could never let that happen and never did. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. The "Stonewall Era" corresponds with the opening of the Stonewallin January 1966 until it closed in December 1969. All rights reserved. And this went on for hours. Producers Library We did use humor to cover pain, frustration, anger. After two years, police said they had been informed that liquor was being served on the premises. Danny Garvin:We were talking about the revolution happening and we were walking up 7th Avenue and I was thinking it was either Black Panthers or the Young Lords were going to start it and we turned the corner from 7th Avenue onto Christopher Street and we saw the paddy wagon pull up there. Omissions? Lucian Truscott, IV, Reporter,The Village Voice:A rather tough lesbian was busted in the bar and when she came out of the bar she was fighting the cops and trying to get away. We had been threatened bomb threats. The Stonewall riots inspired gay Americans to fight for their rights. Drag queens and Martin Boyce:And then more police came, and it didn't stop. They frequent their own clubs, and bars and coffee houses, where they can escape the disapproving eye of the society that they call straight. Stonewall Riot NYPD Reports and Transcriptions. Too bad we didnt get to the Stonewall, though very likely we walked by enroute to elsewhere. Judith Kuchar Slate:Perversion for Profit(1965), Citizens for Decency Through Law. We didn't necessarily know where we were going yet, you know, what organizations we were going to be or how things would go, but we became something I, as a person, could all of a sudden grab onto, that I couldn't grab onto when I'd go to a subway T-room as a kid, or a 42nd street movie theater, you know, or being picked up by some dirty old man. Absolutely, and many people who were not lucky, felt the cops. According to the documents the police allowed the bars to operate, overlooking violations in return for a percentage of the take. Saying I don't want to be this way, this is not the life I want. And we were singing: "We are the Village girls, we wear our hair in curls, we wear our dungarees, above our nellie knees." At least if you had press, maybe your head wouldn't get busted. June is internationally recognized as Pride Month, and this years celebrations mark the 50 th anniversary of the Stonewall Riotsthe catalyst for the modern LGBTQ+ civil rights movement.. WebChicago Race Riot in 1919, Tulsa Race Massacre 1921, Zoot Suite riot in 1943, riots in Newark and Detroit in 1967 and the LA Riots in 1995)(See Stonewall Riots, 1969). Raymond Castro:You could hear screaming outside, a lot of noise from the protesters and it was a good sound. Because if you don't have extremes, you don't get any moderation. John O'Brien:Our goal was to hurt those police. Without police interference, the crime family could cut costs how they saw fit: The club lacked a fire exit, running water behind the bar to wash glasses, clean toilets that didnt routinely overflow and palatable drinks that werent watered down beyond recognition. I'm losing everything that I have. (St. Martins Press, 2004). Pamela Gaudiano WebJamie Tucker March 20, 2022 HIS 200 3-2 Writing Plan Progress Check 3 Topic of Interest: For my historical event I have chosen The Stonewall Riots. On June 28, 1969, New York City police raided a Greenwich Village gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, setting off a three-day riot that launched the modern American gay rights movement. It welcomed drag queens, who received a bitter reception at other gay bars and clubs. My father said, "About time you fags rioted.". other rioters, Wolfgang Podolski and Thomas Staton, whose involvement in the disturbances had not been documented before. They were obtained last month by Jonathan Ned Katz, Dan Bodner While the events of Stonewall are often referred to as "riots," Stonewall veterans have explicitly stated that they prefer the term Stonewalluprising orrebellion. There was at least one gay bar that was run just as a hustler bar for straight gay married men. I was proud. Narrator (Archival):Do you want your son enticed into the world of homosexuals, or your daughter lured into lesbianism? The first police officer that came in with our group said, "The place is under arrest. That wasn't ours, it was borrowed. You know. And that, that was a very haunting issue for me. Howard Smith, Reporter,The Village Voice:I had a column inThe Village Voicethat ran from '66 all the way through '84. One poignant example is the murder of Frederick Wiliam Paez on the 11th anniversary of Stonewall (June 28 1980) who was shot by a police officer who had solicited him. It was right in the center of where we all were. Cover art for The Stonewall Riots: A Documentary History and The Stonewall Reader. Their anger was apparent and vocal as they watched bar patrons being forced into a police van. People could take shots at us. The laws were made to specifically On June 28th, these police raided Stonewall, which was not uncommon. Aaron Lecklider Journal of American History, Volume 107, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 794796, Published: 01 December 2020 PDF Split View Cite traumatic physicaL, emotional and financial personal experience of my own at the time, I nonetheless said a silent prayer for those who were brave enough to be fighting for freedom. As the riots progressed, an international gay rights movement was born. Robin Haueter Despite the later historical significance assigned to the Stonewall rebellion, many of the details associated with the events have have been poorly or incompletely documented, said Mr. Carter, whose book has been cited Marc Aubin Our lessons and assessments are available for free download once you've created an account. It was terrifying. Fred Sargeant:The tactical patrol force on the second night came in even larger numbers, and were much more brutal. 12 Test Bank IS2080 - Chapter 9 Test Study Guide Chapter 8 Practice BANA 2082 - Chapter 1.6 Notes Group Draft WRD - Grade: B You can find the latest New York Today We were going to propose something that all groups could participate in and what we ended up producing was what's now known as the gay pride march. One such well-known gathering place for young gay men, lesbians, and transgender people was the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, a dark, seedy, crowded bar, reportedly operating without a liquor license. And they started smashing their heads with clubs. The homosexual, bitterly aware of his rejection, responds by going underground. Based on hundreds of interviews, an exhaustive search of public and previously sealed files and over a decade of intensive research, Stonewall tells the definitive story of this singular event in history. You cut one head off. . What finally made sense to me was the first time I kissed a woman and I thought, "Oh, this is what it's about." Seymour Pine, Deputy Inspector, Morals Division, NYPD:There were no instructions except: put them out of business. (Close reading) According to this document, which groups of people had strong attachments to the Stonewall Inn? Document It was a raid. I never believed in that. One of the Certainly it was rare at the time to learn more than the first name or nickhame of someone you met casually in a bar. It's very American to say, "You promised equality, you promised freedom." Eric Marcus, Writer:Before Stonewall, there was no such thing as coming out or being out. Dick Leitsch:And I remember it being a clear evening with a big black sky and the biggest white moon I ever saw. The mayor of New York City, the police commissioner, were under pressure to clean up the streets of any kind of quote unquote "weirdness." Narrator (Archival):Richard Enman, president of the Mattachine Society of Florida, whose goal is to legalize homosexuality between consenting adults, was a reluctant participant in tonight's program. Because one out of three of you will turn queer. John O'Brien:It was definitely dark, it was definitely smelly and raunchy and dirty and that's the only places that we had to meet each other, was in the very dirty, despicable places. Primary Sources for Pride: Celebrating Stonewall & Christopher What Happened at the Stonewall Riots? A Timeline of the 1969 I hope it was. WebThe legacy of the Stonewall riots still makes its impact today. Then the cops come up and make use of what used to be called the bubble-gum machine, back then a cop car only had one light on the top that spun around. Martin Boyce:We were like a Hydra. A sickness that was not visible like smallpox, but no less dangerous and contagious. When police raided the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in the Greenwich Village section of New York City on June 28, 1969, the street erupted into violent protests that lasted for the next six days. Raymond Castro This time they said, "We're not going." And I raised my hand at one point and said, "Let's have a protest march." Watch documentary footage of the first Pride march held in New York City on June 28, 1970, Gay and Proud, a documentary by activist Lilli Vincenz: The S.V.A. Howard Smith, Reporter,The Village Voice:All of a sudden, in the background I heard some police cars. The Stonewall Inn was a sanctuary for drag queens, who were not always welcomed even at other gay bars. They call them hotels, motels, lovers' lanes, drive-in movie theaters, etc. How Did the Rainbow Flag Become a Symbol of LGBTQ Pride? Lucian Truscott, IV, Reporter,The Village Voice:And then the next night. But we're going to pay dearly for this. In the early hours of June 28, 1969, a police raid of the Stonewall Inn exploded into a riot when patrons of the LGBT bar resisted arrest and clashed with police. Updates? There are a lot of kids here. A sickness of the mind. Martin Boyce:Oh, Miss New Orleans, she wouldn't be stopped. The broad-based radical activism of many gay men and lesbians in the 1970s eventually set into motion a new, nondiscriminatory trend in government policies and helped educate society regarding this significant minority. Virginia Apuzzo:It's very American to say, "This is not right." Tommy Lanigan-Schmidt:The police would zero in on us because sometimes they would be in plain clothes, and sometimes they would even entrap. And Dick Leitsch, who was the head of the Mattachine Society said, "Who's in favor?" I am not alone, there are other people that feel exactly the same way.". on, causing damage to the roof, hood and rear engine cover. CBS.LGBTQ Activism: The Henry Gerber House, Chicago, IL. There may be some girls here who will turn lesbian. good people to the attention of your readers. Website support provided by Margaret Paz. The only faces you will see are those of the arresting officers. It was large and relatively cheap to enter. New York papers tend to call it the Stonewall uprising, not the Stonewall riot, because it played out as six days of skirmishes between young gay, lesbian, and And I just didn't understand that. In 1969 the solicitation of homosexual relations was an illegal act in New York City (and indeed virtually all other urban centres). National History Archive, LGBT Community Center One chapter covers bars and policing from 1965 to 1969; two address LGBT And there was like this tension in the air and it just like built and built. Barack Obama designated the site of the Stonewall uprising a national monument. It was the only time I was in a gladiatorial sport that I stood up in. Narrator (Archival):Sure enough, the following day, when Jimmy finished playing ball, well, the man was there waiting. 1969: Stonewall Riots. Yvonne Ritter:"In drag," quote unquote, the downside was that you could get arrested, you could definitely get arrested if someone clocked you or someone spooked that you were not really what you appeared to be on the outside. Popular. the six-day series of disturbances that began as a protest by gays against police harassment and became a defining moment in the gay-rights movement. Fred Sargeant:When it was clear that things were definitely over for the evening, we decided we needed to do something more. But we had to follow up, we couldn't just let that be a blip that disappeared. It eats you up inside not being comfortable with yourself. The records concern the start of the Stonewall uprising in the early morning of June 28, 1969. Geordie, Liam and Theo Gude One time, a bunch of us ran into somebody's car and locked the door and they smashed the windows in. Identify the topic you chose to explore: Tulsa Massacre It is important to note that in addition to arresting LGBTQ+ people, first-hand accounts reveal the violence that police enacted on those they had arrested. WebView informativespeechoutline.docx from COMM MISC at Texas State University. Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising This was ours, here's where the Stonewall was, here's our Mecca. WebStonewall Riot praxis one paper pcs 215 03 praxis the stonewall riots in 1969, people responded to violence from officers at police raid at the stonewall inn in Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions Southern New Hampshire University Harvard University Anger erupted after New York City police arrested 13 people during a raid at the Stonewall Inn, a bar and safe space for the LGBTQ+ community. Notably, an uncounted number of LGBTQ+ people have died as a result of police raids on gay spaces. It was done in our little street talk. For LGBT periodicals, seeLGBT Life with Full Text(EBSCO),Archives of Sexuality and Gender(Gale), and theOutHistorywebsite. Stonewall Riot
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stonewall riots documents 2023