What a story, and how lucky are we,born just after WW2, for the brave men and women, who fought for our freedom, Your email address will not be published. Officials at the time chose to ignore the Lancastria disaster, as it was deemed a failed evacuation, and it was almost overshadowed by the news of the French surrender to the Germans. The Lancastria was tasked to bring them home. The article said the soldiers sang popular World War Two songs "Roll Out the Barrel" and "There'll Always be an England" as the ship went down. When sent to newspapers or other publications it prevented particular information from being made public for reasons of state security. [17] Troops were ferried out to Lancastria and the other larger ships by destroyers, tugs, fishing boats and other small craft,[18] a round trip of three or four hours, sometimes being machine-gunned by German aircraft, although apparently without casualties. It was used until 1993, when the name was changed to DSMA-Notice (Defence and Security Media Advisory Notice). Survivors were taken aboard other evacuation vessels, the trawler Cambridgeshire rescuing 900. The late edition of The Scotsman on July 25 1940 featured a six-paragraph story buried on the middle of page five. Unnecessary fittings were removed, she was repainted in battleship grey, the portholes were blacked out, and a 4-inch gun was installed. You will need a reader's ticket to do this. As many as 7,000 lost their lives, making it Britain's worst sea . He was told that he should take as many as he possibly could "without regard to the limits of International Law". Official commemorations of those lost during the disaster were long in coming. Early on the morning of the 17th June 1940 three Royal Navy Reserve officers came aboard and asked her captain, Rudolph Sharp, how many people the Lancastria would be able to uplift. As the 100th anniversary of the RMSTitanic sinking took place in 2012, fresh calls were made for "official recognition" of the loss of Lancastria by the British Government. "When we have tried, they (the government) have said it (documents on the Lancastria) are secret. The captain said that he would be able to take 3,000 at a pinch. This year the ceremony was considerably toned down due to the coronavirus pandemic. This isnt just a result of an inaccurate muster ofpersonnel embarked but in the main part by Churchillsdecision by to impose a news blackout stating that the newspapers havehad enough of disastrous news of late meant that the whole catastrophe wasnt reported to the rest of the world until an article appeared in theNew York Pressseveral weeks later. "[50], In June 2008, the first batch of commemorative medals was presented to survivors and relatives of victims and survivors; the HMT Lancastria Commemorative Medal, which represented "official Scottish Government recognition" of the Lancastria disaster. Captain Sharp estimated he had loaded 5,500 people, but his officers put the count at nearer 7,200. On the morning of May 1st 1915 the Lusitania left New York behind. 1)www.bbc.co.uk(2017)Dunkirk a few facts. The government feared what the news would do the British nation in the midst of its darkest hour. Because of the losses of the other requisitioned transports, Captain Sharp postulated, based on the figure of 2,653 men he had rescued during Operation Alphabet that his ship could accommodate 3,000 persons. Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? The Lancastria Tragedy: Sinking and Cover-Up, June 1940. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. At the outbreak of the Second World War she was requisitioned for use as a troop carrier and was refitted in New York, her company colours painted over in battleship grey. The U.S. The ship was among twenty others that participated in the evacuation of 2,653 British, French, and Polish troops from Norway when Operation Alphabet began on May 24,1940. Estimates of total survivors were hard to quantify though. RMS Lancastria (centre) at Funchal, Madeira, c. 1930. The speed at which the vessel sank meant that there was little time for other ships to react. Modern estimates suggest that between 4,000 and 7,000 people died during the . Quite an official statement to ponder. Approximately four thousand men, women, and children were buried beneath the waves. She was two and a half when the ship was attacked. In April 1940, she was one of twenty troopships in Operation Alphabet, the evacuation of troops from Norway, and was bombed on the return journey although she escaped damage. Captain Sharp would lose his life on September 12, 1942, when the HMT Laconia, was sunk northeast of Ascension Island off the coast of West Africa by Kriegsmarine U-156, a Type IXC boat then attached to the 4th U-boat Flotilla. In fact the casualty figures, especiallyin perspective, are moreshocking and although 59 merchant seamen were lost on theLancastria(4), 126 merchant sailors perishedduring the whole of the previous fortnights Dunkirk evacuation. An estimated 400 Scots were amongst the 4,000 killed with the Lancastria was attacked and sunk. The immense loss of life was such that the British government banned any public announcements of the disaster through the D-Notice system, but the story was broken by the New York Times and The Scotsman newspapers on 26 July. Hold No. HMT Lancastria Association, 17 June 1988.. He was a very quiet man, and his recalling of the Lancastria tended to come only after a couple of pints.". I've briefly mentioned the experience of four survivors during this talk: Major Plunkett, Wing Commander MacFayden and Captain Rudolph Sharp, Master, as well as his Steward. Accompanying Lancastria was the 20,341-ton liner, Franconia. Ordering and viewing options This record has not been digitised and cannot be downloaded. A third boat had its bottom stoved in by landing too fast. Furthermore, some believe the British government have not revealed all documentary evidence of what happened. [3][4], The ship was launched in 1920 as Tyrrhenia by William Beardmore and Company of Dalmuir on the River Clyde for the Anchor Line, a subsidiary of Cunard. Harrois went on to say that when history looks at the retreat in 1940, the evacuation of Dunkirk is the undertaking that most remember. 2 held about 800 RAF personnel. [54] Scouting Ireland's national campsite Larch Hill has an anchor memorial to Lancastria, commemorating the legacy of the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland's pilgrimage in 1932. She sank around 5 nautical miles south of Chmoulin Point in the Charpentier roads and around 9 nautical miles out of St. Nazaire. Upwards of three thousand men perished. According to some accounts, these were heard to be singing 'Roll Out the Barrel' and 'There'll Always Be an England', though some survivors strongly deny this. "[40], All service personnel killed during the Second World War are recorded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and were known that they lost their lives on Lancastria; 1,816 burials are recorded, over 400 of them in France. [7] On 10 October 1932 Lancastria rescued the crew of the Belgian cargo ship SS Scheldestad, which had been abandoned in a sinking condition in the Bay of Biscay. 1912-05-28 RMS Laconia Passenger List Steamship Line: Cunard Line Class of Passengers: Second Cabin Date of Departure: 28 May 1912 Information about the Lancastria sinking might be restricted by the Official Secrets Act. Dunkirk is well-documented to most;butalthoughmost troops in early June had been safely evacuated to English ports, the rest of the army were fighting a desperate rearguard action in north-western France around Brittany, a situation which Churchill recognised as an evacuation area to which many merchant and naval ships were dulydespatched.Subsequently,on the 17 June theLancastriahad arrived off St Nazaire in an operation codenamedAerialwith orders to evacuate as asmany aspossible a task the ship carried out continuously until there were an estimated 9,000 troops, RAF personnel, staff and dependants from Allied embassies and some French refugees including women and children. In his memoirs, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote that he had intended to release the news a few days later, but that events in France crowded upon us so black and so quickly that I forgot to lift the ban (p.192). The name Tyrrhenia proved problematic for her passengers to pronounce and was subsequently changed to Lancastria in 1924. Introduction:Aday which isprobably more in peoples minds due to resumption of the Premier League footballseasonrather than the commemoration of Britains worst maritime tragedy a disaster which took the lives of an estimated 3000 to 5800 sailors, soldiers, airmen and civilians. Quite enough disaster for today. In an anecdote somewhat buried in his Memoirs of the Second World War, Prime Minister Winston Churchill recounts a frightful incident that occurred on June 17, 1940. [20] People were crowded into whatever spaces were available including the large cargo holds. Lancastria Association of Scotland made a further request in 2009. He passed away four years ago, the last Scottish survivor to die. She arrived in the mouth of the Loire estuary late on 16 June. She was bombed at 15:48 by Junkers 88 aircraft from II. When Nazi planes dropped their bombs, Walter and Charlie were separated in the chaos. [3], The immense loss of life was such that the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, immediately suppressed news of the disaster through the D-Notice system,[33] telling his staff that "The newspapers have got quite enough disaster for today at least". "We want recognition that this was the biggest sea disaster ever," she said. However, Chapter 10, Those Who Died, comprises nearly one-third of the book and lists the names of 1,431 individuals from 39 different military units along with, where possible, their ranks, service numbers and designations of regiments or corps. [2] Modern estimates suggest that between 4,000 and 7,000 people died during the sinking the largest single-ship loss of life in British maritime history. Jun 17 1940 Sinking of the RMS Lancastria A fresh air raid began before 4 pm. It also has a model of the ship in a glass case and the ship's bell is also in the church. She sailed scheduled routes from Liverpool to New York until 1932, and was then used as a cruise ship in the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. This drew on all known information held at Kew. At midday Captain Sharp was advised to sail immediately but due to navalreports of a U-boat in the area he decided to await fora destroyer escort,a decision whichwas to seal the fate of manyevacuees. [31], There were 2,477 survivors, of whom about 100 were still alive in 2011. She was first used to assist in the evacuation of troops from Norway. The liner sank within 20 minutes of being bombed by the Luftwaffe. She was the sister ship of RMS Cameronia that Beardmore's had built for the same customer the previous year. manufacturing in Britain. [23] The ship sank at 16:12, within twenty minutes of being hit,[26] which gave little time for other vessels to respond. Initiated in 1889and then revised in 1911, 1920, and 1939it sets out offences related to spying, sabotage, and related crimes. manufacturing in Britain. Other soldiers, meanwhile, performed acts of bravery and helped civilians while there was "no panic". Memorials in statue, plaques, and stained glass can be found in Staffordshire, Liverpool, and London. [47] The Lancastria Association of Scotland was formed in 2005 and holds its annual service at St George's West Church in Edinburgh. casualties and survivors with related. [49] The day of the 75th anniversary of the loss of Lancastria was marked in the Westminster Parliament on 17 June 2015 at Prime Minister's Questions by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, who was standing in for the Prime Minister. The site of the sinking is not an official War Grave safeguarded by The Protection of Military Remains Act of 1986 because the British have no jurisdiction over the French territorial waters where Lancastrias wreck lies, but the French government has provided an appropriate level of protection to the site, prohibiting diving on the wreck, for example. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. RMS Lancastria, Death Toll: 4,000-6,500. Around lunchtime, on the 17th, there was an air raid. The Lancastria Tragedy comprises an introduction, eleven numbered chapters, and a concluding chapter titled In Closing, as well as endmatter including an About the Author section, Sources, and a three-page Index of proper nouns. About 4,000 men, women and children lost their lives when the Lancastria sank 20 minutes after it was bombed by the Germans near the French port of Saint-Nazaire on 17 June 1940. RMS Lancastria was a British ocean liner requisitioned by the UK Government during the Second World War. The initial cover up at the time of the war is perhaps understandable, because it could be used as propaganda by the Germans. As the families reflect on their loss, it appears their frustrations will remain. [21], At 13:50, during an air-raid, the nearby Oronsay, a 20,000-ton Orient Liner, was hit on the bridge by a German bomb. There were 2,477 survivors. Remembrance. Mr Napier is also wearing the Lancastria commemorative medal which was awarded by the Scottish Government in June 2008 in recognition of those who were aboard the vessel that day. With the outbreak of the Second World War, she carried cargo before being requisitioned in April 1940 as a troopship, becoming the HMT Lancastria. Many others died from hypothermia, inhaling fuel oil on the surface or drowning. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Estimates of the loss range between 3,000 and 5,800 fatalities. [34], The sinking was announced that evening during the English-language Nazi propaganda radio programme, Germany Calling by its presenter William Joyce, better known as "Lord Haw-Haw"; however his claims were notoriously unreliable and had little public credence. Frank Holden Snr was on board the luxury transatlantic cruise liner Lancastria in 1940. Mark said: "There is a definite residual sense of grievance. Just to say a little. Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 30. Around 700 missing from the British Expeditionary Force are commemorated on the Dunkirk Memorial. The letter added: "These relatives do not have a clear understanding of what happened as documentary evidence, they are told, remains unavailable; and possibly will not be revealed until 2040, which is of no comfort; indeed it adds to their distress as the relatives, themselves, will not be alive.". Osborne said of the sinking: "It was kept secret at the time for reasons of wartime secrecy, but I think it is appropriate today in this House of Commons to remember all those who died, those who survived, and those who mourn them. The British Government has refused to make the site a war grave under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 although documents obtained under the Freedom of Information show that it could be done. [52] The inscription on the rear of the medal reads: "In recognition of the ultimate sacrifice of the 4000 victims of Britain's worst-ever maritime disaster and the endurance of survivors We will remember them". . In February 2008 the Scottish Government confirmed it would present the medal to all those who were aboard the Lancastria that day. Almost 50 years later, a memorial was erected in St. Nazaire, reading: Opposite this place lies the wreck of the troopship Lancastria sunk by enemy action on 17 June 1940 whilst embarking British troops and civilians during the evacuation of France. It was fourth English pounds. LANCASTRIA (June 17, 1940) The loss of the Lancastria was the fourth largest maritime disaster of the war. Chapter 5 focuses on the actual sinking of the Lancastria while Chapter 11 focuses on its aftermath. Many lifeboats could not be launched as they had been damaged, and there were only 2,500 life jackets on board. Lancastria was hit by three or possibly four bombs. "[30] Rudolph Sharp survived the sinking and went on to command the RMSLaconia, losing his life on 12 September 1942 in the Laconia incident off West Africa. The sinking of the RMS Lancastria, as seen from a rescue ship. However, some information about the Lancastrias sinking was made public within a matter of days, particularly six individual death notices in local newspapers. Grace's Guide To British Industrial History, https://www.gracesguide.co.uk/index.php?title=RMS_Lancastria&oldid=1038523, Creative Anchored 11 miles south-west of St Nazaire. Video, On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, and despite a special Scottish government medal for Lancastria survivors and their families, Serena Williams announces pregnancy at Met Gala, Shooting suspect was deported four times - US media, New record as 4.56m Indians take flights in a day, Japan to ban upskirting in stronger sex crime laws, Met Gala 2023: Stars celebrate Karl Lagerfeld, BP profits of 4bn in three months spark criticism. 5621230. The RMS Lancastria was hit by three or four bombs dropped from a Junkers JU 88 bomber; 15 to 20 minutes later, she lay a the bottom of the sea. And at15:55 on the 17 June the first bombs fell almost simultaneouslyfrom a German bomber causing theLancastriato catch fire and capsize; hundreds would have been killed immediately whilst others struggled in the oil-coveredsea.In a act of pure evil JU 88s weremachine-gunning survivors from the air many of them women and children but amidst the carnage smaller vessels did their best to assist,the anti-submarine trawlerCambridgeshirepicking up no less than 900. Walter assumed, to his dying day in 1989, that Charlie was killed in the sinking. In 1924 she was refitted for two classes and renamed Lancastria after passengers complained that they could not properly pronounce Tyrrhenia; (viz: RP /tjurini/ as per the crew's nickname of the ship: the "Old Soup Tureen". However, themovetowardswar went initially quite slowly. The French had a front row seat to the destruction, but the British people were kept in the dark. The British press did then cover the story, including front pages of the Daily Herald (also on 26 July) and Sunday Express on 4 August; the latter included a photograph of the capsized ship with its upturned hull lined with men under the headline "Last Moments of the Greatest Sea Tragedy of All Time". Churchills D-Notice asked all media outlets not to publish any information on the Lancastria sinking. Another liner, the SS Oronsay, was damaged, so Captain Sharp was advised to depart. Nevertheless, within hours of disembarking troops at Liverpool on June 14th, Lancastria was reassigned, along with the 20,341 gross tons liner Franconia, to Operation Aerial, the evacuation of British civilians, embassy staff, and support troops from France. [25] As Lancastria began to capsize, some of those who were still on board managed to scramble onto the ship's underside. However, therewas no such light-heartedness for 800 RAF personnel of the ranks. This web publication contains 154,528 pages of Nonetheless, on June 17 lets enjoy the footiebutalsospare a thought for the heroes of theLancastria.They gave us our freedom. In 2005, Fenby wrote that estimates of the death toll vary from fewer than 3,000 to 5,800 people although it is also estimated that as many as 6,500 people perished, the largest loss of life in British maritime history. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of Harrowingenough in itself the grey-paintedship was anchored out in the Loireestuarywith personnel ferried out in various small boats itcan be well-imagined thatthese hungry, traumatisedand wounded peoplewere so relieved to be transportedto asafe place.But asmore and more embarkedbelow decks the vessel became hopelesslyovercrowded, indeed a communique was sent stating that the ship should embark as many as possible irrespective of international rules (1). Some survivors claimed that a bomb had gone straight down a funnel, others thought bombs hit No, 4, 2, and 3 holds. One Royal Engineers officer reported that he had been told by one of Lancastria's loading officers that over 7,200 people had come aboard. Walter was attacked by a man who wanted his life jacket. Having received an emergency order to evacuate British nationals and troops from France the ship was loaded well in excess of its capacity of 1,300 passengers. With the sea thick with oil, German planes strafed survivors trying to keep afloat. [56][57] The site of Lancastria wreck lies in French territorial waters and is therefore ineligible for protection under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986; however, at the request of the British Government, in 2006 the French authorities gave the site legal protection as a war grave. Franconia was assigned to Lorient while Lancastria continued toward St. Nazaire but because of the tidal channel on the Loire estuary Lancastria had to anchor in the Charpentier Roads about 5 nm (nautical miles) southwest of the actual port. Over 1,400 tons of fuel oil leaked into the sea and was set partially ablaze, possibly by strafing. Eyewitness Emile Boutin (whose stories are included in the online Lancastria archive) wrote, Sometimes one body arrived, sometimes 16 arrived at once other times there were four days, five days without anything. The citizens of Moutiers buried the victims behind a sea dike, where they stayeduntil the end of the war. Those who got away were machine-gunned in the water". But with wearisome slowness theU.K. government stillhasntacknowledgedthe sacrifice, although to its credit the Scottish parliament commissioned aLancastriasurvivors medal, plus a memorial in Glasgow where the ship was built. Maintained by Sapere Software. The medal is in recognition of the endurance of survivors and ultimate sacrifice of the victims. [35] The story was finally broken in the United States by the Press Association on 25 July,[36] in The New York Times, and the next day in Britain by The Scotsman, more than five weeks after the sinking. The details that are known about the event have all come from witness statements. "As the French Government has provided an appropriate level of protection to the Lancastria through French law and it is formally considered a military maritime grave by the MoD, we believe that the wreck has the formal status and protection it deserves.". Others told of retrieving the corpses that washed up on the beaches a few days later. A resident of Ile de Noirmoutier, Michel Adrien, who was six at the time, remembers the bodies spilling out from the sea, some still warm. Some of those left behind were women of the ATS, The story of the brave men rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk in May and June 1940 is well known, but less often told is the story of the nurses on the hospital ships that brought thousands of wounded servicemen back to the safety of England. Many thanks. The 17th June 1940 saw one of the most horrific events of World War II and the single worst maritime disaster in British history. "Nearly 2,500 are known to have been saved - and more may be in enemy hands - from a total 5300 aboard the transport Lancastria, which, it was admitted in London yesterday, was sunk on June 17 by the enemy during the evacuation of the BEF from France,' it read. Heres how to join! She was first used to ferry men and supplies between Canada and the United Kingdom. Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and As were news reports on the sinking. Required fields are marked *. Those who survived the incident were instructed not to speak about their experience. It is the worst single loss of life in British maritime history and the bloodiest single engagement for UK Late that afternoon, she was packed with servicemen, air force personnel, embassy staff, and their families and some civilians with their families. Seventy five years after the sinking of the Lancastria - Britain's worst maritime disaster in history - why is the tragedy largely forgotten? 3 holds while a fourth landed close to the port side of the ship, rupturing the fuel oil tanks, though even with this damage, the ship should have stayed afloat for longer unless the report of the bomb in the funnel was true. Mr H J Cooper is quoted in the Chelmsford Chronicle on 28 June: "I am afraid thousands died, but tell the world they sang 'Roll out the Barrel' as they died. Seventy five years on, and despite a special Scottish government medal for Lancastria survivors and their families, relatives want the sinking to be properly remembered. Catalogue description S.S. "LANCASTRIA" : Lists of R.A.F. The death toll accounted for roughly a third of the total losses of the British Expeditionary Force in France. This information will help us make improvements to the website. "I think that is probably the reason he never went to any of the company reunions. The notifications are not legally enforceable; hence, news editors could choose not to abide by them but, generally, accede to these notices. Many families of the dead knew only that they died with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF); the death toll accounted for roughly a third of the total losses of the BEF in France. We have not forgotten. People were ferried from the mainland all day. A few eyewitnesses told of soldiers balancing on the upturned hull and singing Roll out the Barrel as the ship listed to port. The missing dead who served in the Navy are commemorated on the naval memorials at Chatham, Plymouth and Portsmouth, with missing merchant seamen named at the Tower Hill Memorial, and the missing airmen who went down with the ship, listed on the Runnymede Memorial. RMS Lancastria (later HMT Lancastria) was a British Cunard liner commandeered by the UK Government for war, sunk on 17 June 1940 during World War II sending 4,000 people to their deaths, possibly many more. [52] In September 2013, a plaque was unveiled at Liverpool's Pier Head by Lord Mayor Gary Millar commemorating the loss of the ship. Walter ended up in the water and saw a dog swimming away from the wreckage. people who designed and built them. Within hours of berthing at Liverpool, Lancastria was urgently recalled to sea; loud-speaker announcements at the main railway station successfully recalled nearly all the crew members;[16] she arrived in Plymouth on 15 June to await orders. [5] Tyrrhenia was 16,243gross register tons(GRT), 578 feet (176m) long and could carry 2,200 passengers in three classes. Even when coupled with the sinking of the RMS Lusitania off the south coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915 by German which killed 1,195, leaving 761 survivorsLancastria would apparently exceed the combined death total. My Great Great Grandfathers son, would it be my Great Nephew, he is was on this vessel, and lived to tell about it, on the RMS Lusitania off the south coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915. "But the lack of recognition and acknowledgement in the subsequent years that has left many survivors and relatives of victims feeling their sacrifice was worth less than the big heroic events of the Second World War.". I think Churchill was right when he said 'we don't broadcast this'. Or, you can request a quotation for a copy to be sent to you. The numbers of passengers aboard, survivors, and casualties are unreported or vary wildly. Interestingly, 2040 or 2041 should also be when restricted British documents on the Pearl Harbor attack are made public. All rights reserved. After receiving news of the Lancastria disaster, Churchill had placed a D-notice on the incident, forbidding any knowledge of the sinking reaching an already demoralized public. Yes,it was a long time ago but tokeep football supporters stillinterested perhaps there are parallels between the 1939-40 season and this years 2019-20 competition for both were abandoned early. The people living in the area, found bodies washed up on the beaches for weeks after the disaster. In the following day's paper, again on page five, there was a more detailed article. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Captain Rudolf Sharpe later lost his life when the ship he commanded, the Laconia, was sunk. Moutiers people never talk, never talked about the Lancastria, but about the cemetery of the British. It was not until 2006 that the French government afforded the site official legal protection as a war grave. Survivor Reg Brown speaks to BBC Coventry & Warwickshire, AI chatbots 'may soon be more intelligent than us', Russia troop deaths hit 20,000 in five months - US, Palestinian hunger striker dies in Israel prison, The 17 most eye-catching looks at the Met Gala, The burden of being cricket legend Tendulkar's son, 'My wife and six children joined Kenya starvation cult', On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. Lancastria Association names 1,738 people known to have been killed. Because the port has to be accessed along a tidal channel, Lancastria anchored in the Charpentier Roads, some 5 miles (8.0km) south-west of St. Nazaire, at 04:00 on 17 June,[17] along with some thirty other merchant vessels of all sizes. This of course would mean ignoring virtually all safety rules and regulations. The 20,000-ton liner Lancastria, with five thousand men aboard, was bombed just as she was about to leave. For other uses, see, Section 36; prejudice to the effective conduct of public affairs; Section 40(2); contains personal information; Section 40(3); Release would contravene section 10 of the, According to CWGC Records of identified Burials in France as of 17 June 1940 of "Lancastria" total 1486 (British Army 1449; RAF 33, Location of the sinking of the troopship RMS Lancastria, Church of Our Lady and Saint Nicholas, Liverpool, "BBC - History - World Wars: The 'Lancastria' - a Secret Sacrifice in World War Two", "About Us: History of Scouting in Ireland", "The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879 - 1954) - 27 May 1936 - p16", "At sea.
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rms lancastria survivors list 2023