I think Joel Osteens ministry is dangerous for this very reason. He doesnt owe us we owe Him! Im glad I stumbled upon your article. Listening occasionally to sermons and from different preachers around the worldaccording to the season going through in my life. Joel & Victoria Osteen At Lakewood, we believe your best days are still out in front of you. Hi, this is Joel and Victoria. I hope you will stop by again. We bought his first book, and we even went to see him one Friday evening when he was in Columbus, Ohio. You cant put all of the blame one man just because you were too scared to not take the next step. The engine would not turn over freezing cold out there. No, people. Its been a while since I last visited, and Im so glad that Im back. What makes this matter even worst, you are angry about something material thing. Joel Osteen (March-28-2021) Daily Devotion: Pray with Expectancy. Many times, I literally begged God for a home. Dont judge souls, but yes, absolutely make wise judgments with the power of the holy spirit and your God given brain to judge situations as good, bad, right or wrong. Appreciate you stopping by to read and leave a comment. By Lesli White . Its not logical to base a decision to completely stop listening to Osteen bases on this one sermon. I really appreciate your thoughtful comments. Now, most of us adults, we'd never pray anything like that. I know he reaches so many folks, and I am grateful for that. The room grew very quiet, you could have heard a pin drop on the carpeted floor. It's good to ask for our needs, but I'm encouraging you today. ? We're going to move into our sanctuary on schedule. I appreciate your views and your visit. Thank you, Donna! And how christian could that post of yours be? Im actually Catholic/Jewish but practice Buddhism. Thanks for sharing your story with me, Ana. Living for His will is better off for me. Love this! Yes, The Lord will guide you in other areas of daily life. Melanie, He does seem to have a feel good ministry thats for sure. You don't have the talent. And I believe god has given him a platform to get through to people with gods word. Hey Margie, Thank you for this article. May his heart be changed and may God have mercy on him. I also realize WE sometime try to acquire material things instead of spiritual blessings. If you are asking for more details about the housing and budget situation, Im not at liberty to share more publicly due to the nature of our ministry. He created the whole universe. His mother was so heartbroken she couldn't control her son. Hey MJ, Im not a Joel Osteen addictive fan, or of anyones. He wants my salvation, period. The Lord is God, and He can do whatever He wants to do. I was moved by your article, showed me that not everyone just wants their itching ears scratched.. because then it becomes too good to be true. Your grandchildren will be mighty in the land, not addicted, defeated, mediocre, no mighty powerful history makers. My relationship with God is so much more real and deep now, and I am stronger and more thankful than ever with God by my side, thanks to the biblical principles I have learned from Joel. Melanie. You bless me today~ Thank you for your kind words today~ And thats true, he is positive, his sermons are positive, his ministry is positive. And, Im glad that you love your church and love your pastor. You happy in accepting that that Jesus has you in the palm of his hand and that what is for you will come. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined." God is a gentleman. Then you are not inconveniencing God, but asking him to help you in your everyday life. This all on you sister and you need to accept that before you go telling a woman well sometimes God doesnt answer prayer This not about being happing. God was/is so adamant about this topic, it is mentioned twice, in Ezekiel chapter 3 and in chapter 33. Like any good and loving parent He looks out for us and knows us better than we know ourselves. Therefore, Father, I decree that no weapon formed against me (us) prospers this day or any day to come. My faith in God sets me free from all worry, anxiety and doubt, 8. A couple of weeks later, the little calf was born. God helps me to do what I believe is not possible., 11. Sometimes it works that way, but other times it doesnt. No preacher is a perfect preacher. We are suppose to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, not write negatively about them. The apostle Paul teaches to be content in any circumstance, Philippians 4. I know God's best is still ahead. Thanks for stopping by! You can do so with love and mercy, but you can still speak truth, and you should. Are you thankful? But I guess God is trying to teach me to learn to be Content with whatever I have and I am for the most part, but my back and hips sure hurt something fierce! I do hope you will stop by again to read other things that are on the site. Remember, there are blessings stored up for you right now with your name on there. Did you study your finances to learn how to manage a larger mortgage payment? God we need a finacial breakthrough to help me pay lawyer.. We need God to supernaturally move ! And, I encourage you to keep checking any pastor you listen to against the truth of Gods Word! We appreciate you and for God's very best in your life. Luxury possessions are not what God wants us to love and if thats the direction we are going perhaps we should ask God to change the object of our love. I grew up poor here in the US, but I prayed to God, I planned, I worked hard towards my goals, and eventually I achieved what Ive wanted. My life is a reflection of the love inside me., 18. I believe I was. Thank you, Robbin. I didnt feel like this article was bashing him at all, which is honestly what i expected when i read the title alone haha My reason in writing this post was to question and consider these lopsided theologies, not to impune or discredit any particular ministry. People attack Joel because of his preaching, his mega church and money. Looking back there were times He was silent and times He even allowed me to make a complete mess of things, but it was to grow me up and mature me spiritually. Its unfortunate that I see more division in the body of Christ then those out in the world. I agree with you 100 percent. He's never going to amount to anything. Remember this Had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are in, divine love would have put you there. Id appreciate your prayers immensely. I read and consider each comment that is made. Thank You that the morning is coming, and the tears of sorrow will be turned to joy. But, I thought maybe some others were falling for some of the same half-truths that I had been. 2. So I hear what you are saying. I used to always just ask because it says that if you need something, want something, just ask and God will give youbut what I did not realize at the time is that God does things His way, He knows whats good for you. She only spoke Spanish, but she was very feisty. 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. No obstacle is too high. She'd give him a hug and say, Victor, God's hand is on your life. She said, God, I'm asking you to make my son a minister, use him to touch people all over the world. I dont put much thought into those who seem to get everything they want. Also I find that Im judged no matter what church I attend so most of the time its me God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We are all aiming for the same thing to give God the Glory! Melanie. Dont feel as if Im putting you down or being negative as I dont know your whole story but I do have a question; were you prayed up and have the means to build your dream home ? SHOP FOR MOTHERS DAY WITH SITEWIDE SAVINGS. I was discouraged about how well he lives. Do you know what I've learned? Restorations will be our Portion IJN Amen. And, it is my prayer that my words by kind. He sees the whole picture that we dont see. Mathew 6.2 Appreciate you~. Thanks again. However, my goal is always to lovingly speak the truth from Gods Word. Its sad. It's Your Time and Become a Better You Boxed Set, p.87, Simon and Schuster. If you'll get in agreement. Im sorry for all of the repair issues. Melanie. We thank You for the gift of life, and for the. God knows the motivation of our hearts. God is good! Let God convict Joel. You have encouraged me with your kind words! Im so glad you did. And, I do take comments to heart both good and bad. Blessings, I heard this same message and received a completely different perspective from it. God touched Victor's heart. Life is about being content with what you have, be an agent of change, help others, do your best and make your local world better around you. 1. I have learned to let the Holy Spirit be my teacher and the Bible my textbook. Some of you today need to step up to the plate, quit asking small, quit acting like you're bothering God, quit praying week, barely get by our prayers. Are there dreams that you've talked yourself out of problems you're convinced you'll never overcome? Joel is well-trained and a great communicator. Unfortunately, it does not end with the house, there are a few more blessings/answered prayers that I am losing my mind over. No our lives will never be perfect or happy every day. I must be honest I learned something here too but I think Joel Osteen and other men of God should be left out. Positive affirmations lead to positive feelings, which lead to positive actions, which will lead to a positive life. The school owned a large, well-known production facility, and Id always wanted to be a part of it. Often, I asked God for a home. I have been praying for a comfortable desk chair with a high back with lumbar support, thick cushioned short seat and cushioned arms for a year now as my chairs back is broken. Hey Karen, God, though, can see the big picture. Its great that many have accepted Christ while listening to Joel. You must be born again. I'm talking about asking God for what he's already promised you. And preachers that preach you can do whatever you want just because were under grace are leading millions to hell. I am thankful for all my brothers and sisters in Christ but I especially enjoy learning and growing when I listen to Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastors:David Jeremiah, Robert Jeffress, and Chuck Swindoll to name a few. I believe he preaches with good intention and a good heart. Unfortunately, I feel you post uses Joels name to help you advance your own self intentions. However, as far as prayer, we have thoroughly prayed over and budgeted for each home that weve owned. Thank you for sharing from your own testimony and reminding me that its more about getting my desires to align with His (and watching Him change my want-to!) And, yes, the Prosperity Gospel can be so misleading and harmful, cant it? Then they moved to the compact center!! I can find the positive in my money situation., 28. Modesty (like Billy Graham) really commands my respect. It talks about the secret petitions of our heart, the hidden dreams that you haven't told anybody about. When I was weak he sent angels to help me through. He is not trying to hold you back. Please enable the javascript to submit this form, Click to Join the Joel Osteen Telegram Community. The problem is that people hate too much. But God knows whats best for us. Im grateful for your visit! I am sorry I mean this all love and you can choose to publish or not because I am really just talking to you but is you that is spreading false teachings. Just because you didnt get your home that does not anything to do with Joel and the way he preach. My husband and I were missionaries in South America. I wholeheartedly agree. Joel Osteen is a preacher who gives inspiration! Prosperity preaching is so dangerous. Your best days are still ahead, and together we can make a difference in this world with the message of God's hope and love. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I have been praying for a specific Tiny House for us so that I could have my own Craft Room. You are no more encouraging in your words for solely mentioning the Olsteens. We'll see you next time. But when you have a boldness to ask God for big things, you will see the greatness of God's power and reach your highest potential! Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment today. Such as Remarriage with first S]use still living is Adultery in Gods eyes. To those who dont see Terras point: The problem is that many people put their trust in a pastor instead of in God. Not because I have all the talent education connections, but because you have promised it. And I know that you arent necessarily bashing Joel Osteen like most would, but the title is very misleading. God's Word is a light unto our feet and light unto our pathway! Thank you! I pray that we will do this as well! Praying that God will give you and your husband much grace and joy. It read, No tray table this seat. This time I am in dire need of financial assistance for me to finish my Ph.D. I love every part of what makes me who I am., 34. If He gives you what you desire but does not look at what comes after that, it could be damaging to you. Dare to ask big. We however, should not point fingers at others its not biblical to do so. I was lying in bed at 2am nursing a reoccurring pain in my stomach. One of the best prayers that we could ever pray is "God, not my will, but your will be done." If you will stay open to his direction, and follow your heart, God will protect you. You can't talk defeat and expect to have victory. I have had many amazing, miraculous things happen since Ive started applying Joels principles, and even encounters with God where He miraculously kept me safe, gave me signs, and speaks to me. Great point, Ann! How does he inspire millions of people around the world? Get in a good Bible based church. Your faith inspires me! As far as Joels comment of Gods wife, I feel he is using us as a whole being Gods wife and not literally His wife . He would have this lasting dynasty. About that time, Johnny came over and started pulling on the table release, and he couldnt get it out either. Joel may not be right for you, but God put Joel in this position of authority so who are we to judge? And her father had already told the family that they weren't going to keep any more cows every time one was born. He knows when someone is going to be a distraction that will hinder us from our destiny. Prayer For Today Joel Osteen. The phrase I hear in my spirit is dare to ask. But that's an ordinary prayer. Amen, sister. I was so grateful once he explained to us, and gradually was able to see he was so right. Melanie, I would like to add that Im so glad that I dont rely on people for my salvation. We live about 1 1\2 hours from where the Osteens live and worship. Melanie. Melanie. Did you or your husband pick up a second job to get down payment for a new house? Im not trying to bash Joel as a person. Those that know Gods Word understand that we are accountable for our words and actions to other believers~ God reminds us frequently that as believers and professors of Christ, we are to hold each other to a Godly standard. Please dont be like the rest of the world that doesnt know him and assumes things. Just take me as far as my parents. Let me know if I can help you in any way. God is love. And, yes, we can come boldly before the throne. Abundance may be financial, but it may not. My concern is that this type of teaching causes people to expect financial prosperity. I will take to heart the things you have written. Its been nice visiting your site! Hes a wonderful person (with great intentions) on the platform and off and you should come by Lakewood Church and see for yourself. You bless me, Michelle! Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment! Her name was Jamie. In Mark 11:24 it says to ask for what we desire. I couldnt afford it. I don't have the connections or I couldn't get the financing or the medical report doesn't look good. The problem was they had used all the land to build on. I pray that his followers and he himself will change his ways. Blessings. It says and James, for two you have not because you're asking God if you're not asking big, you are shortchanging yourself. It also true our prayers should align with Gods will for our particular life purpose/plan/ journey. We can't reach our highest potential in our own ability; we need God's help. My family and I really appreciate and honor the Osteens, the family is a wonderful caring family. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Prayer Against Marital Delay (Top 10 Prayer Points). I listen to the divine guidance I am given., 3. The following Sunday morning we announced to our Sunday school class that we had went to see Joel Osteen on Friday. The blogger sounds jealous. I always believed, however I was saved at age 30 on December 28 when I found out that the guy I was dating had drowned. You were created to make somebody else's life better. If your in the non profit game then you shouldnt be gaining this much wealth. Some dont have jobs, or kids out of control, or have a relationship falling apart or just something so dreadful & hopeless. God healed the blind, made the lame to walk. This one goes under the heading, posts I wish I wrote or in my case, the one I wish I was BRAVE enough to write. The word of God also says delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart Psalm 37:4 so was he wrong for saying what he said ? So many people stand in judgment of great men of God thinking their own theories are more biblical. Get a side hustle. I dont agree with what you are saying. No one asked you to like him but to treat someone (anyone) like what is being done is not what God would want us to do. All Rights Reserved. Have a blessed day~ Thank you Pastor for opening my eyes in big size prayers accomplished by our Almighty God. Sometimes what we want and what God has planned may not match. In Jesus Name, Amen.. Thats awesome! Thank you for sharing your experience. Blessings, If God does bless you with a new houseit will be the best house EVER:), Thank you, Horace! As for your goals, ask for the secret petitions of your heart. this week .We want and ask for mercy on behalf of my grand kids that God will allow them to come back home. I didn't say that, but I sure thought about it. Though Ive never listened to Joel Osteen or had anything to do with his philosophies, your story resonates with me as Im in a similar situation living in a tiny apartment with our growing family and desperately searching and praying for a house. Its great to have you visit. We, and Christ, are working on it though . Because a true servant of God never charges money for the Truth, it is given away freely. Blessings to you, Final thoughts, John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. I appreciate your visit and your honest feedback. I see this woman growing. Praying over you and your family today! Ive missed you, girl! Hey James, I will pray with you that God will give you the grace to wait for His perfect timing on that house. If you only pray small, ordinary, get by prayers, most likely you will live a small, ordinary get by life. When you pray God sized prayers, you will see the greatness of God's power. Instead, do what Jesus said, seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS. Most of the time when we do that, though, we end up settling for second best. And, you are so right, the Bible is our authority on all things. Sure do appreciate you stopping by to leave a thoughtful word today. Melanie, Joel Osteen Remains one of the best pastors of our time. The engine wouldn't turn over it all. Youve encouraged me with your words today. Put your hope in God today! So my point is .. pls dont write about other men or women of God. Joel Osteen Sunday, April 9th. Blessings, I want to in the faith zone, you prayed ordinary prayers. They are the eyes and the ears. Thats not how it works lol. Dont miss the mark. People dont enter their promised land because as the Proverbs say, you have been trapped by what you say and ensnared by the words of your mouth. I too listened to Joel Osteen from time to time. I do pray that my words will be truth coated in much love! Melanie. The streets are paved with Gold in Heaven, and there are scriptures that say on earth as it is in Heaven .that is concerning our health as well as our finances. Our country is overrun with sin. I admittily was very disappointed, but have come to realize the reason He didnt want us to move away from where we live. I stopped watching TBN for the same reason you stopped listening to Joel Olsteen. You can compare his life with yours, and it is so sad that you did. When we speak of heaven, we must also speak of hell. Have a blessed day, Hope you have a blessed day~ In Psalms. However, I kept the faith even when things looked bleak for me. I always have enough money to fulfill my needs., 32. And when I see blessing upon blessing coming to anyone with lots of disposable income that thought is always quickly followed by the fact that God put them in the position to make that kind of $. What do you see? Life's too short to spend it trying to keep others happy. However, what Joel said isnt heretical or unscriptural. Remember, too, that the Osteen have MILLIONS of dollars to pay the mortgage on the house God gave them! I hope you have a blessed day~ Be careful how you speak. A lot of preachers preach about going to hell and not being saved. The first week of school, I met with the production manager in charge of all the cameramen and hiring all the assistants. Hey Sherri, Somehow I liked his preaching, yet in the end I was left with a sense of envy and contempt for all the ritches he has accomplished. He is blessed and inherited his blessings from his earthly Father and our Heavenly Father. new they were $45000 +. His voice, his swag and his big smile kept me listening. His motives and intentions are good . 2:25) This is an American gospel that is being preached that is void of the true message of the cross. I have truly enjoyed reading your article and all the responses! And I do not say this to speak ill of , or insult Mr. Osteen, but out of concern for the Bible being misrepresented. Repeat these money affirmations to yourself daily and you will see a positive change in your mindset, your actions, and yourlife. Isnt it amazing how God puts us in similar situations with our brothers and sisters in Christ! You have blessed me with your words today~ My prayer is that people will read this and take a moment to really think about what they are listening to. Your words encourage me.
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