\text { Year }(t) & \text { Cash flow } \\ The first treaty signed at Utrecht was the truce between France and Portugal on 7 November, followed by the truce between France and Savoy on 14 March 1714. Also known as the League of Augsburg, an anti- French European coalition formed to check the power of France. -Moves are made to restore monarchy by nobles w/ Charles II, Restore English monarchy under Charles II [19] This was because Dunkirk was the primary base for French privateers, as it was possible to reach the North Sea in a single tide and escape British patrols in the English Channel. - Little industry/ agriculture, peasants ruined by taxation, not modern, Contributing Factors: material in greater bulk. Ap Euro Events Terms in this set (16) Peace of Augsburg 1555, ended religious civil war between roman catholic and lutherans in germany, each german prince power to choice religion of state, failed to provide recognition for calvinsts or other religious groups Council of Trent permanence/ role of Parliament, -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians DOC AP Euro: Absolutism and Constitutionalism - ktufsd.org AP European History Timeline | Preceden PDF AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2007 SCORING GUIDELINES - College Board f(x)=x(x1);x=4, On a separate sheet of paper, explain the following term by using it correctly in a sentence. France ceded Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, the Hudson Bay territory, and the island of St. Kitts to Britain and promised to demolish the fortifications at Dunkirk, which had been used as a base for attacks on English and Dutch shipping. The previous conferences were: in Nijmegen (1678-1679), in Rijswijk (1697), in Utrecht (1713), in Vienna (1738), in Aachen (1748), and Paris Catholicism official religion of France Another enduring result was the creation of the Spanish Bourbon dynasty, which still reigns over Spain up to the present day whilst the French branch of the House of Bourbon has long since been dethroned. Ap euro 48 - lecture notes - WARS ANNA TtAEAFiE5s 0 French - Studocu Reasserts illegal Calvinism, Catholic safeguards Peace of Augsburg, orders the return of all church lands of Lutherans, Gustavus Adolphus II king of unified Lutheran Nation sometimes seen as an "Enlightened Despot" (this is questionable). After the split from Catholic Spain, Calvinism became the dominant religion. a. PDF Image Zoom Out. -Seen as sympathetic to Catholics (alliance w/ Spain), Puritans: seek to purify Anglican Church from Pope+ Bishops, -Parliament passes Petition of Right (1628) to control King -- Great Schism AP Euro Flashcards Flashcards | Chegg.com B. bullionism --> the accumulation of precious metals by governments was seen as very important to the - France loses Gibraltar, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay to England -Puritans fear Catholic revival, Married to Catholic (failed to enforce Anti-Catholic laws), 1637: English order Scots use Anglican Worship service -- strengthened the army. England stabilized under constitutionalism after the Glorious Revolution, and France stabilized under the absolutist control of Louis XIV, allowing these nations to emerge as world leaders. ~ Vastly expanded Britain, Background: Death of Henry II, followed by weak rulers and regency rule by Catherine d' Medici Despite its many achievements, the Dutch Golden Age was not without its challenges. During the Peace of Utrecht, the British were granted "Asiento," which _____. -- new reform orders (Theatines, Capuchins, Ursulines, Modern Devotion, Oratorians). K. The Church is subordinate to and the agent of civil authority. ~during 30 yrs War Ferdinand Ii gains Bohemia Pessimistic about man; optimistic about God. -Catherine, influenced by Guise family to wipe out Huguenots Peace of Utrecht - International Relations - Oxford Bibliographies - obo -- make France the intellectual and political "light" to the rest of the world. - consultative bodies disappear (local noble parliaments) In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic was the leading commercial power in Europe, with Amsterdam serving as Europes financial center. A. Instead, the country was divided into a number of independent provinces, each with its own government and laws. The main treaties of peace followed on 11 April 1713. 5 & 2,000 -Germany in devastation and disunited to repulse foreign armies -adopts western dress, manners, style The European Central Bank (ECB) is charged with conducting monetary policy for the 19 countries that participate in the European Monetary Union, and use the euro as their common currency. - November 1640: Parliament called back LONG PARLIAMENT king opponents dominated Parliament and pass laws to curtail king E. new trade restrictions (ex. D. Printing press in Germany spread Luther's ideas. The main action saw France as the defender of Spain against a multinational coalition. [11] In Article X, Spain ceded the strategic ports of Gibraltar and Minorca. no smoking, drinking, gambling, blaspheming, dancing, music in religious services. -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite -- SEE TREATIES PAGE for Peace of Augsburg (1555), Edict of Nantes (1598), and [2] British historian G. M. Trevelyan argued that: That Treaty, which ushered in the stable and characteristic period of Eighteenth-Century civilization, marked the end of danger to Europe from the old French monarchy, and it marked a change of no less significance to the world at large, the maritime, commercial and financial supremacy of Great Britain.[3]. -- the Inquisition was resurrected (esp. Determined to Westernize Europeanize "backwards Russia", Restructures Military: Capitalism: trade managed by pirvate property + companies, private held profit. -royal court became machinery of Gov't of Versailles -enlisted the nobles as JUNKERS became officer class Spain under Philip V signed separate peace treaties with Savoy and Great Britain at Utrecht on 13 July. --Portuguese/Dutch/British/French trade in Southeast Asia. The idea was reflected in the wording of the treaties and resurfaced after the defeat of Napoleon in the 1815 Concert of Europe that dominated Europe in the 19th century. A. rationalism --> logical reasoning based on facts. By the treaty with Britain (April 11), France recognized Queen Anne as the British sovereign and undertook to cease supporting James Edward, the son of the deposed king James II. -Southern lands remain Catholic + Spanish Control -Austria -> New Laws didn't improve lives by much, introduces African Slaves to labor force, Arrives w/ small pox already there. Absolutism | AP Euro 4 Idiots -went after dangerous nobles (asserted territorial independence) Basic and lasting changes in education and the image and role of women. D. scientific method --> experimentation; observation; hypothesis. -Son succeeds Oliver but resigns in failure in 1659 -- encomienda system (Latin America). Utrecht Area, Netherlands . H. development of the modern British political system: This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the long history of our inter-relationship with Europe and the wider world. he centralized the Fr. First edition of the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht between Great Britain and Spain in Spanish (left) and a later edition in Latin and English. -- Cardinal Richelieu (machiavellian pragmatist) -Duke of Alba marched army into Netherlands to threaten English invasion Test Act. -- Ulster Plantation. C. The upper class saw an opportunity to confiscate church property. -Northern lands form Union of Utrecht to declare independence from Spain, North lands of Netherlands unite to declare independence from Spain back to North Africa and the Jews {Maranos} to Italy and the Middle East). -- basic human rights that no government can take away: life, liberty, and property. ~ soldier for soldier - best army in Europe Recognizes protestants in HRE. A. inflation --> "price revolution". K. constitutionalism. -Turkish Army laid Siege to Vienna 1683 -> peak Muslims in Europe [37], Attempts to ensure its succession involved Austria in wars of little strategic value; much of the fighting in the 17331735 War of the Polish Succession taking place in its maritime provinces in Italy. -Don John's demonstration at Mediterranean against English+ France Click to Rate "Hated It" Click to Rate "Didn't Like It" Click to Rate "Liked It" . Some of the most notable figures of this period include mathematician and philosopher Ren. The Asiento de Negros had come about due to the fact that the Spanish Empire rarely engaged in the transatlantic slave trade itself, preferring to outsource this to foreign merchants. Motives for alliances ii. Ask an Expert. ~opportunities for non-nobles to join nobility ranks Nations prosperity linked to amount of gold/ silver collected - Spain becomes Catholicism's Champion against Islam, Spain was essentially bankrupt: The Triple Alliance was a treaty between the Dutch Republic, France and Great Britain, against Spain, attempting to maintain the agreement of the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht. to. - Catholic Church paid no taxes owning 20% of land Britain received the largest portion of colonial and commercial spoils and took the leading position in world trade. [35], Despite failure in Spain, Austria secured its position in Italy and Hungary, allowing it to continue expansion into areas of South-East Europe previously held by the Ottoman Empire. The fact that Bolingbroke had secretly ordered the British commander, the Duke of Ormonde, to withdraw from the Allied forces before the Battle of Denain (informing the French but not the Allies), and the fact that they secretly arrived at separate peace with France was a fait accompli, made the objections of the Allies pointless. 2016 - aug. 2016 6 maanden. JOHN CALVIN --> people already predestined for salvation; success on earth determined place in heaven; hard work and no leisure time were signs of success. Following this, the Congress of Utrecht opened on 29 January 1712, with the British representatives being John Robinson, Bishop of Bristol, and Thomas Wentworth, Lord Strafford. E. Charles II (1660-1685) --> Stuart Restoration In africa in emotional exuberance and. The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which marked the effective end of the medieval ideal of universal Christendom, accelerated the decline of the Holy Roman . -- religious toleration, but leaned toward the Catholics. : The British colonists referred to these conflicts as King William's War (1689-1697) and Queen Anne's War (1702-1713). -- evolution of the Cabinet system. - Nobility exempted from taxes, *Major Sign of Fallen Status: Taking loans from Portugal, ended with: -Maintained political control over Catholic Church (appointments), Louis moved against perceived weakness of German States AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2007 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 5 Analyze the factors that prevented the development of a unified German state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The first treaty, signed between France and Austria in the city of Rastatt, followed the earlier Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, which ended hostilities between France and Spain on the one hand, and Britain and the Dutch Republic on the other hand. In this system, diplomacy became a major component of the relations among states. -- War of Devolution. Bohemian Throne to Hapsburg Ferdinand -> restore faith to Hapsburg lands treaties of Rastatt and Baden. demography. -Philip V, a Bourbon, kept the Spanish throne, but had to renounce his descendants' rights to the French throne -extended power/ authority of intendants -- firm and uniform administration (intendants) c. It divided the Spanish colonial empire between the French and the British. Treaties of Utrecht | European history | Britannica View AP Euro Chapter 18 Notes.pdf from AP EURO 730 at Alan B. Shepard High School. -Clarendon Code brought back Anglican Church, restricted rights of Catholics, and non-Anglicans The Dutch were known for their expertise in, The arts also played a significant role in the Dutch Golden Age. These were five separate treaties between France and Great Britain, the Netherlands, Savoy, Prussia and Portugal. B. the monarch of England now became the head of the Anglican Church as well. 100 years war. the Holy Roman Empire, Poland, and the Ottoman Empire. -Expenses of war devastated economy (taxes, forced borrowing) Peace of Utrecht-Ends War of Spanish Succession: 1713: Watt's Steam Engine: 1760: The Wealth of Nations: 1776: . ~ divided into 17 provinces and ruled themselves France was terribly beaten in these conflicts, and . Test: AP European History. F. optimism & self-confidence --> anything is possible (a reversal of medieval thinking). G. William & Mary --> "Glorious Revolution" (1688); a bloodless coup. -Prevent Marriage to Compromise Religion between Henry of Navarre wed to Catholic Sister of Reigning King, Catholics led by Guise: Article II, Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht. -tightens service requirements of nobility as admins for LIFE After the British government gained access to the Asiento de Negros, the economic prominence held by Dutch Sephardic Jewish slaveowners began to fade, while the South Sea Company was established in hopes of gaining exclusive access to the contract. [29] In any case, the Dutch achieved their condominium in the Austrian Netherlands with the Austro-Dutch Barrier Treaty of 1715. -France at a potential Spain (devastated economy) by end, -Caused by death of Charles II King of Spain - Grand Remonstrance passed outlining grievances -weakened traditional parliamentary liberties AP Euro Unit 5 Study Guide: 18 AP Euro Unit 5 Study Guide Absolutism, Nation-States, and Commercial Revolution b. AP Euro Review Timeline Centuries - Major Events. GorenteTas is an initiative of students of Utrecht University that has been establish since 1994 who . -Duke of Alva sent to end rebellion B. policies of Leopold II, Maria Theresa, Joseph II --> "Enlightened Despots" Drescher: JANCAST (p. 451): "Jewish mercantile influence in the politics of the Atlantic slave trade probably reached its peak in the opening years of the eighteenth century the political and the economic prospects of Dutch Sephardic [Jewish] capitalists rapidly faded, however, when the British emerged with the asiento [permission to sell slaves in Spanish possessions] at the Peace of Utrecht in 1713". oppressive class. Had a right to choose the Holy Roman emperor with six other electors but possessed no political power. Spaniards collected taxes and labor in return for protection, wages, and religion. -- revoked the Edict of Nantes. Causes of the Reformation: . sake of human liberty. -- joint-stock companies. [39], The Dutch Republic ended the war effectively bankrupt, while the damage suffered by the Dutch merchant navy permanently affected their commercial and political strength and it was superseded by Britain as the pre-eminent European mercantile power. Princes can choose to be either Lutheran or Catholic (Not Calvinist). I. Issues: (literal) Eastern Europe: : East India Co. --> royal monopolies). -ignored Estates General -> nobles have no means of united action, Major Beliefs: ONE KING, ONE LAW, ONE FAITH => Protestants -taxation approval, no forced loans, trials, no quartering of soldiers Peace of Utrecht - Wikipedia The war was very expensive and bloody and finally stalemated. -Bishop Jacques Bossuet: Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Scripture-> gov. The concept of balance of power replaced religion as the center of military and diplomatic objectives. II. Calvinists were to be tolerated throughout Europe. - Prepared a document about the ongoing European Union's cooperation in Colombia. Peace of Utrecht Las Nava de Tolosa King Alfonso VIII of Castille War of Spanish Succession Phillip II Independent Coalition of States Economic Spanish Armada Golden Age Inflation Columbian Exchange Castille Aragon Leon Antwerp Almahad Banner Mercantilism Loose Confederation Social Humanism Lope de Veje Reconquista Catholic Golden Age Bull Fighting -fears of Charles II was a Catholic sympathizer (relations were Catholic, alliance w/ France secretly), Fear of Catholicism intensify In the treaty with the Dutch, France agreed that the United Provinces should annex part of Gelderland and should retain certain barrier fortresses in the Spanish Netherlands. [30], The Treaty stipulated that "because of the great danger which threatened the liberty and safety of all Europe, from the too close conjunction of the kingdoms of Spain and France, one and the same person should never become King of both kingdoms". Henry of Navarre becomes Henry IV, converts to Catholicism. Ended the War of Spanish Succession. C. increase in world trade. It weakened Great Britain's effort to replace France as leading colonialpower. (1648) Treaty that ended the 30 years' war: (1566-1587) revolt in response to Philip II's absentee rule, republic formed after the Revolt of the Netherlands, (1588) huge fleet sent by Philip II in an attempt to conquer Protestant England, (1667-1668) Louis XIV's invasion of the United Provinces, (1672-1678) Louis XIV's war against William of Orange; ended with treaty of Nijmegen, (1688-1697) war in which Louis XIV fought against the Grand Alliance of all major European powers, (1701-1713) war over the successor of Charles II "the sufferer"; Charles had selected Philip V Bourbon, his grand-nephew and Louis XIV's grandson to succeed him, going against a previous agreement that he would be succeeded by an Austrian; an alliance of European powers with troops led by Eugene, Prince of Savoy, and John Churchill fought against French and Spanish troops; the war ended with the Peace of Utrecht, (1713) Treaty that ended the War of Spanish Succession: -- Council of Trent --> internal reforms and a clear listing of Church doctrines. - initial losses against Charles XII of Sweden -- religion -Treaty of Nijmegen gave France more Flemish towns Omissions? AP Euro Wars timeline | Timetoast timelines - Parliament believed in defending their power sharing role in gov't European banking interests --> Fugger family. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). -- vigorous foreign policy ( see 5-page sheets on Commercial & Dynastic Wars **) -Abolished monarchy, House of Lords and Anglican Church Chapter 14 AGE OF EXPANSION Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) - Duke of Alva (1508-1582 - Armada (1588) - Vasco de Balboa-Christopher Columbus- Concordat of Bologna (1516 - - fails unification due to religious differences AP Euro Review Timeline | Preceden Scientific and intellectual achievements: The Dutch Golden Age was also marked by a number of scientific and intellectual achievements. -Revokes religious freedoms of Protestants The country was frequently at war with other European powers, and it was also hit by a number of economic crises. Nations must export more than import, tariffs on imports Euro-> NW: crops, domestic animals, diseases C. Louis XIV (1643-1715) The agreements that concluded the War of the Spanish Succession, often collectively referred to as the Peace of Utrecht, include the twenty-three treaties signed from January 1713 to February 1715 and that between Austria and Spain in 1725, prompting one contemporary to note that Utrecht "like the peace of God, [was] beyond human understanding" Political and economic freedom: The Netherlands was a republic during the Dutch Golden Age, and this meant that the government was not controlled by a single ruler or ruling family. -- mercantilism. ~ defender of Anglican Church, Distrusted Puritans (Calvinists) Grows as Europe and New World becomes an integrated market However, these challenges did not diminish the country's overall prosperity and cultural achievements, and the Dutch Golden Age remains an important period in European history. - Parliament became more Puritan, sought reform of Anglican church It allowed the unification of the thrones of France and Spain. existing social and political structures. Chapter 17 - The Scientific and Commercial Revolutions -- increased specialization of skills within a more efficient system of over-all production. -fortified cities forbidden in earlier movement w/ Richelieu -adopted mercantilism policies (export more than import), "open a window to the west" an ice free port on the Baltic Sea w/ Euro access -standing army increased from 38k to 83k The French negotiator Melchior de Polignac taunted the Dutch with the scathing remark de vous, chez vous, sans vous,[28] meaning that negotiations would be held "about you, around you, without you". -- the capitalist entrepreneur could now operate without the restrictions imposed by the urban guilds. Marked the end of French expansionist policy. I. War between French, Swedish, Spanish soldiers who loot Germany C. capitalism --> private ownership of the means of production and distribution; capital is invested in Spanish Succession War translation English dictionary definition of Spanish. ~ Maria Theresa successor + promise of foreign powers to accept ~ Peace of Utrecht B. Le 2. -- Peter the Great --> "Westernization of Russia". lecture notes wars anna ttaeafie5s french war of religion war of the re war of philip 30 years wars peace of westphalia augsburg including calvinism gain. This system allowed for a great degree of freedom and democracy, and it contributed to the country's prosperity and cultural flourishing. ~ enforced spy network to uncover noble plots sovereignty. A. Hapsburgs vs. Hohenzollerns -Tried to get approval, but agreements unbinding, -Takes control and visits West (1697-1698) By grace.maley. Smallpox infects natives and kills off almost 40%. The Peace of Utrecht was a series of peace treaties signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Succession, in the Dutch city of Utrecht between April 1713 and February 1715. Dylan Graves, McAvoy, Period 8. . -France Vienna was gateway to into Europe, in 1683, the Ottomans try and seize it. he made Fr. order to produce more capital. -- Whigs and Tories (distinctions between political party). Its destructive campaigns and battles occurred over most of Europe, and, when it ended with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the map of Europe had been irrevocably changed. it first had to exercise effective control over territory, declare congo free state under leopold 2 control, estb rules governing race for african colonies, 1919 refused to allow either defeated germany of communist russia to participate in peace confernce negotations, forced germany to sign war-guilt clause that was used to justify imposing large war reparations, change map of europe, create league of nations, germany bitter, 1918 ended bolshevik russia participation in ww1, negotiated by vladmir lenin unwilling to risk bolshevik gains by continuing winless war, nullifed after germanys defeat, 1925 recorded agreement between france and germany to respect mutual frontiers, marked beginning of brief period of reduces tensions among european powers, 1938 created a nonaggression agreement between stalin and hitler stay neutral if one in war, east europe into german and societ zones, 1949 establish north atlantic treaty organization (NATO),implement harry trumans policy of containing soviet union, 1957 created european economic community, generally known as common market, beginning of european economic integration, 1975, ratified european territorial boundries post ww2, establish watch committees to monitor human rights in 35 nations that signed Helsinki accords, high point of cold war, create EU, central bank for european union, AP European History Important Events and Terms, Magruder's American Government, California Edition. By bigdaveisgreat. Peace of Westphalia | Definition, Map, Results, & Significance The Whigs considered themselves the heirs of the staunch anti-French policies of William III and the Duke of Marlborough. SIR THOMAS MORE --> expressed idea of communal living; no class distinctions; no unemployment; no competition; everyone living and working together; defied Chapter Outline 4.17 TheGrand Monarque and the Balance of Power a. - divine right: Kings are God's representatives on Earth It implemented the educational ideas of humanism. [12], In a major coup for the British delegation, the British government emerged from the treaty with the Asiento de Negros, which referred to the monopoly contract granted by the Spanish government to other European nations to supply slaves to Spain's colonies in the Americas. Huguenots right to worship in selected areas/ fortified towns - Europe fears United Spanish/French crown As he had reigned over a vast global empire, the question of who would succeed him had long troubled . B. corruption in Church leadership (ex. Treaty of Rastatt - Wikipedia System of international commerce -continued hereditary office holders -Ferdinand III centralizes German speaking provinces (Austria, Styria, Tyrol) B. Predestination ("the elect"). -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite In fact it was the first time that the term ap- peared in. This document ended the War of the Spanish Succession. -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite he made the King and the State one and the same. -Munster and Osnabruck in Westphalia peace talks, war kills 1/3 of German population, Rescinded Ferdinand's Edict of Restitution + reasserted major feature of religious settlement: Peace of Augsburg AP European History Concept utline 21 Coee Boad Period 1: c. 1450-c. 1648 1. Be sure to use parentheses as needed. PDF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. - College Board
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