However, as was observed long ago by Doke (1931b, 1931a), the phonetic patterns vary quite considerably across the different varieties of Shona S10. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. The next lower vowels are markedly lower. Gisamba (ISO 639-3: smx) is a nearly undocumented and undescribed as well as highly endangered Bantu language spoken in the Kwilu and Kwango provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2007) The UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive. C. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies ), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. E. 2005, Allwood et al. In van Oostendorp, M. , (1995) Nasal Consonant Harmony at a Distance: The Case of Yaka. That is, the back non-low vowels are rounded, and the low and front vowels are unrounded. The pattern for the front vowels suggests a greater interaction of the major features of vowel height and backness with pharynx width. Secondly, it may mean that the intra-oral pressure is relatively low at the time when the closure is released so that at the moment of release the initial airflow is ingressive (Hardcastle & Brasington 1978). ), Rhotics: New Data and Perspectives, 173190. Guma, S. M. Wright, R. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 21: 327. 55: 119148. Proctor, M. Nasal vowels in the stem are reported to have the qualities [ 2009a). (1967) Comparative Bantu: An Introduction to the Comparative Linguistics and Prehistory of the Bantu languages. Harmonically related pairs are noted by the use of the same symbol with and without a -ATR diacritic. In this particular token there is a long lag between the time the velar closure is made and when the front closure is sealed, about 80 ms later. Windhoek: Gamsberg Macmillan System. Gunnink Pholia Fry, C. Nagano-Madsen, Y. 17: 3965. Louwrens P. Gowlett, D. F. Sol, M.-J. In each case the putatively [ATR] vowel has a substantially higher first formant (hence a lower position on the chart) than its harmonic counterpart. Doke, C. M. & & Zvegintsev, V. /, / Coetzee, A. W. (1998) Thimbukushu Grammar. (2012) Introducing Kwasio Pharyngealized Vowels. Doke, C. M. & , is appropriate rather than the [i e a o u] preferred by Maganga and Schadeberg (1992). 1989, Pongweni 1990). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. ), Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and Comprehension, 243265. In 2(4): 685729. & Language Matters Gieseke, S. (1999a) Downdrift and Pitch Range in Chichewa Intonation. Most Bantu languages are reported as having two series of plosives, voiced and voiceless, and this follows the Proto-Bantu reconstruction of Meeussen (1967). (2002) Bantu Cologne Reconstructions 3. The basic click mechanism does not determine what the larynx is doing while these movements are taking place in the oral cavity, nor whether the velum itself is raised or lowered to block or permit air from the lungs to flow out through the nose. & As a rough rule of thumb, vowels with a first formant lower than 400 Hz may be considered high vowels in a female voice. Source: Recording made available by Daniel Duke and Marieke Martin. Depressors also occur in Digo E73 and other Mijikenda E70 group languages and in Kalanga S16 and other Shona S10 group languages (Downing 2010). There are currently approximately 50 million speakers of Swahili (Hinnebusch, 1979), of which 2 million are native speakers (the remainder D. There are thus seven phonetic qualities among the nasalised vowels, but no contrast between all seven in any environment. Bantu Phonology | Oxford Handbook Topics in Linguistics | Oxford Academic In addition, many have only H and L in their outputs, e.g. ), EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2nd INTERSPEECH Event, September 37, 2001, Aalborg Congress and Culture Centre, Aalborg-Denmark: Proceedings, 651654. Hamlaoui . Cape Town: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society. Ndendeule N101 has no long vowels and no lengthening. Journal of the International Phonetic Association M. N. In the Shona S10 group, clicks have only been reported to occur in midlands varieties of Kalanga S16 and in the Ndau S15 variety in Mozambique (Borland 1970, Mkanganwi 1972, Afido et al. Clicks in the South-West cluster were borrowed independently from those in the South-East. Co-occurrence restrictions of a harmonic nature between vowels, very typical of sub-Saharan African languages, are quite commonly found in Bantu languages, though often limited in extent, e.g., only applying in certain morphological contexts, such as between verb roots and extensions. In (1923) A Dissertation on the Phonetics of the Zulu Language. These seven prosodic types do not account for all of the details of the individual languages. (2002) describe it as an unreleased voiced palatal implosive [] before a voiceless stop or affricate, e.g., in [paka] moth. MRI scans indicate that this segment is appropriately viewed as a hyperarticulation of the vowel /i/. (2016) How Intonations Interact with Tones in Embosi (Bantu C25), a Two-Tone Language Without Downdrift. In Cologne: Rdiger Kppe. The click type refers to the location of the front closure and the manner in which it is released, which may be abrupt or affricated, central or lateral. (1976) Le bajele: phonologie, morphologie nominale. Martin In T. C. 9: 7184. , Figure 3.14 Pitch effects of depressor nasals in the Giryama E72a words /nhane/ eight (left panel) and ideophone /nho/ (right panel). (1896) tudes sur les langues du Haut-Zambze. Elordieta Journal of Phonetics Rialland , Boyer, O. T. N. Niesler, T. Figure 3.29 Figure 3.35 17: 331. & In this and following figures of the same type, the origin of the axes is in the upper right, with first formant (F1) values increasing down from the origin, and second formant (F2) values increasing to the left. (eds. (eds. PDF To appear in The Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages Lengthened vowels are much closer in duration to underlying long vowels in Ganda JE15 than they are in Sukuma F21. (1990) Studies in Shona Phonetics: An Analytical Review. Ultrasound images clearly show differences in tongue root position across vowel pairs (Gick 2002, Gick et al. Velarised diphthongs occur in Aghem, a Grassfields Bantu languages of the Ring group, where they have seemingly resulted from an intrusive consonantal gesture (Faytak 2013). Thus a High after a depressor begins considerably lower than a Low elsewhere. DOI link for The Bantu Languages of Africa. Prieto (1996) Tonal Transfer in Chichewa. , Front closure durations are shown as heavily stippled bars. Hammarstrm The book discusses the phonetic and morphological characteristics of these 2 zones and a classification of the groups, clusters and dialects is provided. M. Tonga M64 has long vowels but does not show any compensatory lengthening before NC. In Mpiemo A86c, implosives have a slight rise in F0 before the onset of a following vowel while voiced plosives have a sharp dip in F0 (Nagano-Madsen & Thornell 2012). Their findings show that participants perform better in syllable awareness tasks than in segment awareness. Ziervogel, D. Tswana S31 has a voiceless uvular affricate and voiceless uvular fricative (Bennett et al. Variations in the structure of seven-vowel systems occur which are similar to those of the five-vowel systems. R. A. This kind of display closely parallels the traditional auditorily based vowel space based on perceived height and backness values used, for example, in the IPA Handbook (1999), but has the advantage of being based on verifiable measurement. Downing, L. J. The typical pattern for dental/alveolar contrasts is that the dentals are laminal while the alveolars are apical. Passy, P. There are several ways of indicating the same click following IPA principles, e.g., /, , / are equivalent ways of representing a voiced (post-)alveolar click. . (2010) Accent in African Languages. ), Le kinyarwanda (langue bantu du Rwanda): tudes linguistiques, 5573. *CVCV items have become monosyllabic in Fang, the V2 in these cases is often not the *V2 of the reconstructed form. Bantu peoples | Britannica Lee Maddieson, I. Written by an international team of experts, this comprehensive volume presents grammatical analyses of individual Bantu languages, comparative studies of their main phonetic, phonological and grammatical characteristics and overview chapters on their history and classification. Figure 3.2 Cologne: Rdiger Kppe. The Structure of a Bantu Language with Special Reference to Swahili, or Form and Function through Bantu Eyes Author(s): E. O. Ashton Source: Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, Vol. This may have two principal effects. This study shows that the F0 associated with depressors is lower than a low tone, and the lowest pitch is centred on the depressor consonants themselves. Figure 3.8 Zulu S42 has four different accompaniments to its three click types: plain (voiceless unaspirated), voiceless aspirated, voiced and voiced nasalised. Lyon: Universit Lumire-Lyon2, PhD. London: Gregg. Final lowering associated with a L% boundary tone at the end of a sentence in Ngazidja G44a is often associated with a devoiced final syllable (Patin 2016). & The Classification of African Languages Renaud, P. In Mwiini G412, however, long vowels may surface on the penult or antepenult and only occur word-initially in loanwords (Kisseberth & Abasheikh 2004: xvii). However, internal developments and external influences create considerable diversity in consonantal and vocalic patterns. Figure 3.24 Africana Linguistica New York: Routledge. A small quantity of air is entrapped inside the sealed oral cavity. In L. M. Ondo Schadeberg Journal of the International Phonetic Association The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, August 1721, 2011, 17261729. Dental and lateral clicks are sometimes called noisy, affricated, or pre-affricated (Roux 2007), while the (post-)alveolar is described as abrupt or unaffricated. Palatal clicks in Yeyi R41 are somewhat fricated (Fulop et al. Figure 3.20 (2016) Illustrations of the IPA: Lusoga (Lutenga). PDF Chapter 2. Morphosyntax of Swahili Introduction Traill, A. Brockhaus. K. (2002) Flogging a dead cow?: The Revival of Malawian Chingoni. , however, the dorsal burst has a higher amplitude than the anterior click burst. 31: 111137. and At vowel onset, the F0 difference between High and Low tones after a set of non-depressor consonants is 22 Hz, but a High tone onset after depressor consonants is 44 Hz lower than after the non-depressors and a Low after depressors is 23 Hz lower than after non-depressors. A majority of Bantu languages have a tonal distinction of High and Low tones, which often may combine into contour tones. Doke, C. M. C. Figure 3.19 A rapid reduction in the number of click contrasts occurred more than 100 years ago in the far-flung varieties of Nguni known as Ngoni N12 (Elmslie 1891, Spiss 1904, Doke 1954); Ngoni speakers subsequently shifted from Nguni to languages of the Manda N10 group (Maho 2003). Guthrie classification of Bantu languages M. I. C. Premire Partie: Grammaires Soubiya et Louyi. 2017: 20, Gunnink forthcoming), and may have even been lost where they were once attested. When the sequence is voiceless, as in /tk/, there is a strong oral release of the first closure. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 2: 6697. Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of African Linguistics, August B. Bradfield, J. H. Parkinson From frame 150 through to frame 170 the contacted area moves back, so that the configuration at the moment of release is clearly post-alveolar. These people spoke Western Bantu languages and shared a The chapter is organised into sections on vowels, consonants and prosody. Gunnink In Bemba M42, polar questions are marked by a final boundary L% on the final syllable, but pitch range expansion is also used (Kula & Hamann 2016). Two examples from Giryama E72a are illustrated in , (2011) Corrected High Frame Rate Anchored Ultrasound with Software Alignment. (PDF) Bantu Lexical Reconstruction - ResearchGate During this time, rarefaction is occurring. & Figure 3.9 C. In (forthcoming) for a description of the methodology used to obtain the images. (1990) The Role of Contrast in Limiting Vowel-to-Vowel Coarticulation in Different Languages. Verhoeven Since a rounded lip posture can also be seen in non-whistled fricatives, such as in the sequence [usu], the labial constriction alone cannot account for the whistle-like concentration of the frication noise, but it must be due to a particular linguopalatal configuration that is yet undescribed. Figure 3.29 In Kalanga S16, on the other hand, the vowels are crowded into the upper part of the vowel space, with the front pair in particular being very close together. Phonologists often use [ATR] as a diacritic feature, even to distinguish pairs of vowels such as i/ in English beat/bit where tongue root position is not the phonetic mechanism involved. (1972) The Relationships of Coastal Ndau to the Shona Dialects of the Interior. Wissing, D. & P. LINGUISTICS: The Languages of Africa. Joseph H. Greenberg - AnthroSource Much scholarly work has been done since the late 19th century to describe and classify the Bantu languages. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand Press. The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, August 1721, 2011, 14581461. Baumbach, E. J. M. (1990) A Linguistic Analysis of Venda. Monaka Kuperus, J. G. 15(4): 186191. , Trinta Romero, J. | Africa | Cambridge Core Home > Journals > Africa > Volume 19 Issue 1 > The Classification of the Bantu Languages. Coupez Montlahuc to other Bantu languages since they share similar phonological structures. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics In In Tlale Zulu S42 and Xhosa S41 have dental //, alveolar lateral // and apical post-alveolar // click types. & 83: 918. Kgler & & Bantu languages, a group of some 500 languages belonging to the Bantoid subgroup of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Rialland ISBN: Chapter 3 is about the sounds of Bantu languages. Figure 3.2 The current variation between clicks and velars in Imusho Fwe may eventually lead to the loss of clicks in the variety altogether, as clicks are replaced by velars. Vowel harmony in Africa often involves the independent use of pharyngeal cavity size, that is, adjustments of pharynx volume which cannot be accounted for as a function of the height and frontness of the tongue body (see Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996 for discussion). Hinnebusch Zare: revue congolaise Most words in a Bantu sentence are marked by a prefix indicating the category to which the noun used as the subject of the sentence belongs, and, if there is an object, the words in that noun phrase and the verb are also marked by a prefix determined by the noun class of the object.
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