Yeah, we tried everything together, said Thompson. Badly shaken witnesses reported the crash to air traffic control within seconds. After the flight crew stated their intention to land at LAX, ATC asked whether they wanted to proceed to a lower altitude in preparation for the approach. Another pilot reports hes really looking pretty bad there, ahead and to your right, do you see him?, Yes sir, I concur, said the SkyWest pilot, He is definitely in a nose down position descending quite rapidly., Flight 261 started to corkscrew, pirouetting and rolling inverted as it fell. Alaskan Airlines Flight 261: 20 years after fatal crash off Ventura The Safety Board also examined the design of the jackscrew itself, and found that it probably didnt meet certification standards. The movement, or end play, between the gap of the acme nut and jackscrew threads is measured with a dial indicator and read in thousandths of an inch (see image 8). 10th anniversary of Alaska Flight 261 | The Seattle Times All of these factors could have contributed to their decision to troubleshoot a problem that was best left alone. An airliner cannot truly fly upside down maintaining level flight in such a condition is essentially impossible, and the engines will quickly die but if anyone ever came close, it was Captain Thompson and First Officer Tansky as they heroically tried to save their stricken aircraft, even after all hope was lost. That was the last time anyone ever measured the wear on the jackscrew nut on N963AS. [6] The accident showed that certain wear mechanisms could affect both sets of threads and that the wear might not be detected. Kyra Dempsey, analyzer of plane crashes. More importantly, investigators felt that the pilots should not have attempted to troubleshoot the problem after exhausting the procedures in the checklist, considering that they didnt know the extent of the damage. Following the procedures prescribed in the checklists, they tried cycling the motors on and off, checking the trim motor circuit breakers, and using the manual trim controls. A new jackscrew has a gap less than 0.010-inch. The crew of a SkyWest airliner reported, "He's, uh, definitely out of control. Finally, at 16:19 and 21 seconds, the stop gave way with a faint thump. The data indicated that the airplane climbed normally until 23,400 feet, where the horizontal stabilizer trim system stopped moving, the autopilot disconnected and the climb rate slowed. PORT HUENEME, Calif. (KABC) -- Tuesday marked the 23rd anniversary of the Alaska Airlines disaster off Port Hueneme in Ventura County. After a three-year investigation by civil rights attorneys in Metairie the accident was attributed mostly to maintenance deficiencies that began during a C-check at the airlines heavy maintenance facility in Oakland, California. [11] Of the passengers, one was Mexican and one was British, with all others being U.S. [39] Students and faculty at the John Hay Elementary School in Queen Anne, Seattle, held a memorial for four Hay students who were killed in the crash. As part of a memorial vigil in 2000, a column of light was beamed from the top of the Space Needle. The internal acme nut threads are 1/8-inch thick and are designed to wear out and be replaced. The stabilizer on the MD-80 series rests on top of the tail, and like all airliners, it can move up and down to adjust the pitch angle at which the plane is stable. It was found that the use of Aeroshell 33 was not a factor in this accident. This tail surface is a critical flight control because it provides a constant aerodynamic balancing force and also aids in controlling the airplanes nose-up and down movement when commanded by the pilots (see graphics 1 & 2). It went down, it went to full nose down.. The flight originated in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and was bound for Seattle with an intermediate stop in San Francisco. The pilots decided that Los Angeles looked better. However, during the 1990s the quality of maintenance at Alaska Airlines began to slip significantly. Alaska Airlines Flight 261 was a flight from Licenciado Gustavo Daz Ordaz International Airport in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Seattle, Washington, United States, with an intermediate stop at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California. In 1998, fed up with a maintenance environment that did not seem to prioritize safety, John Liotine blew the whistle and alerted the FAA to some of Alaskas numerous violations. In hindsight, the crew should have turned around and immediately landed back in Puerto Vallarta. [15], Alaska Airlines Flight 261 departed from Puerto Vallarta's Licenciado Gustavo Daz Ordaz International Airport at 13:37 PST (21:37 UTC), and climbed to its intended cruising altitude of flight level310 (31,000 feet or 9,400m). Alaska Airlines Flight 261 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free But in the end he was forced to accept a mere $500,000 settlement, far less than the $20 million he had sought, and only then on the condition that he resign from his job. Both Captain Thompson and First Officer Tansky posthumously received the Air Line Pilots Association Gold Medal for Heroism. But in the end, Alaska all but got away with it. And hes just hit the water, said one pilot. [6], During this time, the flight crew had several discussions with the company dispatcher about whether to divert to LAX or continue on as planned to SFO. Later, the NTSB found that while "the flight crew's decision to divert the flight to Los Angeles was prudent and appropriate", "Alaska Airlines dispatch personnel appear to have attempted to influence the flight crew to continue to San Francisco instead of diverting to Los Angeles". The base confirmed that there werent any known problems with the stabilizer, and the discussion then turned to how to handle the failure. Not that I want to go on about it you know, it just blows me away they think were gonna land, theyre gonna fix it, now theyre worried about the flow. I didnt want to call you guys, said the flight attendant, but that girl theyre like, you better go up there and tell them., I need you strapped in, dear, said Thompson, cause Im going to release the back pressure and see if I can get it back.. In December of 1998 the federal government launched a criminal investigation into Alaska Airlines, seizing documents and interviewing witnesses. The free-swinging stabilizer rotated up past its stop, slamming back against the aerodynamic fairing that encased the tail. On board the stricken MD-83, the pilots managed to slow the dive somewhat, pulling up from 70 degrees nose down to 28 degrees, but the plane remained inverted, falling upside down toward the rapidly approaching ocean at a high rate of speed. 20 years later: Remembering the victims of Alaska Flight 261 This was defined as "having a probability on the order of 1109 or less each flight hour". Fuck me!. In 1991, after posting a record loss of $121 million, the companys business analysts concluded that to remain competitive, Alaska Airlines needed to reduce expenses. Fuck me, he said. Then in 1999 Alaska Airlines retaliated against John Liotine, putting him on indefinite leave from his job and circulating false rumors about him; the airline sought to portray him in the media as a disgruntled employee who wanted to get back at supervisors who passed him over for promotion. Whatever we did is no good, dont do that again, said Tansky. how long did whip whitaker go to jail - The 2 pilots, 3 cabin crewmembers, and 83 passengers on board were killed, and the airplane was destroyed by impact forces. Home From C-Check to Tragedy: Lessons Learned from Alaska flight 261. This caused the stabilizer to pivot upward, thus causing the airplane to pitch down and enter the initial dive (see graphic 7). Copyright 2023 KABC Television, LLC. The whole episode must have left him a bitter man although unlike most whistleblowers, he did manage to restart his career in the industry. For several months he surreptitiously recorded his bosses violating safety rules and handed the tapes over to FAA investigators. The mechanic went to federal authorities in late 1998 claiming the airline was cutting back on maintenance and falsifying records to get planes back into operation faster. During the 1990s, low-cost competitors such as MarkAir in Alaska and Southwest Airlines in the Pacific Northwest began trying to undercut Alaskas more traditional fare model on numerous core routes. In July 1988, the airline no longer used a flight hour limit rather it based C-checks on calendar time only so that the end play check was being performed every 26 months. Alaska Airlines had hung him out to dry, and to add insult to injury, his blowing the whistle failed to prevent the crash of flight 261. Okay, we had a big bang back there, said the flight attendant. Then, additional grease was to be applied to the entire length of the screw, filling all the threads. Eventually, this gap increases as the acme nut threads wear. During the course of the investigation, and later in its final report, the NTSB issued 24 safety recommendations, covering maintenance, regulatory oversight, and aircraft design issues. The jackscrew was constructed from case-hardened steel and is 22in (56cm) long and 1.5in (3.8cm) in diameter. [35], Both McDonnell Douglas and Alaska Airlines eventually accepted liability for the crash, and all but one of the lawsuits brought by surviving family members were settled out of court before going to trial. While the CVR captured only the last half-hour of the flight, the flight data recorder (FDR) had hundreds of parameters from the entire flight. [HD] FS2004 Alaska 261 -Air Crash Investigation- (Cutting Corners) Push and roll! But airline dispatchers in Seattle were less keen on this idea and preferred that flight 261 continue to San Francisco as scheduled. The longer it went without being greased properly, the faster the jackscrew wore down the threads on the nut. Flight 261 was on its way from Puerto Vallarta to San Francisco when a mechanical failure caused it to plunge into the ocean, killing all 88 people on board. The result was a chronic problem of Alaska Airlines MD-80s with poorly greased jackscrews. Laboratory tests indicated that the excessive wear of the jackscrew assembly could not have accumulated in just the four-month period between the September 1999 maintenance and the accident flight. [6]:11 Thompson had flown for Alaska Airlines for 18 years and Tansky for 15; neither pilot had been involved in an accident or incident prior to the crash. Alaska Airlines' maintenance and inspection of its horizontal stabilizer activation system were poorly conceived and woefully executed. The names of Morris Thompson and Ronald and Joyce Lake were used in schemes unrelated to them. The NTSB determined that the design of "the horizontal stabilizer jackscrew assembly did not account for the loss of the acme nut threads as a catastrophic single-point failure mode". From C-Check to Tragedy: Lessons Learned from Alaska flight 261 Many workers who greased jackscrews didnt apply additional grease to the screw itself after greasing the nut. The plane dropped from about 31,500ft (9,600m) to between 23,000 and 24,000ft (7,000 and 7,300m) in around 80 seconds. Some did still less, failing even to ensure that grease totally filled the inside of the nut. The apology: 20 years later, Alaska Airlines CEO delivers soothing First, pressurized grease was to be injected into a special tube on the nut until it filled all the thread gaps between the nut and the jackscrew and started to bulge out the top. At 15:55, the dispatcher returned with wind speeds, wind directions, and runway conditions at San Francisco and Los Angeles. Almost all of these recommendations were implemented. Okay, we are inverted, and now we gotta get it. This three-dimensional animated accident reconstruction shows the final pitch-over and initial portion of the dive for Alaska Airlines Flight 261, which cras. In theory this was adequate, but only if the grease was applied correctly every time. You got it?. However, only the specimens with no grease mirrored the severe wear rate of the accident airplane. The McDonnell Douglas MD-8-61 was made in Long Beach and was then . Push push push, push the blue side up!, Okay, now lets kick rudder, left rudder, left rudder. Liotine began working with federal investigators by secretly audio recording his supervisors. However, the pilots were clearly under pressure to continue on to San Francisco, and maintenance technicians and dispatchers on the ground did not appreciate the direness of the situation. Those who lost loved ones when Alaska Airlines Flight 261 plunged into the Pacific Ocean off California have learned some hard, bitter truths in the 10 years since the crash. They wished to avoid the mistakes made by Trans World Airlines in the aftermath of the TWA Flight 800 accident, in other words, TWA's failure to provide timely information and compassion to the families of the victims. During the course of the investigation and in its final report, the NTSB issued a large number of recommendations, including that the lubrication procedure for the MD-80 series jackscrew be revised; that a more accurate method of measuring wear on the jackscrew be developed; that maintenance technicians be specifically taught how to grease and inspect jackscrews; that the FAA not approve lubrication interval extensions without the airline providing supporting data; that all airlines be surveyed to ensure compliance with jackscrew lubrication procedures; that a bulletin be issued instructing pilots not to troubleshoot inoperative flight controls; that maintenance personnel and dispatchers be trained not to suggest continuation of a flight that is experiencing a major malfunction; that the jackscrew be made easier for maintenance workers to access; that an inspector be required to sign off on every lubrication of the jackscrew; that all maintenance intervals for critical components be re-examined based on data analysis to ensure that they are not too long; that the application process for maintenance interval changes be reformed; that MD-80 series jackscrew inspections be made on a tighter schedule; that some failsafe mechanism be incorporated to ensure the redundancy of the MD-80 jackscrew; and that the FAA ensure future stabilizer designs cant have a single point of failure.
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alaska airlines flight 261 crash video 2023