21. Spirit of counsel / might (Isaiah 11:2) False Responsibility, Despondency, Despair, Discouragement, Hopelessness, Condemnation, Unworthiness, Shame, Perfection, Ego. Some renunciation prayers are long but only need to be said once. Knowledge I also decree and declare that the demonic double portion shall not manifest. Father in heaven, I stand in faith on the authority I have as a believer in Jesus Christ, and a co-heir to his kingdom. This key principle is extremely important when waging warfare against the powers of darkness that are resident in peoples lives. We force every spirit of _________________ demons into open combat with other demons of rebellion and we split your army and destroy the kingdom of Satan along with all Satans family of rebellion spirits and their kind. Please like, comment, subscribe to our channel and share on social media! Understanding Bind any spirits that are left in this person, separately in uncomfortable boxes with the angels reading scriptures to them and the shekinah glory of God, shining on them until this person receives more deliverance. 5:17). Example: Rejection, Bitterness, Rebellion. I put the blood of Jesus against them at the root at which they came in!! I renounce all fortunetelling, palm reading tea leaf reading, crystal balls, tarot and other card laying. I shall not be diverted from my divine purpose, in Jesus name. Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and you rose again from the dead and that you are at the right hand of the Father. With the ax of God in my hand, I renounce and break into pieces the pipeline from the pits of hell supplying Jezebel. For us to be saved, we must apply Ro. 5. The breaker has gone up before me and broken through every limitation and barrier of the enemy in the name of Jesus. I break unnaturally close friendships, blood covenants, pacts, covenants, promises and allegiances. Lord I thank you for the truth that makes me free, in the name of Jesus. I renounce and break all ungodly covenants, oaths and vows I made in the name of Jesus. Act. James 4:7 Submit to God; resist the devil and he shall flee from you. One can put a thousand to flight and two ten thousand according to His word in Deut. In such cases, you can expect several weeks up to a year after deliverance during which the Lord will gradually heal your mind and emotions (Rom. For there to be a strong man in occupation of a house there has to be weaker men under his control. Strategy; womb of the watch; central watch that everything else was built around; also the watch that evil seed was planted against the righteous. An angel binds Satan for a thousand years so there is a precedent (prior in time, order, arrangement or insignificance). 12:29 when Jesus raised the question as shown in the scripture. INCLUDE DECLARATIONS AND COMMANDS, WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST, READING OF SCRIIPTURES, PRAYING IN YOUR PRAYER LANGUAGE, CRYING OUT TO THE LORD, ETC. What does that mean? Might 107:2) by the Blood of the Lamb.Father you disarmed the principalities and powers that were ranged against me and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in Him and in it the cross, Col. 2:15. (Advise Keep Handy), Bind all strongholds (Spirits of Distraction, Oppression, Block Receiving Word, Spirit of Offence, Spirits of Suspicion, Discouragement, etc.). Rev. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I do now confess to the Father, that through ignorance, curiosity, or willfulness, I come into contact with certain occult things because I now recognize these contacts as sin. 24. The following five points are easy to remember and will help you tremendously: Ministers John and Mary Harrison came to Christ over 40 years ago with a heart and passion to win souls to Christ. Eph. My prayers will disrupt dark plans and give those sent to me as enemies a non-prosperous day. I have victory every morning and every day and in every battle in Jesus nameProv. 10. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Jesus taught us to bind the strong man, then we can plunder his house: No man can enter into a strong mans house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. (Mark 3:27). As I break the curse of Jezebel and Ahab off my life and my descendants, I ask God to release his angels carry the demons wherever Jesus wants them to go. This morning, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and the authority vested in me, in Luke 10: 18, Jer. Mercy 14. trailer See Col. 2:18-19. Binding and loosing is much more about Gods radical love, tender mercy, and powerful authority over death that He shares with you and me. Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven., There are so many people that are still walking around searching for the keys of the kingdom of heaven when God already gave it to us in this scripture. 37. 5:25-26); it is a two-edged sword, laying bare the heart (Heb. {{item.currency}} {{pricing}} - Out of Stock, A Prayer for those Involved in Court Cases, Bad Dreams / Evil Dreams : What They Mean And How To Stand Against Them. I thank You that Your hand might be with me and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me, I Chron. The key of loosing the captive is given to the believer. I confess them as sin and claim forgiveness in Jesus name. for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. I bind, resist and block backlash, revenge, retaliation, retribution, transference of evil spirits of the enemy and their violent verbal dealings and tactics are returned back against them double-fold as they fall into the very pit they dug for me, (Prov. I loose myself from the bands of wickedness (Isaiah 58:6). 6. As they learned more and more; they saw that their bondages would hinder them from fulfilling Gods purpose for their lives. We thank the angels for doing battle for us in the heavenlies and for taking these spirits away, we thank the Holy Spirit for wisdom to fill the vacancies and for healing any wounds left as the demons come out. WebLoosing, like binding, can be done here on earth, and takes effect in the spiritual realm. I break this curse all the way back to Adam and Eve, I ask you Lord to revoke the curses of rebellion over my life, my descendants, future generations and my ancestors as I forgive all of my offenders coming down the family line. Matthew 12:29: Or else how can one enter a strongmans house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strongman? * Every curse that is attached to my name, that is giving rebellion legal rights, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. IF THIS HAPPENS, THEN THEY HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT BEFORE GOD TO REMAIN. I RENOUNCE every philosophy that denies the divinity of Christ. Haughtiness, Independence, Segregation, Wrath, Separatism, Obstinacy, Insubordination, Defensiveness, Vanity, Strife, Conceit, Loftiness, Non-Compliance, Contempt, Recalcitrance, Unruliness, Waywardness, Rejection of Authority, Defiance, Sedition, Disdain, Selfishness, Self: Centeredness, Importance, Righteousness and Protection, Destruction. We forbid all retaliation, backlash and vengeance from evil spirits on this person or family, property, finances, pets, or any of the deliverance workers, their families, properties, finances, or those that they pray for. I commit to walk in this dominion daily. 51:20 You are my battle axes and weapons of war with thee will break in pieces the nations and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. 29 Or else how can one enter into a strong mans house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? I cover all of the members of my family [call them by name] with the blood of Jesus. You must forsake sin lest a worse thing come upon you (John 5:14). 12. Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our Christ Jesus. https://truthinreality.com/category/general/prayers-for-release/, https://truthinreality.com/2012/08/03/prayers-renouncing-generational-family-iniquity/, Be careful that You are meant by G-D to bind and loose Spirit of holy god (Dan 4:8) I bind my mind, will [] Because we stand as co-heirs in Jesus Christ, we have his authority to execute this judgment on the forces of evil. I cancel all legal rights you have to remain, in the mighty name of Jesus. Send back every fiery dart and demon attack of the strongman of bitterness and their subordinates sent against every soul here on the prayer line. The names of Sexual Impurity demons are essentially the same for Jezebel and Ahab with the exception of female or male demons.). I RENOUNCE EVERY EVIL SPIRIT THAT BINDS OR TORMENTS ME AND I CALL UPON THE LORD TO SET ME FREE. Total: {{shoplist.currency}} {{total_price}}. Required fields are marked *. Pray for 0000008620 00000 n As we seek to fight the good fight of faith to lay hold to eternal life. Another instance of demonic characteristics can be seen in Mark 5:9 when the demonized man spoke in response to Jesus question. 0000003649 00000 n I decree and declare that all the enemy has stolen through my generational bloodline is restored one hundredfold now because I have asked for forgiveness and repented for whatever sins that were committed and not dealt with by mythree previous generations in Jesus name. 1 Tim. Birth of rebellious children, shame, attempting to correct mistakes, cover it up spirits, fear, rebellious spirits of Absalom, hate, spirits of murder and assassination, malicious, spirits of surface repentance, cunning spirit, deceptive spirits, trickery, witchcraft, betrayal, pompousness, false love, back stabbing, lying, arrogance, unrighteous judgment and self- serving, self-will, friction spirits, repulsive spirits, taking tranquilizers, taking drugs, restless spirits, witchcraft spirits, unholy sex, evil control of others, unrighteous judgment, rock music, Christian rock, false love, conniving, masculine women, depression, doubt. Open our understanding. What did Jesus mean by giving us keys to bind and loose? Avail yourself of the Blood of Jesus. 3. 13:19; l) Sowing the tares. All true believers have been given authority and power over all the powers of darkness. These are just a few of the many possible spirits. When you bind up something you think of the opposite to loose over the situation. John Chapter 10:10 tells us that the enemy has come to do three things; to steal, to kill and destroy. Praise the Lord Prayer. Do you mean angels or do you mean the one true Holy Spirit who ministers all good things to us. please reply. Harmony That is, obviously applying to demonic spirits. Joy I come against every Jezebel and Ahab spirits of complete confusion, disobedience, restlessness, resentfulness, sullenness, greed, accomplice to Jezebel, hate, retaliation, threatening, spirits trying to upstage your husband, belittling your husband, conniving behind husbands back, spirits that plot to murder and control people, religious spirits that seek to control others, soulish prophesy. * ISBN 0-88270-713-2 In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind my spirit, soul and body to the will of purposes of God for my life. I command the families of demons of the sins of ancestors, and sexual sins and diseases to come out of me as your name is called: Lord I forgive my ancestors for creating bastards and committing incest and sexual sins, now Lord, I lose myself from every demon spirit in the name of Jesus and I command them to leave me now, touching or harming no one. Thanks for the clarity of binding and loosening . This is your position, declare it, stand on the Word, get stubborn with the Devil, this is your heritage (Luke 10:19). Satan, I renounce you and all your evil works. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you. So what does binding mean? What does loosing refer to? I RENOUNCE every cult that denies the blood of Jesus Christ. God blesses. Have mercy on me O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgress and cleanse me from my sin. He was now like an ordinary demon and thus could easily be cast out. You will not prevent anyone on this prayer line from getting their freedom from your evil fellow agent of rebellion. Discernment The Thesaurus can be amazingly helpful as an instrument to identify demons within a specific category. 27:1-2 and with the confidence that Gods mighty hands and His legions of angels are at work on my behalf and every soul on this prayer line seen in Jer.
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a prayer for binding and loosing in the morning 2023